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基于损伤塑性模型的地下洞室结构地震作用分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
基于损伤力学原理,通过引入损伤变量的方法,详细推导了ABAQUS中的损伤塑性本构模型,描述混凝土后继屈服阶段及其卸荷后的损伤机制和力学行为。此本构模型可考虑循环荷载条件下材料刚度退化和应变率的影响,适用于类似混凝土材料的脆性材料,如岩石等。以某水电站地下厂房洞室结构为例,进行二维动力时程非线性分析,考虑不同的刚度恢复权重因子和应变率相关性对结构损伤的影响。多个数值算例表明:洞室混凝土结构和其周围一定深度的围岩的损伤是一个渐进积累的过程;材料的率相关性效应并不是在地震动作用开始时就立即产生,而是在一段时间后,结构经历一定程度的损伤后才慢慢体现出来;此损伤塑性模型适合地震荷载等循环荷载作用下地下洞室结构的动力时程非线性分析,尤其是强震下采用此损伤塑性模型是合理和必要的。 相似文献
全新世时期的环境和气候变化是全球气候模拟、预测中不可或缺的资料.对苏拉威西海西北部MD98-2178孔(3.6200°N,118.7000°E,水深1 984 m)全新世的样品进行孢粉分析和浮游有孔虫氧稳定同位素测试,重建全新世苏拉威西海周边地区植被演化和气候变化图景.根据孢粉记录得到:在全新世早期至7 ka BP时,各孢粉组合浓度剧烈下降,指示海平面处于上升阶段;在7~4 ka BP时,各孢粉组合浓度都处于低谷,体现为高海平面期;在4 ka BP之后,孢粉记录则显示海平面有小幅的下降.在全新世中期,即5~4 ka BP,热带高山雨林花粉含量明显上升,表明是温度低值期.蕨类孢子记录显示降雨量在全新世早期是持续增加的,但在全新世中期之后,降雨量有所减少,这与陆地孢粉记录和印尼石笋记录的结果相似,体现全新世该地区降雨量受海陆格局和太阳活动共同影响. 相似文献
This paper examines the relationship among organic geochemical proxies (TOC, C/N ratio and ~13C) and pollen assemblages in Zhuye Lake sediments since the Late Glacial. Results show that the reaction extent of organic geochemical proxies and pollen as- semblages to environment changes are different. Organic geochemical proxies are sensitive to overall environmental change, while pollen assemblages indicate detailed information of environmental change. For the entire sedimentary section (except the sand layer fi'om the bottom of the section), when values of TOC, C/N ratio and total pollen concentrations are high, 813C values are low, and vice versa. The different responses of organic geochemical proxies and pollen records in Zhuye Lake are mainly due to their different sensitivity and diverse influencing factors in different environmental conditions. 相似文献
We present new fault data for the region of the Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil. Field measurements concentrate on the Miocene–Holocene sedimentary deposits exposed on the Amazonas River Basin, in order to investigate the development of this region in this time-interval. Two faulting events are distinguished since the Miocene. The oldest one is related to NW–SE extension during Miocene times and associated with paleoseismicity, while the younger is associated with NE–SW extension direction and seems to persist today. These two deformational events may be thereby considered Neotectonic. Moreover, the second extensional pulse with NE–SW orientation can be explained by the surface hydrological loading, which induces the Central Amazonia flexural subsidence and may promote extensional stresses in the upper crust. 相似文献
渭河水质在较大程度上受非点源污染的影响,因此,有必要对其负荷和比重进行研究。2009年至2010年,对渭河干流关中段咸阳和临潼断面进行了洪水期和非洪水期水质水量同步监测。根据监测结果及水文站实测流量资料,分别采用改进的水文分割法和平均浓度法对两断面的非点源污染负荷进行了计算,分析了非点源污染的特点。结果表明:渭河干流关中段主要污染物为COD、NH3-N和TN,两断面洪水期间各指标的平均浓度基本都小于平时的平均浓度;各指标非洪水期浓度变化总体上小于洪水期浓度变化幅度,量级较大的洪水水质变化幅度相对较小;改进的水文分割法和已被检验并被广泛采用的平均浓度法计算结果符合良好。2009年(枯水年,P=68%)渭河咸阳和临潼站各指标非点源污染所占比例基本在20%~30%左右;2009年渭河干流咸阳-临潼河段污染以点源污染为主,构成比例在80%以上。对比2006年(枯水年,P=69%),2009年临潼站COD、NH3-N和TN年点源负荷分别减少11937t、791t和29t,渭河点源治理取得一定成效;此外,临潼站这两年的污染构成比例基本相同。非点源污染在渭河水污染中占较大比重,其对渭河水质的影响不容忽视。 相似文献
Geert W. Van Der Plas Erik J. De Boer Henry Hooghiemstra F. B. Vincent Florens Claudia Baider Johannes Van Der Plicht 《第四纪科学杂志》2012,27(2):159-168
A 10 m long peat core from the Kanaka Crater (20° 25′ S, 57° 31′ E), located at 560 m elevation in Mauritius, was analyzed for microfossils. Eight radiocarbon ages show the pollen record reflects environmental and climatic change of the last ca. 38 cal ka BP. The record shows that the island was continuously covered by forest with Erica heath (Philippia) in the uplands. Cyperaceous reedswamp with Pandanus trees was abundant in the coastal lowlands as well as locally in the waterlogged crater. The record shows changes in climatic humidity (wet from 38.0 to 22.7 cal ka BP, drier from 22.7 to 10.6 cal ka BP, and wetter again from 10.6 cal ka BP to recent) as the main response to climate change. A high turnover in montane forest species is evidenced at 22.7 cal ka BP and at the start of the Holocene. The limited altitudinal ranges in the mountains of Mauritius (maximum altitude 828 m), and changing humidity being more important than changing temperature, suggests that in response to climate change a reassortment in taxonomic composition of montane forests might be equally important as displacement of forest types to new altitudinal intervals. We found weak impact of the latitudinal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and data suggest that the Indian Ocean Dipole is a more important driver for climatic change in the southwest Indian Ocean. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
循环荷载作用下软黏土刚度软化特征试验研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
循环荷载作用下,软黏土将发生软化现象,而以往的研究中大多未考虑初始偏应力的影响。通过对萧山正常固结饱和软黏土进行应力控制的循环三轴试验,研究了循环荷载作用下土体的刚度软化情况。通过分析每一次循环过程中割线剪切模量的变化规律,探讨了循环次数、循环应力水平、初始偏应力对刚度软化的影响。结果表明,随着循环次数的增加,土体刚度逐渐减小;循环应力水平的提高,初始偏应力的施加将加快刚度软化。在试验的基础上推导了反映土体刚度软化规律的经验公式,得到了萧山软黏土的破坏刚度比。 相似文献
Cretaceous high-temperature rapid loading and unloading in the Abukuma metamorphic terrane, Japan 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
The Cretaceous Abukuma metamorphic terrane consists of the oceanic Gosaisyo Series overthrust onto the terrigenous Takanuki Series. Although the dominant mineralogy defines one of the classic areas of andalusite–sillimanite type progressive metamorphism, there are several lines of evidence suggesting an earlier higher-pressure (up to c . 12 kbar) history of the Takanuki Series and the nearby Gosaisyo Series. These are: (1) the occurrence of rare although widespread relic kyanite in sillimanite+K-feldspar zone-grade pelitic rocks; (2) the high grossular content of garnet interiors (up to c . 30 mol %) overgrown by Ca-poor rims ( c . 2 mol % grossular) in pelitic rocks containing Al2 SiO5 minerals (sillimanite±relic kyanite±retrograde andalusite), plagioclase and quartz; (3) the occurrence of rutile as inclusions in garnet in pelitic rocks; and (4) the occurrence of relic corundum+almandine association in silica-poor and Al–Fe-rich rocks. Garnet in the Takanuki Series pelitic rocks commonly shows textural sector zoning and preserves growth zoning despite the high metamorphic grade, suggesting rapid changes in P–T conditions and a relatively short duration of high-temperature conditions. Combined with radiometric dating, these observations suggest that the Abukuma sillimanite+K-feldspar zone-grade rocks underwent a clockwise P–T path with very fast (>4 mm y−1 ) average burial and exhumation rates. 相似文献