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高硅花岗质岩浆作用不仅是衡量大陆地壳成熟度的重要指标之一, 而且能为示踪陆壳生长过程和稀有金属成矿提供非常关键的信息。然而, 目前国内外学者对于这一特殊花岗质岩浆的起源、演化及其相关地球动力学背景还存在较大的分歧。本文选择青藏高原中部多彩高硅花岗岩为研究对象, 开展岩石学、锆石U-Pb年代学、岩石地球化学和Sr-Nd同位素等综合研究, 为深入理解高硅花岗岩的形成机制和青藏高原中部晚三叠世的构造演化提供新线索。研究结果显示, 多彩高硅花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为219±2 Ma, 表明其为晚三叠世岩浆活动的产物。岩石样品的87Sr/86Sr初始比值(ISr)为0.708 4, εNd(t)值为-8.12~-7.36, 两阶段模式年龄(t2DM)为1.65~1.59 Ga, 总体上与可可西里-巴颜喀拉-松潘-甘孜(HBSG)地体三叠纪浊积岩成分特征类似。结合岩石地球化学的研究结果可进一步确定, 多彩高硅花岗岩的形成应该与变杂砂岩的部分熔融有关, 并且经历了较高程度的分离结晶。综合区域上多学科研究成果, 可以判断北羌塘北缘晚三叠世中酸性岩浆岩(包括高硅花岗岩)的产生很可能与甘孜-理塘古特提斯洋的板片回撤作用密切相关。  相似文献   
围绕浅海背景下大型浊积扇的研究进展展开探讨,并以莺歌海盆地黄流组重力流为例研究其沉积特征及堆积机制。位于莺歌海盆地中央的东方区黄流组发育的大型高效储集体——浅海重力流沉积体的沉积特征和堆积机制具有其独特性。古生物研究表明,其沉积期的古水深为40~110m,属于陆架浅水沉积背景。其重力流特征表现为包卷变形层理、准同生变形构造等,主要发育鲍玛序列A段和AB段组合,缺失CDE段。对该重力流沉积体的初步研究表明,其具有大规模、多期次(浊积事件的垂向叠加序列组合)、持续性发育等特征。在浅海背景下形成大规模重力流沉积体的综合成因机制包括:(1)物源的持续供给;(2)同沉积期大规模海退作用;(3)陆架基底的幕式动态活动和差异性沉降。该重力流沉积体的发育受上述三大因素的联合控制。因此,本研究采取构造-层序地层学、沉积学与地球物理相结合的系列技术与方法研究其宏观、微观特征及堆积的控制要素与独特机制。该研究成果能丰富浅海区发育大型重力流沉积体的理论体系,对油气勘探新领域的拓展具重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   
The early Miocene Pedregoso Formation is one of the numerous formations rich in organic matter within the stratigraphic record of the Urumaco Trough, in the central area of the Falcón Basin. Due to its lithological characteristics and stratigraphic position, this formation is of great interest regarding the basin's petroliferous systems. The evaluation of various inorganic and organic geochemical parameters indicates that the organic matter is primarily of marine origin, deposited in a marine carbonate environment typical of reefal systems, under oxic-to-dysoxic conditions. The low variability in the TOC concentrations and in the distributions of the biomarkers extracted from the samples suggests that the paleoenvironmental conditions and the organic-matter supply remained approximately constant throughout the sedimentation of this unit. The Pedregoso type-II organic matter (marine origin) and initial organic richness value (∼1.8%) suggest that this unit has probably generated hydrocarbons within the Urumaco Trough. However, present-day thermal maturity parameters reveal that the Pedregoso organic matter is overmature (dry gas window), indicating that this unit is only capable to generate gas. In addition, the geothermal gradient, maturity parameters, and the maximum paleotemperature estimated in this study suggest that the Pedregoso Formation reached a maximum burial depth the ∼6.5 km, consistent with the value obtained from data of stratigraphic thickness in the Urumaco Trough. This implies that the thermal anomaly that affected the basin during the Late Eocene–Early Miocene did not reach the central part of the basin, and therefore, the organic matter maturation in this unit is due to the sedimentary burial.  相似文献   
Changes in magnitude and frequency of inflow results in subsequent alterations in the delivery of nutrients essential for phytoplankton growth and competition producing variations in community composition and nutritional value of phytoplankton. Zooplankton demographics are likely directly influenced by pulsed inflows due to flushing losses, whereas they are also indirectly affected by changes in prey quality. In this study, we report the potential effect of pulsed inflows on the plankton community of the Guadalupe Estuary. Microcosms were used that allowed control of light intensity and photoperiod, turbulence, temperature, nutrient loading, and flushing magnitude and periodicity. Our microcosm experiments were novel as they utilized natural plankton communities, thereby allowing the simultaneous interaction between hydrology, resource availability and grazing. Results show differences in microcosms according to magnitude and frequency of flushing. For example, copepod population density was greatest at the annual mean inflow magnitude. At half the annual mean inflow a decline in prey quality likely resulted in poorer grazer performance, and at double the annual mean inflow magnitude increased flushing losses prevented the incidence of higher copepod densities. Similarly, pulsed inflows resulted in greater copepod population densities, higher overall phytoplankton biomass, and dominance of centric diatoms (known to be faster growing and more edible). While reduced freshwater inflow associated with increasing anthropogenic demands often strains the needs of estuarine systems, the effects of reduced river input may be alleviated with several management options including manipulation of the timing, frequency, and magnitude of freshwater inflows. Before implications for management can be discerned from these findings, however, larger scale experiments are needed focus on the roles of inflow magnitude and frequency.  相似文献   
Recent environmental change research in Lake Baikal is introduced together with an overview of several interrelated papers published concurrently in this issue of Journal of Paleolimnology. Five themes are tackled by analysis of recent Baikal sediment cores, dating, geochemistry, particulate pollutants, magnetism and diatoms. The concurrent papers focus on the first four themes in some detail and summary results of diatom analysis (from Mackay et al., 1998) are given here. Taken together these studies provide a time-space framework for recent environmental change in Lake Baikal not previously available.There are significant shifts in species composition of the endemic planktonic diatom assemblages in uppermost sediments collected from throughout the lake. However, these changes usually precede the sediment record of low level but widespread contamination by industrial products. The most clear sign of industrial contamination is the presence of particles from fossil fuel combustion in sediment post dating the 1930s.Although evidence for widespread biostratigraphic changes by pollution is lacking, radionuclide, diatom, lithostratigraphic and magnetic stratigraphies indicate two main features, (i) it is possible to make stratigraphic correlations within and between basins using recent sediment cores, (ii) that turbidite deposits, from several to tens of cm thick, are frequently encountered in recent sediments.Turbidite deposits occur in 210Pb dated and pre-210Pb sediment core sections and are undoubtedly a major macro-disturbance feature in many deep water locations in Lake Baikal. If profiles are to be used as direct proxy records of climate variability, then screening of cores for turbidites is a pre-requisite for quality assurance in future paleoenvironmental studies.On-going international research including Swiss, Russian and British joint paleoenvironmental studies on the distribution and biological formation of recent sediments will hopefully lead to better interpretation of Holocene and pre-Holocene sediment records in Lake Baikal.  相似文献   
李晓红  向文英  卢义玉 《岩土力学》2005,26(7):1043-1048
在淹没和非淹没状态下研究了脉冲射流的动态特性、振荡腔腔长、靶距、磨料浓度等参数与脉冲磨料射流的切割和冲蚀性能的关系,对比分析了脉冲磨料射流与前混合磨料射流在相同实验条件下对花岗岩及石灰岩等的冲蚀性能。实验结果表明,自激振荡射流频率随腔长增大而减小,随压力及流量的增大而增大;脉冲磨料射流的体积冲蚀速度在淹没状态下是前混合磨料射流的1.7倍,而在非淹没状态下为前混合磨料射流的1.4倍。  相似文献   
The down‐dip portion of submarine fans comprises terminal lobes that consist of various gravity flow deposits, including turbidites and debrites. Within lobe complexes, lobe deposition commonly takes place in topographic lows created between previous lobes, resulting in an architecture characterized by compensational stacking. However, in some deep water turbidite systems, compensational stacking is less prominent and progradation dominates over aggradation and lateral stacking. Combined outcrop and subsurface data from the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen provide a rare example of submarine fans that comprise progradationally stacked lobes and lobe complexes. Evidence for progradation includes basinward offset stacking of successive lobe complexes, a vertical change from distal to proximal lobe environments as recorded by an upward increase in bed amalgamation, and coarsening and thickening upward trends within the lobes. Slope clinoforms occur immediately above the lobe complexes, suggesting that a shelf‐slope system prograded across the basin in concert with deposition of the lobe complexes. Erosive channels are present in proximal axial lobe settings, whereas shallow channels, scours and terminal lobes dominate further basinward. Terminal lobes are classified as amalgamated, non‐amalgamated or thin‐bedded, consistent with turbidite deposition in lobe axis, off‐axis and fringe settings, respectively. Co‐genetic turbidite–debrite beds, interpreted as being deposited from hybrid sediment gravity flows which consisted of both turbulent and laminar flow phases, occur frequently in lobe off‐axis to fringe settings, and are rare and poorly developed in channels and axial lobe environments. This indicates bypass of the laminar flow phase in proximal settings, and deposition in relative distal unconfined settings. Palaeocurrent data indicate sediment dispersal mainly towards the east, and is consistent with slope and lobe complex progradation perpendicular to the NNW–SSE trending basin margin.  相似文献   
Turbidity current and coastal storm deposits are commonly characterized by a basal sandy massive (structureless) unit overlying an erosional surface and underlying a parallel or cross-laminated unit. Similar sequences have been recently identified in fluvial settings as well. Notwithstanding field, laboratory and numerical studies, the mechanisms for emplacement of these massive basal units are still under debate. It is well accepted that the sequence considered here can be deposited by waning-energy flows, and that the parallel-laminated units are deposited under transport conditions corresponding to upper plane bed at the dune–antidune transition. Thus, transport conditions that are more intense than those at the dune–antidune transition should deposit massive units. This study presents experimental, open-channel flow results showing that sandy massive units can be the result of gradual deposition from a thick bedload layer of colliding grains called sheet flow layer. When this layer forms with relatively coarse sand, the non-dimensional bed shear stress associated with skin friction, the Shields number, is larger than a threshold value approximately equal to 0·4. For values of the Shields number smaller than 0·4 the sheet flow layer disappeared, sediment was transported by a standard bedload layer one or two grain diameters thick, and the bed configuration was characterized by downstream migrating antidunes and washed out dunes. Parallel laminae were found in deposits emplaced with standard bedload transport demonstrating that the same dilute flow can gradually deposit the basal and the parallel-laminated unit in presence of traction at the depositional boundary. Further, the experiments suggested that two different types of upper plane bed conditions can be defined, one associated with standard bedload transport at the dune–antidune transition, and the other associated with bedload transport in sheet flow mode at the transition between upstream and downstream migrating antidunes.  相似文献   
齐艳华  刘宝昌 《世界地质》2005,24(1):97-101
为降低孕镶金刚石复合材料的烧结温度,采用脉冲电流烧结法,对纳米Cu粉末、纳米WC-12%Co粉末及常规的63^#配方胎体进行了烧结实验。结果表明,纳米Cu粉在700℃可实现致密化,纳米WC-12%Co粉末、63^#配方胎体可分别在1100℃、850℃实现致密化,均大大低于常规烧结方法的烧结温度,还起到保护金刚石、降低能耗、增加石墨模具寿命的作用。  相似文献   
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