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通过分析我国南北地震带(以下简称南北带)有仪器记录以来发生的大震后,发现存在约10年主体大震活动区,并自北而南有4次转移图像;同时对汶川8级大震前后的震情活动进行分析,认为未来10年南北带北段及以西地区将进入活跃期,很有可能发生多次7级以上地震,但也可能南移;未来几年四川地区可能再次发生大震,甘肃东南部地区有可能发生6级以上地震。  相似文献   
In the late Silurian, the Lachlan Orogen of southeastern Australia had a varied paleogeography with deep-marine, shallow-marine, subaerial environments and widespread igneous activity reflecting an extensional backarc setting. This changed to a compressional–extensional regime in the Devonian associated with episodic compressional events, including the Bindian, Tabberabberan and Kanimblan orogenies. The Early Devonian Bindian Orogeny was associated with SSE transport of the Wagga–Omeo Zone that was synchronous with thick sedimentation in the Cobar and Darling basins in central and western New South Wales. Shortening has been controlled by the margins of the Wagga–Omeo Zone with partitioning along strike-slip faults, such as along the Gilmore Fault, and inversion of pre-existing extensional basins including the Limestone Creek Graben and the Canbelego–Mineral Hill Volcanic Belt. Shortening was more widespread in the late Early Devonian to Middle Devonian Tabberabberan Orogeny, with major deformation in the Melbourne Zone, Cobar Basin and eastern Lachlan Orogen. In the eastern Melbourne Zone, structural trends have been controlled by the pre-existing structural grain in the adjacent Tabberabbera Zone. Elsewhere Tabberabberan deformation involved inversion of pre-existing rifts resulting in a variation in structural trends. In the Early Carboniferous, the Lachlan Orogen was in a compressional backarc setting west of the New England continental margin arc with Kanimblan deformation most evident in Upper Devonian units in the eastern Lachlan Orogen. Kanimblan structures include major thrusts and associated fault-propagation folds indicated by footwall synclines with a steeply dipping to overturned limb adjacent to the fault. Ongoing deformation and sedimentation have been documented in the Mt Howitt Province of eastern Victoria. Overall, structural trends reflect a combination of controls provided by reactivation of pre-existing contractional and extensional structures in dominantly E–W shortening operating intermittently from the earliest Devonian to Early Carboniferous.  相似文献   
在滇东南富宁地区,出露一系列以辉绿岩为主、含少量辉长辉绿岩和辉绿玢岩的基性侵入岩。根据地球化学、同位素地球化学以及锆石U-Pb年代学等分析结果,前人将这些基性侵入岩视作峨眉山大火成岩省的组成部分,源自峨眉山地幔柱。国内外研究的共识认为,峨眉山地幔柱活动发生于263~252Ma之间,持续时间极短。在开展1∶2.5万大比例尺地质调查与填图(洞波幅和皈朝幅1∶5万地质调查手图)过程中,我们发现,这些基性侵入岩不仅侵入古生代地层,还侵入了富宁县皈朝一带的晚二叠世-中三叠世岛弧玄武安山岩(255~241Ma)以及早-中三叠世地层。这些地质事实表明,富宁地区基性侵入岩的形成时代至少晚于中三叠世Anisian期或更晚,与峨眉山地幔柱活动时代存在很大的时差,岩石类型与组合上也与峨眉山大火成岩省的有很大差异。根据我们填图过程中获得的基本地质事实分析,滇东南富宁地区的基性侵入岩是华南地块与北越地块间的古特提斯分支洋盆闭合、两个地块碰撞造山(即印支造山)后的岩浆活动产物,与峨眉山地幔柱没有成因关系。  相似文献   
Portable optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) readers are increasingly being used in geomorphological and archaeological investigations, but information regarding data reproducibility and the reliability of interpretations based on portable OSL reader data has not yet been presented to the wider geomorphological community. This Letter addresses these two issues by returning to Grabben Gullen Creek in the southeastern Australian Tablelands where we remeasure a sediment profile that was first measured by other researchers 3 years earlier. We also compare portable OSL reader data measured on sediment interpreted to have been deposited in swampy meadow wetlands and flood alluvium settings with data measured on known swampy meadow and flood deposits. Our data show that portable OSL reader data are reproducible. Moreover, we confirm the earlier interpretation that stratigraphies commonly exposed in southeastern Australian Tablelands valley bottoms reflect pre‐European swampy meadow wetlands and flood alluvium. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We report U–Pb dates and Lu–Hf isotope data, obtained by LAM-ICPMS, for zircons from metamorphic rocks of the Setesdalen valley, situated in the Telemark block south of the classic Telemark region of southern Norway. The samples include infracrustal rocks from the metamorphic basement, metaigneous rocks and metasediments from the Byglandsfjorden supracrustal cover sequence, and metaigneous rocks which intruded the whole succession. The main crustal evolution took place from 1,550–1,020 Ma, beginning with the emplacement of juvenile tonalitic melts; the contribution of older crustal material increased with time. Around 1,320 Ma, further addition of juvenile material occurred, involving both mafic and felsic melts, metamorphism and deformation. Acid magmas with high FeO*/MgO were intruded at 1,215 Ma, coinciding with underplating elsewhere in South Norway. The period starting at 1,215 Ma is represented by supracrustal rocks, principally metarhyolites with minor mafic material and immature sediments of the Byglandsfjorden Group. The crust generation processes ended with the intrusion of diorites and granodiorites at 1,030 Ma, late in the Sveconorwegian orogeny. Regional processes of metamorphism and deformation (around 1,290 and 1,000 Ma) can be related to the assembly of Rodinia. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
四川西部高山峡谷地貌发育,山高林密且地质环境恶劣,区内林草资源丰富,森林火灾多发、易发、频发,灾害应急处置难度大,防控任务重。国产高分系列卫星影像具有时空分辨率高、载荷类型多、机动性强、幅宽范围大、成像迅速等优点,对川西地区森林防灭火、灾害应急处置及防灾减灾等有明显优势。以2021年四川九龙县三岩龙乡“4·08”森林火灾为例,利用国产高分系列卫星数据分别对森林火灾初期、中期及晚期开展应急处置,包括快速解译林火火灾救援要素(初期)、感知亮温异常态势(中期)、跟踪监测过火区动态(中期)、结合火场需求提供应急扑救部署建议(中期)、开展灾损解译评估(晚期)及火后泥石流易发性评价(火后)等,结果表明国产高分系列卫星对森林火灾应急处置的全流程应用具有实践指导意义。  相似文献   
The retreat record of the Stabre Glacier into the Norra Storfjället mountains, after separation from the massive Tärnaån Glacier at some undetermined time in the Atlantic Chron, is documented by recessional moraines in the foreland. While poorly constrained by radiometric dating, the age of the middle group of moraines averages out to less than 4000 cal 14C yr BP, the older moraine group probably of Late Atlantic age, with the youngest deposits of Little Ice Age (LIA). Soils/paleosols range from Entisols (youngest) and Inceptisols (middle group) to mature Spodosols (outer group), existing either as single‐story profiles or within pedostratigraphic columns, buried pedons either surfaced with weathered glacial or mass wasted deposits. Some profiles exhibit convoluted properties which could place them in the Cryosolic order. The physico‐mineral‐chemical properties of soils/paleosols in recessional deposits across this sequence provide weathering indices over the mid to Late Holocene in the Swedish sub‐Arctic climate. It is likely the middle group of deposits represents stillstand of the retreating glacier offset by climatic deterioration with the onset of Early Neoglacial climate which altered the glacial mass balance, at least until termination of the LIA. Correlation to other alpine areas in the middle and tropical latitudes with similar records is attempted and discussed. While the Stabre Glacier disappeared after the LIA, the nearby Tärna Glacier remains extant on the land surface, a presumed result of slight elevation differences between the two cirques which affects storm tracks and resultant variations in glacial mass balances.  相似文献   
介绍了钻孔灌注桩后注浆(桩端后注浆)在河流冲积地层高层建筑工程中的应用,并和钻孔灌注桩作了对比分析,通过现场单桩竖向抗压静载荷试验和现场低应变试验结果表明,钻孔灌注桩后注浆在此工程中是可行的,并具有较好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
The Guerrero terrane comprises Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous arc successions that were accreted to the North American craton in the late Early Cretaceous, producing closure of the Arperos oceanic basin and the formation of an approximately 100 km-wide fold–thrust belt. Such a suture is key to investigating the structural evolution related to Guerrero terrane accretion and, in general, to arc–continent collisional zones. The Sierra de Guanajuato is an exposure of the Guerrero terrane suture belt and consists of a complex tectonic pile that formed through at least three major shortening phases: D1SG, D2SG, and D3SG (SG, Sierra de Guanajuato). During the D1SG and D2SG phases, the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous successions of the Arperos Basin piled up, forming a doubly vergent imbricate fan of thrust sheets that accommodated substantial NE–SW shortening. Mylonite microtextures, as well as syntectonic minerals, indicate that the D1SG and D2SG deformation events took place under low greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions. We relate these deformation phases to the progressive NE migration of the Guerrero terrane, which triggered the collapse and closure of the Arperos Basin. During D3SG, the El Paxtle arc assemblage of the Guerrero terrane was tectonically emplaced onto the previously deformed successions of the Arperos Basin. However, D3SG structures indicate that during this deformational stage, the main shortening direction was oriented NW–SE and that contraction was accommodated mostly by SE-vergent ductile thrusts formed under low greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions. We suggest that the top-to-the-SE emplacement of the El Paxtle assemblage may be a result of the tectonic escape of the arc produced by the continuous NE impingement of the Guerrero terrane during its collisional addition to the Mexican mainland.  相似文献   
A new type of steel moment resisting frame with bottom ? ange friction devices (BFFDs) has been developed to provide self-centering capacity and energy dissipation, and to reduce permanent deformations under earthquakes. This paper presents a numerical simulation of self-centering beam-column connections with BFFDs, in which the gap opening /closing at the beam-column interfaces is simulated by using pairs of zero-length elements with compression-only material properties, and the energy dissipation due to f...  相似文献   
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