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Abstract Whether there existed the Songpan-Garzê massif is a controversial problem. This paper expounds and proves that the old basement of the massif is represented by the pre-Sinian granitic rock series. This massif and the South Qinling fold belt might both be a part of the old Yangtze platform. Rifting generated by the Caledonian orogeny in the terminal Early Palaeozoic caused the massif to be disintegrated from the northwestern part of the Yangtze platform. This disintegration, however, was not thorough, and the rift troughs were later gradually closed and filled up. The Emei taphrogeny that was initiated in the Early Permian Maokou'an Stage involved a second disintegration of this massif from the Yangtze platform. The rift line largely goes along the Muli-Pingwu line. This rifting belongs to synchronous extensional rifting at peripheries of the Yangtze platform and in its interior, showing that the posterior, lateral and interior extension resulting from rapid northward shift of the Yangtze platform led to isolation of this massif together with South Qinling from their adjacent areas. During the Ladinian Stage, the Songpan-Garzê massif and southern Qinling sank strongly en masse. This subsidence continued till the end of the Late Triassic when the late Indosinian movement caused the sea trough to be closed and Songpan-Garzê and southern Qinling to be folded and uplifted and become mountains.  相似文献   
对郯庐断裂系研究的最新进展作了介绍。郯庐断裂是多期活动、性质多次转换的巨型断裂。最初的启动时间在晚三叠世末,与南北大陆的碰撞有着直接的关系。早期以走滑(左行)运动为主,伴随挤压和拉伸,范围限于华北地块内部。断裂纵向伸展的高峰期为白垩纪到早始新世,这一时期也是裂陷作用最强的时期。始新世以来以挤压作用为主。东亚走滑断裂系各组成断裂性质复杂,不能以中生代左行平移运动简单概括。走滑断裂系的发展和演化与同时期大陆边缘所处的地球动力学环境,也就是与南北大陆的碰撞和古大洋板块的持续俯冲关系密切。新生代以来的构造事件使中生代的构造发生强烈变形变位改造。  相似文献   
华北地台东部寒武系层序地层年代格架   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
北地台寒武系属稳定的克拉通盆地陆表海沉积。其沉积层序表现为复合层序,主要受全球海平面变化和沉积物补给因素的控制。自下而上可划分为17个正层序,归并为6个正层序组和2个中层序。大部分正层序的边界与生物地层单位一致,与岩石地层单位略有出入。每个正层序的平均时间延续约为3Ma,含两个三叶虫化石带。根据层序地层的研究,可以建立华北寒武系层序地层年代格架,并提出各统和阶的界线参考年龄。  相似文献   
在海相碳酸盐岩勘探中,生物礁滩的识别对确定储层有利相带具有重要意义.方差技术是检测地下断层、地层不连续变化现象及异常地质体卓有成效的一种技术,这里首先介绍了它的基本原理,然后重点展示和分析该技术在YB生物礁识别,沉积相带刻画中的应用成果,证实其技术优势和良好的应用前景.  相似文献   
通过1/25万四子王旗幅的野外地质填图,在蒙古寺-盘羊山-乌兰合雅一线存在古生代末大型逆冲推覆构造系统,新太古代色尔腾山岩群和新太古代花岗岩自北向南被逆冲推覆于震旦系什那干组灰岩和古生代碎屑岩之上,并形成大小规模的飞来峰和构造窗.整个推覆系统由顶板逆冲断层与底板逆冲断层及夹于其中的一套叠瓦式逆冲断层和断层夹块组合而成,构成典型的双重逆冲推覆构造系统(Duplex).该逆冲推覆构造总体逆冲方向指向南南西向,形成时代为二叠纪末,估算推覆距离应大于7.1 km.此逆冲推覆构造与华北板块与西伯利亚板块在二叠纪末陆内碰撞造山有关,是华北板块北缘造山带的重要组成部分.  相似文献   
米仓山隆起带西缘灯影组铅锌找矿潜力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
较系统全面地叙述了米仓山隆起带灯影组铅锌矿成矿地质条件,为在其西缘寻找与陕西马元铅锌矿相同矿床类型矿产的找矿潜力进行了评价。  相似文献   
上扬子地台区长期接受地台型沉积,地壳构造较稳定。但自喜马拉雅运动以来,断褶构造活动强烈。按上扬子地台区超晚期断褶构造发育程度,可划分为5个构造区。超晚期断褶构造发育程度控制了上扬子地台区油气藏及金属矿产资源的形成与分布。应用超晚期断褶构造分区的观点,可预测上扬子地台区金属矿产资源及含油气远景。  相似文献   
The Devonian volcano-passive continental margin in southern Altay is a significant volcanogenic massive sulphide metallogenic belt. Acidic volcanism has been dominant on the inner side of the volcano-passive continental margin, i.e., near the old land, resulting in a Pb-Zn metallogenic sub-belt, in which the ore deposits are hosted by sedimentary rocks in volcanic series, as represented by the large Koktal Pb-Zn deposits. In the central part of the margin far away from the old land, bimodal volcanic formations are well developed, forming volcanics-hosted Cu-Zn metallogenic sub-belts, e.g., the large-scale Ashele Cu-Zn deposit. The Qiaoxiahala sub-belt on the outer side of the margin near the ocean ridge is located at the spreading central trough, where ophiolite suites are developed. This type of deposits is rich in gold and copper, similar to the Cyprus-type Fe-Cu-Au metallogenic sub-belt in metallogenic environment (represented by the Qiaoxiahala medium-scale Fe-Cu-Au deposit). From the old land to th  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1616-1625
We report new zircon U–Pb and pyrite Re–Os geochronological studies of the Yinjiagou poly-metallic deposit, sited along the southern margin of the North China Craton (SMNCC). In this deposit, pyrite, the most important economic mineral, is intergrown/associated with Mo, Cu, Au, Pb, Zn, and Ag. Prior to our new work, the age of chalcopyrite–pyrite mineralization was known only from its spatial relationship with molybdenite mineralization and with intrusions of known ages. The U–Pb and Re–Os isotope systems provide an excellent means of dating the mineralization itself and additionally place constraints on the ore genesis and metal source. Zircons separated from the quartz–chalcopyrite–pyrite veins include both detrital and magmatic groups. The magmatic zircons confine the maximum age of chalcopyrite–pyrite mineralization to 142.0 ± 1.5 Ma. The Re–Os results yield an age of 141.1 ± 1.1 Ma, which represents the age of the chalcopyrite–pyrite mineralization quite well. The common Os contents are notably low (0.5–20.1 ppt) in all samples. In contrast, the Re contents vary considerably (3.0–199.2 ppb), most likely depending on intensive boiling, which resulted in an increase of Re within the pyrite. This study demonstrates that the main chalcopyrite–pyrite mineralization occurred late in the magmatic history and was linked to a deeper intrusion involving dominant mantle-derived materials. This mineralization event might be related to the Early Cretaceous lithospheric destruction and thinning of the SMNCC.  相似文献   
The occurrence of high-pressure (HP) blueschists within the central Qiangtang terrane of northern Tibet has a significant bearing on plate-suturing processes. In order to contribute to the ongoing debate on whether the central Qiangtang metamorphic belt represents an in situ suture within the Qiangtang terrane, we examined lawsonite- and glaucophane-bearing blueschists from the northwest Qiangtang area (84° 10′–85° 30′ E, 34°10′–34° 45′ N). All studied rocks are metapelites, metasandstones, or metabasalts, characterized by lawsonite + glaucophane + phengite, lawsonite + glaucophane + epidote + albite + quartz, or glaucophane + phengite + quartz assemblages. The meta-mafic rocks contain very high TiO2 and low Al2O3 contents. They are typified by abundant ferromagnesian trace elements, and an absence of Eu anomalies and Nb–Ta deletions; all the above features indicate that these mafic rocks represent oceanic island basalt (OIB) protoliths. Most of the metasediments contain high SiO2, moderate Al2O3 + K2O, and low TiO2 + Na2O. They display high CIA (chemical index of alteration) values (74% ± 5%) and distinctly negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.64 ± 0.05). This, along with their high field strength elemental characteristics, indicates that they were deposited in a passive continental margin environment, intercalated with OIB-type basalts. We estimate the peak metamorphic conditions for these blueschists as T = 330–415°C and P = 9–11.5 kbar. This HP event occurred at ca. 242 Ma, indicated by a well-defined 40Ar/39Ar plateau age for glaucophane. Retrograde metamorphism occurred at T = 280–370°C, P = 6.5–9.5 kbar, t = ca. 207 Ma (40Ar/39Ar dating of phengite). Therefore, a cold subduction (geotherm ~8°C/km) attended the passive continental margin during the Triassic when the eastern Qiangtang collided with the western Qiangtang. The northwest Qiangtang HP metamorphic belt is an extension of the central Qiangtang metamorphic belt that defines the suture between eastern and western Qiangtang, and indicates an anticlockwise, diachronous closure of the Shuanghu Palaeo-Tethys.  相似文献   
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