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瓯江凹陷自晚白垩世形成以来受多期构造运动的影响,构造应力场不断发生变化,导致其盆地演化及构造特征复杂,形成多种形态的构造样式。通过对全区的新老地震资料处理、解释,总结了研究区内构造样式类型及分布区域,分析了其形成机制。结果表明:研究区内主要发育伸展、挤压及复合3种构造样式。其中伸展构造样式在凹陷西部和东部都有发育,可分为地垒式、地堑式、半地堑式、堑式铲式、多米诺式;挤压构造样式发育于凹陷西南部,主要为断鼻构造;复合型构造样式分为火山岩构造、花状构造、反转构造,主要发育于凹陷中南部地区。  相似文献   
Understanding and characterising movement and area-use patterns of fishes within estuaries, as well as understanding the degree of connectivity between estuaries and the marine environment, can provide important insights into a species’ ecology, which is fundamental for effective management and conservation. Mark-and-recapture data obtained from the 082 TAG FISH Project, a dart-tagging programme, were used to describe movement patterns of juvenile leervis Lichia amia in the permanently open Swartkops Estuary, South Africa, as well as the degree of connectivity with the adjacent marine environment. A total of 628 juvenile leervis were tagged from 2008 to 2015, of which 77 fish (12.3%) were recaptured, with juveniles comprising 85.7% of all measured recaptures. The majority of recaptures (75.3%) were made within the Swartkops Estuary, indicating estuarine philopatry, with 23.4% having moved less than 1 km, revealing site fidelity, but most (51.9%) displaying estuarine roaming. A smaller portion of recaptures (27.7%) had dispersed to other habitats; 16 (20.8%) displayed multiple-habitat connectivity, while only 3 (3.9%) had undertaken long-distance movements (>100 km) and were recaptured up to 825 km northeast of the Swartkops Estuary. Lichia amia that had moved greater distances were characterised by a greater mean size and age at the time of recapture. This study provides valuable information on the philopatry and dispersal of juvenile L. amia.  相似文献   
Understanding the level of connectivity between estuarine and coastal waters is essential for appropriate management of estuarine-associated taxa. Most studies have focused on the role of a single estuary, while limited research exists on the importance of multiple estuaries to individuals of estuarine-associated species. This study used acoustic telemetry to assess the usage of multiple estuaries and coastal waters by the estuarine-dependent spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii. Twenty-six adult fish were tagged with acoustic transmitters in the Kariega and Bushmans estuaries, South Africa, and their movements along a 300-km stretch of Indian Ocean coastline were monitored for up to 17 months. Tagged individuals spent most of their time in the estuary where they were tagged (55% and 85% for fish tagged in the two estuaries, respectively), followed by time in the sea (30% and 15%) and in other estuaries (15% and <1%). The mean durations of sea trips for fish tagged in the Kariega Estuary or Bushmans Estuary, respectively, were 25 days (range 3–55) and 12 days (range 2–22). Of the fish that went to sea, 93% from the Kariega Estuary and 60% from the Bushmans Estuary visited other estuaries. Most visits were undertaken to the Swartkops, Bushmans and Kowie estuaries, although the longest durations were spent in the Sundays Estuary. Individuals moved to estuaries up to 130 km away. The total distance travelled between estuaries by an individual during the study was ~529 km, with means of 201 and 184 km, respectively, for fish tagged in the Kariega and Bushmans estuaries. Despite covering large distances between estuaries, individuals often returned to their tagging estuary. Residency in their tagging estuary, combined with frequent visits to a neighbouring estuary, highlights the importance of estuarine habitats for this popular fish species, even after reaching maturity.  相似文献   
During three summer surveys at Prince Edward Island (PEI), southern Indian Ocean (2001, 2004 and 2008), 416 southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina were inspected for identification tags. In all, 42 seals that had been tagged as weaned pups at their natal site were found on Marion Island (MI), 38 of which could be individually identified by resighting their tag numbers. The majority of the MI-tagged seals were yearlings or subadults, and all but one were hauled out at PEI for the annual moult. The attendance rate of the known individuals at their natal island during the annual moult was only 40%, based on their resighting histories. This was significantly lower than the 77 ± 6% moult attendance rate estimated for a random MI population sample drawn from the same cohorts (based on 10 000 replications). Annual resight probabilities (considering all haulout phases) was 58% per annum for the MI seals seen at PEI, and 80 ± 4% for the simulation. Seasonal and annual absences of seals from MI violate the ‘homogeneity of capture’ assumption of mark-recapture models. When multiple sightings during any year are treated as a single sighting, resights during other haulouts (e.g. breeding) compensate only partially for absences during the moult. Therefore, mark-recapture studies undertaken in archipelagos should ideally include both marking and resighting of individuals on all islands which will allow discrimination between mortality and local migration.  相似文献   
根据内蒙古孪井滩灌区的自然地理、地质和水文地质条件,在室内外模拟试验的基础上,利用VS2DT模型对灌溉入渗水的运移进行了模拟,计算了现有灌溉量下的渗漏量,提出了灌区春小麦和夏玉米的节水灌溉模式。春小麦第一次灌溉的节水灌溉量为150 mm,第二次灌水的节水灌溉量为97.5 mm,以后4次灌水的灌溉量在60~75 mm之间。夏玉米第一次灌水的灌溉量也以150 mm为宜,以后5次灌溉量分别以127.5 mm,90.0 mm,97.5 mm,82.5 mm及67.5 mm为宜。此灌溉模式不仅能够节约水资源,而且能够防止土壤次生盐渍化的发展。  相似文献   
One of the important geotechnical considerations for many engineering installations, such as pipelines and anchors, in an oceanic environment involving sand deposits is that of potential ocean floor instability due to the development of high pore pressures caused by the direct action of waves. This article presents a procedure for evaluating the magnitude and distribution of wave‐induced pore pressures in ocean floor deposits. The method takes into account the distribution of wave‐induced pore pressures in ocean floor deposits. The method takes into account the distribution of cyclic shear stresses in the soil profile as well as the important factor of pore‐pressure dissipation. The variation of properties within the soil profile can also be easily incorporated into the analytical procedure. The analysis provides the complete time history of pore‐pressure response and shows clearly that failure to include the pore‐pressure dissipation effects would lead to radically conservative design. The results also provide a basis for designing remedial measures, if required, to avert the development of high pore pressures and their deleterious effects.  相似文献   
青岛近海大型水母漂移集合预测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑水母垂直运动等自主运动,基于集合预报和拉格朗日粒子追踪方法,建立青岛近海大型水母的集合漂移预测模型。并利用2012—2013年青岛近海水母实时监测数据和集合漂移预测模型,快速预测水母集合漂移轨迹、速度、趋势和可能影响范围等要素。通过分析水母监测数据和数值模拟结果,在水母如何自主运动及其机理尚不十分清楚的情况下,多轨迹漂移预测结果比单轨迹的更合理、科学、可信,能够传达更多的信息量,对水母灾害的应急处置更具有指导意义。  相似文献   
琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带,即松南—宝岛—长昌凹陷,位于琼东南盆地中央坳陷东端。在大量地震资料解释的基础上,对38条主要断层进行了详细分析。获得以下认识:(1)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带平面上表现为近EW向展布的平行四边形,剖面结构表现为自西向东由半地堑—不对称的地堑—半地堑有规律变化。(2)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带断裂系统可划分控制凹陷边界断层、控制洼陷沉积中心断层和调节性断层3类。(3)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带古近纪时期受到太平洋板块俯冲和南海海盆扩张的双重影响,构造应力场发生NW—SE→SN转变。构造演化可划分为3个阶段:~32 Ma,应力场以区域性NW—SE向伸展为主,断裂系统以NE—SW向为主,控制凹陷边界;32~26 Ma,以南海海盆近SN向拉张应力场为主,断裂系统以NWW—SEE向为主,断层活动控制凹陷沉积中心;26~ Ma,区域性伸展与南海海盆扩张应力均逐渐减弱,NE—SW向和NWW—SEE向断裂继承性发育。(4)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带内部主要断层在渐新统崖城组和陵水组沉积时期活动速率快,地形高差大、沉积水体深、沉积厚度大,控制了崖城组和陵水组的大规模沉积,有利于烃源岩的发育。圈闭以受断层控制的断鼻和断块为主,长昌主洼凹中隆起带发育2个最为理想的构造圈闭。  相似文献   
根据十余年来参加中国岩石圈三维结构研究和国际合作编图资料,将深部地质结构与浅层地质、成矿特征进行统一的综合分析研究,对中国东部及邻近海域地质构造取得一些新认识,提出一些新观点:(1)在中国大陆及邻近海域400 km深度内,划分出5层地质结构,其中第3、4层之间的变化制约了浅层地质与成矿作用;(2)中国大陆及海区受周边动力挤压,其中西部挤压力大于东部,导致西部软流圈物质经4条路径向东流动,使东部汇聚巨大巨厚的软流圈,形成独特的软流圈巨量热能(力)-动力主体动力区,构成了亚洲大陆第4个主体动力区;(3)太平洋板块俯冲力制约了北纬42°40'以北的完达山及俄罗斯远东地区,菲律宾海板块俯冲力制约了台湾和中国东南沿海地区,二者的动力之和构成了阻挡软流圈物质向东部洋区流动的"远程力效应";(4)软流圈巨量热能(力)-动力作用的主体动力区打造了中国东部及海区7项地质、地貌特征和三大类矿产资源效应。其中岩浆活动与化石燃料矿产(石油、天然气、煤)之间不是"水火不相容",而是岩浆活动为提升油-气成熟度和煤化作用及变质作用提供了重要的温度条件;(5)软流圈巨量热能(力)-动力作用打造了中国东部及海区一些独有的地质作用:①形成了新生代南海小洋盆,并向巴拉望岛俯冲。②产生了新生代陆缘裂谷带,形成了琼州海峡、台湾海峡,并向台湾岛轻度俯冲。③大面积的巨厚软流圈是一座"巨型岩浆山",成为东部及海区"地幔柱"的统一"根基"。地幔柱实际上是巨大"岩浆山"中的"岩浆山峰",今后会发现更多"地幔柱"(即"岩浆山峰")。④中国东部地震除吉林省珲春地区的深源地震(540 km)外,朝鲜半岛及其以西的中国东部和海区均为浅源与中深源地震(震源深度小于100 km),其主体动力都来自本区巨量热能(力)-动力源,太平洋板块-菲律宾海板块的联合俯冲力只起了"远程力效应"的深部侧向挤压辅助作用。⑤巨量热能(力)-动力作用形成了一系列盆-山耦合带,组成了中国东部及海区中-新生代"盆-山耦合群","盆"里有油气资源,"山"里有内生矿产。  相似文献   
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