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黄土高原黄土是第四纪古气候研究的主要对象之一,磁化率是黄土古气候研究的主要代用指标。然而,黄土地层磁学特征的主控因子依然存在争论。本文选取黄土高原中部的安塞黄土剖面为研究对象,对地层进行系统的磁学特征分析。安塞剖面在早全新世至中全新世早期(~10000~8500 a)黄土层中磁性矿物含量较低且呈递增趋势,中全新世(8000~3000a)古土壤层中磁性矿物含量较高,在中全新世中期(7000~5000a)达到最高随后呈递减趋势,晚全新世(3000 a以来)黄土层中磁性矿物含量很低并呈递减趋势。此外,地层的磁学特征表现出3次快速变化:6500 a前后,地层中磁性矿物含量迅速增加;4500 a前后和2700 a前后,地层中磁性矿物含量快速降低。通过与全新世降水和气温等气候因子对比发现降水量是控制安塞剖面中次生强磁性矿物含量变化的关键性气候因子,低温并不能增加地层中强磁性矿物含量,而高温则可能限制地层中强磁性矿物的形成。土壤中强磁性矿物含量变化对气候好转响应迟缓,对气候恶化响应迅速。  相似文献   
粤西海陵湾养殖区邻近海域大型底栖动物生态学特征   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
根据2014—2016年粤西海陵湾养殖区湾内和湾外邻近海域21°27′—21°38′N、111°42′—111°57′E 4个航次调查资料,对其大型底栖动物生态学特征进行了研究。结果表明,共鉴定大型底栖动物64种,春季种类最多为39种,秋季最低为17种。4季均以环节动物种类数最多,软体动物次之。不同季节间优势种有所差异,仅倍棘蛇尾Amphioplus sp.为周年优势种。春、夏、秋和冬季第一优势种分别为倍棘蛇尾、菲律宾蛤仔Ruditapes philippinarum、短吻铲荚螠Listriolobus brevirostris和平蛤蜊Mactra mera。平均丰度和生物量分别为213ind./m~2和15.4g/m~2,其中丰度以春季最高为248ind./m~2,夏季最低为167ind./m~2,而生物量则以秋季最高为28.0g/m~2,春季最低为2.4g/m~2;平面分布总体呈现湾外高于湾内的趋势。底栖动物Pielou均匀度和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为0.95—1.00和1.56—4.07,其中时间分布规律明显,春季最高,秋季最低;空间上,两者无明显分布差异。群落结构时空差异显著,为沉积物类型、水深、底层无机氮和悬浮物以及捕食压力等因素共同影响的结果。  相似文献   
文章根据2016年5月、8月、11月和2017年2月在防城河口湾海域进行的渔业资源和环境调查数据, 研究了河口湾鱼类群落结构及其空间和季节变化, 分析了鱼类群落结构与主要环境因子的关系。结果表明: 全年调查共渔获鱼类95种, 隶属于2纲12目37科69属, 适温性以暖水性鱼类为主, 生态类型以底层和近底层鱼类为主。其中, 春季60种, 夏季59种, 秋季54种, 冬季46种, 夏—秋季间种类相似性指数最高。全年优势种为褐菖鲉Sebastiscus marmoratus和长鳍篮子鱼Siganus canaliculatus, 主要种有黄鳍棘鲷Acanthopagrus latus、条马鲾Equulites rivulatus、李氏?Callionymus richardsoni和真赤鲷Pagrus major等10种; 夏、秋季的最大优势种均为长鳍篮子鱼, 春、冬季的最大优势种分别为褐菖鲉和条马鲾。全湾鱼类年均资源密度为45836尾·km -2和 435.21kg·km -2, 资源密度具有明显的空间差异和季节变化。全年各站位种数变化范围在2~21种, 多样性指数H′在0.468~4.031, 丰富度指数d在0.120~1.926, 均匀度指数J在0.181~0.969。聚类分析、单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)及相似性百分比(SIMPER) 分析表明该海域鱼类群落存在一定程度的时空异质性。相关性分析表明影响防城河口湾鱼类群落结构的主要环境因子为水温、盐度和硝酸盐。  相似文献   
茎柔鱼是我国重要的远洋捕捞对象之一,研究其资源丰度空间分布问题,有助于更好地理解茎柔鱼的生态习性,并提高我国鱿钓渔船的生产效率。本文利用上海海洋大学鱿钓技术组提供的2003-2012年6-9月秘鲁外海茎柔鱼捕捞数据,结合海表面温度(SST),海表面高度(SSH),海表面盐度(SSS)和叶绿素浓度(Chl a)进行协同克里金插值预测其资源丰度的空间分布。为了解决协同克里金插值中4个环境因子的权重问题,本文将4个环境因子进行归一化处理,利用主成分分析方法将其整合为单一综合环境因子,以此作为协变量。将综合环境因子与单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)进行相关性检验后进行协同克里金插值,根据平均误差(ME),均方根误差(RMSE)和标准化均方根(RMSSE)对插值结果评价,探讨此种方法的可行性。研究结果认为:(1)主成分分析方法获得的6-9月份的综合环境因子均与CPUE具有显著相关性;(2)6-7月份ME分别为0.002 6和0.002 5,预测准确性很高,平均预测结果稍高于实际观测值;而8-9月份的ME分别为-0.007 8和-0.000 2,预测准确性较高,平均预测结果稍低于实际观测值。6月份的RMSE估值精度最高,8月份的估值精度最低。6-7月份的RMSSE值小于1,说明都高估了预测的不确定性,8-9月份的RMSSE值大于1,说明都低估了预测的不确定性,则在6-9月份中的预测精度和准确性上会有一定程度的偏差。从ME、RMSE和RMSSE三者综合来看,6-9月的预测值具有一定的可靠性。  相似文献   
The South American cordgrass, Spartina densiflora, has invaded a range of different habitats that can support different native species assemblages on salt marshes in the Gulf of Cadiz, Spain. Little is known about the mechanisms of invasion. We examined the potential for seed germination and recruitment in a field transplant experiment, representing a wide range of environments, on elevational gradients across marshes with muddy and sandy sediments. The biotic resistance of native, perennial vegetation (where present) to recruitment of the alien was also investigated. Spartina densiflora seeds were able to germinate over a greater than 2-m range of elevation in the tidal frame. Germination success on unvegetated muddy sediments was related to sediment redox potential, with poor germination at strongly negative redox potentials on the lower sites. On sandy, well-drained sediments, germination was apparently constrained by water availability at the highest elevations. Comparison of vegetated and cleared plots on the upper marsh showed that there was a negative relationship between the presence of Atriplex portulacoides and germination on the muddy sediments. Recruitment (survival of seedlings for 12 weeks) was seen only on unvegetated muddy sediments at the highest elevation. Hence the invasive success and wide elevational tolerance of S. densiflora on the marshes of the Gulf of Cadiz are not reflected in its short-term ability to become established from its prolific seed production. Colonization of sub-optimal habitats may be largely by vegetative propagules and clonal growth.  相似文献   
Bioeroding sponges belong to the most dominant bioeroders, significantly contributing to the erosion of coral reefs. Some species are tolerant or even benefit from environmental conditions such as ocean warming, acidification, and eutrophication. In consequence, increases in sponge bioerosion have been observed on some coral reefs over the last decades. The Abrolhos Bank is the largest coral reef system in the South Atlantic. It has been affected by sedimentation, eutrophication, overfishing, and climate change, mainly affecting coastal reefs, and at lesser intensity outer ones as well. This study aimed to describe spatial and temporal patterns in bioeroding sponge distribution in carbonate substrates in the Abrolhos Bank. Photo‐quadrats were used to compare bioeroding sponge abundance between two shallow reefs: a coastal, Pedra de Leste (PL), and an outer reef, Parcel dos Abrolhos (PAB). Each individual was delimitated over the substrate by determining the sponge surface through a line connecting the outermost papillae. The study was conducted over 6 years in 2008–2009 and 2013–2016. Four species of bioeroding sponges were identified: Cliona carteri Ridley, 1881, C. delitrix Pang, 1973, C. cf. schmidtii Ridley, 1881, and Siphonodictyon coralliphagum Rützler, 1971. The distribution and abundance of species varied between the inner and outer reefs and across the years, and displayed certain selectivity for the calcareous substrates recorded. Crustose coralline algae (CCA) were the main substrate excavated by the most abundant bioeroding species, C. carteri, and represented 70% of the substrate types occupied by this sponge (CCA, coral overgrown by CCA and plain coral). The highest abundance of bioeroding sponges observed in photo‐quadrats was 21.3 individuals/m2 at the outer reefs (PAB) in 2014. The abundances or areal extents of bioeroding sponges were up to 10 times greater on the outer reefs than on the coastal ones, where sedimentation is higher and more strongly influenced by siliciclastic material. Moreover, a higher herbivorous fish biomass has been reported on outer reefs which could also influence the higher abundance of bioeroding sponges in outer reefs. During the study period of 6 years, an increase in bioeroding sponge abundance was observed at the outer reefs (PAB), with the sea surface temperature increase. As CCA have an important role in reefal cementation and carbonate production in the Abrolhos reefs, a bioerosion impact might be expected, in particular, on the outer reefs.  相似文献   
于2017年春季和2018年春季,分两个航次,在杭州湾及其邻近海域采集了表层沉积物样品,并对其粒度组成及重金属含量进行了测定。结果表明,研究区域表层沉积物的粒级组成以砂和粉砂为主,平均占比分别为38.0%和55.4%。根据粒级组成的区域分布特征,将研究区域分为长江河口现代沉积区(Ⅰ-1)、钱塘江河口现代沉积区(Ⅰ-2)、长江羽状锋面积聚区(Ⅱ-1)、长江次级锋面积聚区(Ⅱ-2)、岛屿风化影响区(Ⅲ)、残留砂混合沉积区(Ⅳ)等4大类6个亚区。通过比较不同区域重金属含量发现,总体分布趋势为Ⅱ-1区和Ⅱ-2区含量较高,Ⅰ-2区和Ⅳ区含量较低,Ⅰ-1区和Ⅳ区相对居中。单因子污染指数评价结果显示,Ⅱ-1区和Ⅱ-2区的Cu、Pb、Zn、As、Cd、Hg已呈现出污染态势,需引起关注;Cr则未呈现出污染态势。  相似文献   
The New Zealand region contains untapped natural mineral, oil, and gas resources while also supporting globally unique and diverse faunal communities that need to be managed sustainably. In this paper key information from the international literature is reviewed that can underpin an Environmental Mining Management System which includes elements of Environmental Risk Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Planning. This paper focuses on four developing areas of seafloor mining activities presently being undertaken or planned in the New Zealand region: hydrocarbons (oil and gas), minerals, ironsands and phosphorite nodules. A number of issues with the implementation of environmental management systems are identified including the difficulty of assessing new marine activities or technologies and the need for standardised reporting metrics. Finally, the development of ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning is discussed which will be required to enhance environmental mining management frameworks in New Zealand.  相似文献   
河口区由于其独特的地理环境和理化条件,拥有丰富的微生物资源,在生物地球化学循环中起着重要作用.然而,由于人类活动带来的河口区环境因素改变,引起的微生物群落结构的时空变化目前还知之甚少.本研究选取九龙江河口区7个近年来遭受较为严重人类活动干扰的采样点,分别在丰水期和枯水期采集表层水体,采用流动注射法测定了水体的三氮、电导率、pH值和溶解性磷酸盐等环境参数,采用海水和淡水培养基,基于纯培养技术分析了可培养细菌的总数和分布特征,并通过构建16S rRNA基因克隆文库的方法研究细菌的多样性和群落结构变化.研究表明,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)是各克隆文库中最优势的类群.在河口下游海水区,变形菌门微生物与放线菌门微生物的比例约为2∶1~3∶1,而在河口上游淡水区,变形菌门和放线菌门的比例约为1∶1.在河口下游海水区,α变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria)为变形菌门中的优势类群,而在河口上游淡水区,β变形菌纲(Betaproteobacteria)为优势类群.厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)是克隆文库中丰度占第四的类群,说明水体可能遭受畜牧养殖粪便污染.本研究表明,九龙江河口区微生物群落结构受水体盐度、温度、水文情况等时空因子及人类活动造成的营养物浓度上升、动物粪便污染等共同影响,呈现出独特的时空分布特点.  相似文献   
徐勇  马林  李新正  孙悦  龚琳 《海洋与湖沼》2017,48(6):1383-1391
为了研究春季长江口外海底层鱼类群聚特征及其与环境因子的关系,我们根据2015年5月长江口外海底层鱼类的调查资料,使用聚类分析(Cluster)、非参数多维标度排序(NMDS)、相似性分析(ANOSIM)、相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)以及典型对应分析(CCA)等方法对资料进行分析。本研究共记录底层鱼类58种,其中鲈形目种类数最多(21种),鲽形目次之。六丝钝尾虾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)是优势种。底层鱼类可以划分为3个群组—近海组、南部中间组和南部远海组,不同群组的物种组成差异显著。南部中间组和南部远海组的物种多为东海外海种类,这可能是近岸黑潮底层分支影响的结果。物种数、Margalef丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性和Pielou均匀度从近海到与远海呈逐渐增加的趋势。CCA分析表明深度是显著影响底层鱼类的环境因子。短鳄齿鱼(Champsodon snyderi)、丝鳍(Repomucenus virgis)、多棘腔吻鳕(Coelorinchus multispinulosus)等东海外海种类与深度呈正相关,而优势种六丝钝尾虾虎鱼受环境因子影响较小。  相似文献   
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