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The Galería de las Estatuas is a Mousterian site located within the Cueva Mayor-Cueva del Silo karstic system at the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain). This site is characterised by an important Upper Pleistocene stratigraphic sequence in which a large number of lithic artefacts exhibiting clear Mousterian affinities and a rich assemblage of faunal remains have been found.Additionally, this site has yielded a foot phalanx of a clear Neanderthal affinities and its sediment has yielded Neanderthal mitochondrial and nuclear DNA.Two test pits, GE-I and GE-II, have been excavated since 2008 which have been divided in 5 and 2 lithostratigraphical units, respectively. A minimum age of 45 ka cal BP for this site was obtained by radiocarbon dating in GE-II. This chronology was refined using single-grain Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL: 80–112 ka in GE-I and 70–79 ka in GE-II) and single-grain thermally transferred OSL (TT-OSL). Although in all case TT-OSL ages were systematically older than their single-grain counterparts. The detrital sequence is sealed by a flowstone whose base is dated to 53.7 ± 3.5 ka cal BP using U-series dating.In order to better constrain the age of this site, nine herbivorous teeth were collected from the whole sedimentary sequence to be dated by the ESR/U-series dating method though only seven provided modelled ages. Six of them were collected from levels 2 to 5 of the GE-I test pit while the last tooth was taken from level 2 of the GE-II test pit. Our results, ranging between 80 and 110 ka, are in agreement with those obtained by single grain TT-OSL and suggest that the sedimentological levels containing Mousterian lithic artefacts and faunal and human remains began to be deposited during the second part of the MIS5. These results fill a temporal gap in the chronology of the Atapuerca sites for which no contemporary MIS5 date was obtained until recently.  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of humic acids (HA) and Fe(III)–HA complex on the photodegradation of atrazine, one of the most widely used herbicides. It was shown that the photolysis of atrazine proceeded via first-order reaction kinetics and that atrazine photodegradation was inhibited by the presence of HA, whereas the rate for atrazine photolysis was promoted in solutions containing both HA and Fe(III). Interactions of Fe(III) with HA were characterized by SEM, EDX, UV–Vis and FTIR, revealing that Fe(III)–HA complex was formed by ligand exchange between oxygen groups of HA and Fe(III). Using fluorescence spectrometry the stability constant (Kc) and the fraction of fluorophores available for complexation (f) were obtained as log Kc = 4.28 and f = 74%. Photoformed Fe(II) by ligand-to-metal charge-transfer (LMCT) within the Fe(III)–HA complex was the most important factor involved in photolysis of atrazine, since Fe(II) was the reactant to generate hydroxyl radical. Thus, the rate of atrazine photodegradation in natural sunlit waters is dependent on both the amount of iron present and the interaction between HA and iron.  相似文献   
在南秦岭白水江群大堡组中出露的变基性火山岩块体,高精度锆石SHRIMPⅡ U-Pb定年测得年龄值为778Ma、771Ma和667Ma。岩石地球化学分析结果表明具有较高含量的TiO2和P2O5,属于亚碱性玄武岩和碱性玄武岩。轻稀土富集、无δEu 异常,富集大离子亲石元素,无明显的Nb-Ta-Zr-Hf等高场强元素异常,以及具有较低的正εNd(t)(1.13~4.61)值,其特征与来自于富集地幔源区的洋岛玄武岩(OIB)相似,结合在白水江群中发现的早古生代洋岛型玄武岩,揭示了在新元古代和早古生代期间南秦岭地区存在着古洋盆。因此,综合在白水江群基质和不同岩块中获得的最新研究成果,以及勉-略混杂带中的资料,表明南秦岭增生杂岩最终形成于晚古生代。  相似文献   
提出了矿山复绿的技术方法和技术路线。通过开展广东省矿山复绿遥感调查,获取较为真实的广东省矿山复绿最新状况。指出广东省矿山复绿存在的主要问题,并提出有益的建议和对策,希望遥感能够作为技术支撑更好地为矿政管理服务。  相似文献   
真实地质体三维数值模型构建是进行岩体工程数值分析面临的难题,开展大型复杂地质体三维数值模型构建方法比较研究具有重要意义。以3DMine数字化模型为基础,提出了3DMine-FLAC3D耦合建模方法和3DMine-Surfer-Rhino- ANSYS-FLAC3D多软件耦合建模方法,详细阐述了各建模方法具体步骤,深入分析了各建模方法优缺点及适用性,通过对比各建模方法的优势与短板,取长补短,改进了3DMine-FLAC3D耦合建模方法存在的缺陷,解决了复杂地质体三维数值模型构建难题。以广西铜坑矿锌多金属矿体开采为背景,利用大型复杂地质体三维数值建模方法,构建了锌多金属矿三维数值模型,分析了矿体上行开采地表沉陷规律。研究成果对准确构建大型复杂地质体三维数值模型具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   
非平衡结构代表的变质反应性质和多种矿物地质温压计的研究表明,北京太古宙密云杂岩西段第二期区域变质作用的退变质P-T轨迹具等压冷却特点。Sm-Nd同位素定年显示,区内广泛发育的石榴石冠状体形成于(1717±34)Ma。初步分析认为,P-T-t轨迹的地球动力学成因可与吕梁运动期间华北地台裂谷作用和同构造壳下岩浆增生的演化背景相联系。  相似文献   
利用13X沸石分子筛净化含Pb~(2+)废水的实验研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
马鸿文  肖万  陶红 《现代地质》2003,17(2):157-162
采用静态间歇法 ,实验研究了含Pb2 +废水的 pH值及吸附时间对 13X沸石分子筛吸附Pb2 +性能的影响 ,得出了最佳去除效果的优化条件为 :废水的 pH值接近中性 ,吸附时间 10min。通过吸附实验 ,确定了在Pb2 +初始浓度为 2 0mg/L的条件下 ,13X沸石对Pb2 +的吸附量为 2 1 4 2mg/g ,即每克沸石净化含Pb2 +废水的最大体积量约为 75 0mL。解析实验表明 ,加入沉淀剂 ,浓缩洗脱液中的Pb2 +即以PbS的形式生成沉淀 ,为回收金属铅提供了可能 ;13X沸石在循环使用 5次的条件下 ,对废水中Pb2 +的吸附率仍高达 98% ,重复使用性能良好。经处理后的净化水中Pb2 +的浓度小于 0 4mg/L ,显著低于国家废水排放标准GB8978 88的指标 ( 1 0mg/L)。 13X沸石对Pb2 +的主要吸附形式是离子交换和表面络合反应。  相似文献   
采用715m埋深的矿井巷道揭露的煤系地层和正断层作为试验对象,由巷道和其侧帮水平钻孔构成相互垂直的二条电法观测线,在断层下盘进行注水,时空域观测二条测线上岩体的地电场响应.试验中动态反演电阻率图像可以跟踪水体渗流运动过程,判定岩体中断层导水性能及其控水作用;自然电位随着岩体内注入水体逼近电极而上升,停止注水而下降,自然电位指示岩体水体渗流的波动规律;激励电流的升降与出水点位置相关,距离出水点越近激励电流上升越明显.试验表明对于受断层控制的深部复杂岩体的水体渗流,可以运用地电场的时空特性进行监测评价.动态地电场监测技术,可用于复杂岩体的导、隔水性能研究.  相似文献   
利用膜片钳技术对体外培养24—48h中国对虾的视神经节端髓A型和B型神经内分泌细胞进行电生理特征研究。电流钳的结果表明,A型细胞具有自发和诱发放电活动;B型细胞没有记录到明显放电活动。在电压钳模式下,中国对虾视神经节神经内分泌细胞表达TTX敏感Na^ 通道、高电压激活L型Ca^2 通道、TEA敏感晚钾通道、早钾通道。Ca^2 通道电流在-40— -30mV被激活,在-10—0mV时达到峰值;Ca电流受钳制电压的影响。一定电压范围内,钳制电压越负,Ca电流就越大。外向的钾通道电流均在-40mV左右被激活。晚钾通道电流对TEA敏感,但TEA不能完全阻断晚钾通道电流。  相似文献   
给出了正交归一化的复数矢量球函数的定义和性质。复数矢量球面调和函数是球体位移的研究基础,采用复数矢量球面调和函数可把位移场的球形场和环形场一同表示出来,为地球各种动力学效应的统一研究提供了理论依据。同时还研究了在球坐标系下弹性应变张量与复数矢量球函数的一些关系,为地球弹性动力学方程的解算提供参考。  相似文献   
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