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从自发组建的非政府组织到北极事务中颇具影响力的权力组织,原住民组织已经成长为北极事务中不可忽视的利益攸关方。在获取北极事务参与权及实施行动决策中,北极原住民组织展现了独特的思考和实践。基于批判地缘政治学的理论视角观察因纽特环北极理事会为代表的原住民组织的发展历程,发现:(1)北极原住民组织强调基于文本生产的知识权力获取方式;(2)制度性参与是原住民组织的主要行动路径。北极事务参与权的获取及针对性行动策略的实施帮助原住民组织成功影响和重塑了北极的治理理念、身份认同与地理空间,推动北极地区向着善治和良治发展。通过对因纽特环北极理事会案例的解析,可以为中国拓展自身在北极地区的合作空间提供参考。  相似文献   
实施课程思政是实现立德树人根本任务的重要途径。随着课程思政改革的深入推进,传统的教学模式在部分教学环节出现了“失效”的现象,亟需一套新的教学模式以适应课程思政改革的要求。世界地理是地理学专业的核心课程,全球百年变局、“一带一路”倡议、课程思政改革等多重背景为世界地理教学提供了新的契机,同时也赋予了新的使命。为此,融合多种国内外先进教学模式,构建了服务“一带一路”的世界地理课程思政“金字塔”教学新模式。提出以服务“一带一路”建设为教学宗旨;奉行教学与科研融合,理论与实践并重的教学理念;以知识、能力和思政的综合达成为教学目标;着力实施理论课程群体化、教学资源多样化、教学内容时代化和教学手段多元化四大建设举措。以期更好地培养具有“世界眼光、家国情怀、专业素养”的卓越拔尖人才,为服务“一带一路”倡议建设提供人才智力保障。  相似文献   
This paper sets out to evaluate the freedom of voice for Peruvian stakeholders affected by hydrocarbon development. This occurs through the utilization of a political ecology of voice (PEV) theoretical framework based upon the theory of voice by Albert Hirschman and political ecology. PEV can be defined as the study of economic, political, social, and geographical factors over a specific time period and their impact upon the use of voice by stakeholders. Peru’s case study was focused on its main oil-producing Loreto Region and incorporated evaluation of hydrocarbon voice mechanisms (prior consultation and environmental impact assessments) supported by interview testimony of stakeholders and state officials. PEV analysis reveals a political environment which is dangerous, inflexible, and intolerant of Peruvian stakeholders voicing over hydrocarbon development. This is due to the state’s zealous pursuit of its “selva (rainforest) hydrocarbon and development vision” which severely undermines Peruvian stakeholder’s freedom of voice.  相似文献   
苏晓波  蔡晓梅  周灿 《热带地理》2019,39(6):799-811
与中国云南省接壤的缅甸北部少数民族自治邦,包括掸邦和克钦邦,构成全球第二大非法毒品生产地的金三角核心区。通过借助历史档案和学术文献,聚焦缅甸北部,基于政治地理的视角,理清缅甸北部毒品贸易的历史起源,探讨了自缅甸1948年独立后毒品贸易给该国带来的政治与经济危机,以及相应的地缘政治冲突和外部干预。文章试图回答的问题有:为什么毒品贸易能够在缅北扎根?毒品贸易如何影响缅甸政府在其北部山区的主权完整和领土控制?文章的核心观点是毒品成为缅甸国内破碎主权和外部势力干预的原因和结果,毒品贸易以及与毒品相关的犯罪活动已经渗入缅北,严重危害了缅甸的主权完整。毒品贸易也为外部势力介入缅甸国内事务提供了契机。由于主体民族缅族控制的中央政府同缅北的少数民族地方武装间缺乏足够的信任,民族和解缺乏基础,也无法为全面禁毒创造有利的政治条件。因而,缅北的毒品贸易和缅甸的国家建设相互影响,导致国家主权破碎化和外部干预,导致缅北成为亚洲最贫穷落后的地区。文章分析以毒品为核心的开源权力机制与非正式或者非法全球化,丰富了Agnew有关主权的理论,在实践方面有助于认识中缅边境安全的复杂性,促进云南同东南亚的跨国区域化。  相似文献   
地缘关系对中国出口增长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文结合现有文献中的方法和自身思考构建了地缘关系指标体系,利用Google的GDELT数据库,探索地缘关系对中国出口贸易增长的作用。本文发现地缘关系在短期和长期维度上对国家出口贸易带来的涉及政治、地理、制度和文化等方面的多重影响。一方面,政治关系反映了短期政府间关系的波动,对中国出口的影响十分明显。其中较高的政府交往频度不利于中国出口增长,而政府亲密程度对中国出口的影响则是积极的,中国与出口目的国亲密程度越高,则越有向该国出口的倾向。另一方面,地理关系、制度关系和文化关系同样对中国出口有重要影响。在地理关系中,较大的地理距离会减小中国对一地区出口的倾向,而邻接关系会增大中国对一地区出口的倾向。不同制度关系对中国出口的影响存在差别,没有证据表明经济制度距离对中国出口有额外的影响,而法律制度距离的增大则会导致中国不向该地区出口的倾向。文化关系同样对中国出口有重大影响,其中较大的文化距离会抑制中国对一地区的出口倾向,而如果中国对一地区文化影响力较大,中国对其出口则更加容易。此外,进一步分行业研究的结果表明,不同行业的产品出口对地缘关系的响应程度既存在共性,也存在差异。其中,地区间的亲密程度对全类别产品和服装类、机械设备类、交通工具类三类产品的出口都有显著的影响。  相似文献   
The spatial nature of learning is increasingly a focus of geographic inquiry. I argue that the spatiality of education, which is where formal learning occurs, has the potential to shape students’ spatial imaginaries. I analyze the role the spatiality of agronomic education plays in the historical construction of the social and physical landscape in southeastern Pará, Brazil. In opposing ways, the first Green Revolution, and agrarian social movements’ more recent agroecological Green Revolution are found to structure agronomic education and spatial imaginaries. The perspectives of agricultural extension agents trained in traditional agronomic programs are compared with teachers from an agroecological school located in an Amazonian agrarian reform settlement of Brazil's Landless Workers’ Movement. I collected these data over 17 months of ethnographic fieldwork. To analyze these data, I employ a political ecology of education perspective, which highlights how education and political economy interact to mediate relations with, access to, and contestations over natural resources. The geography of education and the education of geography exist in a complicated feedback cycle: Education is not neutral but ideologically charged and affects conceptions of productive landscapes, providing students intellectual and economic power to put their visions of landscape into effect.  相似文献   
Non-profit organizations are key actors in urban and community forestry (UCF) initiatives, and sometimes city residents resist their efforts. Between 2011-2014, 24 percent of residents offered a street tree in Detroit, Michigan, USA submitted a “no-tree request.” Differing views on decision-making emerged as a main reason for resistance to tree planting. This study used interviews with city residents, and those within a non-profit organization, between 2014-2016 to understand reasons for conflict over decision-making between these groups. Heritage narratives, or selective representations of the city’s history and character, helped explain conflict over tree planting. Residents who wanted greater decision-making power in tree planting assumed they would be responsible for stewardship, reflecting their historical experiences within the city. The organization’s dominant heritage narrative emphasized that residents held misperceptions of trees based on negative past experiences, and required education on benefits of trees. Recommendations for integrating heritage narratives into UCF efforts are provided.  相似文献   
自21世纪初以来,有关全球城市区域的研究在西方快速崛起,掀起了一股治理与政策的“区域转向”浪潮。新经济地理学与政治经济学派最先开创了城市区域的理论研究,但其理论解释偏重城市区域的经济发展与资本再地域化过程,忽视了政治与政策对城市区域的重要影响。近年来,政治地理学从城市区域的建构属性、战略属性和矛盾属性3个方面切入,旨在揭示现实中城市区域的实际形成过程与机制。本文认为西方政治地理视角有助于揭示城市区域形成过程中的权力关系及其政治工具性。特别是通过解析城市区域政策的话语建构过程、分析城市区域发展所折射出的国家地缘战略选择以及剖析城市区域发展过程中的公共资源分配等议题,可帮助研究者跳出就政策谈政策的讨论陷阱,更能从整体格局上审视不同利益主体在城市区域发展过程中的诉求与冲突,进而为解读和反思我国城市区域形成过程与治理机制提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   
Kebun culture’ is a distinctive, emergent form of rural sensibility and social-economic relations in Malaysia. As a contribution to theories of ‘planetary’ or thoroughgoing urbanization, the ethnographic evidence presented in the article illustrate a case of urban annexation of rurality, in which kebun (orchards) are detached from the social organization of rural villages and incorporated into urban-centered Malay society. Kebun, as productive land with non-rice crops, have traditionally been associated with rural kampung (village). In the late twentieth century, thoroughgoing urbanization, driven by both rural-to-urban migration and in situ urbanization of rural kampung, simultaneously produced a social disintegration of Malay kampung and increasingly urban-oriented Malay society. The kebun, which previously was an ancillary part of kampung social ecology has become dissociated from kampung and instead operates as an annex of urban-centered social lives. Kebun are also distinctively individuated rather than communal socio-economic projects. In both reserve lands and kampung areas, urban-based Malays and rural-to-urban return migrants are involved in kebun projects, through which they engage with nostalgic notions of rurality, but without the social entanglements of kampung social relations. At the same time, through kebun projects, urban Malay subjects enter into new social relations, albeit ones marked by commodification.  相似文献   
以西方为主的国外政治地理和地缘政治学说为中国政治地理和地缘政治的发展提供了很好的参照和基础。因此,如何理性对待西方的政治地理学和地缘政治学的研究、如何正确处理中国政治地理学和地缘政治学中的本土化与国际化关系是关乎中国政治地理学和地缘政治学学科方向的重要议题。然而,目前中国政治地理学和地缘政治学的发展在这一问题上存在困惑乃至两难。一方面,过度依赖西方研究框架和理论为中国政治地理学和地缘政治学的学科建设带来了一定风险;另一方面,在对西方研究保持谨慎态度的同时不能走向封闭乃至仇外的极端,破除“唯西方论”的同时不能走进“中国特殊论”的陷阱。为此,国内高校和科研院所从事政治地理和地缘政治研究的青年学者自发于2019年举办了一次“政治地理与地缘政治理论前沿”青年论坛,集中探讨了对西方政治地理与地缘政治发展的借鉴与反思,取得了初步的共识。具体而言,西方政治地理学和地缘政治学研究议题的多尺度性、研究方法的多样性、研究氛围的批判精神、研究视野的国际化和研究规范的严谨性等方面值得中国借鉴;而历史视角缺失、知识生产不平衡、地图空间表达不足、话语分析过多、解决现实问题不足等方面存在局限,中国政治地理学和地缘政治学未来发展过程中应加以避免。希望本次讨论抛砖引玉,吸引更多学者共同推动中国政治地理学和地缘政治学的学科发展。  相似文献   
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