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田慧  周绍光  李浩 《测绘科学》2012,37(3):41-43
点云配准是三维激光扫描数据处理过程中不可或缺的一个环节,利用标靶进行配准是经典的手段之一,此类方案在单独扫描标靶的基础上进行半自动化配准.本文给出一种配准策略,利用中心投影原理将单站扫描的点云转换为深度影像,借助教字图像处理技术完成标靶的自动提取,拟合获得标靶中心点的坐标,并借用摄影测量学的知识实现点云的自动化配准.实验证明了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   
The target on the sea surface is complex and difficult to detect due to the interference of backscattered returns from the sea surface illuminated by the radar pulse. Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) has been used successfully to extract the time-domain Hurst exponent of sea-clutter series. Since the frequency of the sea clutter mainly concentrates around Doppler center so that we consider to extract frequency-do- main fractal characterization and then detect a weak target within sea clutter by using the difference of frequency-domain fractal characterization. The generalized detrended fluctuation analysis (GDFA) is more flexible than traditional DFA owing to its smoothing action for the clutters. In this paper, we apply the GDFA to evaluate the generalized Hurst exponent of sea-clutter series in the frequency domain. The difference of generalized Hurst exponents between different sea-clutter range bins would be used to determine whether the target exists. Moreover, some simulations with the real IPIX radar data have also been demonstrated in order to suooort this conclusion.  相似文献   
Ice krill is the keystone species in the neritic ecosystem in the Southern Ocean,where it replaces the more oceanic Antarctic krill. It is essential to understand the variation of target strength(TS in d B re 1 m 2) with the different body size to accurately estimate ice krill stocks. However,there is comparatively little knowledge of the acoustic backscatter of ice krill. The TS of individual,formalin-preserved,tethered ice krill was measured in a freshwater test tank at 38,120,and 200 k Hz with a calibrated split-beam echo sounder system. Mean TS was obtained from 21 individual ice krill with a broad range of body lengths(L :13–36 mm). The length( L,mm) to wet weight( W; mg) relationship for ice krill was W =0.001 218×103 × L 3.53( R 2= 0.96). The mean TS-to-length relationship were TS3 8 k Hz =-177.4+57log 10( L),( R 2 = 0.86); TS 120 k Hz =-129.9+31.56 log 10( L),( R 2 =0.87); and TS 200 k Hz =-117.6+24.66log1 0( L),( R 2 =0.84). Empirical estimates of the relationship between the TS and body length of ice krill were established at 38,120,and 200 k Hz and compared with predictions obtained from both the linear regression model of Greene et al.(1991) and the Stochastic Distorted Wave Born Approximation(SDWBA) model. This result might be applied to improve acoustic detection and density estimation of ice krill in the Southern Ocean. Further comparative studies are needed with in situ target strength including various body lengths of ice krill.  相似文献   
《Climate Policy》2013,13(1):731-751
Although a global cap-and-trade system is seen by many researchers as the most cost-efficient solution to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the governments of developing countries refuse to enter into such a system in the short term. Many scholars and stakeholders, including the European Commission, have thus proposed various types of commitments for developing countries that appear less stringent, such as sectoral approaches. A macroeconomic assessment of such a sectoral approach is provided for developing countries. Two policy scenarios in particular are assessed, in which developed countries continue with Kyoto-type absolute commitments, while developing countries adopt an emissions trading system limited to electricity generation and linked to developed countries' cap-and-trade systems. In the first scenario, CO2 allowances are auctioned by the government, which distributes its revenues as a lump sum to households. In a second scenario, the auction revenues are used to reduce taxes on, or to give subsidies to, electricity generation. The quantitative analysis, conducted with a hybrid general equilibrium model, shows that such options provide almost as much emissions reduction as a global cap-and-trade system. Moreover, in the second sectoral scenario, GDP losses in developing countries are much lower than with a global cap-and-trade system, as is also the effect on the electricity price.  相似文献   
毛世东 《地质与勘探》2014,50(Z1):1242-1247
四川三江北段地区位于我国十九个重点成矿区带之一的西南三江成矿带中东部,区内多种类型的沉积建造、频繁的火山-岩浆活动以及复杂的地质构造背景,产出了丰富的有色金属、贵金属矿产资源,本次通过DPIS预测,在区内圈定金找矿靶区6处,分别为:甘孜县找矿靶区、卓达找矿靶区、根洛找矿靶区、沙马找矿靶区、拉波找矿靶区、水洛找矿靶区。下步应有针对性的加强对6处金找矿靶区的研究、勘查工作,在区内有发现金及多金属矿床的可能。  相似文献   
X射线荧光技术用于西秦岭地区金矿勘查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐相成 《铀矿地质》1990,6(5):303-307
本文根据用轻便型X射线荧光仪在西秦岭数个金异常区测量金的伴生元素——砷的荧光强度,间接找寻金矿的实践,阐明用该仪器可快速圈定金矿远景区和揭示隐伏金矿体,提高找矿效果。并对使用X射线荧光技术进行现场测量及配合金异常查证工作,作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
采用不同的分类方法对荷兰Flevoland地区全极化数据进行分类,讨论了各分类方法存在的问题,通过比较得出基于复Wishart分布的最大似然监督分类的效果较好。  相似文献   
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