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The summit cone of the Erebus volcano contains two craters. The Main crater is roughly circular (∼ 500 m diameter) and contains an active persistent phonolite lava lake ∼ 200 m below the summit rim. The Side Crater is adjacent to the southwestern rim of the Main Crater. It is a smaller spoon-shaped Crater (250–350 m diameter, 50–100 m deep) and is inactive. The floor of the Side Crater is covered by snow/ice, volcanic colluvium or weakly developed volcanic soil in geothermal areas (a.k.a. warm ground). But in several places the walls of the Side Crater provide extensive vertical exposure of rock which offers an insight into the recent eruptive history of Erebus. The deposits consist of lava flows with subordinate volcanoclastic lithologies. Four lithostratigraphic units are described: SC 1 is a compound lava with complex internal flow fabrics; SC 2 consists of interbedded vitric lavas, autoclastic and pyroclastic breccias; SC 3 is a thick sequence of thin lavas with minor autoclastic breccias; SC 4 is a pyroclastic fall deposit containing large scoriaceous lava bombs in a matrix composed primarily of juvenile lapilli-sized pyroclasts. Ash-sized pyroclasts from SC 4 consist of two morphologic types, spongy and blocky, indicating a mixed strombolian-phreatomagmatic origin. All of the deposits are phonolitic and contain anorthoclase feldspar.  相似文献   
Monitoring of the remote South Sandwich Islands volcanic arc, using advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) data, has identified a radiant pixel on channels 3 (3.55–3.93 μm) and (rarely) 4 (10.3–11.3 μm). The position of the pixel is coincident with Mount Michael, Saunders Island, the active summit crater of a snow-covered basaltic stratovolcano with a persistent steam plume. The radiant pixel was continuously present in successive AVHRR images acquired during intervals of several months in the period examined (March 1995–February 1998), although apparently disappearing for similar time intervals. More than 5000 images were examined during this study. The radiant pixel is interpreted to indicate that the crater has contained a lava lake, the first to be recorded in the South Sandwich Islands. The lake appears to persist in the crater for several months at a time, at least. It may have drained completely at times and was probably absent when the crater was viewed briefly during an overflight in January 1997. Persistent or recurring lava lakes are very uncommon world-wide and that at Mount Michael is one of only two recorded in the Antarctic region.  相似文献   
Popocatépetl volcano in central Mexico has been erupting explosively and effusively for almost 4 years. SO2 emission rates from this volcano have been the largest ever measured using a COSPEC. Pre-eruptive average SO2 emission rates (2–3 kt/d) were similar to the emission rates measured during the first part of the eruption (up to August 1995) in contrast with the effusive–explosive periods (March 1996–January 1998) during which SO2 emission rates were higher by a factor of four (9–13 kt/d). Based on a chronology of the eruption and the average SO2 emission rates per period, the total SO2 emissions (up to 1 January 1998) are estimated to be about 9 Mt, roughly half as much as the SO2 emissions from Mount Pinatubo in a shorter period. Popocatépetl volcano is thus considered as a high-emission rate, passively degassing eruptive volcano. SO2 emission rates and SO2 emissions are used here to make a mass balance of the erupted magma and related gases. Identified excess SO2 is explained in terms of continuous degassing of unerupted magma and magma mixing. Fluctuations in SO2 emission rate may be a result of convection and crystallization in the chamber or the conduits, cleaning and sealing of the plumbing system, and/or SO2 scrubbing by the hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
The basaltic Kaupulehu 1800–1801 lava flow of Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii contains abundant ultramafix xenoliths. Many of these xenoliths occur as bedded layers of semi-rounded nodules, each thinly coated with a veneer (typically 1 mm thick) of lava. The nodule beds are analogous to cobble deposits of fluvial sedimentary systems. Although several mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of the nodule beds, it was found that, at more than one locality, the nodule beds are overbank levee deposits. The geological occurrence of the nodules, certain diagnostic aspects of the flow morphology and consideration of the inferred emplacement process indicate that the Kaupulehu flow had an exceptionally low viscosity on eruption and that the flow of the lava stream was extremely rapid, with flow velocities of at least 10 m s-1 (more than 40 km h-1). This flow is the youngest on Hualalai Volcano and future eruptions of a similar type would pose considerable hazard to life as well as property.  相似文献   
The Lower Cretaceous geological record of the intracratonic Paraná Basin in southern Brazil comprises a thick succession of aeolian sandstones and volcanic rocks. The intercalation between aeolian sandstone and volcanic floods allowed the preservation of distinct aeolian genetic units. Each genetic unit represents an accumulation episode, bounded by supersurfaces, that coincides with the base of lava flood events. The entire package can be subdivided into a Lower Genetic Unit, which corresponds to aeolian sandstones preserved below the initial lava flows (Botucatu Formation), and an upper set of genetic units, which comprises interlayered aeolian deposits and lava floods (Serra Geral Formation). The Lower Genetic Unit is up to 100 m thick. Its base is composed of ephemeral stream and aeolian sand sheet deposits that are overlain by cross‐bedded sandstones whose origin is ascribed to simple, locally composite, crescentic and complex linear aeolian dunes. Aeolian accumulation of the lower unit was possible as a result of the existence of a wide topographic basin, which caused wind deceleration, and a large sand availability that promoted a positive net sediment flux. The Upper Genetic Units comprise isolated sand bodies that occur in two different styles: (1) thin lenses (<3 m thick) formed by aeolian sand sheets; and (2) thick sand lenses (3–15 m) comprising cross‐bedded cosets generated by migration and climbing of simple to locally composite crescentic aeolian dunes. Accumulation of the aeolian strata was associated with wind deceleration within depressions on the irregular upper surface of the lava floods. The interruption of sedimentation in the Lower and Upper Genetic Units, and related development of supersurfaces, occurred as a result of widespread effusions of basaltic lava. Preservation of both wind‐rippled topset deposits of the aeolian dunes and pahoehoe lava imprints indicates that lava floods covered active aeolian dunes and, hence, protected the aeolian deposits from erosion, thus preserving the genetic units.  相似文献   
陕西宽坪岩群变基性熔岩锆石U-Pb年龄   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李靠社 《陕西地质》2002,20(1):72-78
宽坪岩群广东坪岩组绿片岩岩石学、岩石化学、稀土、微量元素、副矿物等研究表明其原岩为基性火山岩。对商州市板桥地区基性熔岩变质而成的绿片岩区域地质、地球化学特点、锆石特征进行了详细研究和单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素年龄测定。放射性成因铅丢失最少的岩浆成因锆石的206Pb/238U表面年龄为1154Ma,变质成因锆石的206Pb/238U表面年龄为444Ma。5个锆石颗粒构成的不一致线上交点年龄为1827±11Ma,代表基性熔岩形成年龄;下交点年龄为418±8Ma,代表加里东期变质年龄。综合认为宽坪岩群形成时代为早元古代。  相似文献   
刘劲鸿 《地学前缘》2020,27(5):48-60
吉林蛟河地幔岩碎块是被碱性橄榄玄武岩岩浆喷发携带至地壳浅部或地表的。碱性橄榄玄武岩中地幔岩碎块含量40%~55%,局部达60%以上;碎块大小不等,一般直径以5~10 cm居多,大者达20~35 cm,故定名为地幔岩集块熔岩(岩流)。地幔岩碎块以尖晶石二辉橄榄岩和尖晶石斜辉橄榄岩碎块为主,纯橄榄岩次之,未发现石榴石橄榄岩;胶结物为碱性橄榄玄武岩岩浆。本次研究发现地幔岩内存在丰富的、不同成分和形态的熔融微区。熔融微区类型以其形状可分为滴状、扇状、球状、不规则状、短脉状和环边状,以其特征新生矿物分为OL型、K型、Na+Chl型、PL型、OL+SP型、C+SP型和SP+Chl+Ser型。熔融微区结构为玻基间隐结构或放射状结构;矿物呈骸晶状、中空为玻璃质;残余玻璃脱玻化,产生少量针状和不透明黑色雏晶。熔融微区的形状、结构、物质组成及矿物结晶等特征具有标型性,表征这些熔融体是在上地幔深度保存的幔源岩熔融交代的产物,幔源结晶岩是固相残留。该幔源岩经历强火山喷发使其发生爆炸的地质事件,导致K、Na、Al、Ca易熔组分和H2O、CO2等挥发分开始熔融和气体释放,营造快速固化结晶和淬火的环境。这些少量的熔融物择优占据矿物间隙、裂隙、位错或晶体缺陷处汇聚并熔融交代相邻矿物,不断扩展空间,遂形成滴状等特征形状的“微区”。由于熔融程度不同,产生的熔融物的化学成分和结晶程度也有差异,所代表的初始岩浆性质也不一样,可以是超基性或碱性橄榄玄武质,抑或碧玄岩质岩浆。从检测出的这些信息证实,蛟河地幔岩是被不一致熔融抽取后的地幔残留,即岩石圈地幔。  相似文献   
The formation of volcanic–sedimentary interaction features in extreme arid environments is not a commonly described process. Specifically the occurrence of dynamically mixed sediments and juvenile igneous clasts as peperites, for water has been considered one major important factor in the processes of magma dismantling and mingling with unconsolidated sediment to form such deposits. The study area, located in south Brazil, shows a sequence of lava flows and intertrapic sandstone layers from the Paraná Basin, associated with the formation of clastic dykes, flow striations, peperite and ‘peperite-like’ breccias. Four processes are suggested for the genesis of the peperites: (a) fragmentation of the flow front and base; (b) sand injection; (c) dune collapse; (d) magma cascade downhill. The continued flow of a lava, while its outer crust is already cooling, causes it to break, especially in the front and base, fragments falling in the sand and getting mixed with it, generating the flow front ‘peperite-like’ breccia. The weight of the lava flow associated to shear stress at the base cause sand to be injected inwards the flow, forming injection clastic dykes in the cooled parts and injection peperite in the more plastic portions. The lava flow may partially erode the dune, causing the dune to collapse and forming the collapse ‘peperite-like’ breccia. The shear stress at the base of a flowing lava striates the unconsolidated sand, forming the flow striations. The sand that migrates over a cooled, jointed lava flow may get caught in the cavities and joints, forming the filling clastic dykes. These deposits are analogous to those found in the Etendeka, NW Namibia, and show that sediment–lava interactions in arid settings are widespread throughout the Paraná-Etendeka province during the onset of flood volcanism.  相似文献   
古特提斯造山带在华南两广交界地区的新证据   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
作者等在两广交界罗定一带新发现了中晚克生代的枕状熔岩和二叠-三叠纪的构造混杂岩,结合区域构造,分析并提出了钦州-岑溪-罗定-云浮构造混杂带的存在。它与全球古特提斯构造域的发育演化联系,故提出了两广交界地区存在古特提斯构造的分支带。  相似文献   
Factors which control lava flow length are still not fully understood. The assumption that flow length as mainly influenced by viscosity was contested by Walker (1973) who proposed that the length of a lava flow was dependent on the mean effusion rate, and by Malin (1980) who concluded that flow length was dependent on erupted volume. Our reanalysis of Malin's data shows that, if short duration and tube-fed flows are eliminated, Malin's Hawaiian flow data are consistent with Walker's assertion. However, the length of a flow can vary, for a given effusion rate, by a factor of 7, and by up to 10 for a given volume. Factors other than effusion rate and volume are therefore clearly important in controlling the lengths of lava flows. We establish the relative importance of the other factors by performing a multivariate analysis of data for recent Hawaiian lava flows. In addition to generating empirical equations relating flow length to other variables, we have developed a non-isothermal Bingham flow model. This computes the channel and levee width of a flow and hence permits the advance rates of flows and their maximum cooling-limited lengths for different gradients and effusion rates to be calculated. Changing rheological properties are taken into account using the ratio of yield strength to viscosity; available field measurements show that this varies systematically from the vent to the front of a lava flow. The model gives reasonable agreement with data from the 1983–1986 Pu'u Oo eruptions and the 1984 eruption of Mauna Loa. The method has also been applied to andesitic and rhyolitic lava flows. It predicts that, while the more silicic lava flows advance at generally slower rates than basaltic flows, their maximum flow lengths, for a given effusion rate, will be greater than for basaltic lava flows.  相似文献   
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