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江苏宜兴骆驼墩遗址地层7500~5400BC的海侵事件记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李兰  朱诚  林留根  赵泉鸿  史恭乐  朱寒冰 《地理学报》2008,63(11):1189-1197
在考古发掘基础上,野外共采集样品217个,对遗址地层剖面中63个样品进行了有孔虫、植物碎屑及种子化石等的鉴定分析,对4个地层相关样品进行了14C测年及相关分析。在第10层的泥炭层中发现底栖有孔虫2种1属,即压扁卷转虫(Ammonia compressiuscula)和近亲卷转虫相似种(Ammonia cff.sobrina),表明全新世以来骆驼墩遗址及其附近区域在马家浜文化出现之前的7500-5400BC之间曾经历过海侵事件;共发现植物化石9种450颗,鉴定结果共统计出4(科)属,即Polygonum sp.(蓼属未定种)、Scirpus sp.(藨草属未定种)、Najas sp.(茨藻属未定种)、Physalis sp.(酸浆属未定种),多属湖泊、沼泽等水生环境。  相似文献   
西秦岭西段志留纪遗迹化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨式溥  胡云绪 《现代地质》1992,6(4):384-391
本文研究了西秦岭西段志留纪海水深浅不同的两种遗迹相及其沉积环境,一种是甘南迭部拉路沟中志留世晚期浅海砂岩系所含Cruziana遗迹相,另一种是川北若尔盖晚志留世早期深海复理石Nereites遗迹相。共描述遗迹化石10属11种,其中建立3个新遗迹种。这些遗迹化石对研究西秦岭的地层发育、沉积矿产和古环境的演变提供了重要的生物成因标志,对我国的遗迹化石研究也提供了新的资料。  相似文献   
张立军  赵曌  龚一鸣 《地球科学》2015,40(2):381-396
通过系统梳理与奥陶纪-志留纪、晚泥盆世弗拉期-法门期、二叠纪-三叠纪、三叠纪-侏罗纪、白垩纪-古近纪之交 的5次生物大灭绝期遗迹化石记录相关的生物和环境事件,发现遗迹化石对5次大灭绝事件为负响应,即在大灭绝事件之后 的残存期和复苏期期间,遗迹化石的多样性、丰度、潜穴直径、生物扰动强度、遗迹组构阶层都大为减小.遗迹化石反映的造迹 生物行为习性和觅食策略在5次生物大灭绝事件后也各有不同,食沉积物性觅食策略在晚奥陶世和晚白垩世大灭绝事件之 后占据主导,滤食性觅食策略在晚三叠世大灭绝事件之后占据主导,机会主义遗迹(如Planolites)、食沉积物性和滤食性等多 种觅食策略和行为习性在晚泥盆世F-F和晚二叠世两次大灭绝事件之后占据主导.晚泥盆世F-F和晚二叠世两次大灭绝事件 之后,遗迹化石记录了底栖生物系统由简单向复杂、由二维向三维生态空间拓展的变化趋势.   相似文献   
河北宣东矿区含煤地层为中侏罗统下花园组,含有5个煤组,煤层多,标志层不发育,煤层对比较为困难。钻孔岩、煤心样品的岩矿、煤岩鉴定和孢粉分析等成果资料揭示:①长石砂岩主要赋存于Ⅲ煤组岩段及其以上地层,Ⅴ煤组岩段分布极少;安山岩屑砂岩集中分布在Ⅴ煤组顶底板附近,Ⅲ煤组岩段及其以上岩段未见;泥化安山岩屑砂岩仅分布在Ⅴ煤组岩段的下部;石英砂岩分布在Ⅴ煤组岩段底部与煤系基底地层接触处;鲕状粘土岩仅分布于Ⅴ煤组岩段下部,并常为煤组底板。②Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ煤组显微煤岩类型以微镜煤、微亮煤为主;Ⅳ、Ⅴ煤组多为角质微亮煤、微亮暗煤及丝炭微暗煤。③Ⅰ、Ⅱ煤组的裸子植物花粉含量丰富,占孢粉总数的40%~60%;Ⅲ煤组低于Ⅰ、Ⅱ煤组;Ⅴ煤组除克拉梭粉及苏铁粉含量占15%左右外,其它松科花粉少见。该结论可作为矿区岩、煤组(层)划分和对比的依据,对指导煤矿开采生产和邻区的勘查工作具有实际意义。  相似文献   
Reworked fossils may be exotic, but more typically are locally derived. Echinoderms have only rarely been identified from beach clasts; most commonly, these are Upper Cretaceous echinoids from the Chalk. A pebble collected from a beach in Estonia has yielded a moderately well preserved specimen of the crinoid stem, Baltocrinus (col.) antiquus (Eichwald). This species is typical of the Baltic region, only being known from the Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) of Estonia, but is exotic because the local outcrop is Upper Ordovician to Silurian.  相似文献   
The Jianchang Basin is one of the main localities of the precious fossils of Jehol Biota in western Liaoning. The fossil-bearing horizons are mainly in the Yixian- and Jiufotang formations. In the Weijialing- Yaolugou of southwest Jianchang Basin, many precious fossils have been found at Luojiagou Bed of the 2nd Member of the Yixian Formation and at Xidian Bed of the 1 st member of the Jiufotang Formation. The geologic setting, sedimentary environment and paleogeography of the precious fossil-bearing beds were also studied.  相似文献   
张国成  李继亮 《地质科学》1998,33(3):257-266
新疆喀喇昆仑山东北侧的中下三叠统河尾滩群是形成于海底浊积扇中外扇环境的浊积岩,其薄层和中厚层砂岩中发育了一套半深水-深水遗迹化石,共有11属12种:Bergaueria sp.;Chondrites sp.;Cosmorhaphe lobata;Glockeria sp.;Gordia sp.;Helminthopsis sp.;Muensteria sp.;Palaeophycos striatus;P.tubularis;Spirophycos sp.;Thalassinoides sp.和简单型Zoophycos sp该遗迹群落不能简单地归入Seilacher的深海Nereites遗迹相。根据共生关系,该遗迹群落可以划分为3个组合。组合1包括Bergaueria sp.,Muensteria sp.,Palaeophycos striatus和Thalasinoides sp.;组合2只有Zoophycos组成;组合3由深水类型遗迹化石组成,包括Chondrites sp.,Cosmorhaphe lobata,Gordia sp.,Helminthopsis sp.,Palaeophycos tubularis,Spirophycos sp..遗迹组合的生态分析表明其形成水深在300-2000m。遗迹化石产出岩层未见浅水沉积标志支持这一推论。该套遗迹化石在青海省的果洛、玉树地区相同时代的复理石沉积中亦有产出, 表明喀喇昆仑以北在三叠纪时有一个延伸范围较大的深海盆或洋盆。  相似文献   
The Lower Carboniferous Moravian–Silesian Culm Basin (MSCB) represents the easternmost part of the Rhenohercynian system of collision-related, deep-water foreland basins (Culm facies). The Upper Viséan Moravice Formation (MF) of the MSCB shows a distinct cyclic stratigraphic arrangement. Two major asymmetric megacycles bounded by basal sequence boundary, each about 500 to 900 m thick, have been revealed. The megacycles start with 50- to 250-m-thick, basal segments of erosive channels: overbank successions and slope apron deposits interpreted as lowstand turbidite systems. Up-section they pass into hundred metre-thick, fine-grained, low-efficiency turbidite systems. Palaeocurrent data show two prominent directions, basin axis-parallel, SSW–NNE directions, which are abundant in the whole MF, and basin axis-perpendicular to oblique, W–E to NW–SE directions, which tend to be confined to the basal parts of the megacycles or channel-lobe transition systems in their upper parts. Based on the facies characteristics, palaeocurrent data, sandstone composition data and trace-fossil distribution data, we suggest a combined tectonics–sediment supply-driven model for the MF basin fill. Periods of increased tectonic activity resulted in slope oversteepening probably combined with increased rate of lateral W–E sediment supply into the basin, producing the basal sequence boundary and the subsequent lowstand turbidite systems. During subsequent periods of tectonic quiescence, the system was filled mainly from a distant southern point source, producing the thick, low efficiency turbidite systems. Consistently with the previous models, our own sediment composition data indicate a progressively increasing sediment input from high-grade metamorphic and magmatic sources up-section, most probably related to an uplift in the source area and progressive unroofing of its structurally deeper crustal parts. The first occurrence of the Cruziana–Nereites ichnofacies in sand-rich turbidite systems in the youngest parts of the MF (Goel to Gospi Zone), supported by rapidly increasing quartz concentrations in sandstones, is thought to indicate a transition from generally underfilled to generally overfilled phase in evolution of the MSCB basin. This transition may be linked to the onset of Upper Viséan phase of northward basin-fill progradation assumed by previous authors.  相似文献   
刘建清  谢渊  赵瞻  林家善  杨平 《地球学报》2012,33(5):740-744
首次在湘西新化震旦系留茶坡组厚层块状硅质岩中发现个体大小达厘米级的管状宏体化石,内部结构清晰,从其个体大小、结构特征分析,并与相同层位的陕西宁强高家山生物群、峡东地区灯影组管状化石对比,认为是目前这一地区发现的最可靠的后生动物化石,可能系一新的种属。文中同时结合埃迪卡拉生物群及其上下层位生物群研究现状,简要探讨了其在生命早期演化研究中的意义。  相似文献   
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