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ABSTRACT This paper examines the diagenetic history of dual (i.e. matrix and fracture) porosity reservoir lithologies in Cretaceous to Eocene carbonate turbidites of the Ionian fold and thrust belt, close to the oil‐producing centre of Fier–Ballsh (central Albania). The first major diagenetic event controlling reservoir quality was early cementation by isopachous and syntaxial low‐Mg calcite. These cements formed primarily around crinoid and rudist fragments, which acted as nucleation sites. In sediments in which these bioclasts are the major rock constituent, this cement can make up 30% of the rock volume, resulting in low effective porosity. In strata in which these bioclasts are mixed with reworkedmicrite, isopachous/syntaxial cements stabilized the framework, and matrixporosity is around 15%. The volumetric importance of these cements, their optical and luminescence character (distribution and dull orange luminescence) and stable isotopic signal (δ18O and δ13C averaging respectively; ?0·5‰ VPDB and +2‰ VPDB) all support a marine phreatic origin. Within these turbidites and debris flows, several generations of fractures alternated with episodes of cementation. A detailed reconstruction of this history was based on cross‐cutting relationships of fractures and compactional and layer‐parallel shortening (LPS) stylolites. The prefolding calcite veins possess orange cathodoluminescence similar to that of the host rock. Their stable isotope signatures (δ18O of ?3·86 to ?0·85‰ VPDB and δ13C of – 0·14 to + 2·98‰ VPDB) support a closed diagenetic rock‐buffered system. A similar closed system accounts for the selectively reopened and subsequently calcite‐cemented LPS stylolites (δ18O of ?1·81 to ?1·14‰ VPDB and δ13C of +1·52 to +2·56‰ VPDB). Within the prefolding veins, brecciated host rock fragments and complex textures such as crack and seal features resulted from hydraulic fracturing. They reflect expulsion of overpressured fluids within the footwall of the frontal thrusts. After folding and thrust sheet emplacement, some calcite veins are still rock buffered (δ18O of ?0·96 to +0·2‰ VPDB and δ13C of +0·79 to +1·37‰ VPDB), whereas others reflect external (i.e. extraformational) and thus large‐scale fluid fluxes. Some of these veins are linked to basement‐derived fluid circulation or originated from fluid flow along evaporitic décollement horizons (δ18O around +3·0‰ VPDB and δ13C around +1·5‰ VPDB). Others are related to the maturation of hydrocarbons in the system (δ18O around ?7·1‰ VPDB and δ13C around +9·3‰ VPDB). An open joint system reflecting an extensional stress regime developed during or after the final folding stage. This joint system enhanced vertical connectivity. This open joint network can be explained by the high palaeotopographical position and the folding of the reservoir analogue within the deformational front. The joint system is pre‐Burdigalian in age based upon a dated karstified discordance contact. Sediment‐filled karst cavity development is linked to meteoric water infiltration during emergence of some of the structures. Despite its sediment fill, the karst network is locally an important contributor to reservoir matrix porosity in otherwise tight lithologies. Development of secondary porosity along bed‐parallel and bed‐perpendicular (i.e. layer‐parallel shortening) stylolites is interpreted as a late‐stage diagenetic event associated with migration of acidic fluids during hydrocarbon maturation. Development of porosity along the LPS system enhanced the vertical reservoir connectivity.  相似文献   
吕洪波 《地质学报》2011,85(6):938-946
灵山岛位于青岛胶南市东南黄海近岸海域中,为中国北方第一高岛,构造上属于苏鲁造山带,但岛上很多重要的地质现象尚未在地质文献中披露过.本文作者对灵山岛进行了初步地质考察,在被看做早白垩世莱阳期的地层中发现远源浊积岩及其内部大量的滑塌沉积层,孢粉鉴定初步结果显示该地层的时代很可能为侏罗纪.滑塌构造以同沉积滑塌褶皱为主,而在滑...  相似文献   
岩石中气体化学组成的分析具有重要意义。载气保护下的岩石脱气,过程比较复杂;高真空下岩石脱气的气相色谱分析报道较少,一般不能测量气体的总量;真空脱气质谱法对于分子量相近的气体,很难进行测量。针对上述问题,本文研制了高真空岩石样品脱气分析装置,该装置真空度10-4Pa,空白样品压强0.1 Pa,N2含量测量精度为0.63%,标准温压下最少可测样品量1 mm3。将其与带脉冲放电检测器的气相色谱仪联用,实现了岩石脱气及其微升量级气体化学组成的高灵敏气相色谱分析。利用本系统分析了五大连池火山岩、松辽盆地储层岩石和四川盆地页岩样品中释放的气体,结果表明:相比以往的实验装置和方法,该系统能够直接测量岩石脱出气体的总量,分段加热脱气分析样品用量更少,气体组成分析灵敏度更高,检测的主要成分是岩石脱气常见的成分,针对性较强。  相似文献   
During Late Proterozoic times, the Archaean Central African craton was affected by trough faulting which led to the formation of grabens, the Sangha aulacogen being the main structure of this type in the studied area. This transverse basin connects with other basins on the northern and south-western borders of the craton. During the Cryogenian, this network of basins was filled with fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine periglacial deposits. The glacio-eustatic transgression in Neoproterozoic III (end-Proterozoic) times flooded extensive areas of shelf on the northern edge of the craton, leading to the development of carbonate sedimentation in a broad outer shelf environment associated with nearshore barriers and evaporitic lagoons. These facies are similar to those developed in the West Congolian Schisto-calcaire (shale-limestone) ramp succession. The North-Central African ramp succession (sediment slope) contains an example of tidal rhythmites in vertical accretion, which occurs beneath the barrier deposits on the subtidal outer shelf. Mathematical analysis of the bedding pattern yields a period of 29–30 days for the lunar month, a result which is in agreement with astrophysical evidence for this epoch (i.e. 650 Ma ago). Major subsidence and seismic activity on this gently sloping platform, associated with the proximity of the Sangha aulacogen, caused the triggering of carbonate turbidites and mass flow deposits. The proliferation of microbial mats under euphotic conditions on an extensive shelf led to the build-up of a carbonate platform. During early Neoproterozoic III times, the West Congolian and North-Central African ramps prograded northwards and southwards, respectively, into the Sangha aulacogen. The sea at that time was restricted to a long graben-like basin, while a remaining area of marine sedimentation persisted into the Palaeozoic. Thus the pattern of end-Proterozoic carbonate sedimentation on the borders of the Central African craton can be interpreted in terms of an overall gently sloping ramp model with progradation converging towards the Sangha aulacogen.  相似文献   
Sandy turbidites commonly show evidence for significant dynamic coupling with their substrate. The resulting deformation can be described using structural kinematic methods, linked to palaeoflow indicators, to better understand the links between flow and entrainment processes. A field example from the syn‐orogenic Gorgoglione Flysch, a succession of upper Miocene turbidites deposited into a deforming array of thrust‐top basins in the southern Apennine thrust belt, Italy, is described. The succession contains metre‐scale packages of alternating sandy turbidites and shales but is notable for containing > 100 m thick, massive sandbodies. These are structureless apart from sporadic horizons of aligned mud clasts. Commonly, the substrate beneath the massive sandbodies is deformed, with minor folds and thrusts verging in the direction of palaeoflow determined from tool marks and flutes at the base of these sandbodies. Structural studies from the base of a selected massive sandbody have identified that the substrate mud has been injected upwards, with flames sheared over in the direction of palaeoflow. Thus the substrate has deformed and become entrained during emplacement of the massive sandy body. At some locations, the substrate can be traced into the overlying deposit, with substrate clay beds becoming boudinaged and entrained into the sandbody. Analysis of the orientation of the mud clasts indicates that this bed disruption and incorporation into the sandy massive‐bed turbidite was an organized, viscous process. These features indicate that significant shear stress was partitioned out of the flow and onto the substrate. The incorporation and disruption of substrate into the sandbody suggest that post‐disruption strains increase upwards – implying that displacement gradients increased into the flow. These behaviours, showing variations in strain partitioning between the flow and its substrate, are explored in terms of evolving flow dynamics and substrate rheology.  相似文献   
Core, logging and high-resolution seismic data from ODP Leg 166 were used to analyse deposits of the Neogene (Miocene–Lower Pliocene) Bahamian outer carbonate ramp. Ramp sediments are cyclic alternations of light- and dark-grey wackestones/packstones with interbedded calciturbidite packages and minor slumps. Cyclicity was driven by high-frequency sea-level changes. Light-grey layers containing shallow-water bioclasts were formed when the ramp exported material, whereas the dark-grey layers are dominantly pelagic. Calciturbidites are arranged into mounded lobes with feeder channels. Internal bedding of the lobes shows a north-directed shingling as a result of the asymmetrical growth of these bodies. Calciturbidite packages occur below and above sequence boundaries, indicating that turbidite shedding occurred during third-order sea-level highstands and lowstands. Highstand turbidites contain shallow-water components, such as green algal debris and epiphytic foraminifera, whereas lowstand turbidites are dominated by abraded bioclastic detritus. Gravity flow depocentres shifted from an outer ramp position during the early Miocene to a basin floor setting during the late Miocene to early Pliocene. This change was triggered by an intensification of the strength of bottom currents during the Tortonian, which was also responsible for shaping the convex morphology of the outer ramp. The Miocene and Lower Pliocene of the leeward flank of Great Bahama Bank provides an example of the poorly known depositional setting of the outer part of distally steepened carbonate ramps. The contrast between its sedimentary patterns and the well-known Upper Pliocene–Quaternary slope facies associations of the flat-topped Great Bahama Bank shows the strong control that the morphology of a carbonate platform exerts on the depositional architecture of the adjacent slope and base-of-slope successions.  相似文献   
为研究鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘上奥陶统平凉组岩石特征及沉积环境,基于沉积学相关理论和方法,根据野外露头、古生物及粒度分析等资料,对研究区岩石特征、沉积相及主控因素开展了研究。结果表明:①研究区平凉组可划分3种岩相和2种岩相组合。②通过综合研究岩性、古生物、沉积构造及粒度参数等资料,确定平凉组沉积环境为深水斜坡。③沉积相为海底扇,在此基础上可划分为中扇和下扇2个亚相,近端朵叶和远端朵叶2个微相。④海底扇的主控因素为相对海平面升降、构造运动和物源供给。  相似文献   
The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility is a well-known geological proxy in revealing the directional tectonic and sedimentological features of rocks, although it can be ambiguous in situations where these two factors co-occur. This paper demonstrates the usefulness of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility in determining palaeotransport directions in turbiditic rocks that underwent subsequent thrusting and folding. This study demonstrates that the magnetic lineation is largely unsuitable as a palaeocurrent direction proxy, and suggests that the imbrication of magnetic foliation is better in such cases. Moreover, the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility results were analyzed in reference to a joint and fold study within the framework of the regional structural geology. Magnetic fabric investigations were conducted in the eastern part of the Outer Western Carpathians (south-east Poland). During the study, a total of 191 oriented palaeomagnetic samples were collected from three outcrops (Nasiczne, Dwernik and Hoczew) in the Krosno Beds, Silesian Unit. For the purpose of sedimentological analysis, 121 m of turbidite successions were documented and 126 directional sedimentary structures were measured. The magnetic anisotropy of sandstones revealed typical sedimentary fabrics, often overprinted by variably intense tectonic deformation. Oblate susceptibility ellipsoids from Nasiczne showed tilt coherent with the palaeoflow direction, whereas the rocks from Dwernik and Hoczew contained triaxial magnetic fabric developed during compressional palaeostress. This paper suggests that medium-grained and coarse-grained sandstones, preferably with high mica content, are the most suitable for palaeotransport reconstructions among the studied lithologies.  相似文献   
Object models are widely used to model the distribution of facies in a reservoir. Several computer programs exist for modelling fluvial channels or more general facies objects. This paper focuses on a marked point model with objects that are able to orient locally according to a vector field. In this way, objects with locally varying curvature are created. With this kind of objects it is possible to model complex depositional basins, that are not easily modelled with conventional methods. The new object type is called Backbone objects. The objects have a piecewise linear centerline and are able to follow the direction of a three-dimensional vector field locally in lateral and vertical direction. How well the objects follow the vector field is determined by three parameters. Use of different coordinate systems and mapping between the systems make it possible to generate Gaussian random fields that follow the shape and direction of the objects. The Gaussian fields can be used to model petrophysical variables, which is important for fluid flow modelling.  相似文献   
Palaeozoic greenstones lying at the base of stratigraphic sequences or in fault blocks in the Tasman Geosyncline are compared with the Penrose Conference definnition of an ophiolite by using tabulated petrological, structural, and metallogenic data. Of 45 occurrences, only 9 are recognizably ophiolites: 4 are in rift zones adjoining Precambrian continental crust at the ends of the geosyncline; and away from the margins, in that part of the geosyncline most typically of West Pacific‐type, only 5 of the 33 greenstone occurrences are recognizably ophiolites. Ophiolites are rare in the Tasman Geosyncline, in contrast to several Atlantic‐type geosynclines. This may be a characteristic of West Pacific‐type geosynclines in general.

Alpine‐type serpentinites are rather common in the Tasman Geosyncline. The metallogeny of some shows affinities with ophiolites, suggesting a common origin as oceanic crust. Their relative abundance suggests that West Pacific‐type geosynclines, such as the Tasman Geosyncline, may have developed on oceanic crust of unusual composition. Alternatively, it may reflect differences of deformation style between Atlantic‐ and West Pacific‐type geosynclines.

The term ophiolite has been used uncritically in plate tectonic analyses of the Tasman Geosyncline, calling in question the objectivity of these analyses. If objectivity is to be maintained, some indication should be given of the quality of the data used in plate tectonic analyses.  相似文献   
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