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Emerging approaches to environmental governance require a greater level of community participation than did previous approaches in which these responsibilities largely rested with government agencies. There is consequently a need for increased engagement with NRM among a broad community sector. This paper examines initiatives by two prominent government agencies, the Murray–Darling Basin Commission (MDBC) and the National Museum of Australia (NMA), to engage school children from regional communities using education programs that focus on place and environmental health. We focus on the MDBC's International Riverhealth Conference held in Mildura in 2003 and the associated Murray–Darling Basin TalkBack Classroom sponsored by the NMA and the Parliamentary Education Office (PEO). We explore how key themes of local scale, place-based identities, youth voice and critical engagement are developed in these programs and consider how they relate to the environmental agency of children. We then reflect on the potential for the kinds of environmental agency promoted through these programs to help build the capacity of local communities to progress larger goals of environmental restoration and sustainability in the Murray–Darling Basin. The evaluation research reported here forms part of the Committing to Place research project, an Australian Research Council Linkage grant involving the University of Tasmania, the National Museum of Australia and the Murray–Darling Basin Commission.  相似文献   
基桩缺陷逐步能量恢复递推定量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过大量正演计算,对不同桩周土条件下缺陷程度与时域速度响应波形中入射波波幅与反射波波幅的比值进行了相关性分析,拟合出桩侧土为粘土、砂土、粉土条件下桩径变化程度与波幅比之间的关系式。通过理论分析,在基桩存在多缺陷时,导出了缩颈与扩颈对下一个缺陷引起的反射波幅值的影响系数,进而,提出了逐步能量恢复递推缺陷程度的理论与方法,在时间域中,实现了基桩存在多缺陷时的低应变动测缺陷量化分析。模型桩试验分析结果表明,缺陷量化分析方法可取得显著效果。  相似文献   
This paper describes the development of a boundary element analysis for the behaviour of single piles and pile groups subjected to general three‐dimensional loading and to vertical and lateral ground movements. Each pile is discretized into a series of cylindrical elements, each of which is divided into several sub‐elements. Compatibility of vertical, lateral and rotational movements is imposed in order to obtain the necessary equations for the pile response. Via hierarchical structures, 12 non‐zero sub‐matrices in a global matrix are derived for the basic influence factors. Solutions are presented for a series of cases involving single piles and pile groups. In each case, the solutions are compared with those from more simplified existing pile analyses such as those developed by Randolph and by Poulos. It is shown that for direct loading effects (e.g. the settlement of piles due to vertical loading), the simplified analyses work well. However, for ‘off‐line’ response (such as the lateral movement due to vertical loading) the differences are greater, and it is believed that the present analysis gives more reliable estimates. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
超长灌注桩桩-土界面剪切模型及其有限元模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王卫东  李永辉  吴江斌 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3818-3824
由于超长灌注桩为摩擦型桩,建立合适的桩-土界面剪切模型将成为合理且有效地模拟分析其承载变形特性的关键。基于超长灌注桩桩侧摩阻力? 随桩-土相对位移w发挥性状,将? - w关系定义为硬化和软化两种类型,进而将桩侧摩阻力发挥模式分为全硬化模式、全软化模式和混合模式。建立超长灌注桩桩-土界面剪切硬化模型和软化模型,运用ABAQUS二次开发子程序FRIC将建立的剪切模型嵌入有限元,实现剪切模型的有限元模拟,单桩算例表明,剪切模型在ABAQUS中实现是成功的。运用建立的桩-土界面剪切模型对现场试验试桩进行有限元模拟,模拟结果与实测结果较为吻合,表明所建立的桩-土界面剪切模型及其有限元模拟对于超长灌注桩承载变形计算具有合理性和可行性。  相似文献   
In this study, attempts are made to investigate the effects of inertial soil–structure interaction (SSI) on damping coefficients subjected to pulse-like near-fault ground motions. To this end, a suit of 91 pulse-like near-fault ground motions is adopted. The soil and superstructure are idealized employing cone model and single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillator, respectively. The results demonstrate that soil flexibility reduces and amplifies the damping coefficients for structural viscous damping levels higher and lower than 5%, respectively. The coefficients reach one for both acceleration and displacement responses in cases of dominant SSI effects. The effect of structure dimensions on damping confidents are found insignificant. Moreover, damping coefficients of displacement responses are higher than those of acceleration responses for both fixed-base and flexible-base systems. Evaluation of damping correction factor introduced by FEMA 440 shows its inefficiency to predict acceleration response of soil–structure systems under pulse-like near-fault ground motions. Soil flexibility makes the damping correction factor of moderate earthquakes more pronounced and a distinctive peak value is reported for cases with dominant SSI effects.  相似文献   
文章总结了梧州市常用的沉管灌注桩、钻孔灌注桩和人工挖孔桩在以花岗岩残积土为桩基持力层时施工中的特点及容易出现的问题 ,并提出相应的解决办法  相似文献   
雷国辉  洪鑫  施建勇 《岩土力学》2005,26(4):525-530
矩形壁板桩不具有圆形桩的轴对称性,因此壁板桩群桩的承载特性及群桩效应不仅受桩间距的影响,而且受桩身截面形状以及群桩布置方式的影响。为分析这些因素,利用Mindlin方程和静力平衡条件建立了求解有无刚性承台时壁板桩群桩的荷载沉降计算方法。分析结果表明,在设计群桩时壁板桩应尽可能沿其纵向布置(即沿壁板桩的长边方向布置);对于具有常规截面尺寸的壁板桩,桩的对边距应超过2 m,以减小群桩效应。  相似文献   
刘念武  龚晓南  俞峰  房凯 《岩土力学》2014,35(8):2293-2298
具有内支撑结构的围护系统在基坑边角处具有更大的系统刚度,使得基坑边角附近处土体的位移小于距离边角较远处土体的位移,即基坑的变形问题表现出空间特性。为了更好地研究L/He(L为沿基坑纵向方向上的距离;He为开挖深度)、开挖深度等因素对空间效应的影响,量测了两个狭长形地铁车站深基坑不同位置处土体的侧向位移、土体沉降等。通过对现场监测资料的分析发现,边角效应能够减小侧向位移的平面应变比,灌注桩围护结构、SMW工法桩围护结构和地下连续墙在边角附近处的平面应变比(PSR)分别为0.50、0.61和0.72。当平面应变比(PSR)接近于1.00时,对应的L/He值分别为2.50、6.00和4.00。随着L/He值的增大,土体的纵向最大沉降呈先增大后保持稳定的趋势。随开挖深度的增加,边角效应的影响范围呈增大的趋势。在基坑纵向沉降的空间效应中,灌注桩围护结构、SMW工法桩围护结构的土体最大沉降值达到稳定时对应的L/He值分别为2.50和5.20。土体沉降和侧向位移的空间效应有一定的相关性。  相似文献   
In north-central Brazil, a number of granite plutons, which intrude Paleoproterozoic gneiss-granulite terrains of the Goiás Massif, crop out along a thermal axis parallel to the Transbrasiliano Lineament. Single zircon lead evaporation ages from three granitic bodies span between 552 and 545 Ma. Sm–Nd model ages (TDM) vary between 2.1 and 1.7 Ga and negative εNd(0.55 Ga) values between −10 and −13 show that Paleoproterozoic crust was involved in the genesis of these granites. These plutons, which form the Lajeado Intrusive Suite are part of an important Ediacaran magmatic event in central-northern of the Tocantins Tectonic Province, composed of metaluminous to slightly peraluminous granites with geochemical characteristics similar to A-type granites, whose crystallization occurred under low water activity during magmatic emplacement. The granitic intrusive bodies are related to a crustal extensional/transtensional tectonic event at the end of the Neoproterozoic. They may have connection with the granitic plutons of similar age (0.56–0.52 Ga) in northwestern Ceará state, on the other side of the Paleozoic Parnaíba Basin in northwest of Borborema Province, along the Transbrasiliano Lineament.  相似文献   
夯实水泥土桩荷载传递规律的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
郭忠贤  杨志红  王占雷 《岩土力学》2006,27(11):2020-2024
针对夯实水泥土桩的施工方法,在桩身埋设特制的应变传感器,测定桩身应变,进而计算桩身轴力,由此得出桩侧摩阻力,在此基础上分析夯实水泥土桩荷载传递规律及侧摩阻力的分布特征。结果表明,由于夯实水泥土桩体强度的限制,荷载沿桩身的传递限定在浅层一定范围内,桩身变形、轴向荷载、桩侧摩阻力分布主要发生在此范围内,而且变化梯度较大。  相似文献   
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