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PLANK  T. 《Journal of Petrology》2005,46(5):921-944
Arc magmas and the continental crust share many chemical features,but a major question remains as to whether these features arecreated by subduction or are recycled from subducting sediment.This question is explored here using Th/La, which is low inoceanic basalts (<0·2), elevated in the continents(>0·25) and varies in arc basalts and marine sediments(0·09–0·34). Volcanic arcs form linear mixingarrays between mantle and sediment in plots of Th/La vs Sm/La.The mantle end-member for different arcs varies between highlydepleted and enriched compositions. The sedimentary end-memberis typically the same as local trench sediment. Thus, arc magmasinherit their Th/La from subducting sediment and high Th/Lais not newly created during subduction (or by intraplate, adakiteor Archaean magmatism). Instead, there is a large fractionationin Th/La within the continental crust, caused by the preferentialpartitioning of La over Th in mafic and accessory minerals.These observations suggest a mechanism of ‘fractionation& foundering’, whereby continents differentiate intoa granitic upper crust and restite-cumulate lower crust, whichperiodically founders into the mantle. The bulk continentalcrust can reach its current elevated Th/La if arc crust differentiatesand loses 25–60% of its mafic residues to foundering. KEY WORDS: arc magmatism; continental crust; delamination; thorium; sediment subduction  相似文献   
陨石熔壳研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对毫县陨石熔壳的化学成分分析,X射线物相分析和红外光谱分析,并与一岩相互对照,讨论了熔壳中Fe的氧化状态的变化、击变玻璃及主要矿物结构参数的变化;研究了熔壳的氧化作用、击变作用、击变作用下矿物的变形机制,同时,熔壳的SEM显微 貌像给出了熔壳的一套完整剖面,从而讨论了熔壳的烧蚀作用主要有破碎作用,熔融作用和抽蚀作用三种方式。此外,透射电观察敢证实了陨石熔壳中石英玻璃的存在。  相似文献   
周春华  徐海芳  何锦 《地下水》2007,29(1):47-49
运用SWAP模型对太行山山前平原--河北省栾城县田间土壤水分运动进行了数值模拟.从土水势及土壤含水量等方面,初步分析了降雨灌溉入渗补给条件下土壤水分运动的规律.通过分析和讨论,探求了大埋深条件下降雨入渗过程,初步揭示了降雨入渗对地下水位变化的影响.  相似文献   
扎西康铅锌锑银矿区主要出露下侏罗统地层。矿区内目前发现的4个铅锌锑银矿体,主要充填于近南北向张扭性断裂破碎带及次级羽状张节理中,矿化强度从构造带中心向两侧围岩呈渐变过渡关系。初步分析矿床与北部的穷多江变质核杂岩、广泛发育的南北向断裂及侏罗纪地层有着密切成因联系。F42、F46、F48所围限的倒三角形区域内的侏罗纪地层、南北向深大断裂和褶皱核部区域,应为今后矿区及外围进一步探矿的重点和主要研究对象。  相似文献   
富钴结壳生长过程中铁锰氧化物矿物组合的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
富钴结壳的矿物学研究是一个难点,本文运用电子探针微区分析结合X射线衍射和矿相显微镜观察的综合方法对富钴结壳中的铁锰氧化物矿物组合及其组分变化进行了研究,研究发现,富钴结壳是从与胶状粘土类混合共沉积开始生长的,结壳内部的韵律层和柱状构造也是始于粘土层终于粘土层的;铁锰团粒的核心一般是较纯的水羟凶国矿小核心,可能是在生物媒介作用下在水体中形成后沉降叠积的,FM、FPE海山结壳的中层存在一较纯水羟锰矿层,但该层中Co含量FM15比FPE06低得多,可能反映了FM15在该层形成时Co通量较低,而该层在FN12中不存在,反映了区域环境的较大差异,在FN12火焰状构造亚带存在Mn氧化物和Fe氧化物的极度分异现象,可能反映了结壳形成环境的重大变化。  相似文献   
祁连山老虎沟12号冰川冰内结构特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用探地雷达(Ground Penetration Radar,GPR)调查冰川冰内结构和冰层厚度是一种监测冰川变化常用手段.应用麦克斯维(Maxwell)方程的二维时域有限差分(FDTD)方法,通过将模拟图像与老虎沟12号冰川的实测图像的对比,分析了雷达剖面中的几种反射特征,如冰裂隙、融洞、暖冰等.对比结果表明,GP...  相似文献   
河北汉诺坝玄武岩中长英质麻粒岩、镁铁质麻粒岩和辉石岩捕虏体的主量元素和微量元素特征,反映了下地壳及壳幔过渡带组成具有高度化学不均一性。不相容元素原始地幔标准化曲线特征的差异表明捕虏体成因复杂。MgO与不相容元素无或仅有很弱的相关性,与相容元素的相关性则相对较明显。这些特征反映了下地壳及壳幔过渡带存在较强和多元的混合作用。捕虏体的加权平均值比基于麻粒岩地体资料估算的下地壳平均组成偏基性,揭示了二者可能的成因差异。  相似文献   
邱华宁  孙大中 《地球化学》1998,27(4):335-343
采用真空击碎技术提取东川汤丹铜矿床石英流体包裹体进行40Ar-39Ar法年龄测定,获得了逐渐下降的阶梯形年龄谱,表明流体包裹体含有过剩氩;数据点在40Ar/36Ar-39Ar/36Ar图解上构成等时线,等时线年龄为(712±33)Ma,代表了矿床的形成年龄。随后对其粉末进行40Ar-39Ar阶段加热(100—800℃)分析,形成相对比较平坦的年龄谱,坪年龄为(317±6)Ma(39Ar占45%,含真空击碎分析在内),粉末加热分析全部数据点构成的等时线年龄为(321±13)Ma。电子探针分析和显微镜观察证实了该石英样品中含有粒径大于100μm,K2O含量为8%-10%,形成时间明显晚于石英的白云母类富钾矿物,粉末阶段加热分析结果表明~320Ma应为后期白云母类矿物的年龄。  相似文献   
伊通县放牛沟地区早古生代岩浆演化特征及其与矿产关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾大成 《吉林地质》1990,9(2):49-56
伊通县放牛沟早古生代岩浆活动较为强烈,其发展演化与放牛沟多金属硫化物矿床关系极为密切。岩浆活动特点是先喷发后侵入,先期形成钙碱系列的火山—沉积岩系,后期为Ⅰ型中酸性岩浆侵入。该矿床既有火山沉积特征,又有后期岩浆热动力改造特点,其形成受控于岛弧构造环境、火山活动形成的矿源层、后期热动力改造等因素。  相似文献   
Tom Andersen  William L Griffin   《Lithos》2004,73(3-4):271-288
The Storgangen orebody is a concordantly layered, sill-like body of ilmenite-rich norite, intruding anorthosites of the Rogaland Intrusive Complex (RIC), SW Norway. 17 zircon grains were separated from ca. 5 kg of sand-size flotation waste collected from the on-site repository from ilmenite mining. These zircons were analysed for major and trace elements by electron microprobe, and for U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopes by laser ablation microprobe plasma source mass spectrometry. Eight of the zircons define a well-constrained (MSWD=0.37) concordant population with an age of 949±7 Ma, which is significantly older than the 920–930 Ma ages previously reported for zircon inclusions in orthopyroxene megacrysts from the RIC. The remaining zircons, interpreted as inherited grains, show a range of 207Pb/206Pb ages up to 1407±14 Ma, with an upper intercept age at ca. 1520 Ma. The concordant zircons have similar trace element patterns, and a mean initial Hf isotope composition of 176Hf/177Hf949 Ma=0.28223±5 (Hf=+2±2). This is similar to the Hf-isotope composition of zircons in a range of post-tectonic Sveconorwegian granites from South Norway, and slightly more radiogenic than expected for mid-Proterozoic juvenile crust. The older, inherited zircons show Lu–Hf crustal residence ages in the range 1.85–2.04 Ga. One (undated) zircon plots well within the field of Hf isotope evolution of Paleoproterozoic rocks of the Baltic Shield. These findings indicate the presence of Paleoproterozoic components in the deep crust of the Rogaland area, but do not demonstrate that such rocks, or a Sveconorwegian mantle-derived component, contributed significantly to the petrogenesis of the RIC. If the parent magma was derived from a homogeneous, lower crustal mafic granulite source, the lower crustal protolith must be at least 1.5 Ga old, and it must have an elevated Rb/Sr ratio. This component would be indistinguishable in Sr, Nd and Hf isotopes from some intermediate mixtures between Sveconorwegian mantle and Paleoprotoerzoic felsic crust, but it cannot account for the initial 143Nd/144Nd of the most primitive, late Sveconorwegian granite in the region, without the addition of mantle-derived material.  相似文献   
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