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宝峰深埋隧道洞深附近地质情况复杂,需对岩体完整性进行评价。依据可控源音频大地电磁法(CSAMT)的带地形二维非线性共轭梯度(NLCG)反演结果,把电阻率异常分为Ⅴ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅲ类及Ⅱ类,分别对应极破碎岩体(Ⅴ级围岩)、破碎岩体(Ⅳ级围岩)、较破碎岩体(Ⅲ级围岩)和完整岩体(Ⅱ级围岩)。结合围岩分级结果,查明了宝峰深埋隧道洞深附近岩性、断层破碎带及岩溶位置,对岩体完整性进行了评估。经钻孔及地质资料验证,CSAMT勘探达到了预期效果。  相似文献   
隧道掘进面接近地质界面时围岩的应力特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
隧道开挖地层中往往呈现出明显的地质变异性,如软硬岩层的不均匀分布等,使隧道开挖后的力学行为十分复杂.本文采用FLAC3D初步分析了隧道掘进面接近地质界面时围岩的应力状态,并探讨侧向应力、纵向应力、断面形式对围岩应力的影响规律.分析结果表明:当隧道由硬岩往软岩或由软岩往硬岩向地质界面掘进时,掘进面前方围岩均有应力集中现象.隧道无论由硬岩往软岩还是由软岩往硬岩掘进至地质界面时,掘进面前方边墙位置围岩径向应力均随侧向应力的增大而增大,掘进面前方拱顶和边墙位置围岩纵向应力均随纵向应力的增大而增大.马蹄彤隧道开挖至硬岩与软岩的地质界面时,掘进面后方边墙位置围岩应力均小于圆形隧道相应位置的围岩应力.  相似文献   
盾构下穿既有隧道实时监测及其风险控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了测量机器人实时自动化监测系统的组成、结构及关键技术,利用该系统进行盾构下穿期间既有隧道的实时风险控制。结果表明,盾构下穿过程中所有风险控制值都在预警值之内,控制效果良好,但隧道断面结构存在显著拉伸与压缩变形,为保证隧道结构安全,给出了有益的风险控制建议。测量机器人实时监测系统满足盾构下穿既有隧道风险控制的要求,且具有获取结构变形信息全面、精度高、安装简便、可重复利用等优点。  相似文献   
模糊层次综合评价在深埋隧道围岩质量分级中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现行隧道围岩分类中存在的"模糊性"问题,引进模糊层次分析模型,实现了围岩定性分类向定量分类的转变,经过工程实践取得了良好的效果.首先确定了影响隧道围岩质量的主要因素,如岩块坚硬程度、结构面发育程度、岩石质量指标以及地下水出水特征,然后建立了模糊评价模型,并采用层次分析法确定了各因素的权重,最后针对堡镇铁路隧道围岩采用模糊层次综合评价决策的数学模型所得到的结果对隧道各段岩体质量的级别进行了划分.  相似文献   
近年日本的隧道施工与抗震设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据日本国家TC28委员会提交的一份当前日本地下工程施工技术报告,介绍了当前盾构工法、NATM工法在日本城市隧道施工中的应用。同时还介绍1995年阪神大地震以后,在日本隧道结构中的抗震设计。  相似文献   
ZDY1000G型全液压坑道钻机的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ZDY1000G型全液压坑道钻机是一款主要面向坑道勘探而设计的装备,可用于煤矿瓦斯抽放孔、探放水孔和其他工程钻孔的施工。介绍了该钻机的设计思路、机械系统和液压系统,并对具有复合缓冲张紧装置的双油缸链条倍速给进机构和具有减压钻进功能的双泵液压系统进行了详细描述。  相似文献   
鉴于试验段工程地质条件复杂,现很难清晰地掌握主要土层特别是注浆加固土层的实际参数情况。基于隧洞施工过程中的动态监测数据,利用正交设计反分析方法对松散土层、注浆加固土层和初期支护的弹性模量进行了反演分析,并基于正交设计得到的最佳参数组合,评价隧洞开挖对既有燃气管线的安全性。反演得出的最佳参数组合为:初期支护的弹性模量为26000MPa,注浆加固土体为50MPa,松散土层为40MPa; 浅埋水工隧洞开挖对既有燃气管线的影响较小,既有燃气管线处于安全稳定状态。  相似文献   
在反倾层状边坡内,开挖边坡并修筑隧道洞口后,出现岩体从隧道掌子面整体挤出和洞顶塌方现象,并导致边坡出现后缘拉裂、坡体内出现多处裂缝和岩块崩塌等坡体失稳迹象。通过对该边坡失稳和隧道塌方的勘察和机制分析,确定该坡体的变形破坏模式,提出针对性治理方案。  相似文献   
In arctic and sub‐arctic environments, mercury (Hg), more specifically toxic methylmercury (MeHg), is of growing concern to local communities because of its accumulation in fish. In these regions, there is particular interest in the potential mobilization of atmospherically deposited Hg sequestered in permafrost that is thawing at unprecedented rates. Permafrost thaw and the resulting ground surface subsidence transforms forested peat plateaus into treeless and permafrost‐free thermokarst wetlands where inorganic Hg released from the thawed permafrost and draining from the surrounding peat plateaus may be transformed to MeHg. This study begins to characterize the spatial distribution of MeHg in a peat plateau–thermokarst wetland complex, a feature that prevails throughout the wetland‐dominated southern margin of thawing discontinuous permafrost in Canada's Northwest Territories. We measured pore water total Hg, MeHg, dissolved organic matter characteristics and general water chemistry parameters to evaluate the role of permafrost thaw on the pattern of water chemistry. A gradient in vegetation composition, water chemistry and dissolved organic matter characteristics followed a toposequence from the ombrotrophic bogs near the crest of the complex to poor fens at its downslope margins. We found that pore waters in poor fens contained elevated levels of MeHg, and the water draining from these features had dissolved MeHg concentrations 4.5 to 14.5 times higher than the water draining from the bogs. It was determined through analysis of historical aerial images that the poor fens in the toposequence had formed relatively recently (early 1970s) as a result of permafrost thaw. Differences between the fens and bogs are likely to be a result of their differences in groundwater function, and this suggests that permafrost thaw in this landscape can result in hotspots for Hg methylation that are hydrologically connected to downstream ecosystems. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
As a result of global warming induced permafrost degradation in recent decades, thermokarst lakes in the Qinghai–Tibet plateau (QTP) have been regulating local hydrological and ecological processes. Simulations with coupled moisture–heat numerical models in the Beiluhe basin (located in the hinterland of permafrost regions on the QTP) have provided insights into the interaction between groundwater flow and the freeze–thaw process. A total of 30 modified SUTRA scenarios were established to examine the effects of hydrodynamic forces, permeability, and climate on thermokarst lakes. The results indicate that the hydrodynamic condition variables regulate the permafrost degradation around the lakes. In case groundwater recharges to the lake, a low–temperature groundwater flow stimulates the expansion of the surrounding thawing regions through thermal convection. The thawing rate of the permafrost underlying the lake intensifies when groundwater is discharged from the lake. Under different permeability conditions, spatiotemporal variations in the active layer thickness significantly influence the occurrence of an open talik at the lake bottom. A warmer and wetter climate will inevitably lead to a sharp decrease in the upper limit of the surrounding permafrost, with a continual decrease in the duration of open talik events. Overall, our results underscore that comprehensive consideration of the relevant hydrologic processes is critical for improving the understanding of environmental and ecological changes in cold environments.  相似文献   
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