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东濮凹陷西洼南段老第三系属地堑型湖盆沉积,主要发育河流相、三角洲相、冲积扇相、扇三角洲相以及湖泊相。两条边界断层,尤其是西侧长垣断层的活动性控制着该区的岩相古地理格局:断层活动强烈时,湖盆水域扩大,湖水加深,主要发育扇三角洲、三角洲及深湖-半深湖沉积;断层活动减弱时,水体变浅或干涸,湖盆被充填,主要发育冲积扇或河流相沉积。  相似文献   
Late Eocene nearshore shallow-marine environments within the Bremer and western Eucla Basins of southern Western Australia were characterized by the thick deposition of spongolite and spiculite deposits. Epibenthic sponge communities dominated estuaries and topographically complex basin margin embayments-archipelagos, while cool-water carbonates with up to 10% sponges accumulated in open-shelf environments. The transition from a biosiliceous to calcareous epibenthos was related to the degree of palaeogeographical 'protection'. Within basement-protected embayments there was an offshore gradation from shoreface spongolite and pure spiculite to a muddy spiculite facies towards central embayment areas. Calcareous fossils are rare throughout embayment facies, but rapidly increase in more open outer archipelago areas. This depositional relationship occurred along 2000 km of the Late Eocene southern Australian coastline. Palaeogeographical protection from strong currents acted in concert with: (1) a planar, low-gradient inland topography with sluggish run-off, supplying fine-grained sediment, nutrients, and abundant dissolved silica; and (2) a microtidal setting, weak to moderate swells and opposing wind and Coriolis surface current forcing, which inhibited water exchange between embayments-estuaries and the open shelf. This situation led to an embayment water chemistry that encouraged prolific sponge growth. Calcareous spiculites record the mixing front between these embayment waters and normal open-shelf waters supporting cool-water carbonates.  相似文献   
According to the alternation of terrestrial beds and transgressive beds, the sedimentary sequence of the South Yellow Sea since the Olduvai subchron can be divided into 15 stratigraphical intervals. According to the facies analysis, there are 7 transgressive beds and one bed with transgression marks, and classical transgressive-regressive facies sequence also appears in the major transgressive beds.Palaeogeographic evolution in the shelf area involved 4 periods: (1) 1.70-0.5 Ma B. P. was the stage for the development of the Palaeo-Yangtze River alluvial plain and delta. Tide influenced -river channel sediments formed during the Olduvai have been found in borehole QC2. The river mouth was located near 124°E and during the transgressive stage from 0.97-0.73 Ma B.P. to the east of 122.2°E, a large-scale undersea delta was formed. In the regressive stage, the shelf area became an alluvial plain. (2) 0.50-0.75 Ma B.P. was a multi-transgressive fluctuation stage during which 3 transgressive beds (HVI, HV, H  相似文献   
The orogenic belt locates between the North China plate and Siberia plate. The Permian palaeobiogeography and tectonic palaeogeography changed quickly and clearly. The line from Changchun to Yanji is an important palaeobiogeographic provincing line, which may be the collission suture belt of the North China plate and north middle massifs. The orogenic belt has been divided into 2 regions: the North middle massif region and the North Margin of North China plate, the pattern and evolution of Permian palaeobiogeography in the present area were discussed and the Permian biota mixture and its significants were analysed. Then, Based on the above, the Permian tectonic palaeogeography of the orogenic belt is reconstructed.  相似文献   
通过对海州-大悟地区含磷地层岩性特征、地层层序、形成时代、岩相古地理环境等方面的分析研究,认为本区磷矿层位和相关成矿条件可与鄂西陡山沱期磷矿对比。大别山北部也具备一定的成磷条件。预测沭阳滥洪-华冲、霍山驼岭-金寨、广济牛头山-黄梅塔儿畈、应山-广水为4个找矿远景乐观的地区。  相似文献   
The boundary area between the Apenninic fold‐and‐thrust belt and the crystalline Calabrian Arc, located around Sangineto in northern Calabria, has been investigated. New geological mapping in the Sant'Agata area has been performed on the Triassic successions traditionally attributed to the metasedimentary San Donato Unit. This, coupled with a reappraisal of the stratigraphy and tectonics of coeval successions present more to the south in the Cetraro Unit, results in a new reconstruction of the Triassic evolution of all the metasedimentary successions found in the region. Four informal stratigraphic units have been distinguished in the S. Agata area. The lowest one (Unit A) consists of well‐bedded metalimestones and bioturbated marly limestones that correlate with Ladinian–Carnian carbonates in nearby areas. A second unit (Unit B), never recognized before, contains a complex alternation of dolomites, phyllites and some meta‐arenites containing several beds of Cavernoso facies, attributed to the Carnian. They grade upward to platform and platform‐margin dolomites of Norian–Rhaetian age (Unit C) that in turn are replaced upward and laterally by a fourth unit (Unit D) consisting of well‐bedded, dark dolomites and metalimestones with marly interlayers locally found as resedimented large blocks in slope conglomerates. Unit D correlates with Rhaetian–Liassic beds in nearby areas. Several pieces of evidence of post‐metamorphic contractional tectonics, with 140°N and 30°N trends, are found together with evidence of SW‐directed extension. The siliciclastic Carnian beds of Unit B are correlated with the phyllites of Cetraro, formerly believed to be Middle Triassic; moreover, it is suggested that in the Cetraro area Unit C is almost totally replaced by Unit D. This demonstrates that the former distinction between the two tectonic units in the whole area has to be discarded. We have made a general palaeoenvironmental reconstruction which progresses laterally, during Ladinian–Carnian times, from (i) a coastal, mixed siliciclastic–carbonate–evaporitic area at Cetraro to (ii) a transitional carbonate shelf where siliciclastic input was only episodic, and finally to (iii) a bioconstructed margin which was later replaced by a steepened margin created by tectonic instability. Starting from the Norian, subsidence shifted toward the former coastal area where an intraplatform, restricted basin developed. The proposed stratigraphy corresponds closely to the Alpujarride units of the Betic Cordillera, Spain. Moreover, it is shown that strong affinities also exist, in terms of the structural framework, with the metamorphic units of Tuscany and Liguria. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
对鄂西—湘西北地区多个沉积剖面的地层及沉积相进行了详细分析,结果表明,该区二叠纪栖霞期至茅口初期主要为内克拉通碳酸盐岩缓坡环境,发育内缓坡相、中缓坡相、外缓坡相和盆地相.内缓坡相以厚层至块状生物碎屑石灰岩为主,生物颗粒以绿藻和底栖有孔虫为主,缺乏高能沉积的生物颗粒.中缓坡相以中厚层含生物碎屑颗粒石灰岩以及厚层灰泥石灰岩...  相似文献   
广东三水盆地古近纪岩相古地理特征及演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据大量的区域地质、钻井岩心、野外露头等资料,以及年代地层和生物地层的研究成果,将三水盆地古近纪地层划分出一个盆地充填层序、两个构造层序和6个层序;在构造层序地层研究基础上,以层序为编图单元,采用压缩法和瞬时作图法,编制了三水盆地古近纪层序岩相古地理图,系统地阐述了层序岩相古地理特征;通过古近纪不同时期的层序岩相古地理演化,将沉积充填分为湖泊细碎屑加积和顶部粗碎屑填积两个演化阶段。  相似文献   
The Cryogenian is a critical period in the history of the Earth. It is marked by multiple extreme climate changes that caused alternating global glacial and interglacial intervals. These dramatically changed the sedimentary system, and metal ores and source rocks distributed widely during this period. Therefore, studying the Cryogenian stratigraphic framework and sedimentary basins is important to improve the stratigraphic resolution for metal mineral and hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration ...  相似文献   
The Lampang Basin is the second largest Tertiary graben in northern Thailand and was formed in response to the Himalayan orogeny. Deposition started with Miocene sandstone, lignite, mudstone, shale and oil shale of the Mae Sot Formation, which gave way to Pliocene diatomite, diatomaceous clay and silty clay of the Ko Kha Formation, with coarse clastics being restricted to the basin margins. Secondary iron-staining and iron-rich nodules are also common in the latter formation.Diatoms only occur in the Ko Kha Formation, where they are abundant and well-preserved. Five assemblages, indicative of fresh to moderately alkaline water, are present. These floras are variously dominated by Aulacoseira granulata, A. granulata var. valida, A. agassizi, A goetzeana, A. ambigua, A. italica var. bacilligera and A. italica var. tenuissima. Pennate species are present, but infrequent.During the Pliocene, in the Ban Pa Muang area, non-diatomaceous lacustrine sediments were initially laid down. These gave way to the deposition of diatomaceous clays and diatomites dominated by A. granulata and A. agassizi, which flourished in the deeper and shallower sectors (respectively) of a fresh water body. The palaeolake then became mildly alkaline, with a flora dominated by A. granulata var. valida. Shallow, fresh conditions followed, characterised by varied Aulacoseira diatoms, before the lake again became deeper. This latter phase may be related to increased river recharge.  相似文献   
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