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The aeolian sedimentation record of the Thar desert   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of the aeolian sedimentary record of the Thar desert is presented. This includes a regional survey of the major dune forms, their genesis and their relationship to climate and other regional landforms. A key aspect of this work is the chronometry of the dunes using luminescence methods. Luminescence dating of sand has enabled quantification of the duration of the phases of sand aggradation and quiescence, time scales of dune migration and the dating of pedogenic carbonates. We demonstrate that the conventional wisdom of synchronicity of dune aggradation with glacial epoch is not true in the context of Thar sands and here only a short durationwindow of opportunity existed for dune aggradation. Luminescence ages further suggest that this window occurred during a transitional climatic regime from glacial to interglacial about 4–10 ka after the glacial epoch. Other inferences included are that:
–  • the aeolian activity in the Thar began over > 150 ka, resolving that Thar is not of anthropogenic origin as suggested previously;
–  • the present spatial extent of the aeolian activity in the Thar is in a contracted stage compared to that in the geological past, which refutes the arguments on its rapid north-eastward expansion;
–  • the current dune migration rates in areas of significant human-induced disturbances are much higher than during the geological past;
–  • the monsoon activity in the Thar varied significantly, from being minimal during the isotopic marine stages 4 and 2 to being close to the present during stage 3;
–  • on shorter time scales the dune activities correlated with the lacustrine records of the region with a phase difference of a few centuries and a periodicity of ∼ 1500 years;
–  • the sand aggradation climate in the southern margin in Gujarat gradually shrank northwards such that in general dunes older than 10 ka are seen in the extreme southern margin and dunes younger than 2ka ages occur mostly in the western part of Rajasthan.
3维模型的构建是城市3维地理信息系统建设的核心。介绍了基于现有数据资料制作城市3维模型的工艺流程,重点研究了利用城市大比例尺3维DLG数据批量获取建筑物高度的新方法和贴图制作过程。按照上述制作工艺和方法较好地解决了大面积城市3维建模这一问题,生成的模型具有很高的精度,完全满足城市3维建模的精度要求。  相似文献   
自第一台计算机诞生以来,计算机技术迅速发展,并在各行各业中得到广泛应用。3维显示技术是随着计算机软硬件的快速发展而兴起的一个新的应用方向。它能在计算机中为用户提供一个3维的直观环境,通过视觉提高真实感。随着地理信息产业的快速发展,人们对3维地理空间支撑的需求越来越强烈,"数字城市"项目在各大城市如火如荼的发展,3维GIS进入了高速发展和广泛应用的新时期。这里探讨了综合运用3dsMax,Arc Map,creator,CAD,PhotoShop等软件制作3维地物模型的过程。  相似文献   
测绘产品监督检验视角下城市测绘工程质量控制技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以测绘产品监督检验的视角,将城市测绘工程质量管理与质量控制思路为研究对象,探讨了质量管理的内涵及质量的系统化控制管理方法。全文以质量检查点为线索,探讨了整个流程中的数据检查方法。  相似文献   
中国城市群形成发育的政策影响过程与实施效果评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
方创琳 《地理科学》2012,(3):257-264
中国城市群是中国未来经济发展格局中最具活力和潜力的核心地区,城市群的真正形成与发育始于20世纪80年代的改革开放初期,历经80年代的发育萌芽阶段、90年代快速成长阶段和21世纪前10 a的持续发展阶段,共三大阶段。城市群形成发育带有强烈的政府主导性,主要是国家及地方宏观调控政策和区域发展政策发挥作用的结果,体现在国家宏观调控政策的导向性和重点区域发展政策的倾向性两大方面。具体表现为,"六五"计划提出地区域协作和经济区政策开启了中国城市群建设的序幕,"七五"计划提出地三级经济区网络政策搭建了中国城市群建设的初步框架"八五"计划提出地横向联合与城乡统筹政策注入了中国城市群建设的一体化内容"九五"计划提出地区域协调发展政策推动了中国中西部地区城市群的形成发育"十五"计划实施地城镇化战略指明了中国城市群建设的基本方向"十一五"规划首次把城市群作为推进城镇化的主体空间形态,奠定了中国城市群建设的空间格局。与此同时,针对处在不同地区、不同类型和不同发育程度的城市群,国家相继因地制宜地实施了无数项差异化扶持政策,这些政策有力地推动着中国城市群朝着健康稳定的方向持续发展。  相似文献   
近60年洞庭湖泊形态与水沙过程的互动响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以历史文献、图件及1951~2009年长系水沙等资料为依据,对比分析洞庭湖形态与水沙过程的互动响应,结果表明:由于湖泊形态与水沙过程存在着相互作用的关系,近60年间,水沙过程以多种形式改变湖泊形态特征值,如湖盆结构破碎、解体,水深变浅以及湖面﹑湖容依次减少1840km2及130×108m3;同时湖泊形态特征值改变也引起水沙特性变异,在1951~2002年间湖盆蓄水量呈明显的增减波动,但同流量下汛期水位普遍抬高1.2~1.90m,西﹑南﹑东洞庭湖水位变幅依次增大1.61m、1.39m和1.35m,各主要水文站前5位最高洪水位排序的年份均出现在湖面积(容积)历史最低值,泥沙淤积率为70%以上;2003年6月三峡水库蓄水及"退田还湖"后,高、中水位下湖盆调蓄量有所减少,城陵矶丰、枯水位分别降低1.12m及0.35m,西湖区与东南湖区的泥沙输出比均呈增大趋势,泥沙淤积率减至35.9%。其互动响应机制,可概化为泥沙淤积循环→湖盆结构破碎、解体,湖面湖容缩小→水沙特性异变→改变湖泊形态→水沙特性变异的互动响应动态演进模式。  相似文献   
2009年天津地区首场降雪过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋薇  靳瑞军  孟辉  王兆宇 《气象科技》2012,40(6):996-1001
基于NCEP再分析资料、多普勒天气雷达产品与风云卫星云参数反演产品,对天津地区2009年的首场降雪过程进行了分析,研究表明:①造成此次降雪的主要天气系统是东移高空槽和地面倒槽;②降雪回波具备典型层云稳定性降水回波的特点,最强回波不超过35 dBz,伴随着降雪结束,回波顶高有所下降;③降雪过程云粒子有效半径数值维持在20μm,云体过冷层厚度、云顶高度较大,云顶温度在-30℃左右.随着降雪结束,云粒子有效半径、云体过冷层厚度和云顶高度数值逐渐减小,云顶温度则有所升高;④地面降水量和云粒子有效半径、云顶高度、云体过冷层厚度呈现正相关,与云顶温度呈现负相关.  相似文献   
Based on the NCEP DOE AMIP II daily reanalysis data (1979{2005), the evolution of the East Asia/Pacific(EAP) teleconnection pattern during the pre-rainy period of South China is studied on the medium-range time scale. It is found that positive and negative EAP patterns share a similar generation process. In the middle and upper troposphere, Rossby wave packets emanating from the northeast Atlantic or Europe propagate toward East Asia along the Eurasian continent waveguide and finally give rise to the three anomaly centers of the EAP pattern over East Asia. Among the three anomaly centers, the western Pacific subtropical center appears the latest. Rossby wave packets propagate from the high latitude anomaly center toward the mid-latitude and the subtropical ones. The enhancement and maintenance of the subtropical anomaly center is closely associated with the subtropical jet waveguide and the incoming Rossby wave packets from the upstream. In the lower troposphere, Rossby wave packets emanate from the subtropical Asia toward East Asia. Positive and negative EAP patterns could not be regarded as "mirrors" to each other with simply re- versed phase. For the positive pattern, the positive height anomaly center around the Scandinavia Peninsula keeps its strength and position during the mature period, and the Rossby wave packets thus propagate persistently toward East Asia, facilitating a longer mature time of the positive pattern. As for the formation of the negative EAP pattern, however, the incoming Rossby wave energy from the upstream contributes to both the enhancement and southeastward movement of the negative anomaly belt from the Yenisei River to the Bering Strait and the positive anomaly center around Mongolia. At the peak time, the two anomlous circulations are evolved into the Northeast Asia and the mid-latitude anomaly centers of the negative pattern, respectively. The energy dispersion of Rossby wave packets is relatively fast due to the predominant zonal circulation in the extratropics, causing a shorter mature period of the negative pattern. During the pre-rainy period of South China, the prevalence of the EAP pattern signiˉcantly affects the rainfall over the region south of the Yangtze River. The positive (negative) EAP pattern tends to causepositive (negative) precipitation anomalies in that region. This is di?erent from the earlier research findingsbased on monthly mean data.  相似文献   
基于多指标综合指数的灾害性天气过程预评估方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周月华  郭广芬 《气象》2010,36(9):87-93
通过分析给出了一种基于多指标综合指数的灾害性天气过程预评估方案,提出预估应包含对灾害性天气过程本身程度预估和灾害影响预估两个部分。通过建立综合指数来描述灾害性天气过程本身的程度,利用历史和实时气象资料对综合指数进行计算,分别对灾害性天气过程进行历史分析和实时监测;通过列表法,对收集的历史和实时灾害影响资料进行解析,综合指数中组合要素的差异,可用于分析灾害的不同特征;最后利用历史统计情景、相似指数年份类比和中短期预报等三种方案,对灾害性天气进程和影响发展程度进行预估。并以湖北省2008年初持续低温雨雪冰冻过程为例进行具体说明,此次过程综合指数值位居历史第二位,约70年一遇,直接经济损失超过110亿元,是1951年以来冬季损失最大的一次气象灾害。  相似文献   
一个区域地气耦合柱状模式的发展及其对半干旱区的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现有的区域气候模式的基础上构建了用于研究地气耦合模拟的区域柱状模式,其中包括了详细的物理过程,可以作为研究半干旱区地气相互作用过程的工具。通过区域柱状模式与不同陆面模式的耦合,检验了不同陆面模式在非耦合和耦合两种情况下对半干旱区的模拟性能。结果表明,陆面模式在耦合后对感热的模拟偏差放大,而潜热的模拟效果得到了改进,不同的陆面模式对区域柱状模式的模拟性能影响较大,耦合了CoLM后的区域柱状模式对地表气象要素的模拟得到了较大的改进。  相似文献   
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