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王硕  孙丰月  孙巍  奥琮  陈俊 《世界地质》2014,33(2):376-387
山东夏甸金矿区内深源中—基性脉岩发育,其中以闪长玢岩与矿体间时空关系最为密切,被认为是幔源流体成矿最重要的判别标志。笔者通过对夏甸金矿两个不同中段内成矿期闪长玢岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学研究,获得了4组较为一致的年龄,它们较为完整地保留了这一期中—基性岩浆活动留下的地质记录。这4组年龄分别为:①五台期:华北地区微陆块拼合,发生大规模岩浆作用,形成华北克拉通基底雏形;②印支期:华南与华北两大板块碰撞拼合,苏鲁—大别造山带出现,区内发生大规模变质作用;③燕山早期:受太平洋板块俯冲影响,太古宙绿岩体发生强烈改造,形成大面积重熔型花岗岩;④燕山晚期:成岩成矿期。  相似文献   
南岭山地湖泊多环芳烃的大气沉降历史记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高大山脉对大气环流具有阻挡或屏障作用.通过分析测定南岭山地湖泊沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)的垂直分布,结合210Pb定年,探讨了大气PAHs污染在南岭山地的沉积历史.结果显示,沉积物中的PAHs主要以低环数化合物为主,其中尤以菲的含量为最高.在剖面深度0~28 cm范围内,总多环芳烃的含量范围为86~778 ng/g.自1970年开始,PAHs含量持续增加,其中20世纪80、90年代中后期PAHs含量略有降低;在2000年后,沉积柱中的PAHs含量呈急剧增加之势态.多环芳烃在大气迁移过程中发生了组成分异,沉积物中相对富集轻组分(低环数)PAHs,与颗粒物结合的大气干湿沉降是PAHs向偏远山地积的主要途径.  相似文献   
何小芊  龚胜生 《热带地理》2013,33(4):407-413
以历代地理总志、正史地理志、地方志以及类书等所记载的温泉为数据来源,统计秦至南北朝、隋唐宋和明清时期温泉资源的数量,运用ArcGIS软件对温泉资源空间分布情况进行分析。结果表明:秦至南北朝时期的温泉共有47处,集中分布在黄河中游、晋东北与冀西交界区、长江中游、湘南粤北地区;隋唐宋时期的温泉有108处,主要分布在经济较发达区域,且分布重心南移;明清时期的温泉有419处,遍布全国,已基本与温泉客观分布地重合,且主要集中在山地丘陵地带。古代温泉资源的空间演化规律为:分布地由中原向四周扩展,分布重心东移南迁,南北、东西差异逐渐扩大。自然环境、社会需求、区域发展过程等是影响温泉资源空间分布变化的主要因素。  相似文献   
本文将深海岩芯高分辩率记录的替代性指标分为沉积型和生物型两类。沉积型替代性指标主要包括沉积物的粒度,沉积速率,粘土矿物;生物型替代性指标主要包括有孔虫,氧同位素,古水温,有机碳通量。对比研究发现,17940—2柱状样沉积物的粒度、沉积速率、有孔虫,氧同位素,古水温,有机碳通量等指标记录海洋环境变化信息程度优于其它替代性指标;沉积型替代性指标与生物型替代性指标记录海洋环境变化信息不同步;海洋环境变化的突变与渐变影响替代性指标记录的同步性。  相似文献   
东海蛾螺属二新记录种(腹足纲,蛾螺科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在整理近年来东海采集的蛾螺科Buccinidae标本时,鉴定出属于蛾螺属Buccinum Linnaeus,1758的两个中国新记录种:(1)白肋蛾螺Buccinum leucostoma Lischke,1872,采自于东海300—400m深的泥沙质海底;(2)古式蛾螺Buccinum koshikinum Okutani,1988采自于东海400m深的泥沙质海底。文中分别对这两个新记录种的形态特征、生活习性等进行了描述,并与相似种进行了分类学讨论。此外,文中还列出了中国海已报道的其他蛾螺属种类。  相似文献   
王灿  吕厚远 《第四纪研究》2012,32(2):269-281
在稻作农业起源和传播的研究中,水稻扇型植硅体对于发现、鉴定水稻遗存起到了重要的作用。目前学术界利用扇型植硅体在区分野生稻和栽培稻,粳稻和籼稻方面建立了诸多判别标准,但这些"标准"并没有得到广泛认可。本文从扇型植硅体的发育机理入手,结合前人对水稻扇型植硅体的研究成果和通过对部分现代野生、栽培水稻扇型植硅体的观察分析,认为尽管现代稻属和粳、籼稻扇型植硅体的鉴定特征是比较明确的,但由于野生稻和栽培稻扇型植硅体的区分存在不确定性,限制了扇型植硅体在早期稻作研究中的应用。本文对目前利用扇型植硅体进行水稻农业考古方面存在的问题进行分析,对如何寻找野生稻和栽培稻扇型植硅体的有效区分标准、如何应用新方法新技术提高鉴定准确性等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   
抗震设计反应谱特征周期研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
搜集整理1933—2015年美国西部地区166个有详细钻孔资料台站场地上的1 237条水平方向强震记录,按照我国建筑抗震设计规范(GB 50011-2010)中反应谱的形状对强震记录的加速度反应谱进行拟合,提取反应谱的特征周期。分析特征周期随场地类别、震级、震中距的变化特征;按特征周期分区统计计算不同场地类别上的特征周期平均值,并与我国现行的建筑抗震设计规范中给定的特征周期值进行对比研究;最后探讨地震动峰值加速度对特征周期的影响。根据研究分析结果提出关于抗震设计反应谱特征周期值的改进建议。  相似文献   
Records of stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) are presented from cores collected from four San Francisco Bay marshes and used as a proxy for changes in estuary salinity. The δ13C value of organic marsh sediments are a reflection of the relative proportion of C3 vs. C4 plants occupying the surface, and can thus be used as a proxy for vegetation change on the marsh surface. The four marshes included in this study are located along a natural salinity gradient that exists in the San Francisco Bay, and records of vegetation change at all four sites can be used to infer changes in overall estuary paleosalinity. The δ13C values complement pollen data from the same marsh sites producing a paleoclimate record for the late Holocene period in the San Francisco Bay estuary. The data indicate that there have been periods of higher-than-average salinity in the Bay estuary (reduced fresh water inflow), including 1600-1300 cal yr B.P., 1000-800 cal yr B.P., 300-200 cal yr B.P., and ca. A.D. 1950 to the present. Periods of lower-than-average salinity (increased fresh water inflow) occurred before 2000 cal yr B.P., from 1300 to 1200 cal yr B.P. and ca. 150 cal yr B.P. to A.D. 1950. A comparison of the timing of these events with records from the California coast, watershed, and beyond the larger drainage of the Bay reveals that the paleosalinity variations reflected regional precipitation.  相似文献   
A 26-cm-long stalagmite (XY2) from Xinya Cave in northeastern Chongqing of China has been ICP-MS 230Th/U dated, showing a depositional hiatus at 2.3 cm depth from the top. The growth of the 2.3–26 cm interval determined by four dates was between 57 ka and 70 ka, with a linear growth rate of 0.023 mm/a. We have analyzed 190 samples for δ 18O and δ 13C, mostly in the 2.3–26 cm part. The δ 18O and δ 13C values between 57 ka and 70 ka reveal decadal-to-centennial climatic variability during the glacial interval of Marine Isotope Stage 4 (MIS4), exhibiting much higher resolution than that of the published Hulu and Dongge records during this interval. Speleothem δ 18O in eastern China, including our study area can be used as a proxy of summer monsoon strength, with lighter values pointing to stronger summer monsoon and higher precipitation, and vice versa. Two decreases in the δ 18O signature of XY2 record around 59.5 and 64.5 Ka are argued to correspond to the Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events 17 and 18 respectively. The Heinrich event 6 (H6) can be identified in the record as a heavy δ 18O peak around 60 ka, indicating significant weakening of the monsoon in Chongqing during the cold period. The XY2 δ 18O record shows very rapid change toward to the interstadial condition of the D-O event, but more gradual change toward to the cold stadial condition. This phenomenon found in the Greenland ice core records is rarely observed so clearly in previously published speleothem records. According to SPECMAP δ 18O record, the glacial maximum of MIS 4 was around 64.5 ka with the boundary of MIS 3/4 around 60 ka. Unlike the marine record, the speleothem record of XY2, China, exhibits much high frequency variations without an apparent glacial maximum during MIS 4. However, the timing of MIS 3/4 boundary seems to be around 60 ka when the H6 terminated, in agreement with the marine chronology. The growth period of sample XY2 during glacial times probably reflects a local karstic routing of water, rather than having climatic significance. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40672165, 90511004, 40672202) and the Academician Special Project of Chongqing Science Committee (Grant No. 2003-7835)  相似文献   
Semi‐active stiffness damper (SASD) is one of many semi‐active control systems with the capability to mitigate the dynamic response using only a small amount of external power. The system consists of a hydraulic damper connected to the bracing frame in a selected story unit. In this paper, study of a SASD in two building models of five‐stories under four benchmark earthquake records is reported. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the control system against structure type and varying earthquake inputs. Various control laws are chosen to work with SASD, such as: resetting control, switching control, linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and modified LQR, and the results are compared with no control and passive control cases. Numerical results show that the use of a SASD is effective in reducing seismic responses. Control effectiveness is dependent on the type of structure and earthquake excitation. Passive control is less effective than other control cases as expected. Resetting control, switching control and LQR generally perform similarly in response reduction. While modified LQR is more efficient and robust compared with other control algorithms. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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