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The recovery of drill cores involves changes in pressure and temperature conditions, which inevitably alter the mechanical properties of unlithified sediments. While expansion from unloading after core recovery is well studied, the effects from cooling on standard geotechnical tests are commonly neglected. Along the central portion of the Nankai margin sediments were recovered from high in-situ temperatures of up to 110 °C during IODP Leg 190. So far, the interpretation of the consolidation state of the Lower Shikoku Basin facies (LSB) entering the accretionary Nankai margin is ambiguous. Results from laboratory consolidation tests at room temperature show high pre-consolidation stresses. These were interpreted as hardening caused by cementation, while the field-based porosity vs. depth trend points towards normal consolidation. As an explanation for this discrepancy, the change of the mechanical properties by cooling from in-situ to laboratory conditions is proposed. In this paper, the results of a thermo-mechanical model are compared to published field data. This comparison suggests that the observed hardening is at least partially an artefact from cooling during core recovery, and that the strata may be considered normally consolidated to slightly overconsolidated. The latter can be explained by minor cementation or the influence of secondary consolidation. The results suggest that cooling from high in-situ temperatures may be important for the interpretation of the consolidation state of other sedimentary successions elsewhere.  相似文献   
This paper is Part II of a two‐part paper describing a full‐scale 3‐story 3‐bay concrete‐filled tube (CFT)/buckling‐restrained braced frame (BRBF) specimen tested using psuedo‐dynamic testing procedures. The first paper described the specimen design, experiment, and simulation, whereas this paper focuses on the experimental responses of BRBs and BRB‐to‐gusset connections. This paper first evaluates the design of the gusset connections and the effects of the added edge stiffeners in improving the seismic performance of gusset connections. Test results suggest that an effective length factor of 2.0 should be considered for the design of the gusset plate without edge stiffeners. Tests also confirm that the cumulative plastic deformation (CPD) capacity of the BRBs adopted in the CFT/BRBF was lower than that found in typical component tests. The tests performed suggest that the reduction in the BRB CPD capacities observed in this full‐scale frame specimen could be due to the significant rotational demands imposed on the BRB‐to‐gusset joints. A simple method of computing such rotational demands from the frame inter‐story drift response demand is proposed. This paper also discusses other key experimental responses of the BRBs, such as effective stiffness, energy dissipation, and ductility demands. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于临界状态土力学框架,建立了一个适用于往返循环荷载作用的砂土边界面本构模型。采用无纯弹性域假设,认为受到反向荷载的瞬时土体就产生塑性变形,砂土的弹性区域退化为一个点。屈服面为倒子弹头型,由于砂土孔隙比与压力之间不存在惟一对应的关系,使得屈服面大小无法与体积应变直接耦合,故采用塑性偏应变而不是剑桥模型那种塑性体应变作为硬化参数。流动法则采用加入状态参数的修正的Rowe应力剪胀关系,体现了依赖状态的剪胀思想。屈服面大小的比值 反映了塑性模量的演化,并推导了 的表达式。只用1套参数,该模型就能合理地模拟砂土在不同密度和固结压力下循环荷载的应力-应变关系曲线。  相似文献   
鲁西隆起区石炭系二叠系具有巨大的生气潜力,山西组和太原组是主要气源层,部分地区在煤化过程中存在两个生气高峰期,其生气性能不比某些已知煤成气产区逊色,为普查煤成气展示了一定的前景。通过对资源量的估算,认为阳谷-荏平及曹县-成武地区远景较好,宜率先开展钻探普查。  相似文献   
小牛煤矿位于贵州省内水城矿区的格目底向斜东段北翼,含煤地层为晚二叠世龙潭组,含煤性好。通过对小牛煤矿含煤地层及其含煤性的研究,确定了研究区的沉积环境是海陆过渡相中的三角洲沉积类型,并初步建立了沉积模式,龙潭早期和晚期均有较好的聚煤作用发生并叠加,是聚煤的最佳场所,含煤性最好。  相似文献   
为提高混凝土剪力墙受弯性能计算的准确度,开展强震下混凝土剪力墙受弯性能试验研究。选取1个混凝土剪力墙对比试件和3个测试试件作为研究对象,对试件施加垂直荷载和水平荷载,模拟强烈地震作用力。试验前期准备工作完成后,建立分离式有限元模型,通过计算混凝土在受压和受拉状态下的损伤弹塑性刚度,完成对有限元模型中混凝土塑性损伤分析,在此基础上,计算混凝土剪力墙受弯承载力。利用有限元模型对3个测试试件进行模拟试验,结果表明,强烈地震后3个试件的荷载-位移曲线均与实际位移值接近,且混凝土剪力墙受弯承载力试验结果与实际值的误差在2%以内,表明试验研究方法具有一定的可行性,数值模拟结果较为准确。  相似文献   
Estimation of elastoplastic deformation around an underground opening induced by the excavation of it, especially displacement and strain field in plastic region, is presented in this paper, as well as the formulation for calculating the displacement and strain in the plastic region around the underground opening by the coupled Boundary Element Method - Characteristics Method (BEM-CM). In this method, the non-associated flow rule is adopted to calculate the displacement and strain field in the plastic region, which is determined by the integration of the displacement along characteristics lines under the boundary condition of the elastic displacement on an elastoplastic interface analysed. It is shown that this method is one of the accurate and effective methods for estimating not only the shape and extent of the plastic region but also the state of the displacement and strain in the plastic region around the underground opening, comparing the theoretical solution with numerical results by this method for a circular opening under hydrostatic initial stress condition. Furthermore, this method is applied to rectangular and horse-shoe shaped openings and the characteristics of the strain field in the plastic region are discussed. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为了给电磁辐射预测矿井冲击地压灾害提供理论依据,采用电磁波和损伤力学理论初步分析了电磁辐射能和加载机械能的关系;采用试验和能量理论研究了单轴压缩条件下煤体变形破坏产生电磁辐射能与受载煤体能量积聚、耗散的耦合关系。研究结果表明:加载机械能与煤体变形破坏产生的电磁辐射能成系数为m正线性关系,m与煤体的弹性模量成0.107 4的比例关系;受载煤体峰值弹性应变能与电磁辐射能成正对数关系,煤体的弹性能指数与峰值累积电磁辐射能、总累积电磁辐射能均成正线性关系,电磁辐射信号反映了能量聚集和耗散的状态,表征了煤体冲击破坏的难易程度。因此,电磁辐射能够预测矿井冲击地压灾害的发生。  相似文献   
基于直方图的遥感图像相似性检索方法比较   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
包倩  郭平 《遥感学报》2006,10(6):893-900
相似性度量是用于研究多源数据之间相似程度的,是对空间数据进行模式识别的基础。通过单波段遥感图像的检索对两组直方图相似性检索方法进行了实验研究,即基于特征向量的相似性度量和基于概率的相似性度量。实验中发现第一组相似度量中有两种以往较少用于遥感图像检索的方法表现出色,它们分别是,统计距离和相似夹角余弦度量。第二组实验中,针对其中包含较明显的目标物体且背景较为单一的遥感图像(其直方图可看作混合高斯分布),在类别可分离判据的基础上,根据K-近邻法则提出了一种计算该类图像之间相似值的方法。实验结果表明基于K-近邻法则的计算方法行之有效。所得出的结论将对多源数据分析中相似性度量的理解与选择有积极意义。  相似文献   
尹松  孔令伟  杨爱武  穆坤 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):287-293
为了研究花岗岩残积土的路用工程特性,通过击实试验、承载比CBR试验、固结试验以及室内基床系数试验分析了该类材料压实性能及基本力学特性,对压实度为92%的最优含水率和饱和压实土样进行了循环加载试验,研究了动力荷载作用下土体的变形特性。结果表明,花岗岩残积土在K为91%~97%时压实功效率较高,提高压实度对于增强土体局部抗变形能力较为有效;采用室内三轴法得到的基床系数K30值为188.25 MPa/m;最优含水率下花岗岩残积土动力变形稳定性较好,但含水率增加会大幅度增加土体塑性变形,降低土的动弹性模量,不利于变形稳定。所以作为路堤填料,应考虑作为受气候与动荷载影响较小的下路堤备用填料,作为铁路路堤本体及公路上、下路路床填料,应在进行土性改良且满足要求的论证基础上取舍。研究成果可为花岗岩残积土填料的工程应用及土体改良提供技术参考。  相似文献   
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