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为提高作为结构材料使用时硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料(RPUF)的力学性能,在基体材料中添加增强材料形成了增强RPUF(RRPUF),RRPUF内部的材料组成及结构特征影响其力学性能。本文应用微焦点锥束体式工业CT技术,进行了玻璃纤维RRPUF三维结构的工业CT检测,获得了高分辨率的RRPUF三维结构CT图像,并解析了RRPUF内部结构特征,包括玻璃纤维及泡孔的形状、位置、尺寸、体积含量以及分布状况等。研究表明微焦点VCT技术可有效地实现RRPUF内部结构特征的检测及分析,为进一步研究RRPUF的性能提供了重要方法。  相似文献   
通过能量色散X荧光衍射仪(EDXRF)对3种南海潮间带海绵:细薄星芒海绵Stelletta tenui(Lindgren)、澳大利亚厚皮海绵Craniella australiensis (Carter)和多皱软海绵Halichondria hugosa (Ridley&Dendy)的元素组成和含量进行了研究,并与两种黄海潮间带海绵进行了比较。结果表明,海绵体内的元素组成受种属差异的影响较大,溴元素的含量可能同一定的活性物质产生相关。另外,不同海绵具有骨针形态的多样性,为深入研究内部合成机制提供了材料。  相似文献   
Masao  Kametaka  Hiromi  Nagai  Sizhao  Zhu  Masamichi  Takebe 《Island Arc》2009,18(1):108-125
The biostratigraphy of the Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in the northeastern Yangtze platform is examined based on radiolarians. This study is concentrated on the Anmenkou section in the Chaohu area of Anhui Province, China. The Gufeng Formation is divided into the Phosphate Nodule-bearing Mudstone Member (PNMM) and the Siliceous Rock Member (SRM) in ascending order. The former primarily consists of mudstone including abundant phosphate nodules, and the latter consists mainly of alternating beds of chert, siliceous mudstone and mudstone, with intercalations of porous chert. Ammonoids in the mudstone of the lower PNMM are Wordian. Chert, siliceous mudstone and mudstone of the SRM include abundant radiolarians with sponge spicule assemblages suggestive of the Wordian–Capitanian. Albaillellaria are predominant in the lower SRM, while Entactinaria and Spumellaria are predominant in the middle and upper SRM. These radiolarians correspond to three radiolarian assemblage zones: Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis – Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis , Follicucullus monacanthus , and Follicucullus scholasticus – Ruzhencevispongus uralicus . The assemblage of radiolarians and sponge spicule fauna suggests a depositional depth of 150–500 m. The radiolarian fauna of the Gufeng Formation is considered to be representative of the relatively shallow, tropical radiolarian fauna of the Middle Permian eastern Paleotethys.  相似文献   
发达国家雨洪管理焦点历经管网设计、不透水面阈值控制、低影响开发及土地利用管理等过程,呈现"多尺度多视角衔接"趋势。本文聚焦太湖流域土地利用调蓄功能变化机制及管理应用,揭示了1985-2015年来建设占用耕地是调蓄功能降低的主要原因;发现基于小流域的调蓄功能变化与建设用地强度整体低关联,但局部高相关,高相关的地区位于大城市或某些乡镇周边的建设增长热区,而这些热区的建设用地与调蓄空间规模较大且接触机会更多,是开发之前调蓄空间保护、开发控制以及开发之后综合管理等3个土地利用调蓄目标因子协调不当的结果;最后提出流域尺度土地利用调蓄视角的雨洪管理"345"模式,即以3个目标因子和5类控制要素为基础,实施土地利用调蓄创建、防御、拓展与保护等4类差别化战略模式,从更大尺度认识老城区和新区的雨洪关联,拓展海绵城市建设的本土认知和视野。  相似文献   
基于无砟轨道基床表层水力损伤病害产生机制,提出一种在基床表层上设置聚氨酯碎石防水联结层的水力损伤控制措施。通过建立级配碎石组(J-0)、透水型聚氨酯碎石组(J-5)及致密型聚氨酯碎石组(J-10)3组试验模型,研究聚氨酯碎石防水联结层的静动力特性、疲劳特性与防水特性。结果表明:静力加卸载作用下,J-10残余应变为2.6×10–6,最大位移约为1.0 mm,与下部基床表层级配碎石层变形适应性良好,耗能效果明显,在列车动力荷载水平作用下,可减小基床表层动变形与动应力幅值,增大动应力扩散范围;在长期动力循环荷载作用下,J-0与J-5在注水后结构层动力响应显著增大,而J-10动力响应在加载次数1~2万次后基本保持稳定;试验过程中J-10能够有效防止水分进入基床表层级配碎石层,而J-0与J-5水分不断下渗,引起级配碎石细颗粒损失。研究成果对整治多雨地区无砟轨道基床表层水力损伤病害具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   
海绵城市的社会效益是指海绵设施建成后对社会的贡献,其远大于海绵城市所产生的直接经济效益。但是,海绵城市的社会效益难以客观计算,这阻碍了人们对海绵城市的深入了解。因此,客观合理计算海绵城市的社会效益不仅可以反映海绵城市建设是否合理有效,也可为政策的制定提供参考。为此,本文提出一种将主观评价与客观计算相结合的海绵城市社会效益计算方法,通过对可客观计算的社会效益进行主观评价,利用客观计算的效益值将主观评价分值货币化,以此客观计算其他仅可主观评价的社会效益。文中以天津大学北洋园校区为例计算校区内海绵设施的社会效益,结果显示:该校区雨水花园、下凹式绿地和雨水湿地等5种海绵设施的社会效益为1.0~15.5元/(m2·a),植草沟为2.97元/(m·a)。其中,社会效益最高的是雨水湿地,下凹式绿地社会效益最低。根据天津大学北洋园校区各海绵设施建设面积,该校区海绵设施总社会效益约为232.8万元/a。  相似文献   
Biological structures exert a major influence on species diversity at both local and regional scales on deep continental margins. Some organisms use other species as substrates for attachment, shelter, feeding or parasitism, but there may also be mutual benefits from the association. Here, we highlight the structural attributes and biotic effects of the habitats that corals, sea pens, sponges and xenophyophores offer other organisms. The environmental setting of the biological structures influences their species composition. The importance of benthic species as substrates seems to increase with depth as the complexity of the surrounding geological substrate and food supply decline. There are marked differences in the degree of mutualistic relationships between habitat-forming taxa. This is especially evident for scleractinian corals, which have high numbers of facultative associates (commensals) and few obligate associates (mutualists), and gorgonians, with their few commensals and many obligate associates. Size, flexibility and architectural complexity of the habitat-forming organism are positively related to species diversity for both sessile and mobile species. This is mainly evident for commensal species sharing a facultative relationship with their host. Habitat complexity is enhanced by the architecture of biological structures, as well as by biological interactions. Colony morphology has a great influence on feeding efficiency for suspension feeders. Suspension feeding, habitat-forming organisms modify the environment to optimize their food uptake. This environmental advantage is also passed on to associated filter-feeding species. These effects are poorly understood but represent key points for understanding ecosystems and biodiversity on continental margins. In this paper we explore the contributions of organisms and the biotic structures they create (rather than physical modifications) to habitat heterogeneity and diversity on the deep continental margins.  相似文献   
If the upstream boundary conditions are prescribed based on the incident wave only, the time-dependent numerical models cannot effectively simulate the wave field when the physical or spurious reflected waves become significant. This paper describes carefully an approach to specifying the incident wave boundary conditions combined with a set sponge layer to absorb the reflected waves towards the incident boundary. Incorporated into a time-dependent numerical model, whose governing equations are the Boussinesq-type ones, the effectiveness of the approach is studied in detail. The general boundary conditions, describing the down-wave boundary conditions are also generalized to the case of random waves. The numerical model is in detail examined. The test cases include both the normal one-dimensional incident regular or random waves and the two-dimensional oblique incident regular waves. The calculated results show that the present approach is effective on damping the reflected waves towards the incident wave boundary.  相似文献   
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