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2006年8月-2007年7月,在广州市天河区以每周采集2~3天的采样频率连续12个月采集近地面大气气溶胶样品,同步测定近地面气溶胶中7Be和有机氯农药(OCPs)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)等持久性有机污染物的浓度值.7Be浓度全年平均值为2.59 mBq/m3,最高值出现在5月(8.5 mBq/...  相似文献   
Eighteen surface sediment samples representative of the entire Izmir Bay were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). This was in order to provide extensive information concerning the recent deposition of these compounds in this area, together with levels, distribution, possible sources and potential biological risk. Sites that were contaminated by high concentrations of organochlorine compounds were associated with dense population, such as the harbour and the Gediz River estuary. Relatively higher ΣDDT concentrations and high DDT/DDE + DDD ratios in the Gediz River estuary indicated DDT usage, probably linked to public health emergencies. According to the established guidelines for sediment quality, the risk of adverse biological effects from such levels of OCPs and PCBs as recorded at most of the study sites was insignificant. But the higher concentrations in Inner bay and in the Gediz River estuary could cause biological damage.  相似文献   
不同季风时节北京近地面大气颗粒物中7Be和POPs的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年8月至2010年7月在东亚季风区中纬度城市北京连续一年以每周3天的时间尺度同步采集近地面大气中气溶胶样品并测定了宇宙射线成因核素7Be 和8种有机氯农药(OCPs)、7种多氯联苯(PCBs)的浓度。7Be浓度全年平均值为(8.39±0.49) mBq/m^3,显著高于欧洲地区具有相同纬度的城市。最高值出现在9月(15.64 mBq/m^3),最低值出现在5月(1.35 mBq/m^3)。夏季7Be浓度值较低,春、秋季浓度值较高。对大气气溶胶中7Be进行不同季风时节的比较要比季节性的比较可更好地揭示7Be的变化规律及其来源。夏季的低值与东南季风导致的多降雨气象条件有关。秋季的高值为大气环流异常所致。OCPs和PCBs总浓度(∑OCPs和∑PCBs)呈现夏季低,秋、冬季高的现象。西风和西北风为北京市大气气溶胶中POPs浓度最高的季风时节。较高氯代PCBs (PCB153和PCB180)在冬季占主导优势。较高的PCB101和PCB118可能来自北京周边的污染源。在部分时期7Be与DDTs和δ-HCH有显著的相关性,而在春季和夏季PCB-101与7Be有很好的相关性。  相似文献   
Due to human activities, the overabundance of regional nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) has a huge impact on ecological environment worldwide. It is necessary to comprehensively understand the human-induced N/P input and spatiotemporal variations of nutrients in a river. As the adjustment to the spatial structure of Beijing, the Beijing's subcenter is an important strategic position in promoting the coordinated development of Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei. In this study, the dynamic changes of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and total phosphorus (TP) from 2012 to 2022 were analyzed, then the net anthropogenic N input (NANI) and net anthropogenic P input (NAPI) was estimated in the Beijing's subcenter. The results showed that both NH3-N and TP had an overall downward trend with a three-stage pattern. The NANI and NAPI declined from 5.68 × 104 and 0.95 × 104 to 0.78 × 104 and 0.15 × 104 kg km−2 per year, respectively. The chemical fertilizers input accounted for the largest part at 53–81% of NANI and 49–80% of NAPI. There were high values of N and P input in the southeast of Tongzhou, and the fluxes of N and P were positively correlated with the input of anthropogenic N and P in the Chaobai River Basin (Tongzhou District) and the Beiyun River Basin (Tongzhou District). This study would provide the foundation for setting priorities and enacting more targeted N/P management strategies in the Beijing's subcenter.  相似文献   
The transport of air pollutants from several big cities in the north of China and theneighboring countries is researched by using the isentropic trajectory model. The trajectories arecalculated twice daily for the cities in January, April. July and October for the period of 1992-1994. The statistical method has been used to deal with trajectory dots at intervals of 30 min forthe forward and backward trajectories during 0-24 h and 24-48 h. The probability distributiondiagrams of trajectory show clearly the ensemble properties of isentropic trajectories for each cityand the dominant transport directions of pollutants. They possess notable seasonal variations. Theforward trajectory areas of the Ulaan Baatar in Mongolia can spread over North China. and thoseof the Chita in Russia can influence Northeast China except in summer. In July the forwardtrajectory of Pyongyang and Seoul can extend northward to the boundaries of China.  相似文献   
 Chemical data for 15 elements at depths at 10-cm intervals in 6 cores at two locations along the Yarmouk River as well as the heavy-metal enrichment factors (EFs) and anthropogenic factors (AFs) show that Cd and Ni for all the cores, and Mn, Zn, Cr, Co and Pb for core 3 at location A are anthropogenically enriched. The contents of these elements decrease clearly with depth in the sediment column. The sequence of element enrichment depends on whether the EF and the AF are used to calculate the elements which show no systematic decrease in enrichment with depth in all cores, especially for location A, probably due mainly to a higher sedimentation rate. The results of the present study show that the sediments of the Yarmouk River are uncontaminated with Fe, Cr, and Mn, whereas they are uncontaminated to moderately contaminated with Ni, Co, and Zn, moderately contaminated with Pb, and strongly to extremely contaminated with respect to Cd. Also, the study shows that the EF and AF values are higher than 1, which indicates that all the metals measured in the sediments of the Yarmouk River were enriched by various anthropogenic sources in the catchment area of this river. Heavy metal enrichment reflects the combined effects of agricultural activities, a treatment plant, a landfill site at El-Akader, and small industries in the region. Received: 16 March 2000 · Accepted: 12 August 2000  相似文献   
Crustacean zooplankton form the keystone link between primary producers and fish stocks in marine and estuary ecosystems. We have established a multi-generation cultivation system for zooplankton with which future experiments on the biological effects of pollutants in marine and estuary environments can be better performed. A population of calanoid copepod, Schmakeria poplesia, was collected in December 2003 and maintained in a static system through all stages (eggs to adults). The population exhibited an average developmental time of 13.6 d in conditions corresponding to the natural environment (water temperature 20°C, salinity 15). A series of experiments were performed to examine copepod egg production and hatching success as functions of food type and feeding concentration. Results in our study showed that Isochrysis galbana was more favored for the reproduction of copepods than Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and 10×104cells mL−1 was the most practical algae concentration. We have demonstrated that the Schmakeria poplesia population can be maintained in the laboratory through multiple generations. In addition, methods to control egg production through changes in food concentration have been established, making it feasible to control the start date of exposure experiments or the timing of the collection of offspring to initiate a new generation.  相似文献   
湿地作为一个特殊的生态系统,在维持生物多样性、调蓄洪水、降解污染物、调节气候等方面发挥着重要作用。总结概括了当前湿地生态系统中有关地球化学研究的现状,包括湿地生态系统中的持久性有机污染物(POPs)和重金属研究及人为影响,生命元素碳、氮、磷的研究及环境意义,湿地系统的稳定同位素研究3个方面。  相似文献   
Thermoplastic resin pellets are melted and formed into an enormous number of inexpensive consumer goods, many of which are discarded after a relatively short period of use, dropped haphazardly onto watersheds and then make their way to the ocean where some get ingested by marine life. In 2003 and 2004 pre-production thermoplastic resin pellets and post-consumer plastic fragments were collected and analyzed for contamination for persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Samples were taken from the North Pacific Gyre, and selected sites in California, Hawaii, and from Guadalupe Island, Mexico. The total concentration of PCBs ranged from 27 to 980 ng/g; DDTs from 22 to 7100 ng/g and PAHs from 39 to 1200 ng/g, and aliphatic hydrocarbons from 1.1 to 8600 microg/g. Analytical methods were developed to extract, concentrate and identify POPs that may have accumulated on plastic fragments and plastic pellets. The results of this study confirm that plastic debris is a trap for POPs.  相似文献   
利用行业经济活动数据、1 580个地面监测站和6套卫星反演数据,分析了我国新冠肺炎疫情期间人为碳排放和主要大气污染物的变化。与2019年第一季度相比,2020年同期我国碳排放降低9.8%,其中交通部门降幅最大达到43.4%。与2019年2-3月相比,疫情期间全国地表臭氧浓度同比升高1.9 nL/L(5%),其中华北平原以降低为主,东南部地区以上升为主。PM2.5浓度同比下降12.6μg·m^-3(24.9%),其中长三角降幅最大。二氧化氮(NO2)的地面浓度和对流层柱浓度在京津冀、珠三角和长三角都降低20%~30%,体现了高低层的一致性。地面一氧化碳(CO)浓度同比降低17%,而对流层CO柱浓度升高2.5%,可能原因是境外生物质燃烧输送提升了我国南方高层大气的CO浓度。中东部地区气溶胶光学厚度显著降低,导致地表晴空短波辐射同比升高11.6 W·m^-2(9.6%)。  相似文献   
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