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自2002年9月14日至2004年9月28日,在天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川积累区雪坑中连续观测取样,频率为1次/周。对表层雪样品和粒雪坑样品的pH值和电导率进行了分析。结果表明,表层雪的pH值和电导率具有明显的季节变化趋势,与本区域的主导山谷风风向NE和ENE密切相关。在春季,由于尘暴发生频率的增加,表层雪的pH值呈现较强碱性,电导率达到最大值;在冬季,由于原生气溶胶向次生气溶胶的转化,pH值呈现较弱碱性,电导率达到最小值。在后沉积过程中(2003年10月4日至2004年9月8日),雪坑中不同时期的pH值和电导率呈现不同的季节变化特征和淋溶过程。电导率的峰值P1进入粒雪冰的时间比与它相对应的大粒径(直径>10 μm)微粒的浓度峰值提前40天左右;在有的雪坑中,pH值和电导率的峰值出现在污化层附近,与污化层的位置有较好的一致性,说明污化层对可溶性离子的淋溶作用可能有一定的影响。相关分析表明,Ca2+是影响表层雪中pH值和电导率变化的最主要离子。  相似文献   
基于印度河流域及周围54个地面气象站气温、降水资料,结合CRU气温和GPCC降水全球格点化陆面再分析资料,通过插值构建了一套0.5°×0.5°分辨率1980—2016年逐月格点数据集。采用Thornthwaite方法计算了潜在蒸散发,基于标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI),探讨了印度河流域气候变化及干旱演变特征。结果表明:(1)1980—2016年,印度河流域年平均气温以0.30℃·(10 a)-1的速率呈显著上升趋势,21世纪初增温幅度最大;干季(11月~次年4月)升温速率较快,达0.36℃·(10 a)-1,湿季(5~10月)增速0.25℃·(10 a)-1。年降水量呈现少雨—多雨—少雨—多雨年代际振荡。伴随着持续升温,年和各季的潜在蒸发量增加显著。干季干旱频率较多,但湿季干旱强度高,各季干旱频率与降水呈现较一致的年代际波动;干旱的影响面积在干季呈现微弱地增加趋势,湿季却略有减少趋势。(2)空间上,除西北局部,流域其他区域的年和季平均气温、潜在蒸发量增加趋势显著,均达到95%置信水平。其中南部平原和东北山区升温幅度较高,...  相似文献   
珠穆朗玛峰地区雪冰中重金属浓度与季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对2005 年9 月采自珠穆朗玛峰北坡海拔6523 m 的东绒布冰川积累区一批雪坑样品中重金属Ba, Co, Cu, Zn 和Pb 的浓度利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪进行了测试, 重金属浓度范围分别为(pg/ml); Ba2~227、Co2.8~15.7、Cu 10~120、Zn29~4948、Pb14~142。并利用气体稳 定同位素质谱仪MAT-252 对样品稳定氧同位素比率(δ18O) 进行了测试, 雪坑样品对应的时间为2004 年夏到2005 年秋, δ18O和重金属元素的浓度都存在着季节变化特征。在夏季风期间δ18O 值和重金属元素的浓度都很低,而在非夏季风期间δ18O值和重金属元素浓度升高,反映了不同的水汽来源对重金属浓度季节变化的影响及其环境意义。Co, Cu, Pb, Zn 的地壳富集系数(EFc) 分别为: 3.6、27、33、180, 表明该地区Pb, Cu, Zn 已经受到了人类活动的污染, 其中Zn 受到的污染最大。  相似文献   
Diurnal variation of tropical cyclone (TC) rainfall in the western North Pacific (WNP) is investigated using the high-resolution Climate Prediction Center’s morphing technique (CMORPH) products obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). From January 2008 to October 2010, 72 TCs and 389 TC rainfall days were reported by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center’s (JTWC) best-track record. The TC rain rate was partitioned using the Objective Synoptic Analysis Technique (OSAT) and interpolated into Local Standard Time (LST). Harmonic analysis was applied to analyze the diurnal variation of the precipitation. Obvious diurnal cycles were seen in approximately 70% of the TC rainfall days. The harmonic amplitude and phase of the mean TC rainfall rate vary with TC intensity, life stage, season, and spatial distribution. On the basis of intensity, tropical depressions (TDs) exhibit the highest precipitation variation amplitude (PVA), at approximately 30%, while super typhoons (STs) contain the lowest PVA, at less than 22%. On the basis of lifetime stage, the PVA in the decaying stage (more than 37%) is stronger than that in the developing (less than 20%) and sustaining (28%) stages. On the basis of location, the PVA of more than 35% (less than 18%) is the highest (lowest) over the high-latitude oceanic areas (the eastern ocean of the Philippine Islands). In addition, a sub-diurnal cycle of TC rainfall occurs over the high-latitude oceans. On the basis of season, the diurnal variation is more pronounced during summer and winter, at approximately 30% and 32%, respectively, and is weaker in spring and autumn, at approximately 22% and 24%, respectively.  相似文献   
南海夏季风爆发时间在1993/1994年出现显著的年代际提早, 探讨了大气要素场的不同时间尺度分量季节演变的年代际变异对南海夏季风爆发时间的年代际变异的相对影响作用。南海夏季风爆发时间的年代际提早与南海季风区对流层经向温度梯度季节性逆转的年代际提早有密切联系。南海季风区5月中对流层经向温度梯度年代际增强主要由季风区北部温度的年代际显著增暖造成。季内分量和季节以上分量对1993年之前南海季风区经向温度梯度逆转及加强时间偏晚的作用同等重要。经向温度梯度距平的季节以上分量主要源于季风区北部温度相应分量的贡献, 而季节内分量则主要由南部相应分量影响所致, 并由25~90 d分量所主导。季节以上分量对1994年之后南海季风区经向温度梯度逆转及加强时间偏早的贡献要大于季节内分量的贡献。经向温度梯度距平的季节以上分量和季内分量对总距平的正贡献都主要来自于季风区北部温度相应分量。两种季内低频分量对温度梯度季内分量的贡献率相当, 10~25 d分量主要由南海北部温度相应分量所主导, 25~90 d分量对总距平的正贡献也源自北部分量。准双周振荡分量对各年代南海夏季风爆发具有明显的触发作用。   相似文献   
Based on our long-term data from megabenthos sampling from 1993 to 2002 in Ise Bay, central Japan, we examined spatio-temporal variations in taxon composition, species richness and its distribution of megabenthos in the bay in relation to the occurrence of the oxygen-poor water (i.e. oxygen content less than 3 ppm) in bottom waters of the bay. A total of 261 species were identified including 6 cnidarians, 1 tentaculate, 5 annelids, 71 molluscs, 72 crustaceans, 16 echinoderms, 12 urochordates and 78 pisces. Of the most abundant 10 megabenthos species, the following 4 species of echinoderms made up more than the half of megabenthos biomass: Luidia quinaria, Echinocardium cordatum, Asterias amurensis and Astropecten scoparius. Species richness of megabenthos varied significantly between seasons and among stations. The severity and period of occurrence of the oxygen-poor water developing every summer play an important role in determining spatial distributions of species richness in the bay.  相似文献   
利用子午工程海南激光雷达对我国海南地区上空进行持续观测,通过3年的累积观测数据对我国低纬度地区重力波活动的季节分布特性进行研究,依据重力波线性理论对海南地区上空的大气密度扰动规律、空间功率谱及时间频率谱进行分析,并通过选择波长在1 km至8 km范围内具有特定波长以及具有波动周期为60 min至25 min的特定频率的重力波辅助研究大气密度扰动的季节变化规律,总结得出海南地区重力波活动具有夏季大、春秋季小、而冬季依然频繁的季节性分布规律.结合海南地区特殊的地理位置与当地季节性气候特征分析得出海南地区上空重力波活动季节性变化的可能原因为青藏高原地形及我国南海地区存在的热带强对流与赤道潜流共同作用的结果.  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis of longitudinal variations in phytoplankton compositions from a eutrophic lake to its river downstream and determine the length of the transition zone, we applied functional groups as well as taxonomical methods to this coupled aquatic system, which is composed of the Dianchi Lake upstream and the Tanglang River downstream, by sampling at 9 stations during Microcystis blooms in the Dianchi Lake in 2013. The longitudinal variations in phytoplankton compositions from lacustrine species to fluvial species were reflected by: (1) the shift from Microcystis to Chlorococcales green algae and centric diatoms; (2) the shift from the dominance of codon M to the coexistence of a variety of coda without one outstanding codon; and (3) except for codon M, the shift from lacustrine coda (H1, LO, T) towards coda that are adapted to both lacustrine and fluvial circumstances (MP, X1, X2). The prominent difference of phytoplankton compositions between the Dianchi Lake and the lower reaches of the Tanglang River revealed that there was a transition zone in between. The upper and middle reaches of the Tanglang River with a length of approximately 26.4 km were considered the transition zone because: (1) the dominant lentic codon M in the Dianchi Lake disappeared at the lower reaches of the river; (2) the amount of codon P that is sensitive to stratification rose at the beginning of the river; and (3) the codon T, which is well adapted to the persistently mixed layer or epilimnia of lakes, lost a large number of biomass at the upper and middle reaches of the Tanglang River. In this study, we found that the eutrophic lake had a significant influence on the river downstream. In addition, we found that functional groups were sensitive to the changes of external aquatic conditions and helpful in determining the length of the transition zone.  相似文献   
Interdecadal variations in the frequency of typhoon affecting China (TAC) during 1951-2004 were investigated in this study. The yearly frequency of TACs showed a slightly increasing trend from the 1950s to the early 1970s and a significant decreasing trend afterwards. There were more TACs during the 1960s while the most inactive period was observed in recent 10 years. A decreasing trend was observed in the monthly frequency of TACs in June, August and September throughout the 54 years. Large interannual variabilities were apparent in yearly and monthly frequencies of TACs.  相似文献   
青藏高原近50年来气温的年代际变化   总被引:66,自引:27,他引:66  
根据青藏高原及周边地区一百多个气象台站的月平均气温资料,利用统计方法,分析了近50年来气温的年代际变化。结果表明:整个高原地区温度变化可分为6个不同的区域。在时间演变上可划分出相对高温时段(1963年以前)、相对低温时段(1963—1987年)和另一个相对高温时段(1987年以后)。还从天文因素、地球系统各圈层及气候系统内各因子相互作用和相互制约出发,探讨了引起高原气候变化的可能原因。  相似文献   
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