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地理信息技术发展的新方向——网格GIS初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网格GIS是网格及网格计算技术与GIS相结合而形成的新的GIS发展方向,具有空间资源共享、海量空间数据存储与处理、异地协同工作与异构系统支持等功能,在城市管理、房地产管理、资源勘测与调查等方面具有十分重要的作用。本文在分析网格GIS的概念及其特征的基础上,提出了网格GIS的四层结构体系,并简要介绍了网格GIS实现的关键技术。  相似文献   
Applications of hydrological models to northern wetland-dominated regions have been limited in the past to a few case studies on small basins employing ‘lumped’ models. Only recently have there been attempts to apply the grouped response unit (GRU) distributed modelling approach using terrain classifications to these same basins. This study summarizes recent efforts in applying such a model. For the purposes of implementing the GRU approach, terrain types that are hydrologically significant and characteristic to the wetland-dominated regime were successfully discriminated using a principal component analysis and a hybrid unsupervised/supervised classification technique on Landsat–Thematic Mapper imagery. The terrain classifications were then used as input into a distributed hydrological model for calibration and validation using recorded spring runoff events. Preliminary model applications and results are described. Calibration to a historic spring runoff event yielded an r2 value of 0.86. Model validation, however, yielded much poorer results. The problems of model applicability to this region and limitations of sparse data networks are highlighted. The need for more field research in this type of hydrological regime, and associated improvements to the model parameter set are also identified.  相似文献   
I. MUZIK 《水文研究》1996,10(10):1401-1409
The concept of a spatially distributed unit hydrograph is based on the fact that the unit hydrograph can be derived from the time–area curve of a watershed by the S-curve method. The time–area diagram is a graph of cumulative drainage area contributing to discharge at the watershed outlet within a specified time of travel. Accurate determination of the time–area diagram is made possible by using a GIS. The GIS is used to describe the connectivity of the links in the watershed flow network and to calculate distances and travel times to the watershed outlet for various points within the watershed. Overland flow travel times are calculated by the kinematic wave equation for time to equilibrium; channel flow times are based on the Manning and continuity equations. To account for channel storage, travel times for channel reaches are increased by a percentage depending on the channel reach length and geometry. With GIS capability for rainfall mapping, the assumption of a uniform spatial rainfall distribution is no longer necessary; hence the term, spatially distributed unit hydrograph. An example of the application for the Waiparous Creek in the Alberta Foothills is given. IDRISI is used to develop a simple digital elevation model of the 229 km2 watershed, using 1 km × 1 km grid cells. A grid of flow directions is developed and used to create an equivalent channel network. Excess rainfall for each 1 km × 1 km cell is individually computed by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) runoff curve method and routed through the equivalent channel network to obtain the time–area curve. The derived unit hydrograph gave excellent results in simulating an observed flood hydrograph. The distributed unit hydrograph is no longer a lumped model, since it accounts for internal distribution of rainfall and runoff. It is derived for a watershed without the need for observed rainfall and discharge data, because it is essentially a geomorphoclimatic approach. As such, it allows the derivation of watershed responses (hydrographs) to inputs of various magnitudes, thus eliminating the assumption of proportionality of input and output if needed. The superposition of outputs is retained in simulating flood hydrographs by convolution, since it has been shown that some non-linear systems satisfy the principle of superposition. The distributed unit hydrograph appears to be a very promising rainfall runoff model based on GIS technology.  相似文献   
上海市城乡实体地域的划分   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
宋小冬  柳朴  周一星 《地理学报》2006,61(8):787-797
正确的城乡划分,并以此为依据统计城镇人口,是社会经济统计的重要组成部分,城乡划分方法的研究在理论和现实两方面都具有重要的意义。利用上海市2000年的航空遥感影像和人口普查地理信息系统,作了实验性的城乡实体地域划分。特别对上海市主城区、郊区青浦区、远郊金山区张堰镇三种类型的城镇实体地域,作了较详细的划分方法探讨,以此来分别模拟国内大城市、中小城市和小城镇的实体地域划分。 本文分步骤介绍了各类型城乡实体地域划分的基本过程,同时对每种类型实体地域的多种精度的结果进行比较研究,分别探讨大城市、中小城市和城镇三种类型的实体地域划分在近远期分别应达到的精度。精度合适、操作简便,是本次研究的重点,目的是为了将城镇实体地域划分工作在大范围内推广。  相似文献   
空间位置服务平台的构架设计与服务接口实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘丹  彭黎辉 《地球科学》2006,31(5):733-738
通过空间位置服务平台对位置服务领域中众多复杂的空间信息数据进行有效地整合和资源共享, 可以为用户提供综合性的位置应用和服务.利用基于空间信息网格(spatial information grid, SIG) 的分布式思想对空间位置服务平台的架构进行了模型设计和技术实现, 完成了地图数据和定位查询的分布式存储和检索.平台服务接口满足开放位置服务(openlocation service, OpenLS) 规范, 利用XML进行信息编码, 通过HTTP进行数据传输, 介绍了相应的接口内容和调用示例.针对定位信息的更新和传递提出了一种新的基于Push的主动通知机制, 提供与各种定位接口的数据转换和消息处理能力, 高效地实现了位置应用和服务平台之间的消息传递.最后结合MAPGIS平台和CDMA手机定位技术进行了原型系统的实现, 验证了平台理论模型和服务接口的可用性.   相似文献   
The semi-Lagrangian advection scheme is implemented on a new quasi-uniform overset (Yin-Yang) grid on the sphere. The Yin-Yang grid is a newly developed grid system in spherical geometry with two perpendicularly-oriented latitude-longitude grid components (called Yin and Yang respectively) that overlapp each other, and this effectively avoids the coordinate singularity and the grid convergence near the poles. In this overset grid, the way of transferring data between the Yin and Yang components is the key to maintaining the accuracy and robustness in numerical solutions. A numerical interpolation for boundary data exchange, which maintains the accuracy of the original advection scheme and is computationally efficient, is given in this paper. A standard test of the solid-body advection proposed by Williamson is carried out on the Yin-Yang grid. Numerical results show that the quasi-uniform Yin-Yang grid can get around the problems near the poles, and the numerical accuracy in the original semi-Lagrangian scheme is effectively maintained in the Yin-Yang grid.  相似文献   
江汉平原古生界构造结构特征及油气勘探方向   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
江汉平原古生界具有北西—南东向分为三块、北东—南西向分为三带及纵向上多层楼的构造结构特征。三个区块为当阳—京山构造区、荆州—仙桃构造区及鄂城—大冶构造区,每个区块均可划分出三个次级构造带,并在全区形成三个构造变形分带。这三个分带在变形强度、构造样式等方面具有特征性差异:北东侧的构造分带受东秦岭—大别山造山运动产生的挤压应力的直接作用,显示以逆冲推覆结构为主要特征;南西侧的构造分带在三个构造区有差别,在当阳—京山构造区形成斜坡稳定带,在另两个构造区则以推覆叠瓦构造为特征;中部构造分带一般显示前缘断褶或复合叠加构造。当阳—京山构造区东部和鄂城—大冶构造区应以逆冲推覆体为勘探对象;荆州—仙桃构造区的仙桃地区应以上古生界油气藏为勘探目标;当阳—京山构造区西部宜昌稳定带和荆州—仙桃构造区的珂理—簰洲地区则应以下古生界油气藏为勘探目标。  相似文献   
针对传统遥感影像目标检测方法效率不高,并且无有效手段对检测信息进行管理利用的问题,提出了在B/S构架下基于深度学习的目标检测及定位方法。通过集成深度学习框架、WebGIS以及数据库,实现了集遥感影像目标检测、展示及管理于一体的目标检测定位系统,满足多用户基于前端浏览器的并发目标检测需求。利用网格划分策略,实现了基于前端的大区域范围的目标快速检测。基于某机场飞机目标及某城市区域运动场目标检测结果表明:本文设计的目标检测定位系统能够在前端实现目标快速检测定位,具有较高检测精度,并可有效管理检测信息,为深度学习循环再利用提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
针对出租车运营过程缺少路径优化指导造成运营能力分布不均、空载率高的问题,本文以成都市安装有GPS设备的出租车所采集的轨迹数据为研究对象,以提高出租车效益为目标,采用了一种基于网格的出租车载客热点聚类算法,通过对出租车GPS轨迹数据进行处理和聚类分析,充分挖掘出租车载客热点区域,从而为出租车的运营者和管理者提供信息决策服务。  相似文献   
本文给出了交通线路任意点对应中桩平面坐标计算的统一模型,并就直线段、圆曲线段、缓和曲线段三种线型具体展开,给出其理论公式和实际计算方法。  相似文献   
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