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Interaction between planetary atmospheres and small bodies is connected with radiation effects. Submicron particles in the Earth's upper atmosphere strongly influence the scattering of the shortwave solar radiation. Based on the mutual connection between the environmental and radiation field structures it is possible to determine the physical characteristics of the particle set in this environment. Generaly, the diffused radiation field in the real atmosphere is given by a sum of elementary and multiple scattering components. Solving the inverse problems always leads to complicated integral equations. A major part of the diffused radiation field in the upper atmosphere is due to the first order scattering. The paper presents a new method for determination of the effective complex refractive index and size distribution of the particles based on the radiance data. The solution of integral equations is to be found in the space of quadratically integrable and continuous functionsf L 2.  相似文献   
We present a new index of carbonate fragmentation based on the size distribution of bulk sediments in core MD962094 from Walvis Ridge (SE Atlantic Ocean). The carbonate fragmentation index is constructed by taking a ratio of the two coarsest fractions in the grain size distributions of the bulk calcareous ooze. The coarsest two fractions (25–90 μm and >90 μm) of the bulk sediments consist primarily of complete shells and fragments of adult foraminifera shells, and juvenile foraminifera shells and fragments, respectively. The ratio of the proportions of the two fractions is interpreted as a measure of fragmentation of the foraminifera shells caused by carbonate dissolution. Downcore changes in our carbonate fragmentation index compare very well with those in the coarse-carbonate fragmentation index in sediments from a nearby core on Walvis Ridge. The latter commonly used fragmentation index is defined as a ratio of foraminifera fragments over whole foraminifera in the >150-μm fraction as seen with a light microscope. Fragmentation is relatively high during glacial stages and relatively low during interglacial stages during the last 300 kyr, caused by the combined effect of wind-driven upwelling of corrosive water and increased production of organic matter, decreasing the preservation potential of carbonates both during and after deposition. The carbonate fragmentation index we present here provides a precise and fast method to establish a downcore fragmentation record. It can be applied to bulk sediments that are carbonate-rich (CaCO3>68%) and to all other deep-marine sediments of which the grain size distribution of the carbonate-free fraction is available.  相似文献   
From 2008 to 2010,a total of 15 snow pit samples were collected from 13 mountain glaciers in western China.In this study these samples are used to determine the spatial distribution of insoluble particle concentrations and dust deposition fluxes in western China.The results show that the mass concentrations of insoluble particles exhibit high spatial variation and strongly decrease(by a factor of approximately 50) from the north(Tienshan Mountains) to the south(Himalayas).However,the insoluble particles concentrations at the southeastern Tibetan Plateau(TP) sites are also high and approximately 30 times greater than those in the Himalayas.The spatial distribution of the dust flux is similar to that of the mass concentrations;however,the high dust deposition rate in the southeastern TP is very significant as a result of the extensive snow accumulation(precipitation) in this region.The average sizes of the insoluble particles at each site generally exhibit bimodal distributions with peaks at approximately 5 μm and 10 μm,which can be explained as resulting from dust emissions from regional and local sources,respectively.The enrichment factors for most of the elements measured in insoluble particles are less than 10 at all of the study sites,indicating primarily crustal sources.However,the sites located in the peripheral mountains of western China,such as the Tienshan Mountains and the Himalayas,are characterized by high levels of certain enrichment elements(e.g.,Cu,Zn,Cr,and V) indicative of sources related to the long-range transport of pollutants.  相似文献   
Granular mass flows (e.g., debris flows/avalanches) in landslide-prone areas are of great concern because they often cause catastrophic disasters as a result of their long run-out distances and large impact forces. To investigate the factors influencing granular mass flow mobility, experimental tests were conducted in a flume model. Granular materials consisting of homogeneous sand and non-homogeneous sandy soil were used for studying particle size effects. Run-out tests with variable flow masses, water contents, and sloping channel confinement parameters were conducted as well. The results indicated that granular mass flow mobility was significantly influenced by the initial water content; a critical water content corresponding to the smallest flow mobility exists for different granular materials. An increase in the total flow mass generally induced a reduction in the travel angle (an increase in flow mobility). Consistent with field observations, the travel angles for different granular materials decreased roughly in proportion to the logarithm of mass. The flume model tests illustrate that the measured travel angles increase as the proportion of fine particles increases. Interestingly, natural terrain possesses critical confinement characteristics for different granular mass flows.  相似文献   
A rigorous test is presented of the application of sediment trend models to an intertidal beach environment characterized by bar morphology. Sediment samples were collected during low tide from a regular grid and their sediment fall velocity distributions, obtained using a settling tube, were analysed using moment analysis. The net sediment transport direction determined from beach surveys, hydrodynamic measurements, wave ripple observations and sediment transport modelling was compared with predictions by sediment trend models based on the spatial distribution of sediment parameters. It was found that the sediment transport pathways and patterns of sedimentation predicted using sediment trend models were at odds with field observations, and varied significantly depending on whether surface or sub‐surface sediment samples were used. The sediment trend models are thought to fail because, in energetic and morphologically variable beach environments, spatial patterns in sediment characteristics are mainly attributed to the presence of different hydrodynamic regions and associated morphology, rather than sediment pathways. The use of sediment trend models cannot replace the collection of morphological, hydrodynamic and sediment transport data in the field to define relationships between flows, forms and sedimentation patterns on a dynamic intertidal beach.  相似文献   
Time-series Mark VII sediment trap was deployed at 72°58.55′E, 62°28.63°S (north of the Prydz Bay, Antarctica) during the cruise of CHINARE-15 in cooperation with University of Marine of America. Seasonal variability of deep ocean particle fluxes and biogenic components were investigated in order to reveal the fluxes and biogeochemistry of sinking particles in the deep ocean. The results show that the total mass flux of sinking particles at a water depth of 1000 m ranges from 13.00 to 334.59 mg⋅d−1⋅m−2). A marked seasonal variability exists in the fluxes of all particle components reflecting the seasonal changes in upper water productivity. Biogenic material was a significant component and biogenic silica represented more than 80% of the biogenic matter, reflecting a diatom dominated system, but a lithogenic fraction is always present. The fact that the POC dominated over particulate inorganic carbon (as CaCO3) and Cinorg/Corg was always greater than 1, indicate a net removal of CO2 from surface water by biological activity. __________ Translated from Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2006, 5: 49–55 [译自:海洋 学报]  相似文献   
张盼想  张鹏  陈林  王维和  车慧正 《气象科技》2018,46(6):1258-1265
粒子尺度谱和复折射率指数是描述大气气溶胶的基本物理参数,也是遥感大气气溶胶光学厚度的基本假定量,决定了光学厚度遥感的准确程度。本文分析了中国气溶胶遥感网反演的北京周边的沙尘和霾天气下大气气溶胶的体积谱和复折射指数,结果表明:沙尘和霾天气下气溶胶的体积谱均呈现双峰对数正态分布,霾气溶胶粒子体积谱在细模态(0.1~1μm)和粗模态(1~10μm)的占比大体相当,沙尘气溶胶粒子体积谱中粗模态占比远远高于细模态,以粗粒子为主;将实际测量的复折射率同HITRAN 2008数据库中各种类型的气溶胶复折射率光谱数据相比,类沙尘粒子的复折射指数同沙尘气溶胶最为接近,水溶性粒子同霾气溶胶最为接近,在大气气溶胶遥感中如果缺少复折射率的光谱数据,可考虑将类沙尘粒子和水溶性粒子的复折射率光谱数据(0.2~40μm)外推近似代替沙尘和霾气溶胶用于紫外和红外遥感。本研究可为利用紫外光谱和红外光谱定量遥感沙尘和霾气溶胶研究提供参考和依据。  相似文献   
曾庆存  程雪玲  吴琳 《大气科学》2018,42(3):448-462
对我们在南海海域建立的大气边界层观测站的资料进行分析表明,在冷涌和热带气旋(包括强台风)过境的大风期间,在边界层底层10 min平均的水平风速u基本不随高度而变,甚至大都伴随有明显的上升气流w。而且风场脉动中含有强相干性的阵风扰动( v g,频率位于1/60~1/600 Hz频段),以及近于随机性的高频湍流脉动( v t,频率大于1/60 Hz),它们的特性以及w都可以很好地用水平风速u来参数化表示。取实测的(u,w)和脉动 v '= v g+ v t,或取实测的u与参数化的 v g、 v t和w,应用拉格朗日随机模式作数值模拟,结果表明:由破头浪发射出来的浪花和飞沫水滴(半径rp为10~500 μm)有相当大的一部分可以飞离大气底层而进入100 m高以上的大气中,继而对进入大气中的海盐气溶胶通量有重要贡献,不可以被忽略。在水滴的垂直传输过程中,阵风扰动起了极重要的作用,而在w>0且较显著时w更起重要作用。我们对上扬率(可上升至100 m以上高度的水滴数与由海面发射出的水滴数之比)作出了初步的参数化公式,有很高的精度,主要的参量是无量纲量u2/(rqg),其中rp和g分别是水滴半径和重力加速度。  相似文献   
针对传统的RBF神经网络模型在GNSS高程拟合中拟合精度较低、稳定性较差、相关因子需提前人为设置等问题,通过将改进的自适应权重粒子群优化算法与MATLAB RBF神经网络函数newrb相结合,实现RBF神经网络函数模型中隐含节点数和SPREAD值的自动优化选取,提高算法在GNSS高程拟合中的精度和稳定性。通过实例分析,该方法拟合精度高,可达到mm级精度,相对于传统的二次多项式模型精度提高17%,稳定性良好。  相似文献   
在动态环境下导航定位受到很多因素影响,且异常噪声会严重影响导航滤波结果。通过研究Bayes滤波的抗差方法,在导航观测方程中采用高斯混合模型,对混合模型不确定度参数采用层次模型实时估计。借助指示变量进行模型变换,削弱导航过程中异常噪声的影响。并采用Rao-Blcakwellized粒子采样方法,求取复杂、非标准形式的状态后验分布。最后通过卫星导航以及组合导航实验算例,分析验证了基于高斯混合模型的Bayes滤波在动态导航定位中的抗差性能。  相似文献   
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