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在系统采集水源点样品并分析测试的基础上, 重点对基岩裂隙水、第四系潜水、第三系及侏罗系承压水的氢、氧同位素特征、矿化度、水的化学类型、放射性铀、氡含量进行研究, 分析地下水的来源及潜水、承压水在补、径、排不同地段的变化规律, 认为这种变化规律与水成铀矿地下水的变化规律相符合。  相似文献   
 Sipadan Island is a small oceanic island with limited storage of fresh groundwater. A study was carried out to determine the effect of tidal change on the groundwater quality of such an island using temperature, dissolved oxygen content, conductivity, salinity, and pH values as indicators. Overall, the results indicated that the groundwater quality changes with tides, but the trends of fluctuation differs between the observed parameters. It was found that the percentages of changes during the period of study were 0.8% (temperature), 53% (dissolved oxygen), 61% (conductivity), 58% (salinity), and 1.7% (pH) at the centre of the island; and 0.9% (temperature), 33% (dissolved oxygen), 40% (conductivity), 42% (salinity), and 9% (pH) at a station 120 m from the coast, based on 2.9-m and 2.8-m tidal ranges at each station. Received: 5 July 1995 · Accepted: 6 November 1995  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):389-400
It is difficult to explain the position and behaviour of the main karst springs of southern France without calling on a drop in the water table below those encountered at the lowest levels of Pleistocene glacio-eustatic fluctuations. The principal karst features around the Mediterranean are probably inherited from the Messinian period (“Salinity crisis”) when sea level dropped dramatically due to the closing of the Straight of Gibraltar and desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea. Important deep karst systems were formed because the regional ground water dropped and the main valleys were entrenched as canyons. Sea level rise during the Pliocene caused sedimentation in the Messinian canyons and water, under a low hydraulic head, entered the upper cave levels.

The powerful submarine spring of Port-Miou is located south of Marseille in a drowned canyon of the Calanques massif. The main water flow comes from a vertical shaft that extends to a depth of more than 147 m bsl. The close shelf margin comprises a submarine karst plateau cut by a deep canyon whose bottom reaches 1,000 m bsl. The canyon ends upstream in a pocket valley without relation to any important continental valley. This canyon was probably excavated by the underground paleoriver of Port-Miou during the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Currently, seawater mixes with karst water at depth. The crisis also affected inland karst aquifers. The famous spring of Fontaine de Vaucluse was explored by a ROV (remote observation vehicle) to a depth of 308 m, 224 m below current sea level. Flutes observed on the wall of the shaft indicate the spring was formerly an air-filled shaft connected to a deep underground river flowing towards a deep valley. Outcroppings and seismic data confirm the presence of deep paleo-valleys filled with Pliocene sediments in the current Rhône and Durance valleys. In the Ardèche, several vauclusian springs may also be related to the Messinian Rhône canyon, located at about 200 m below present sea level. A Pliocene base level rise resulted in horizontal dry cave levels. In the hinterland of Gulf of Lion, the Cévennes karst margin was drained toward the hydrologic window opened by the Messinian erosional surface on the continental shelf.  相似文献   
渗流场与斜坡稳定性的耦合分析是揭示灌溉诱发型黄土滑坡机理的重要途径,也是后续开展基于水位的滑坡灾害风险控制的基础.在综合分析研究区地质结构和水文地质条件的基础上,以调查、钻探、测量、三维激光扫描和监测资料为依据,联合应用Visual Modflow和FLAC3D数值模拟软件,开展潜水渗流场与斜坡稳定性的耦合分析,模型计算结果与监测及野外调查结果吻合较好,潜水渗流场的演化对斜坡稳定性具有控制作用,随着潜水位的升高,台塬周边不稳定区域逐年增加,1990、2000和2010年焦家崖头附近最大位移值分别为0.85、1.19和1.80m.  相似文献   
尾矿库坝体的稳定性分析需充分考虑地形的复杂程度与边界的不规则程度,从而建立尾矿库的真实三维渗流场。利用SVOffice软件在不概化地形及边界的条件下构建尾矿库的真实渗流域,模拟了最后一期填筑在正常高水位(427.77 m)及汛期最高洪水位(434.50 m)两种工况下的三维瞬态渗流场。结果显示:两种工况下,尾矿最大日排水量均为6 100 m3,此时,堆积坝两侧浸润面均有溢出,远离排水井一侧的溢出范围更大,这主要是受渗流域的影响;库内初始水位对筑坝期渗流场的分布存在较大的影响,汛期洪水位筑坝初期浸润面位置最高。由模拟结果设计了5条排渗盲沟,保证了浸润面在堆积坝任何部位均未溢出。  相似文献   
When the soil condition and depth to water table stay constant, climate condition will then be the only determinant of evaporation intensity of phreatic water from bare soil. Based on a series of long-term quality-controlled data collected at the Wudaogou Hydrological Experiment Station in the Huaibei Plain, Anhui, China, the variation trends of the evaporation rate of phreatic water from bare soil were studied through the Mann-Kendall trend test and the linear regression trend test, followed by the study on the responses of evaporation to climate change. Results indicated that in the Huaibei Plain during 1991-2008, evaporation of phreatic water from bare soil tended to increase at a rate of 5% on monthly scale in March, June and July while in other months the increase was minor. On the seasonal basis, the evaporation saw significant increase in spring and summer. In addition, annual evaporation tended to grow evidently over time. When air temperature rises by 1 °C, the annual evaporation rate increases by 7.24–14.21%, while when the vapor pressure deficit rises by 10%, it changes from-0.09 to 5.40%. The study also provides references for further understanding of the trends and responses of regional evapotranspiration to climate change.  相似文献   
淮北平原小麦和大豆生长条件下潜水蒸发实验模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用五道沟水文实验站62套原状土蒸渗仪1991~2015年长系列实验资料,采用非线性拟合方法,模拟了砂姜黑土和黄潮土冬小麦和夏大豆各生育期潜水蒸发随埋深变化的规律。通过多种线型拟合,砂姜黑土两种作物潜水蒸发量随埋深的增大而递减,均呈指数函数关系;黄潮土小麦在返青前和大豆出苗-分枝期,潜水蒸发量随埋深的增大而递减,呈指数函数关系,小麦返青期以后和大豆分枝期后,潜水蒸发量在0.5~0.8m埋深区间达到最大值,在0.5~0.8m区间以浅随埋深增大而增大,在0.5~0.8m区间以深随埋深增大而减小,呈复合函数关系。  相似文献   
The phreatic aquifer of the Lublin chalk in the watershed of the Bystrzyca River, eastern Poland, is characterized by waters of good quality. Its hydraulic conductivity is related to a fissure network of low porosity, as much as 0.006 at the outcrops. The good quality of water in this urban setting is surprising because, according to estimates based on Darcy's law, a high seepage velocity would be expected, resulting in rapid transport of pollutants in the aquifer. However, tritium sampling reveals that the mean ages range from about 55 to 92 years in four cases, and about 250 to 350 years in 11 cases. One sampling site is free of tritium, which indicates an even greater age. Such great ages can be explained only by a retardation of solute transport due to matrix diffusion, that is, an exchange between mobile water in the fissures of low porosity and stagnant water in the matrix of high porosity. The delay factor is given as the ratio of total porosity to fissure porosity. In consequence, all types of dissolved constituents and, to some degree, fine suspended matter are delayed in their transport to springs and wells. In addition, non-conservative constituents have longer times to sorb, react, and decay than in the case of transport without a dominant influence of matrix diffusion. Though pollutants are greatly delayed, their accumulation in the matrix and slow diffusion into the fissures contribute to their persistence in groundwater. Regional values of hydraulic conductivity, estimated from tritium ages and known matrix porosity, agree reasonably well with the values known from pumping tests, which supports the interpretation of a dominant influence of matrix diffusion on solute transport. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
陈善雄  冯美果  许锡昌  陈守义 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3365-3371
运用非饱和土土力学理论分析了某电厂贮灰坝失稳过程,揭示了该贮灰坝的失稳和破坏机制。分析表明,随着子坝挡水历时的增加,积水不断下渗,浸润线逐渐抬高,非饱和区域相应减少,坝体中受此影响的部位的孔隙水压力也随之不断增高,抗剪强度不断降低。此过程发展到一定程度,则导致贮灰坝产生破坏和滑动。上述分析清楚地诠释了干滩长期消失会使贮灰坝的稳定性遭受巨大威胁的原因。其研究结果可为贮灰坝、尾矿坝在类似工况下的稳定性评价和预测预报提供借鉴。  相似文献   
弹性波技术在探测塔里木河下游地下水位中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保护塔里木河下游生态环境是塔里木河综合治理工程的重要目标。由于塔里木河下游地区人烟稀少、气候干燥、自然环境差, 因而试验研究一种方便快捷的的方法探测本地区地下水水位就显得尤其重要。介绍了使用SWS-3型工程勘探与工程检测仪在塔里木河下游地区探测地下水水位的应用效果, 并阐明了塔里木河下游地区潜水位面的变化规律。  相似文献   
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