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利用与油气包裹体同期形成的盐水溶液包裹体均一化温度,结合本地区埋藏史和热史,确定登娄库组三、四段砂岩天然气成藏期为96~81.5Ma,并可细分为3期(分别为93~91Ma、88.8~82.8Ma和82.3~81.5Ma),前两期持续时间长,第3期时间相对较短。根据次生孔隙发育带分布宏观上受T4断层控制、微观上呈发育→较发育→不发育旋回性分布的特点判断,裂缝是酸性流体的运移通道,早期T4断层的形成时期是次生孔隙大量形成的时期:其中青山口组青一段沉积时期储盖匹配性最好,形成的次生孔隙与油气注入时期匹配,易形成气层;姚家组沉积时期储盖匹配关系好,但气源可能不足,该期形成的次生孔隙可能会形成低产气层或气水同层;登娄库组沉积时期储盖匹配性差,形成的次生孔隙难以保存,最终会形成干层。  相似文献   
东海盆地西湖凹陷凝析油和轻质油生源母质剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许婷  侯读杰  曹冰 《地球化学》2015,44(3):289-300
东海盆地西湖凹陷所分析的原油样品主要为凝析油和轻质油,黄岩构造带与平湖斜坡带原油的生源母质特征存在明显区别:黄岩构造带原油中C29甾烷占优势,C27、C28甾烷有一定含量,表明母质以陆源高等植物为主,水生生物占一定比例的贡献,二萜类化合物中富含源于裸子植物针叶树脂的成分,原油Pr/Ph值大于5.0,富含升补身烷和重排补身烷,表明其来自富含黏土、沉积环境呈氧化性的泥岩或煤系烃源岩;平湖斜坡带原油中C29甾烷占明显优势,母质中陆源高等植物占重要比例,二萜类化合物中富含源于裸子植物松柏目树脂的成分,原油Pr/Ph值大部分大于4.0,其富含补身烷,重排补身烷含量变化较大,表明原油母质主要形成于氧化环境,源岩岩性有所区别。两个构造带原油均已成熟,但成熟度略有不同。  相似文献   
江苏省黄海海域生物质量调查及污染评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了自山东日照至长江口范围内江苏黄海海域18个站位的野生鱼类和甲壳类经济动物体内的污染物水平,监测项目包括:重金属Cu,Pb,Cr,Cd,Hg,总As和石油烃,并对调查结果进行了污染负荷评价。从地域分布来看长江口和吕四港的整体污染水平较高,污染负荷指数为0.35;海州湾和东沙污染水平相当,污染负荷指数为0.25;东沙Cd污染较突出。从生物种类来看鱼类和甲壳类的总As含量较高;大部分生物均发现中度石油烃污染;甲壳类生物体内Cd含量濒临超标限;其余各类生物重金属含量均远低于标准值。  相似文献   
Hydrocarbon distribution rules in the deep and shallow parts of sedimentary basins are considerably different, particularly in the following four aspects. First, the critical porosity for hydrocarbon migration is much lower in the deep parts of basins: at a depth of 7000 m, hydrocarbons can accumulate only in rocks with porosity less than 5%. However, in the shallow parts of basins (i.e., depths of around 1000 m), hydrocarbon can accumulate in rocks only when porosity is over 20%. Second, hydrocarbon reservoirs tend to exhibit negative pressures after hydrocarbon accumulation at depth, with a pressure coefficient less than 0.7. However, hydrocarbon reservoirs at shallow depths tend to exhibit high pressure after hydrocarbon accumulation. Third, deep reservoirs tend to exhibit characteristics of oil (–gas)–water inversion, indicating that the oil (gas) accumulated under the water. However, the oil (gas) tends to accumulate over water in shallow reservoirs. Fourth, continuous unconventional tight hydrocarbon reservoirs are distributed widely in deep reservoirs, where the buoyancy force is not the primary dynamic force and the caprock is not involved during the process of hydrocarbon accumulation. Conversely, the majority of hydrocarbons in shallow regions accumulate in traps with complex structures. The results of this study indicate that two dynamic boundary conditions are primarily responsible for the above phenomena: a lower limit to the buoyancy force and the lower limit of hydrocarbon accumulation overall, corresponding to about 10%–12% porosity and irreducible water saturation of 100%, respectively.  相似文献   
为了提高阵列筏式波浪能发电装置采能效率,对不同排列方式的振荡浮子与不同楔形角的试验平台模型进行组合,优化水动力结构模型装置。建立了振荡浮子和采能装置试验平台三维模型,并进行了仿真分析。分别分析了由3种排列方式的振荡浮子和3种楔形角情况下的9种模型在水深15 m、平台吃水1.2 m、振荡浮子吃水0.5 m海况下垂直方向的时域响应和频域响应,结果发现当模型的振荡浮子以错开方式排列且试验平台楔形角为60°时,振荡浮子在垂直方向的振荡速度最快,其RAO值也最大,说明该组合模型更有利于提高筏式波浪能发电装置的采能效率。  相似文献   
羌塘盆地沉积了多套富含有机质的海相黑色岩系。虽然针对黑色岩系的研究取得了系列成果,但关于胜利河油页岩的沉积环境、有机质来源、热演化程度和生物降解程度等系列问题仍需要进一步讨论。本文针对胜利河油页岩开展了芳烃色谱、质谱分析,讨论胜利河油页岩中芳烃化合物分布特征和意义。研究结果显示:1)胜利河油页岩样品中含有154种芳烃类化合物,其中含量最高的是菲系列化合物,其次是芴系列化合物,其他系列化合物含量较少;芳烃化合物分布具有典型前锋型特征。2)芳烃化合物组成以及相对丰度指示胜利河油页岩生油母质主要来源于低等海生生物,同时检测到一定含量源自于高等植物先质的1,2,5-TMNr、1,2,5,6-TeMNr、海稀松和联苯等化合物,表明高等植物对胜利河油页岩形成有一定贡献,但极其有限。3)高丰度的硫芴和9-甲基菲系列化合物显示胜利河油页岩形成于高还原条件的海相环境,同时O/(O+C)芴系列与S/(S+C)芴系列关系图、硫芴系列/氧芴系列与Pr/Ph关系图也证实了这一点。4)MPI1、Rc、BF/BeP、4-MDBT/ΣMDBT、DBT/(DBT+MDBT)等...  相似文献   
The Jiyang Sag and the Liaohe Basin are the two important areas where immature oil resources are distributed in China. From these two areas immature-low mature to mature oil samples were collected for carbon isotopic analysis. The extracts of source rocks are dominant in the Jiyang Sag while crude oils are dominant in the Liaohe Basin. The maturity index, Ro, for source rocks varies from 0.25%(immature) to 0.65% (mature). Studies have shown that within this range of Ro values the extracts of source rocks and crude oils, as well as their fraction components, have experienced observable carbon isotope fractionation. The carbon isotopic values tend to increase with burial depth, the oils become from immature-low mature to mature, and the rules of evolution of oils show a three-stage evolution pattern, i. e. ,light→heavy→light→heavy oils. Such variation trend seems to be related to the occurrence of two hydrocarbon-generating processes and the main hydrocarbon-forming materials being correspondingly non-hydrocarbons and possessing MAB characteristics, lower thermodynamic effects and other factors. In the process towards the mature stage, with increasing thermodynamic effects, the thermal degradation of kerogens into oil has become the leading factor, and correspondingly the bond-breaking ratio of ^12C-^13C also increases,making the relatively ^12C-rich materials at the low mature stage evolve again towards ^13C enrichment.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地晶包有机质的地球化学性质及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
塔里木盆地晶包有机质的地球化学性质及其应用范善发,周中毅,解启来,潘长春(中国科学院广州地球化学研究所.广州510640)关键词晶包有机质,塔里木盆地,二次生烃,生物标志物碳酸盐岩的可溶有机质主要为沥青A和晶包有机质,前者是用溶剂抽提碳酸盐岩样品获得...  相似文献   
中国克拉通盆地演化与碳酸盐岩—蒸发岩层序油气系统   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:18  
中国克拉通盆地,如塔里木、鄂尔多斯和四川盆地,下伏有裂谷或坳拉谷,说明克拉通盆地随超大陆裂解而发育,其后,克拉通盆地随超大陆拼合而上叠前陆盆地。前期热沉降环境诱发良好烃源岩形成;中期发育完整碳酸盐—蒸发岩旋回,构成有利储层;晚期挤压环境形成盖层和上叠层,形成旋回式油气系统。在古隆起上碳酸盐台地构成有利的储集带,而发育在斜坡和半深海盆地中的浊流沉积提供有效烃源岩,形成相变式油气系统。碳酸盐岩储集层结构类型由3种主要因素所控制:沉积作用、海平面升降作用与构造作用,由此形成孔隙、溶洞和裂缝3种基本原型。可进一步构成:孔隙—溶洞型;溶洞—裂缝型和裂缝—孔隙型。  相似文献   
Intensive agricultural land use in the 18th to early 20th centuries on the southeastern Piedmont resulted in substantial soil erosion and gully development. Today, many historically farmed areas have been abandoned and afforested, and such landscapes are an opportunity to study channel network recovery from disturbance by gullying. Channel initiation mapping, watershed area–slope relationships, and field monitoring of flow generation processes are used to identify channel network extent and place it in hydrologic, historical and landscape evolution context. In six study areas in the North Carolina Piedmont, 100 channel heads were mapped in fully‐forested watersheds, revealing a channel initiation relationship of 380 = AS1.27, where A is contributing area (m2) and S is local slope (m/m). Flow in these channels is generated by subsurface and overland flow. The measured relative slope exponent is lower than expected based on literature values of ~2 for forested watersheds with subsurface and overland flow, suggesting that the channel network extent may reflect a former hydrological regime. However, geomorphic evidence of recovery in channel heads within fully forested watersheds is greater than those with present day pasture. Present day channel heads lie within hollows or downslope of unchanneled valleys, which may be remnants of historical gullies, and area–slope relationships provide evidence of colluvial aggradation within the valleys. Channel network extent appears to be sensitive to land use change, with recovery beginning within decades of afforestation. Channel initiation mapping and area–slope relationships are shown to be useful tools for interpreting geomorphic effects of land use change. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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