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Internet‐based mapping provides a powerful alternative for successfully establishing GIS technology in the K‐12 education community, while simultaneously avoiding the traditional barriers associated with desktop GIS. Internet‐based GIS can support standards‐based inquiry methods of teaching and learning while providing basic analysis tools for studying and exploring geographic or scientific data in the classroom.  相似文献   
Pollen collected from snow samples on the Quelccaya Ice Cap in 2000 and 2001 reveals significant interannual variability in pollen assemblage, concentration, and provenance. Samples from 2000, a La Niña year, contain high pollen concentrations and resemble samples from the Andean forests (Yungas) to the east. Samples from 2001, an El Niño year, contain fewer pollen and resemble those from the Altiplano. We suggest that varying wind patterns under different El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) conditions may affect the processes of pollen transport over the Altiplano and on the ice cap, although confounding variables such as flowering phenology and sublimation should also be considered  相似文献   
运用MALVERN公司2000型粒度仪对珠江三角洲地区的江村ZK2钻孔作粒度分析,江村钻孔按粒度的偏态值可划分为两个河相与海相或湖泊沼泽相的沉积交替过程,同时与粒度参数、年代数据以及前人所做的孢粉等证据相结合,大致看出研究区气候变化的4个千年尺度的气候波动:第一阶段为较长时间的冷干期,该段时间约为20-10.7kaB.P.;第二阶段为回暖期,时间大致在10.7-7.5kaB.P.,总体比较湿润;第三阶段为升温期,该时期约在7.5-5kaB.P.之间,在此期间各有一次干湿交替;第四阶段为降温期,时间大约出现在5kaB.P.至今,这是一个波动性较大的时期,也各有一次干湿交替。  相似文献   
基于城市体系的长江三角洲旅游地域系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先分析了长江三角洲旅游资源的分布格局及长三角旅游发展的整体性现状,认为长三角旅游整体发展的协调性不足。然后从城市体系与区域旅游整体发展耦合的角度出发,引入了长江三角洲城市体系的规模结构、空间结构、交通网络结构和城市群内部经济联系的分析研究,并以此划分出了长三角两个层次的旅游地域系统,给出了长三角地域旅游城市网络体系的空间组织。最后提出了长三角区域旅游产业联动发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   
黄河清八汊现行河口自改汊以来发生了巨大变化,监测其岸线变化,探讨其稳定程度对海岸带可持续发展以及海岸带韧性评估具有重要意义。本研究利用GPS、GIS、RS技术从1996—2022年黄河三角洲行水河口的220幅遥感影像中推断出年平均海岸线位置,同时根据行水河口摆动次数划分为5个阶段,并以此为基础对海岸线变迁及其稳定性进行定量分析。结果表明:行水河口岸线长期处于动态变化过程中,整体呈淤进状态,各岸段岸线时空变化特征不同,最大侵蚀(-73.89m/a)区出现在两丁坝之间,最大淤积(393.20m/a)区出现在河口区附近。研究区90%的岸线表现为较强淤积至严重淤积,稳定性指数由两丁坝之间(0.135)、2007年出汊前旧河口(0.068)、2007年出汊后新生河口(0.006)依次降低。入海水沙量、河口位置变迁以及沿岸输沙是影响岸线稳定性出现时空差异的主要原因。  相似文献   
人工免疫系统与嵌入规划目标的城市模拟及应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
人工免疫系统(AIS) 具有强有力的计算能力, 可以通过免疫识别、克隆选择、免疫学 习、免疫记忆等功能来进行模式识别和自适应学习。AIS 所具有的自学习、自适应和记忆的能力非常适合于复杂地理过程的研究。而元胞自动机(CA) 是研究复杂系统非常方便和有效的工具。将人工免疫系统和元胞自动机相结合, 建立了城市演变的模拟和规划模型。该模型通过改变抗体的进化变异机制, 把规划目标嵌入到AIS 算法中, 抗体将会逐渐朝着规划目标“进化”, 从而模拟出基于不同规划情景的城市发展空间格局, 为城市和土地利用规划提供决 策支持。设计了6 种不同的城市发展方案, 利用该模型模拟了不同规划方案下珠江三角洲城市的发展情景(1988-2002 年)。并比较了不同模拟情景结果城市的紧凑性: “城市中心” 和 “城市中心-高速公路”发展模式的城市形态更为紧凑, 破碎度较低; 而“镇中心” 和“道路”发展模式形成的城市形态则比较凌乱和分散。模拟结果和分析表明: “城市中心-高速 公路”是珠江三角洲最适合的城市发展模式。  相似文献   
Coastal lagoons are particularly vulnerable to climate change, in particular, Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to their shallowness. Lake Burullus provides a variety of socio-economic services as the second largest coastal lagoon in Egypt. Recently, it has experienced significant ecological deterioration. Thus, its ecosystem is fragile in the face of anthropogenic induced changes. The main objective of the current study is to investigate the climate change impacts on characteristics of Lake Burullus. A depth averaged hydro-ecological modeling system, MIKE21, was applied to develop an eco - hydrodynamic model for the lake. The developed model was calibrated and verified for two successive years: July 2011–June 2012 and July 2012–June 2013. The model simulations exhibited good agreement with the measurements during the calibration and verification processes. Six different Regional Climate Models (RCMs) were compared, using six different statistical metrics, to determine the most accurate one for the study area. The required meteorological input, including surface air temperature, precipitation, and evaporation were derived from the selected RCM. The meteorological input was extracted for two different years in the 21 st century considering one Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) scenario, based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Report. Regional SLR projections for the Mediterranean Sea for the selected RCP scenario and the two studied years were obtained. These future climate change estimates were used to modify the validated model of the lake. A sensitivity analysis was applied to assess effect of future climatic conditions and SLR, separately. The results revealed that the lake water depths will increase and it will be warmer and more saline. Significant spatial variability of the studied parameters under climate change forcing is expected. Consequently, climate change is going to restrict the lake's ability to preserve the present-day species. An urgent management plan involving adaptation works, should be implemented to reduce such potential species losses in Egyptian lagoons.  相似文献   
泛珠江三角洲区域经济开放的趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析泛珠江三角洲地域结构演变对区域经济开放的影响和九省区(除两个特别行政区)国际开放度、区际开放度的测算结果及排名对比,探讨了中国式区域经济开放模式及制度和转型经济下该区域经济开放的路径。即从目前测算结果来看,泛珠江三角洲区域经济二元化开放整体上依然是国际开放度大于区际开放度,然而从地缘结构演变、国际国内和区际环境以及地缘优势来看,该区域在今后长远发展趋势上将会呈现出区际开放大于国际开放的趋势。这一分析结果印证了泛珠江三角洲经济圈的建立,顺应了当今世界经济和中国经济发展之大势。  相似文献   
We evaluate the performance of a hand‐held XRF (HHXRF) spectrometer for the bulk analysis of iron meteorites. Analytical precision and accuracy were tested on metal alloy certified reference materials and iron meteorites of known chemical composition. With minimal sample preparation (i.e., flat or roughly polished surfaces) HHXRF allowed the precise and accurate determination of most elements heavier than Mg, with concentrations > 0.01% m/m in metal alloy CRMs, and of major elements Fe and Ni and minor elements Co, P and S (generally ranging from 0.1 to 1% m/m) in iron meteorites. In addition, multiple HHXRF spot analyses could be used to determine the bulk chemical composition of iron meteorites, which are often characterised by sulfide and phosphide accessory minerals. In particular, it was possible to estimate the P and S bulk contents, which are of critical importance for the petrogenesis and evolution of Fe‐Ni‐rich liquids and iron meteorites. This study thus validates HHXRF as a valuable tool for use in meteoritics, allowing the rapid, non‐destructive (a) identification of the extraterrestrial origin of metallic objects (i.e., archaeological artefacts); (b) preliminary chemical classification of iron meteorites; (c) identification of mislabelled/unlabelled specimens in museums and private collections and (d) bulk analysis of iron meteorites.  相似文献   
A rapid and inexpensive method was developed for the determination of trace silver in polymetallic ore samples by use of eggshell membrane (ESM), a natural biomaterial, as the solid‐phase extraction (SPE) adsorbent coupled with flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The ESM was used for the separation/pre‐concentration of silver, and the parameters affecting sensitivity, such as pH, sample flow rate, eluent volume and eluent flow rate, were carefully investigated. ESM was found to be an effective solid phase extractant for the adsorption of trace silver over a wide range of acidity from 0.02 to 0.50 mol l?1 HNO3. The sample solution in 0.4 mol l?1 HNO3 was pumped through an ESM microcolumn at the rate of 1.0 ml min?1. Silver was absorbed, and then eluted with a solution of 1.0% m/v thiourea–0.5% v/v HCl. Under these optimal conditions, ESM exhibited a good enrichment efficiency for silver with a dynamic adsorption capacity of 1.7 mg g?1. The proposed method was applied to the FAAS determination of trace silver in polymetallic ores and geological reference materials, GSO‐2, 3 and 5, and GSD‐11, GSD‐12, and the determined values were in good agreement with certified values.  相似文献   
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