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冻土水热耦合模型数值求解及结果检验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
首先对作者所建立的基于多孔介质理论的季节冻土水热迁移耦合模型进行数值求解;对模型方程进行修正, 并给出了模型方程中参数的确定方法。然后以长春松原公路段土体为研究对象, 对实际工程中冻结情况下水分迁移的情况进行预测;给定模型边界条件对模型求解, 将结果与野外实际监测结果进行对比。温度变化对比数据表明, 模型可以较好地预测终值情况, 而中间过程的误差较大, 但是趋势基本一致。水分迁移方向及量的对比数据表明, 模型计算结果要小于实测结果, 但是整体上计算结果与实测结果的变化趋势较一致, 且同样是和最终值吻合较好, 误差最小。结果表明, 模型计算结果可较好地模拟参数最终值, 但存在一定误差。 相似文献
高放废物处置库选址中低渗透介质地质研究的几个问题 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
低渗透介质是阻碍有害物质在地下迁移良好的天然屏障, 因此成为高放废物处置库围岩类型的首选。本文通过对高放废物处置库选址中地质研究的回顾, 阐述了低渗透介质地质研究的特点, 对地质参数测定、取样、水流模拟、地球化学模拟进行了重点介绍。 相似文献
河西地区重力动态变化的二维离散小波多尺度分解 总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2
采用二维离散小波的多尺度分解技术,对1994~1995年和2002~2003年的河西地区重力动态变化进行分解,提取该地区不同层次的重力动态变化异常,结果反映了不同深度在一定尺度意义上的介质密度的动态变化分布。 相似文献
在地下水污染模拟预报中,弥散参数是很难确定的一个模型参数。因实验室小尺度弥散规律一般不能用于大尺度弥散过程,而野外示踪试验却耗资大、周期长,限制了其实用性。文中利用随机数值模拟手段、基于随机理论的蒙特卡罗方法及序贯高斯模拟技术来生成渗透系数随机场,并研究渗透系数对数场的方差、相关长度以及变异函数类型在不同尺度上对纵向弥散度的影响,进而建立纵向弥散度与随机分布渗透系数场的方差和相关长度的统计定量关系,并与Gelhar理论计算结果进行比较。数值模拟结果表明,经过一定迁移距离后纵向弥散度与随机分布渗透系数对数场的方差和相关长度具有良好的线性统计关系,与Gelhar理论公式表达的关系类型类似。但对于较大的方差,纵向弥散度模拟结果明显大于Gelhar理论计算值,而对于较大相关长度在迁移距离不很大时,纵向弥散度模拟结果明显小于Gelhar理论计算值。本研究可为野外大尺度地下水污染预报模型中水动力弥散参数的确定提供方法借鉴。 相似文献
Revisiting the death of geography in the era of Big Data: the friction of distance in cyberspace and real space 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Many scholars have argued that the importance of geographic proximity in human interactions has been diminished by the use of the Internet, while others disagree with this argument. Studies have noted the distance decay effect in both cyberspace and real space, showing that interactions occur with an inverse relationship between the number of interactions and the distance between the locations of the interactors. However, these studies rarely provide strong evidence to show the influence of distance on interactions in cyberspace, nor do they quantify the differences in the amount of friction of distance between cyberspace and real space. To fill this gap, this study used massive amounts of social media data (Twitter) to compare the influence of distance decay on human interactions between cyberspace and real space in a quantitative manner. To estimate the distance decay effect in both cyberspace and real space, the distance decay function of interactions in each space was modeled. Estimating the distance decay in cyberspace in this study can help predict the degree of information flow across space through social media. Measuring how far ideas can be diffused through social media is useful for users of location-based services, policy advocates, public health officials, and political campaigners. 相似文献
Space,time, and situational awareness in natural hazards: a case study of Hurricane Sandy with social media data 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Zheye Wang 《制图学和地理信息科学》2013,40(4):334-346
ABSTRACTVarious methods have been developed to investigate the geospatial information, temporal component, and message content in disaster-related social media data to enrich human-centric information for situational awareness. However, few studies have simultaneously analyzed these three dimensions (i.e. space, time, and content). With an attempt to bring a space–time perspective into situational awareness, this study develops a novel approach to integrate space, time, and content dimensions in social media data and enable a space–time analysis of detailed social responses to a natural disaster. Using Markov transition probability matrix and location quotient, we analyzed the Hurricane Sandy tweets in New York City and explored how people’s conversational topics changed across space and over time. Our approach offers potential to facilitate efficient policy/decision-making and rapid response in mitigations of damages caused by natural disasters. 相似文献
伍智超;王超;李秉清;李迈克;王泉 《测绘地理信息》2022,47(5):89-92
为了更好地分析近年来武汉市的内涝情况,提出一种利用微博数据进行内涝情况统计分析的方法。利用爬虫软件从微博数据中爬取武汉市2015—2019年的内涝相关数据,在进行筛选和统计后得出所有内涝信息中的发生时间、地名地址和严重程度描述信息,再利用基于百度地图应用程序接口(applicationprograminterface,API)的网络地理编码工具MapLocation对地点进行编码,从内涝发生频率的年际变化、月际变化及不同行政区划的差异等方面进行了分析。 相似文献
When travelling, people are accustomed to taking and uploading photos on social media websites, which has led to the accumulation of huge numbers of geotagged photos. Combined with multisource information (e.g. weather, transportation, or textual information), these geotagged photos could help us in constructing user preference profiles at a high level of detail. Therefore, using these geotagged photos, we built a personalised recommendation system to provide attraction recommendations that match a user's preferences. Specifically, we retrieved a geotagged photo collection from the public API for Flickr (Flickr.com) and fetched a large amount of other contextual information to rebuild a user's travel history. We then created a model-based recommendation method with a two-stage architecture that consists of candidate generation (the matching process) and candidate ranking. In the matching process, we used a support vector machine model that was modified for multiclass classification to generate the candidate list. In addition, we used a gradient boosting regression tree to score each candidate and rerank the list. Finally, we evaluated our recommendation results with respect to accuracy and ranking ability. Compared with widely used memory-based methods, our proposed method performs significantly better in the cold-start situation and when mining ‘long-tail’ data. 相似文献
在信息传播媒体的竞争日益严酷的时代,面对天气预报节目只依靠简单的画面加解说,拉洋片式传统方法这样一种一成不变的局面,策划创意制作出《天气资讯》节目,打破天气预报节目以往的节目形式和播出形式,以极少的投入获得最大的社会效益和经济效益。 相似文献
层状各向同性多孔介质中井间地震的数值计算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
依据Biot理论,提出计算理论地震图的相应传播矩阵算法,并针对井间地震震源和检波器的不同配置进行数值计算,结果表明,本文算法高频可达1000H2以上.文中算例说明利用震源和检波器相对于储油层的不同位置,可从反射震相记录波形上的差异,判定储油层存在与否. 相似文献