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利用多源地理空间数据集成和融合理论,研究了基于ECDIS的多数据源支持技术。介绍了常用的多源海图数据及其使用原则,分析了ECDIS多数据源支持技术的特点及内涵,总结了国内外常用多源海图数据集成方法,从数据可用性角度探讨了提高国产电子海图系统适用性的措施。  相似文献   
Image relaxation matching based on feature points for DSM generation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In photogrammetry and remote sensing, image matching is a basic and crucial process for automatic DEM generation. In this paper we presented a image relaxation matching method based on feature points. This method can be considered as an extention of regular grid point based matching. It avoids the shortcome of grid point based matching. For example, with this method, we can avoid low or even no texture area where errors frequently appear in cross correlaton matching. In the mean while, it makes full use of some mature techniques such as probability relaxation, image pyramid and the like which have already been successfully used in grid point matching process. Application of the technique to DEM generaton in different regions proved that it is more reasonable and reliable.  相似文献   
本文介绍了一个根据测站的经度(或纬度)打印任意空间剖面图的实用程序,通过自定义坐标,可打印在国家气象局制的6300号底图上。本程序采用BASIC语言,已在 Apple-Ⅱ上实现,对其中的部分语句修改后,也可以用于IBM-PC等其它微机上,用本程序制图,速度快,准确性高,可作为日常性的天气分析预报工具。  相似文献   
遥感水深反演海图修测应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
卫星遥感技术可以应用于浅海水下目标探测,是特殊区域碍航物探测的有效手段。结合海岛礁的特殊地理环境和测绘需求,采用高分辨率卫星影像进行浅水深反演试验,提出的高分辨率预处理方法实用、有效;并与海图数据结合,进行水深标定和海图修测应用分析。研究结果表明,针对南海岛礁,应用高分辨率卫星影像可以获取岛礁分布和轮廓、概略等深线信息、潜在航道以及水下障碍物信息等,能达到修测海图的目的。  相似文献   
为保证海上风电升压电站建设的经济合理与安全可靠,合理确定海上风电升压电站平台高程十分必要。文中从波浪与潮位的遭遇组合、最大波高取值与现行相关标准的比较、最大波峰高度计算的合理性等方面,全面分析了确定海上风电升压站平台高程各组成项取值标准的合理性,研究认为现行标准明显偏高。建议海上升压站平台底部高程按"100年一遇极端高水位+重现期50年波列累积频率1%的最大波峰高度+安全超高"确定。结合工程实例计算分析,按本文建议可使海上升压站平台高程明显降低,从而节省工程造价,还可减轻升压站工程对周边风机的遮蔽影响,以达到多发电量的效果。  相似文献   
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test is used to compare probability density functions (PDFs) of geostrophic velocities measured by the TOPEX, Poseidon, and Jason altimeters. Velocity PDFs are computed in 2.5° by 2.5° boxes for regions equatorward of 60° latitude. Although velocities measured by the TOPEX and Jason altimeters can differ, on the basis of the K-S test the velocities are statistically equivalent during the ~200 day period when the satellites followed the same orbit. Full records from TOPEX, Poseidon, and Jason show less agreement, which can be attributed to temporal variability in ocean surface velocities and differing levels of measurement noise.  相似文献   
介绍了北极的概念,从海图投影、制图资料、专题符号、海图分幅等4个方面,研究了当前编制北极地区航海图需要解决的关键问题,为开展编制北极航海图的深入研究奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   
俞波 《水科学进展》1996,7(1):66-72
采用概率模型,从污染源的排放,污染物在水体中的扩散、混合,河道径流的随机特性等入手,在充分考虑水体的扩散、稀释、降解的条件下,以满足一定的保证率为前提,使整个河道各控制断面的水质标准达到要求的指标,使用概率模型既可以满足环境保护的要求,又可以对污染的水处理提出合理的要求,从环境上和经济上均可达到最佳效益。模型用于四川省沱江的水质规划,结果合理。  相似文献   
In this paper, a random Cellular Automaton model is developed to characterise heterogeneity of geological formations. The CA-model is multilateral and can be easily applied in both two and three dimensions. We demonstrate that conditioning on well data is possible and the method is numerically efficient. To construct the model, the subsurface is subdivided into N cells, with an initial lithology assigned to each cell. Rules to update the current cell states are chosen from a set of rules, independently for each cell. The model converges typically in less than 50 iterations to a steady state or periodic solution. Within one period the realisations exhibit similar statistical properties. The final fraction of the various lithologies can be tuned by choosing the proper initial fractions. In this way, geological knowledge of those fractions can be satisfied.  相似文献   
本文研究了桩在竖向荷载和横向荷载作用下承载能力的计算模型,给出了单桩承载能力的概率分析以及不同支承条件对海洋平台结构体系承载能力的影响;提出了具有结构-桩-土相互作用的海洋平台结构体系承载能力的概率特性和在极端荷载作用下海洋平台结构体系的可靠度计算方法。研究结果表明:对于桩支承海洋平台结构体系的承载能力,结构-桩-土相互作用的影响是不容忽视的,其偏差影响取决于土性的离散度。  相似文献   
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