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丁红岩  张超 《岩土力学》2006,27(9):1495-1500
分析筒型基础沉贯作用的土层,利用 流动理论各项同性硬化原理,研究海积软土颗粒本构关系,结合离散元方法计算土体体应变,并将其引入海积软土的物性参数动态计算模型。根据筒型基础沉贯特征,结合体应变以及物性参数动态模型,由有效应力原理和瞬时质量守恒原理分别确定应力和渗流方程,并给出上述模型的定解条件。建立了新的流固耦合渗流的数学模型,求解筒型基础沉贯渗流场分布。  相似文献   
在滨海区海相沉积土地基的压缩性评价和计算中,压缩模量是一个重要的土性指标,尤其是在变形要求严格的工程中,对于压缩模量取值的研究具有重要意义。以我国北方某填海造地机场工程场区地基土为研究对象,进行原位测试和变形专项研究。在现场采用固定平台取土和测试,通过室内试验获取了各层土的室内试验压缩模量,通过旁压试验、静力触探试验等原位测试方法得到了各层土的相应的压缩模量。通过分析发现,两种原位测试方法得到的压缩模量,与室内试验自重应力下的压缩模量吻合度较好,说明采用固定平台进行测试,成果合理可靠。在具体的计算取值时,如原位测试数据样本充足,推荐以原位测试成果为主,再考虑室内试验自重应力下的压缩模量。  相似文献   

An experimental study of the performance of concrete pipe piles during installation under different penetration speeds and static load tests on the piles in sand is presented. The applied jacking force, the amount of pile penetration, length of soil plug formed and ultimate bearing capacity were measured during the model tests. The results showed that the concrete pipe piles were partially plugged and the behavior of the soil plug was significantly affected by the penetration speed. The lower the penetration speed, the larger the soil plug formed which in turn leads to a greater ultimate bearing capacity. The size of soil plug can be evaluated by the m value defined as the ratio of the volume of the soil plug to that of the penetrated pile wall. The relationship between the m value and the penetration speeds can be used to estimate the amount of soil plug and the depth of penetration for an open-ended concrete pipe pile jacked into sand.  相似文献   
Deep Penetration of Spudcan Foundation into Double Layered Soils   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The spudcan foundation has been widely used in offshore engineering for jack-up figs. However, “punch through”failure often occurs where a stronger soil layer overlays a softer soil layer. In this study, spudcan penetration into double layered soils is investigated numerically. The soil profde is set up as a stronger soil layer overlaying a softer soil layer,with the soil strength ratio ( bottom soil strength / top soil strength) varied from 0.1 to 1.0 ( 1 means uniform soil). The bearing bohaviour is discussed and the beating capacity factors are given for various cases involving different layer thicknesses and different strength ratios of the two clay layers. The development of the plastic zones and the effect of soil selfweight on the beating capacity are also discussed. From this study, it is found that, when a spudcan is distant from the soil layer boundary, the spudean can be analysed with single soil layer data. However, when a spudcan becomes closer to the soil boundary layer, the influence of the lower soft soil layer is significant, and the beating capacity of the spudean decreases. The critical distance is an indication of the occurrence of “punch through” failure. The critical distance between the spudcan and the layer boundary is larger for a rough spudean than the one for a smooth one, and the critical distance decreases with increasing soil strength ratio. The depth of cavity formed during initial spudcan penetration depends on the top layer soil strength, soil strength ratio and unit soil self-weight, and the cavity affects the spudcan beating behaviour as well.  相似文献   
丹江口水库水体主要营养盐含量变化特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据2000~2001年汉江丹江口水库水质监测资料,对水质整体状况和营养盐变化特征进行研究,结果表明,丹江口水库水质总体状况良好,库周气温和水温变化不大,pH值中性偏碱,白河站、丹江口站、凉水河站和清泉沟站的水质能够达到或优于地表水Ⅱ类水质要求;襄樊站污染较严重,其中主要为唐白河口和小清河口,两断面溶解氧较低,电导率、SS、CODMn、NH3-N、NO3-N、NO2-N、T-P等均出现峰值,说明工业、企业和城镇生活污水的点源和非点源排放较严重。  相似文献   
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亚洲大陆逃逸构造与现今中国地震活动   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
嵇少丞  王茜  孙圣思  许志琴  李海兵 《地质学报》2008,82(12):1644-1667
2008年5月12日汶川地震让中国地学界强烈感受到深入研究地震地质与构造变形的重要性和肩负防震减灾巨大的社会责任。本文作者从构造地质学家的角度对中国大陆地震分布、成因规律以及发展趋势做了一些讨论。按地震分布,中国大陆可以粗分为两个区域,其交界是一条过渡带。该过渡带的东界是郯庐断裂及其和海南岛的连线,西界是齐齐哈尔—北京—邯郸—郑州—宜昌—贵阳—(越南)河内连成的线,后者其实就是松辽盆地的西界(大兴安岭的东界、太行山的东界、大娄山的东界)。我们不妨将上述两线所夹过渡带称之为“地震区分界线”。分界线以西的广大地区,活动断裂、活动褶皱、活动盆地都与印度板块楔入欧亚大陆造成的青藏高原隆升、快速侧向扩展、亚洲大陆逃逸构造活动有关。流变性较好的造山带(如青藏高原和天山)和流变性较差的古老地块(如塔里木、准噶尔、阿拉善、鄂尔多斯、四川盆地等)在其边界强烈对抗,形成强震。地震区分界线以东的中国沿海地区受太平洋和菲律宾海板块运动的影响也会发生地震,但其强度和频度与该线以西的青藏高原周边、天山、鄂尔多斯地块周缘以及张家口渤海断裂带上地震低得多。由太平洋板块在日本海沟向西深俯冲形成的地震在中国仅分布在吉林省珲春—汪清一带,这些深源地震对地面工程建筑破坏性不大。处于欧亚、菲律宾海和南海3个板块的交汇部位的我国台湾地震不断。受我国台湾地震的影响,闽粤沿海NW和NE向断裂往往被激活,形成地震。总之,虽然中国大陆的现代地震受太平洋、欧亚、印度和菲律宾海四大板块联合作用控制,但最主要、最直接、影响最大的还是印度板块楔入欧亚大陆造成的青藏高原隆升、快速侧向扩展和大陆逃逸。因此,对中国的地震研究不能仅局限于某区域或某条断裂,而应把整个亚洲大陆逃逸构造作为整体的、统一的“一盘棋”看待。  相似文献   
The residual capability of a damaged structure to resist further load is essential in optimal seismic design and post-earthquake strengthening. An experimental study on the hysteretic characteristics of prestressed concrete frame beams under different loading histories was performed to explore the influence of load history on energy dissipation and failure characteristics of the member. Based on the test results, the failure of the beam is def ined, and the relationship between the failure moment under cyclic load and from the skeleton curve is formulated. Finally, based on displacement and energy dissipation, a model for prestressed concrete beam damage-failure evaluation is developed. In this model, the effect of deformation level, cumulative dissipated energy, and loading history on prestressed concrete beam damage–failure is incorporated, thus it is applicable to stochastic earthquake forces.  相似文献   
张良  罗强  陈亚美  裴富营 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3793-3800
为了考察路堤荷载作用下桩网结构路基桩土间的荷载分担与传递、垫层筋带拉力的组成与分布,选择某新建铁路桩网结构路基试验工点进行了现场试验,测试了地基变形、路堤基底压力、孔隙水压力、桩身轴力和格栅拉力等数据。测试数据表明:①地基沉降以压密下沉为主,路基结构稳定,软土较厚一侧地基变形较大;②当桩、土间沉降差与桩间净距的比值为5.93%时,土拱效应完全发挥,之后增加的路堤荷载完全由桩承担;③桩间土竖向附加应力在加固区内沿深度呈K型分布;④筋带拉力沿路基横向呈M型分布,软土较厚一侧拉力较大;⑤筋带拉力由路堤荷载作用下的桩间筋带张力与路堤横向滑移引起的筋带拉力两部分组成,设计筋带时二者均需考虑。  相似文献   
在阅读、分析以往的有关资料的基础上 ,结合实际的试验条件 ,对桶形基础及其作用下的粉质土海床失稳机制研究的试验作出了专门设计。该设计通过配土、设计模型桶基和负压沉贯的操作过程、设置孔压传感器等实验手段 ,努力从土体破坏的角度 ,寻求负压沉贯过程中沉贯负压、沉贯阻力及孔隙水压力之间的变化关系和确定桶基的上拔力。并且指出了数据处理的基本思路 ,以利于课题的深入研究。  相似文献   
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