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In offshore engineering, pile foundations are commonly constructed in marine deposits to support various structures such as offshore platforms. These piles are subjected to lateral cyclic loading due to wind, wave action, and drag load from ships. In this paper, centrifuge model tests are conducted to investigate the response of the existing single piles due to lateral cyclic loading. The cyclic loading was simulated by a hydraulic actuator. It is found that the residual lateral movement and bending strain are induced in the existing pile after each loading–unloading cycle. This is because plastic deformation is induced in the soil surrounding the existing pile during each loading–unloading cycle. By increasing the applied loads during cyclic loading–unloading process, the lateral movements and bending strains induced in the pile head increase simultaneously. As the cyclic loading varies from 10 to 50 kN, the residual pile head movement increases from 40 to 154?mm, and the residual bending strain of the existing pile varies from 100 to 260 με. The ratio of residual to the maximum pile head movements varies from 0.17 to 0.22, while the ratio of residual to the maximum bending strains is in a range of 0.12–0.55. 相似文献
在波浪循环荷载作用下饱和软黏土地基出现孔隙水压力升高,并导致不排水强度弱化,严重影响防波堤的承载性能。考虑静偏应力影响,基于最大孔隙水压力发展模型和正常固结软黏土不排水强度公式,推导出软黏土不排水强度随循环荷载作用次数和应力水平变化的动态折减规律。结合软黏土不排水强度动态折减规律和M-C屈服准则,在有限元软件ABAQUS上实现软黏土不排水强度循环弱化分析的数值开发和动力运算过程。运用该动力有限元方法对天津港防波堤地基软黏土的动、静三轴试验进行数值模拟运算。结果表明,最大孔隙水压力发展曲线以及循环荷载作用后不排水强度的数值预测结果与动三轴试验结果吻合良好。另外,动力有限元方法(DFEM)能够表示土体强度在循环荷载作用下的具体弱化过程。 相似文献
依据珠江三角洲ZK13钻孔沉积物孢粉、微体古生物鉴定及年龄测试结果,将钻孔剖面记录的古环境信息划分为4个阶段。Ⅰ:91.50±11.00~84.61±5.47ka,孢粉组合为三缝孢-栎属-禾本科-栲属-松属-栗属-大戟科,反映温暖湿润气候,未见有孔虫及介形虫化石,沉积环境为陆相;Ⅱ:84.61±5.47~59.46±3.02ka,孢粉组合为栲属-三缝孢-栎属-禾本科-栗属-石竹科-单缝孢,反映干暖气候,未见有孔虫及介形虫化石,沉积环境为陆相;Ⅲ:59.46±3.02~2ka,孢粉浓度低,以孢子及木本植物花粉为主,进一步划分3个亚带,总体气候以温暖潮湿为主,微体古生物含量高,底栖有孔虫丰度远大于介形虫丰度,推测为海陆过渡相沉积环境;Ⅳ:2000~1000a,孢子含量最高,木本、草本植物花粉含量降低,气候较III阶段更湿润,微体古生物以介形虫为主,依据化石组合和数量,推测为海陆过渡相沉积环境。 相似文献
针对软弱地基上的高速公路填方路堤稳定性问题,利用整体圆弧法稳定性分析原理,推导了同时考虑滑动面上黏聚力 和内摩擦角 联合作用的平衡方程;并将滑面上内摩擦角 在滑面切向方向上的作用等效为黏聚力作用,提出在此条件下的等效黏聚力概念;进而利用平衡方程和等效黏聚力讨论了合理反压护道宽度和高度的确定方法。以某高速公路反压护道工程为背景,进行了护道断面尺寸的设计计算和分析,并将安全系数和滑体特征与规范推荐方法进行了对比分析。结果表明:相对只考虑黏聚力的计算结果,综合考虑黏聚力 和内摩擦角 联合作用的分析方法更接近大部分软弱地基内摩擦角非零的工程实际条件,且在获得相同安全系数时具有更优的断面尺寸(节约用地和土方量);该方法与规范推荐方法计算的安全系数有紧密的联系,其值取1.05时与规范容许值较为吻合;该方法能避免设计中依靠经验反复试算确定护道尺寸的盲目性,可减少设计工作量。 相似文献
为分析岩石节理在剪切加载-蠕变-卸载下的能量演化与变形特征,利用GCTS(RDS?200型)岩石剪切测试系统对人工劈裂岩石节理进行分级剪切加载-蠕变-卸载试验。结果表明:在法向应力小于6.5 MPa和大于7.8 MPa时,滞回环面积与循环级数分别符合线性和指数关系;总变形能和弹性变形能与法向应力呈正相关,与循环级数呈指数关系;塑性变形能与循环级数和法向载荷呈正相关。各级剪切应力加载终止时的剪切位移外包络线与直剪应力-位移曲线变化趋势相同,具有加速上升段、匀速上升段和匀速下降段;累积剪切塑性变形随循环级数增加而增大,但增大速率逐渐变慢;各级剪切加、卸载曲线均能以剪切滑移点为界分为两个阶段;剪切失稳前,加、卸载阶段的法向位移-剪切应力曲线出现在上一循环前方,循环剪切加载和(或)蠕变结束时的累积法向变形出现从增加到减小的现象。 相似文献
桩基础是近海风机经常采用的基础形式。由于风电机组对基础的承载力和变形有着严格的要求,而水平荷载常常是控制荷载,因此,研究水平荷载作用下风机桩基础的应力、变形特性具有重要意义。针对风机单桩基础,选取典型的黏土地基,进行了水平加载条件下的离心模型试验,重点分析了桩身的响应及桩周围土体的变形特点。试验结果表明,在水平荷载作用下,桩顶的水平位移随着水平力的增加而增加,位移的增加速率在临界荷载之后增长较快;桩身弯矩分别在埋深1/5和3/5处附近分别出现极大值和极小值,且桩底具有一定弯矩值;桩周围土体的变形随着离桩距离的增加而减小,可分为主动区和被动区。桩对土体变形的影响区域随着水平力的增加而不断扩展,最后基本稳定在2倍桩径范围内。 相似文献
针对载荷试验结果不能反映地基基础的真实工作性状和荷载传递机理,同时,试验条件与地基基础的实际工作条件通常存在差异等问题,分析了载荷试验涉及的关键力学问题,进一步建立三维数值仿真模型,并与实际工程条件下的现场载荷试验结果比较。结果表明,数值仿真与载荷试验反映的荷载-沉降关系基本一致,验证了仿真模型的适用性。 相似文献
Plasticity model for sand under small and large cyclic strains: a multiaxial formulation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Achilleas G. Papadimitriou George D. Bouckovalas 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2002,22(3):15
This paper presents the multiaxial formulation of a plasticity model for sand under cyclic shearing. The model adopts a kinematic hardening circular cone as the yield surface and three non-circular conical surfaces corresponding to the deviatoric stress ratios at phase transformation, peak strength and critical state. The shape of the non-circular surfaces is formulated in accordance with the experimentally established failure criteria, while their size is related to the value of the state parameter ψ. To simulate cyclic response under small and large shear strain amplitudes without a change in model parameters, it was found necessary to introduce: (a) a non-linear hysteretic (Ramberg–Osgood type) formulation for the strain rate of elastic states and (b) an empirical index of the effect of fabric evolution during shearing which scales the plastic modulus. This index is estimated in terms of a macroscopic second-order fabric tensor, which develops as a function of the plastic volumetric strain increment and the loading direction in the deviatoric plane. Comparison of simulations to pertinent data from 27 resonant column, cyclic triaxial and cyclic direct simple shear tests provide a measure for the overall accuracy of the model. 相似文献
把能够体现岩体在冲击载荷作用下的响应特点及损伤演化的各向异性特征的损伤模型嵌入到有限元软件中,模拟了含有预制裂纹的水泥砂浆试块在爆炸载荷作用下的损伤特征。模拟结果表明,在爆炸近区产生一个损伤“重灾区”,并可根据模拟结果确定“重灾区”及爆炸损伤的范围,模拟结果与试验结果基本一致。模拟方法可以为岩土工程中经历过爆炸损伤岩体的稳定性研究提供理论依据。 相似文献
东祁连山南坡现代花粉雨与植被 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1 Introduction A significant problem in the analysis of pollen spectra is the incomplete comprehension of the relationship between modern pollen spectra and the vegetation that produces them. Pollen precipitation reflects many factors: pollen production,… 相似文献