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针对惠民凹陷大芦家地区各断块地层单元划分不一致,沉积相认识存在分歧等问题,依据旋回级次、旋回性质等,将馆陶组三段划分出2个四级旋回、4个五级旋回、16个六级旋回;并以岩芯及室内分析资料、测井资料等为主要依据,综合分析岩石类型、粒度及结构特征、垂向粒序变化、层理构造类型及自然电位曲线形态等。结果表明:惠民凹陷大芦家地区馆陶组三段主要发育冲积扇及辫状河;冲积扇主要发育辫流砂岛、辫流沟道、辫流带、漫流席状砂、远端砂丘等微相;辫状河主要发育心滩,辫状河道充填,天然堤、漫滩和道间洼地沉积,泛滥平原沉积,废弃河道等微相;2个四级旋回的沉积相类型及空间展布特征相似;第Ⅰ五级旋回在研究区中偏西部属冲积扇沉积,主要发育辫流砂岛、辫流沟道、辫流带微相,在东部属扇前平原沉积;第Ⅱ五级旋回早期以辫状河沉积为主,河道规模较大,仅在第Ⅱ1六级旋回的东北部位见冲积扇的辫流砂岛及辫流沟道微相;第Ⅱ五级旋回中期属辫状河沉积,河道规模减小,2个河道群自NW向SE方向流动;第Ⅱ五级旋回晚期河道规模更小,逐渐向曲流河沉积过渡。 相似文献
流域演化与泥石流的系统性——以云南东川蒋家沟为例 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
以典型的云南东川蒋家沟为例,根据Strahler面积-高程曲线的积分将其分区,揭示了流域的演化差异.证明了泥石流发生在特定的演化区域,并具有特定的物质组成.通过概率模型,定性说明了泥石流在流域的形成和扩张,其结果就表现为间歇性的阵流.阵流的时空特征反过来证明了泥石流的系统性.统计还表明,阵流的流量分布和衰减取决于最大流量;最大流量序列很好继承了作为流域系统行为的动力学特征.最后,可以根据单沟泥石流的过程系统考察区域泥石流活动.泥石流在大尺度水系的分布,从概率过程看,完全等同于泥石流源地小分支在单个流域的分布,而且满足相似的分布特征. 相似文献
基于Laio土壤水分动态随机模型(Laio模型),利用2006-2010年5~9月土壤水分连续监测数据及日降水资料,分析科尔沁沙地固定沙丘和沙质草地生长季根系层土壤水分动态及其与降水格局的关系,研究点尺度土壤水分概率密度函数,并对Laio模型涉及的13个参数进行了敏感性分析。结果表明:① 研究区年降水的季节分配极不均匀,主要集中在4~10月的生长季,占全年降水量的93%;0~5 mm降水事件占全年降水事件的73%,但其降水量只占全年降水量的25%;降水间隔期以0~10 d为主,占全年无降水期的38%,其频数最高,占全年间隔期频数的87%。② 固定沙丘和沙质草地根系层厚度分别为0~100 cm和0~70 cm,沙质草地根系层土壤水分显著高于固定沙丘;两类沙地7月份的土壤水分都显著高于生长季其他月份。③ 两类沙地生长季根系层土壤水分均服从正态分布;通过Laio模型得到了两类沙地生长季根系层土壤水分概率密度函数p(s),其峰值及峰值出现的位置和峰的阔度均与观测结果很接近,说明Laio模型能对科尔沁沙地土壤水分概率密度函数进行较好的模拟。④ Laio模型涉及的13个参数中,对p(s)最为敏感的参数是降水频率λ、平均降水量α、最大蒸散量Emax、水分胁迫点s*和凋萎系数sw,主要影响p(s)曲线的峰值。 相似文献
马桂芝 《地球科学与环境学报》1995,(2)
塑性图是由卡萨格兰德(A·Casagrande)于1942年首次提出的,该图将阿太量(A·Aeterberg)界限(液限、塑限)应用于土质分类.本文根据塑性图判别理论并应用塑性图,对陕西省特殊土(黄土、三趾马红土、膨胀土等)进行了判别,结果为黄土位于CLY区,三趾马红土和膨胀土位于CHE区,其效果较好,达到了分类的目的. 相似文献
首先根据历史地震目录,计算了我国34个省会城市所受到的历史地震影响. 这些城市的地震影响烈度分布特征表明,约53%的省会城市没有遭受过Ⅵ度以上的历史地震影响,遭受过Ⅶ~Ⅸ度影响的城市有44%;大部分城市Ⅵ度地震影响的发生频次均高于Ⅵ度以上地震影响;不同城市最大发生频次的地震影响烈度也不同. 为此,在确定城市地震防御烈度时,需综合考虑最大影响烈度和最频影响烈度. 本文还考虑到历史地震记录的不完备性,以福建省69个县级以上城市为研究对象,采用模拟地震目录的方法来研究城市地震影响的特征. 结果表明,不同超越概率水平下城市地震影响烈度在不同城市之间表现出较大变化,以50年超越概率2%作为城市特征地震影响烈度,可以作为城市地震防御烈度确定的依据,并据此对城市未来地震影响进行合理的描述. 相似文献
The closed-form analytical stormwater quality models are developed for simulating urban catchment pollutant buildup and washoff processes. By integrating the rainfall–runoff transformation with pollutant buildup and washoff functions, stormwater quality measures, such as the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of pollutant loads, the expected value of pollutant event mean concentrations (EMCs) and the average annual pollutant load can be derived. This paper presents methodologies and major procedures for the development of urban stormwater quality models based on derived probability distribution theory. In order to investigate the spatial variation in model parameters and its impact on stormwater pollutant buildup and washoff processes as well as pollutant loads to receiving waters, an extended form of the original rainfall–runoff transformation which is based on lumped runoff coefficient approach is proposed to differentiate runoff generation mechanisms between the impervious and pervious areas of the catchment. In addition, as a contrast to the aggregated pollutant buildup models formulated with a single lumped buildup parameter, the disaggregated form of the pollutant buildup model is proposed by introducing a number of physically-based parameters associated with pollutant buildup and washoff processes into the pollutant load models. The results from the case study indicate that analytical urban stormwater management model are capable of providing results in good agreement with the field measurements, and can be employed as alternatives to continuous simulation models in the evaluation of long-term stormwater quality measures. 相似文献
Moritz Nykamp Fabian Becker Ricarda Braun Nadja Pöllath Daniel Knitter Joris Peters Brigitta Schütt 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2021,46(2):430-442
This study presents a meta-analysis of radiocarbon ages for the environs of Göbekli Tepe – one of the oldest monumental structures worldwide – using cumulative probability functions to diachronically assess phases of geomorphodynamic activity as controlled by natural or anthropogenic drivers. We employ sediment cascades as a heuristic framework to study the complex responses of the geomorphological system to various triggers at local to supra-regional scales. Possible triggers include climatic variability as documented by supra-regional hydroclimatic proxy data, regional demographic trends, and local to regional socioeconomic developments such as the emergence of sedentism or the introduction and dispersal of livestock herding. Our results show that phases of intensified geomorphodynamic activity occurred between ca. 7.4–7.0 and 5.8–3.3 ka BP. These phases roughly coincide with phases of population growth in southern Turkey and climatic variations in Turkey and the Levant. The phase between ca. 5.8–3.3 ka BP also corresponds to the time when organized agriculture and the seeder plough were introduced. Also, the identified phases are in agreement with the general trend of varying geomorphodynamic activity in the Eastern Mediterranean as driven by human impact and climatic change. However, neither the Younger Dryas–Holocene transition nor the development of herding during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic left a clear signature. We demonstrate how the different depositional environments in the studied landscape compartments vary with respect to their spatiotemporal coverage and discuss challenges when trying to understand processes that once shaped landscapes of past societies. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 相似文献
随机动力系统最优控制准则研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据线性二次最优控制理论,给出了系统随机最优控制的控制律一般形式。从目标控制量的物理意义出发,提出了基于系统概率密度演化分析的最优控制准则,建立了递阶层次的演化过程控制准则类。以线性单自由度体系随机地震反应最优控制为例,分析了各控制准则类的权矩阵参数优化结果,并根据最优控制律进行了系统随机最优控制研究。结果表明,本文提出的系统随机最优控制的控制律确定方法可以对系统性态进行有效的控制。 相似文献