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层间氧化带中褪色带的成因及其找矿意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李细根  王乐民 《铀矿地质》2004,20(3):151-155
本文列举了国内外层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床中的一些褪色现象 ,从宏观到微观地分析了褪色带的成因 ,认为褪色带的形成是在层间氧化带形成后 ,由深部上升的还原性气体或油气对氧化砂体进行还原的产物。运用国内外典型的事例说明主要工业铀矿体产于褪色带与原生带之间 ,由于褪色带是次生还原的产物 ,往往会将褪色带误认为是原生带 ,从而导致主要工业铀矿体漏失。由此分析推断出 :乌库尔其地区西部的 2 5 3线一带和中部的 3 89~ 42 1线一带第Ⅴ旋回铀矿体可能还在沿倾向向前延伸 ,目前已揭露的铀晕带是褪色带而不是还原带 ,这些地段的铀矿找矿工作应重新认识评价。  相似文献   
Groundwater and sediment samples (∼ 1 m depth) at sites representative of different groundwater pathways were collected to determine the aqueous speciation of sulfur and the fractionation of sulfur isotopes in aqueous and solid phases. In addition, selected sediment samples at 5 depths (from oxic to anoxic layers) were collected to investigate the processes controlling sulfur biogeochemistry in sedimentary layers. Pyrite was the dominant sulfur-bearing phase in the capillary fringe and groundwater zones where anoxic conditions are found. Low concentrations of pyrite (< 5.9 g kg− 1) coupled with high concentrations of dissolved sulfide (4.81 to 134.7 mg L− 1) and low concentrations of dissolved Fe (generally < 1 mg L− 1) and reducible solid-phase Fe indicate that availability of reactive Fe limits pyrite formation. The relative uniformity of down-core isotopic trends for sulfur-bearing mineral phases in the sedimentary layers suggests that sulfate reduction does not result in significant sulfate depletion in the sediment. Sulfate availability in the deeper sediments may be enhanced by convective vertical mixing between upper and lower sedimentary layers due to evaporative concentration. The large isotope fractionation between dissolved sulfate and sedimentary sulfides at Owens Lake provides evidence for initial fractionation from bacterial sulfate reduction and additional fractionation generated by sulfide oxidation followed by disproportionation of intermediate oxidation state sulfur compounds. The high salinity in the Owens Lake brines may be a factor controlling sulfate reduction and disproportionation in hypersaline conditions and results in relatively constant values for isotope fractionation between dissolved sulfate and total reduced sulfur.  相似文献   
黄宝贵 《岩矿测试》1994,13(1):6-10
研究了络合剂乙二胺作为分离流化锌矿中锌矿物的选择性溶剂的优越性及其具体应用条件。10%乙二胺-10%(NH4)2SO4溶液于室温下电磁搅拌浸取,氧化锌矿物的浸取率>97%,而闪锌矿等在该溶剂体系中溶解率≤0.2%,具有比较高的选择性。方法已用于实际样品分析。  相似文献   
本文以512矿床为例阐述层间氧化带砂岩铀矿床,矿化富集部位与铀镭平衡变化特征的关系,铀镭平衡变化特征与地面异常的关系,重点论述了层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床的氡异常特征,评价了地面氡法寻找层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床的作用和意义 。  相似文献   
砂岩型铀矿,目前是我国铀矿地质找矿的主要方向之一。该类矿床多分布于中、新生代层间氧化带内,赋矿深度较大,找矿具有一定的局限性,因此开展对砂岩型铀矿的找矿方法探索具有重要的意义。该类矿床勘查的方法主要有活性炭吸附氡法、放射性水化学法、腐殖酸抽提法、分量化探法、深穿透地球化学法、地球电化学法等本文通过总结这些方法的原理、适用条件及注意事项,提出采用多种方法追踪铀矿异常可更有效的发现矿化信息。  相似文献   
湿地甲烷氧化是控制湿地甲烷通量的重要因子.本文对湿地甲烷氧化的测定方法与主要控制因子进行了综述.湿地甲烷氧化的测定方法主要包括未添加甲烷氧化抑制剂培养法和添加甲烷氧化抑制剂培养法.湿地甲烷氧化是诸多因子综合作用的结果,控制湿地甲烷氧化的因子包括湿地生态系统类型、温度、土壤湿度、底物、pH值等.比较而言,底物的浓度(甲烷和氧化性物质)以及土壤湿度是更为重要的环境因子.  相似文献   
受火山喷发沉积环境(陆上或水下)及岩浆酸度等因素的影响,火山喷发物的地球化学特征有很大差异,准确判识火山喷发环境是火山岩油气储层性质评价的重要地质依据。本文基于三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷牛圈湖-牛东构造带上石炭统58件火山岩样品主量元素地球化学数据,采用Fe2O3与FeO比值作为氧化系数,利用数理统计方法投点,根据上石炭统哈尔加乌组和卡拉岗组火山岩氧化系数分布特征判识其喷发沉积环境。统计结果表明,卡拉岗组34件样品氧化系数介于0.55~5.00,数值主要分布于1.0~3.0,说明火山喷发沉积环境复杂,非单纯的氧化环境;从部分单井垂向分布来看,氧化系数具有随埋深由深至浅呈明显增大的趋势,表示由弱还原环境逐渐向强氧化环境过渡。哈尔加乌组24件岩芯样品氧化系数介于0.25~0.94,数值主要集中于0.2~0.4,表明火山喷发沉积于贫氧的还原环境;从单井垂向分布来看,氧化系数受埋深影响极小,表示火山喷发沉积受水动力条件境影响小,沉积环境具有一定的水体深度。研究调研筛选了国内10个不同盆地108件火山岩样品数据资料,并充分考虑酸度对火山岩氧化系数的影响,建立了...  相似文献   
陈惠娴  胡文瑄  王小林 《地质学报》2022,96(6):2107-2115
CH4和CO2是岩浆热液系统中的重要挥发组分,两者之间的转换机制是一个重要的科学问题,在碳循环和流体作用等诸多方面都具有重要意义。例如在成矿过程中,CH4和CO2的加入会改变成矿流体性质,CO2还能缓冲流体pH,对成矿元素的迁移和沉淀富集有重要影响。前人通过研究瑞士阿尔卑斯山中部石炭纪、二叠纪、三叠纪地层裂隙石英中的流体包裹体发现,在较高温度条件下,黑云母的绿泥石化能将CH4氧化生成CO2,然而缺少相关的实验地球化学证据。因此,本项研究选择黑云母作为氧化剂开展了CH4的氧化实验研究。通过对黑云母- 甲烷- 水体系、黑云母- 碳化铝- 水体系以及甲烷- 水体系的实验研究发现,证实了黑云母能够将CH4氧化为CO2,起始反应温度约150℃,远低于地质研究结果。对于黑云母- 甲烷- 水体系和甲烷- 水体系实验,采用熔融毛细硅管作为反应腔,而对于黑云母- 碳化铝- 水体系实验,则采用粗石英管作为反应腔。对反应后黑云母残片的能谱分析表明,变价元素Fe含量大量降低,表明黑云母中三价Fe作为氧化剂参与了反应。这一结果为地质系统中黑云母等铁锰暗色矿物在中低温条件下氧化CH4形成CO2提供了实验和理论支撑。而CH4向CO2的转变过程,将改变热液流体的性质,有利于富CO2成矿流体的形成,对金属矿床形成具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The role of chloride ions in metal sulfides leaching has been well established by researchers, the complexation of chloride ions was considered to be the main effect of chloride ions. In this work, the complexation of chloride ions was neglected by addition of EDTA, a strong complexing agent. In this way, further study was conducted on the effect of chloride ions. The increase of chloride ions concentration from 0 to 2 mol/L, decreased the open circuit potential of pyrite from 264 to 91 mV. Unless otherwise stated, all potentials in this paper are based on the potential of saturated calomel electrode. At 600 mV, the increase of chloride ions concentration acceleraed pyrite oxidation; at 800 and 1000 mV, however, the increase of chloride ions concentration lowered pyrite oxidation rate, and the proportion of elemental sulfur was also decreased with increasing chloride ions concentration; when chloride ions concentration increased from 0 to 2 mol/L, the proportion of elemental sulfur decreased from 32% to 28.4% at 800 mV, and 7.1% to 2.4% at 1000 inV.  相似文献   
The intensive mussel culture carried out in the past 40 years in the Rias of Vigo and Arousa (Galicia-NW Spain) has led to substantial changes in the ecology and geochemistry of the seabed in these areas. Organic C enrichment of the seabed has generated strongly reducing conditions that directly affect the geochemistry of Fe and S. In the present study a total of six sediment cores were collected from the seabed under mussel rafts, and two different layers were distinguished: the biodeposit generated by the mussels, and the sediment situated immediately below this. Samples of each were analyzed to determine the pH, redox potential, sulphate and chloride in the interstitial water, as well as total percentage of organic C (TOC), N and S. Sequential extraction of the samples differentiated six fractions of Fe: exchangeable, carbonate, ferrihydrite, lepidocrocite, goethite and pyrite. The contents of total Fe, Fe associated with silicates, Fe soluble in 1 M HCl and AVS-Fe were also determined. In general, both the biodeposit and the sediment were anoxic (Eh < 100 mV) and there were no significant differences between the two in the total Fe or in the Fe associated with silicates, which appears to indicate that the input of Fe to the system did not vary greatly. However, there were significant differences between the sediment and the biodeposit in terms of the forms of Fe in each layer. The concentrations of pyrite in the biodeposit (0.37 ± 0.25 μmol g−1) were high but significantly lower than in the sediment (1.10 ± 0.20 μmol g−1), and there remained large quantities of reactive-Fe that were susceptible to pyritisation. In contrast, in the sediment, the reactive-Fe was intensively pyritised, and judging from the ratio of TOC–DOP, it limited synthesis of pyrite. Furthermore, a plot of the concentration of pyrite-S against TOC revealed an excess of ∼15% of pyrite-S, which is explained by the partial decoupling of pyrite formation from organic matter accumulation, caused by the formation of pyrite from the H2S generated by the anaerobic oxidation of methane. The latter process also appears to favour, although to a lesser extent, the precipitation of Ca carbonate, with incorporation of Fe.  相似文献   
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