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The scientific objective of the Planetary (& Lunar) Rotation Monitor (PRM) telescope is to study the terrestrial planet's (the Moon's) rotation and its interior structure and physics by in-situ observation. In order to verify the brand new principle of observations and the data processing method, the prototype of the telescope is designed and manufactured. The prototype's optical system consists of a commercial telescope and trihedron mirror set placed at the entrance of its light path to realize the capability of observing three fields of view (FOVs) simultaneously. The ground-based validation observation began in 2017, and the images containing the stars from three FOVs were achieved. Star images from different FOVs are initially mixed together, but they can be classified into the three FOVs respectively by calculating the displacement of star images on the CCD plate between two adjacent exposures, to make the observational effect be identical with three independent observations of the three FOVs respectively. After image processing, from the orientation variation of the three FOVs simultaneously in space due to the Earth's rotation, the direction of the rotation axis of the Earth in space can be derived. Its deviation from the theoretical value is about 1 in average, indicating that the working principle and data processing method are effective. The main errors in observations are discussed, including the atmospheric refraction, the thermal deformation of the commercial telescope tube, the low optical resolution caused by the short focal length, the optical aberration in the multi-FOV observation, etc. It is indicated that the spatial resolution of the telescope can be enhanced with a longer focal length, and the observational reliability can be improved by optimizing the thermal deformation control. Improving the optical design in the simultaneous observation of multiple FOVs will also be helpful to the accuracy enhancement.  相似文献   
从地球空间信息学的角度概括了智慧地球的概念内涵及其和数字地球的区别,建立了智慧地球的体系结构和解决方案,提出了智慧地球物理和逻辑框架,分析了智慧地球的技术构成,给出了智慧地球的建设建议,为智慧地球的理论体系和实现模式的建立提供参考。  相似文献   
傅燕宁  黄天衣 《天文学报》1995,36(1):93-100
以JPL提供的太阳系天体数值历表DE200/LE200和美国海军天文台提供的岁差、章动改正程序为出发点,本文介绍预报大行星、月球掩源的一种方法,本方法分三个步骤:首先给出被掩源所满足的必要条件,并据此进行被掩源的初选;其次预报掩事件的全局情况,即掩发生的始终时刻和比较精确的地球椭球表面上可观测区域边界,在可观测区域边界中,本文发现了文献中未见出现过的出没南北界最后;预报地方见掩情况。  相似文献   
For the general and restricted elliptic spatial three-body problems under the high oblateness of the central body and at both second-order orbital and secondary resonances, an analytical solution is obtained by the use of the Weierstrass functions and with an accuracy of the fourth-degree terms in the eccentricities and in the inclinations. The behavior of solutions is studied on the phase plane.  相似文献   
根据宇宙飞船等对巨行星观测结果,我们首次发现大行星(包括巨行星和地球)的光度随其质量存在有规律地变化。我们利用线性回归律,求出大行星的质-光关系式。它能为大行星能源探索提供某些重要线索和限制条件。其次,我们讨论了目前解释此能源的各种理论及其存在困难。最后,着重介绍一种新的热核反应机制。它不仅对超高温的而且对低温的聚变等离子体都适用。原来老的热核反应机制只是它的一个特例。它不仅能说明大行星内部能源问题,而且能解释实验室中和天体上观察到许多异常核聚变现象。我们发现:虽然这些异常现象在自然界表现形式各式各样,但是它们的基本原理都是相同的,即都可用新的热核反应机制来解释它们。  相似文献   
Non-linear equations governing the temporal evolution of the vector of instantaneous rotation are developed for an Earth with a homogeneous mantle having a viscoelastic Maxwell rheology and with a homogeneous inviscid fluid core.This general theory is investigated using the angular momentum theorem applied to the coupled core-mantle system. It allows to study the influence upon the planetary rotation of a quasi-rigid rotational motion in the liquid core. It also enables to investigate the consequences of excitation sources (e.g. pressure), located at the core-mantle interface. Especially, the influence of viscoelastic variations in the inertia tensors resulting from the rotation itself or from various excitation sources are detailed with the help of a Love number formalism. The equations of the linear theory for an elastic Earth with a liquid core, and the non-linear theory for a viscous planet with a quasi-fluid behavior are shown to be particular cases of our generalized system of equations. Some planetological applications may be derived from the quasi-fluid approximation.  相似文献   
本文聚焦于“洞察”号(InSight)的SEIS项目,介绍它的主要科研目标,以及已有的初步探测与解释成果.作者试图就“洞察”号能在什么程度上实现对火星内部结构探测的科研目标作出评论.评论从三个方面展开:即它能够基本回答的问题,部分回答的问题,及基本上不可能回答的问题.基于到目前为止的观测事实,可以说SEIS的数据分析结果对“洞察”号着陆点附近的浅地表结构会有精细的描述;对火星壳层的局部结构会有相当的了解.有可能会对火星上部幔层结构提供一些比以前更为严密的约束.但是,到目前为止SEIS数据对人类加深对于火星核结构了解的贡献应该是相对有限的.主要原因是缺乏能量足够大的震源来产生传播于整个火星的波动场.  相似文献   
HD40307g is the closest potentially habitable planet discovered today orbiting a K2V star and will be a prime target for future TPF-like missions if its existence is confirmed.Although the atmosphere of HD40307g should be denser and contain more CO2 judging from the amount of radiation it receives from its star,it is unknown how dense and how much CO2 the planetary atmosphere should have.Thus more knowledge on its atmosphere is useful.For HD40307g to have Earth-like climate(288 K global mean surface temperature),we obtain the following combination of atmospheric pressure and CO2 mixing ratio:(1)10-bar+3%CO2;(2)5-bar+10%CO2;(3)3-bar+30%CO2.  相似文献   
介绍并探讨了人类运用天文学、深空探测及计算机模拟与统计等多种方法和手段在太阳系内的地外天体及太阳系外的类地行星上寻找地外生命的进展,如:美国航空航天局及欧空局的一系列探测器都发现火星土壤略呈碱性可能适宜生命的存在,火星大气正在不断释放可能由火星地质或生物作用产生的甲烷;表面为巨厚的水冰覆盖的木卫二如果内部炽热,则极有可能存在生命;而土卫六则非常类似现代生命起源理论中生命起源时的原始地球。对彗星的撞击探测结果表明,其内部存在着有机物和黏土矿物,可能给早期原始地球带来了有机物甚至生命;对太阳系外的射电天文观测则发现了仅银河系中就有无数的类地行星。不仅如此,"寻找地外智慧生命"计划还试图通过倾听地外智慧生命的通讯信号和主动发射地球人类的通讯信号以和地外智慧生命取得联系。美国航空航天局发射了带有地球位置及生命信息的太阳系外探测器,也做出了类似的努力。从取得的探测结果和重要发现来看,地外可能存在着适宜生命产生及演化的条件,这使我们看到了寻找地外生命的新曙光。但囿于对地外生命形式认识的缺乏和深空探测技术的限制,目前想要找到它们还是个极其艰巨的任务。  相似文献   
本文指出地震学在天文和行星学科里的重要作用.我们主要介绍最近提出的“潮汐—地震波共振”(tidal-seismic resonance)效应,并且讨论它对卫星轨道演化的作用.当在同步轨道以下周期运动的卫星引起的引潮力的频率和行星内部自由震荡频率吻合时,就会发生潮汐—地震波共振.此时,行星内部的地震波将被激发并引起行星表面的显著位移.升高和下降的地面会对卫星产生一个力矩从而使得卫星轨道下降.因为潮汐共振引起的动态地面位移可以比单纯引潮力引起的位移大两个数量级,所以潮汐共振会显著加速卫星下降速率.我们用我们开发的三维地震波场模拟程序AstroSeis数值计算了潮汐—地震波共振对轨道的影响,进而推测这一共振效应可能对行星早期吸积速度有显著影响.另外,因为行星内部的Q值和S波的波速对潮汐共振影响很大,未来研究微重力环境下的小行星或陨石内部地震波的速度和Q值对研究行星演化和太阳系的形成至关重要.  相似文献   
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