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为研究纤维加筋黄土CBR值影响因素及纤维增强土体机理,以短切玄武岩纤维为筋材,通过改变土体含水率、纤维长度、纤维含量、击实次数、浸水时间等条件进行加州承载比试验,探究初始含水率、纤维参数及试验方法对加筋土局部抗剪强度的影响规律。结果表明:纤维加筋土CBR值随含水率的增加呈现先增大后减小的趋势,存在“施工最优含水率”且相比击实试验最优含水率高1%~3%左右;纤维加筋土CBR值高于黄土CBR值,确定纤维长度20 mm,纤维含量0.4%为最优配比;击实次数从30击增加到98击,黄土CBR值提高273%,纤维加入后CBR值提高327%,加筋作用使土体通过提高击实功来提升强度的效果更加显著;浸水对试样CBR值影响较大,浸水时间对试样CBR值影响较小,且纤维的加入使试样对浸水时间的敏感度进一步降低,加筋土浸水2 d后强度降低54%,浸水4 d后强度降低58%。  相似文献   
基于2013年9月底至10月初在印尼爪哇岛南部海域调查得到的碳酸盐参数和相关水文数据,首次报道了该海域pH的分布,并重点探讨了南爪哇上升流(季风上升流)对其影响。结果显示上升流影响区表层pH低于周围非上升流影响区。通过两端元混合模型,定量讨论了上升流的物理输运和生物活动对pH的影响。研究表明,上升流的物理输运至少造成了海表层盐度增加0.4个单位,溶解无机碳(DIC)增加110μmol/kg,pH降低约0.2个单位;同时,在上升流区,强烈的生物活动(叶绿素a浓度大于0.4mg/m3)使得DIC的降低量达70μmol/kg,pH的增加量达0.15个单位。总体来看,该研究区域的物理输运作用大于生物作用,综合效应表现为DIC的增加和pH的降低。另外,同上升流的物理输运作用和生物作用相比,上升流引起的表层冷却和增盐对pH的影响较小(热力学作用)。  相似文献   
Ecological assessments such as species distribution modelling and benchmarking site quality towards regulations often rely on full spatial coverage information of site factors such as soil acidity, moisture regime or nutrient availability. To determine if remote sensing (RS) is a viable alternative to traditional data sources of site factor estimates, we analysed the accuracy (using ground truth validation measurements) of traditional and RS sources of pH and mean spring groundwater level (MSL, in m) estimates. Traditional sources were a soil map and hydrological model. RS estimates were obtained using vegetation indicator values (IVs) from a Dutch national system as an intermediate between site factors and spectral response. IVs relate to those site factors that dictate vegetation occurrence, whilst also providing a robust link to canopy spectra. For pH, the soil map and the RS estimate were nearly as accurate. For MSL, the RS estimates were much closer to the observed groundwater levels than the hydrological model, but the error margin of the estimates still exceeded the tolerance range of moisture sensitive vegetation. The relatively high accuracy of the RS estimates was made possible by the availability of local calibration points and large environmental gradients in the study site. In addition, the error composition of the RS estimates could be analysed step-by-step, whereas the traditional sources had to be accepted ‘as-is’. Also considering that RS offers high spatial and temporal resolution at low costs, RS offered advantages over traditional sources. This will likely hold true for any other situation where prerequisites of accurate RS estimates have been met.  相似文献   
以TM图像及MODIS NDVI数据为主要数据源,通过建立生态系统服务价值评估体系、物质量评估模型及价值量评估模型,对河北省2000—2009年生态系统服务价值进行了计算。2000—2009年间,河北省生态系统总服务价值呈现出波动增长趋势;总体的空间分布规律呈现出北高南低、西高东低、山地丘陵区高于平原区的规律;生态系统服务价值的空间变化呈现出南北两端地区减少、中部地区增加,且增加部分面积大于减少部分面积的特点。  相似文献   
何珊  陈锴  李婷  鹿荻 《测绘科学》2012,37(2):123-125
测量数据处理中,初值对平差结果存在很大的影响,其机理影响设计矩阵的数值特征,进而影响误差的分配结构。本文着力于大地测边控制网的模拟分析,研究初值如何影响误差分配。结果表明,在奇异的网形结构下,初值越靠近真实值,对随机误差的放大作用越大。初值对线性化误差存在影响,在图形最弱方向上,线性化误差影响最大,且误差影响随初值靠近真值而减小。平差结果是随机误差的放大倍率与线性化误差的综合作用的结果,其准确度取决于线性化误差与随机误差的平衡性。  相似文献   
ZHENG Du  DAI Erfu 《地理学报》2012,22(1):86-92
The scientific environmental ethics plays a key role in the recognition of the human- environment interactions. Modern environmental ethics is the philosophical re-thinking of modern human race environmental behavior. The development of environmental ethics theory, as well as its application in reality, determines the viewpoints of environmental ethics. Sustainable development implies harmony on human-environment interactions and inter- generation responsibility, with emphasis on a harmonious relationship among population, resources, environment and development, so as to lay a sustainable and healthy foundation of resources and environment for future generations. The harmonious society construction in China that is raised by the Chinese central government should be covered by environmental ethics. The connotation of open environmental ethics includes a respect for nature, care for the individual human race, and respect for the development of future generations, which means giving consideration to natural values, individual and human race benefits and welfare across generations. The role of environmental ethics in regional development consists of cognition, criticism, education, inspiration, adjusting, legislation and promoting environmental regulations. The major problems in regional development are extensive resource exploration, fast population growth, irrational industrial structure, unfair welfare distribution and the twofold effects of science and technology development. The formulation of environmental ethics that aims at regional sustainable development, can not only harmonize the relationship of population, resource, environment and economic development, but also guide behavior selection, push social and political system transformation, strengthen the legal system, and raise environmental awareness of the public.  相似文献   
中国自然文化遗产的价值体系及保护利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈耀华  刘强 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1111-1120
对自然文化遗产价值的正确认识是处理遗产地保护和利用关系的基础,也是解决遗产地"城市化、商业化、人工化"的前提。本文在梳理国内外对自然文化遗产价值的诸多认识的基础上,依据系统论观点,提出了中国自然文化遗产价值是由"本底价值、直接应用价值和间接衍生价值"构成的"价值体系"。该体系具有明显的层次性,其中本底价值是所有价值存在的基础,这决定了遗产资源必须在保护的前提下才能合理利用;该体系也有空间性,三种价值主要分别存在于遗产地范围以内、遗产地及相邻区域、遗产地范围以外的更大的区域。于是,对自然文化遗产的保护和利用要坚持三个基本原则:严格保护本底价值,确保遗产的真实性和完整性不受损害;适度利用直接应用价值,做到功能综合利用、产品综合开发、产业综合发展;大力发展间接衍生价值,充分发挥其空间结构关联效应和产业发展乘数效应,从而达到带动遗产地所在区域社会、经济发展的目的。  相似文献   
基于1991、2002与2008年卫星遥感资料,采用中国陆地生态系统的服务价值测算方法,分析克里雅绿洲土地利用变化对生态系统服务价值与结构的影响。研究表明:①研究区生态服务价值从1991年的144 224.8万元降到2008年的128 716.3万元,生态服务价值损失10.8%,每年净损失生态服务价值达24.2元/hm2。生态服务总价值的减少主要是由湿地、水域总面积的减少而导致的;②研究区各生态服务功能对区域总生态服务价值贡献率由高到低依次为:废物处理、土壤形成、生物多样性保护、水源涵养、气候调价、气体调价、食物生产、娱乐休闲和原材料;③研究区生态服务价值对生态服务功能指数缺乏弹性。  相似文献   
作为一个发展成熟的全球性产业,乐器制造业也正经历着快速的发展和演变。鉴于作为乐器之王的钢琴在乐器中的地位,本文以钢琴为例,研究全球乐器产业的转移及价值活动分布。研究认为,钢琴制造业了5次全球转移,即西欧内部的转移、由欧洲向美国的转移、由美国向西欧和日本的转移、由日本向东亚的转移和由韩国向东亚的转移,形成了当前的全球价值分布格局,即全球钢琴制造业价值量分布整体上呈现阶梯状分布的格局,以欧美为第一阶梯,日本和韩国为第二阶梯,中国为第三阶梯。在研发、核心产品设计及品牌等的核心竞争力上表现更是如此。基于上述研究,论文最后对我国的乐器制造业发展提出了一些思考。  相似文献   
以山岳型旅游地武夷山风景名胜区为例,估算了风景区景观生态服务价值,分析1986年、1997年、2009年风景区景观生态服务价值时空变化特征,并运用相关分析和逐步回归分析方法对生态服务价值与环境因子的关系进行了探讨,以期揭示风景区景观生态服务价值与环境因子间的作用规律。结果表明:1.武夷山风景名胜区景观类型单位面积生态服务价值最高为水体(9 3707元/(hm2.a)),最低为裸地(354元/(hm2.a)),建设用地价值(12 000元/(hm2.a))仅高于裸地、农田、灌草等景观类型,杉木林、马尾松林、竹林、阔叶林等森林景观服务价值相差不大;2.风景区内景观生态服务价值在1986—1997年间服务价值有较大损失,在1997—2009年间得到一定程度弥补,但1986-2009年间景观生态服务价值变化呈亏损趋势,植被景观类型向建设用地的转变导致景观生态服务价值的降低;3.风景区内景观类型生态服务价值与环境因子(坡向除外)间呈现中等相关性,其中,郁闭度与生态服务价值相关系数最高(0.7**),环境因子中蓄积量与郁闭度相关系数最高(0.86**);4.植被景观生态服务价拟合结果(R2=0.7524,p<0.0001)值优于非植被景观(R2=0.5370,p<0.0001),拟合效果能较好地揭示景观类型生态服务价值与环境因子间的数量关系。  相似文献   
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