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The summer monsoon season of the year 2006 was highlighted by an unprecedented number of monsoon lows over the central and the western parts of India, particularly giving widespread rainfall over Gujarat and Rajasthan. Ahmedabad had received 540.2mm of rainfall in the month of August 2006 against the climatological mean of 219.8mm. The two spells of very heavy rainfall of 108.4mm and 97.7mm were recorded on 8 and 12 August 2006 respectively. Due to meteorological complexities involved in replicating the rainfall occurrences over a region, the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF-ARW version) modeling system with two different cumulus schemes in a nested configuration is chosen for simulating these events. The spatial distributions of large-scale circulation and moisture fields have been simulated reasonably well in this model, though there are some spatial biases in the simulated rainfall pattern. The rainfall amount over Ahmedabad has been underestimated by both the cumulus parameterization schemes. The quantitative validation of the simulated rainfall is done by calculating the categorical skill scores like frequency bias, threat scores (TS) and equitable threat scores (ETS). In this case the KF scheme has outperformed the GD scheme for the low precipitation threshold.  相似文献   
欧盟RoHS指令与中国的对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对欧盟RoHS指令的主要内容进行了简述,初步介绍了与RoHS指令相似或者相关的各国的环保指令,讨论了RoHS指令等对我国电子电气行业带来的巨大冲击。简要总结我国电子信息产业部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局、商务部等各管理及技术部门为了应对RoHS指令和提高我国电子电气行业竞争力而作出的相应对策。  相似文献   
为加强地质探矿技术力量,改变地质装备落后现状,经国务院批准,1978年8月8日成立了探矿工艺研究所。30年来,经过新老两代工艺所人的艰苦奋斗、刻苦钻研、勇于创新,在科研攻关、成果转化、基地建设和管理等方面都取得了可喜的成绩,为国家的地质科学事业做出了贡献,目前已成为一个“以勘查技术为基础,以承担地质调查任务和科研项目、提供勘查与监测技术方法和技术服务为手段,以服务国家经济建设、社会发展和地质工作为目标,以探矿工艺技术和地质灾害监测防治技术研发为主业”的地质调查科研机构。回顾了工艺所艰苦创业、改革进取的发展历程,对科技体制改革、专业结构调整、人事分配制度改革、地质调查和科研工作进行了总结,展示了丰硕的科研成果和强劲的科技实力;指出了工艺所在“十一五”期间地质调查和科研工作的重点领域和优先发展方向。  相似文献   
Five sequences are defined in the Oligocene succession of the Danish North Sea sector. Two of the sequences, 4.1a and 4.3, have been identified onshore Denmark.Two types of prograding lowstand deposits are recognized. Sand-dominated deposits occur proximally, comprising sharp-based forced regressive deposits covered with prograding low-stand deposits. Clay-dominated prograding lowstand deposits occur distally in the sequences. The highstand deposits are proximally represented by thick prograding sandy deposits and distally by thin and condensed intervals.The main sediment input direction was from the north and the northeast. A succession oif lithofacies, from shallow marine facies dominated by sand to outer shelf facies dominated by clay, is mapped in each of the sequences. An overall southward progradation of the shoreline took place during the Oligocene, interrupted only by minor shoreline retreats.  相似文献   
公用微机硬盘信息保护的一种有效方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种保护公用微机硬盘信息的有效方法.不仅可以预防各种计算机病毒,更重要的是可以防止人为操作对硬盘信息的破坏。适用于学校等开放性微机实验室的信息安全与保护.  相似文献   
黄河三角洲桩西101站潮沟地貌形态及其水动力学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在潮沟下游,横跨且生趣与潮沟的横断面设了5个观测站,进行了24h的水动力测量。结果表明,涨落潮流速流向不对称,在潮沟内,涨落潮流流速差别很大,涨潮流流速最大为9cm/2,而落潮流流速最大可达38cm/s。据推测,潮沟内之所以落潮流流速明显大于涨潮流流速,可能是由于潮沟与岸线斜交有关。  相似文献   
SubunitcompositionandchromophorecontentofR-phycocyaninandallophycocyaninfromPorphyrahaitanensis¥GaoHongfeng;CaoWendaandJiMing...  相似文献   
东营城区高精度三维地震采集方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据东营城区内建筑物较多,环境干扰较大,地下构造复杂,断裂非常发育,目的层埋藏深,资料信噪比较低的特点,以地震老资料和钻井资料为基础,建立地震地质模型,利用射线追踪技术选取合适的观测系统参数。充分利用卫星数字地图,没计了灵活多变的观测系统,采用可控震源与炸药震源配合使用方法,及时对城区内地下面元的覆盖次数、方位角和炮检距的分布进行质量监控,利用现场处理系统对资料进行及时分析,提高了地震资料品质。所获得的东营城区高精度三维地震采集资料显示,其浅中层分辨率和中深层信噪比都有了明显改善,取得了良好的地质效果。  相似文献   
Reservoir pressures within the Bullwinkle minibasin (Green Canyon 65, Gulf of Mexico continental slope) increase at a hydrostatic gradient whereas pressures predicted from porosity within mudstones bounding these reservoirs increase at a lithostatic gradient: they are equal at a depth 1/3 of the way down from the crest of the structure. Two- and three-dimensional steady-state flow models demonstrate that bowl-shaped structures will have lower pressures than equivalent two-dimensional structures and that if a low permeability salt layer underlies the basin, the pressure is reduced. We conclude that at Bullwinkle, pressure is reduced due to an underlying salt body and the bowl-shape of the basin. A geometric approach to predict sandstone pressure is to assume that the reservoir pressure equals the area-weighted average of the mudstone pressure. When the mudstone pressure gradient is constant, as at Bullwinkle, the reservoir pressure equals the mudstone pressure at the average depth (centroid) of the reservoir.  相似文献   
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