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以滇东北地区某拟建公路沿线的地质灾害为例 ,分析研究该地区地质灾害的影响因素、影响机制、分布规律以及对公路工程的影响。区内地质灾害的发育受地层岩性、岩体结构、地质构造、地震、水文条件、气候条件、人类活动等因素的控制和影响。地质灾害类型主要有崩滑塌、滑坡、泥石流、岩溶塌陷等 ,另外还存在软土、膨胀土及可液化的砂土等特殊岩土灾害。不同类型的灾害对公路工程的影响和破坏机制不同  相似文献   
Fine ash content of explosive eruptions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In explosive eruptions, the mass proportion of ash that is aerodynamically fine enough to cause problems with jet aircraft or human lungs (< 30 to 60 μm in diameter) is in the range of a few percent to more than 50%. The proportions are higher for silicic explosive eruptions, probably because vesicle size in the pre-eruptive magma is smaller than those in mafic magmas. There is good evidence that pyroclastic flows produce high proportions of fine ash by communition and it is likely that this process also occurs inside volcanic conduits and would be most efficient when the magma fragmentation surface is well below the summit crater. Reconstructed total grain size distributions for several recent explosive eruptions indicate that basaltic eruptions have small proportions of very fine ash (~ 1 to 4%) while tephra generated during silicic eruptions contains large proportions (30 to > 50%).  相似文献   
Zhang  Jiquan  Okada  Norio  Tatano  Hirokazu  Hayakawa  Seiji 《Natural Hazards》2004,31(1):209-232
Agro-meteorological hazards such as drought, waterlogging and cool summer occur with very high frequency and affect maize production and social-economic development in the maize-growing region of Songliao Plain, China. Moreover, both the frequency of these hazards and loss from them are considered to be increasing with global warming. The purpose of this paper is to quantitatively analyze the relationships between the fluctuation of maize yield and drought, waterlogging and cool summer, and to evaluate the consequences of these hazards in the maize-growing area of Songliao Plain, taking Lishu county as a case study area based on GIS (Geographic Information System). Crop yield-climate analysis and regression analysis were employed to analyze and quantify relationships between the fluctuation of maize yield and drought, waterlogging and cool summer, and to evaluate the consequences of these hazards. The parameters and model of damage evaluation were presented using weighted comprehensive analysis, and the degree of damage of drought, waterlogging and cool summer to maize production was comprehensively evaluated and regionalized. It is shown that from 1949 to 1990, the negative value years of the fluctuation of maize yield due to meteorological hazards accounted for 55% of seasons, of which 14% was caused by drought, 30% by waterlogging, 4% by cool summer and drought, 9% by cool summer and waterlogging, 13% by drought and waterlogging, 30% by drought, waterlogging and cool summer. Studies on the instability and spatial variation of the fluctuations in maize yield in Lishu county showed that the middle plains are stable areas to climatic influence, while southeastern hills and low mountains, the low lands of the plains along the East Liao River and the western plain are unstable areas in terms of areas in maize yield. The synthetic index of the degree of damage to maize of drought, waterlogging and cool summer showed a strong positive correlation with the ratio of the amount damaged to the normal yield of maize. This suggests that this index can be used to evaluate such damage. The degree of damage of drought, waterlogging and cool summer to maize in Lishu county shows the regional characteristics, which increase gradually from the center to the west and east, this being almost identical with the spatial distribution of the fluctuation of maize yield due to these hazards. This study can be expected to provide the basis for developing strategies to mitigate agro-meteorological hazards and reducing the losses from them, and adjust the medium and long-term distribution of agricultural activities so as to adapt to environmental changes.  相似文献   
2009-07-31,四川省凉山彝族自治州西溪河流域金阳县地洛电站施工区暴发泥石流,造成9人死亡、施工道路及设施损毁.通过现场调查和分析认为,"7.31"泥石流是一场高容重低粘度坡面型泥石质泥石流,强降雨是此次泥石流形成的激发条件,工程弃渣是其形成的物质基础和条件,过沟公路未合理设置排水涵洞,路基被毁,沿途大量物质补给是泥石流形成的促进因素."7.31"泥石流隐蔽性强,人们对其危害范围认识不足,防灾意识薄弱,监测预警不到位,是造成人员伤亡与财产损失的重要因素.结合西溪河流域水电开发的现状,针对性地提出了规范人类工程活动,提高防灾意识,加强地质灾害的监测预警等防治对策,建议进一步加强中小水电工程施工的监管力度,切实落实灾害危险性评估与防灾措施,最大限度地减少人为地质灾害.  相似文献   
煤矿防治煤和瓦斯突出是一项极其复杂的系统工程,人们逐步探索煤与瓦斯突出规律,人工计算已不能适应大量数据处理与分析之需要,将计算机数据库及计算机绘图功能运用于防突工作中,能较好地处理防突数据,提高防突预测预报的针对性和准确性,使之更好地为矿井安全生产服务。  相似文献   
气候变暖背景下青藏高原山地灾害及其风险分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于青藏高原1930-2010年山地灾害实例,分析了气候变暖对青藏高原山地灾害的影响。结果表明:在气候变暖背景下,冰湖溃决灾害增多,冰川泥石流趋于活跃,特大灾害出现频繁,灾害链生特征明显,表现出时间和空间上的延拓性,巨灾发生概率增大;在藏东南地区表现出雨热同期的气候特征,构成了利于冰川类泥石流形成的条件;波密县城位于两条泥石流危险区的建筑物占地面积由1988年0.014 km2扩展到2012年1.004 km2,人口与经济密集区与灾害高风险区重叠,加之气候变化导致的灾害危险性增加,青藏高原灾害风险显著增大。上述结果提供了气候变化对青藏高原山地灾害影响的证据,初步阐述了其影响特征,有助于山地减灾和进一步认识气候变化对山地灾害的影响机理。  相似文献   
苏怀  史正涛  董铭  叶燎原  叶蕾 《地学前缘》2021,28(2):202-210
古堰塞湖溃决洪水事件的重建是当前地学研究的热点问题之一,寻找足够的可参考的现代溃决洪水事件案例是顺利开展这项工作的基础。2018年11月13日发生在金沙江干流的白格堰塞湖超万年一遇的溃决洪水事件(学术界称之为“11·3”白格堰塞湖溃决洪水事件)就是一个难得的样本。这次溃决事件发生在枯水期,洪峰完全由溃决洪水产生,没有叠加其他来源,对评估流域地貌和沉积体系对堰塞溃决事件的响应有很好的参考价值。本文以溃决洪水事件受灾最为严重的奔子栏—石鼓段为研究区,通过详细的野外调查和初步的水力学估算发现“11·3”白格堰塞湖溃决洪水事件在奔子栏—石鼓段的地貌作用主要表现为洪水淹没区的岸坡塌岸和沉积物堆积,未发现明显的基岩侵蚀。沉积物主要由分选良好的具水平纹层的砂组成。受金沙江较低的河床比降影响,洪水产生的基底剪切应力较弱在27~142 N/m2,不能悬浮和搬运直径5 cm以上的砾石,也不能产生明显的磨蚀和冲(撞)击作用。在发生塌岸的部分段落,洪水沉积物中有砾石坠入,甚至会出现类似浊流沉积的层序。这些现象的发现对深入理解堰塞湖溃决洪水的复杂地貌过程和沉积特征有重要参考意义。  相似文献   
广东沿海陆地地质环境质量定量评价研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
广东沿海陆地不仅是我国经济较为发达的地区 ,而且也是地震、水土流失、崩塌、滑坡、地裂缝、地面沉降、岩溶塌陷、软土地基形变等地质灾害较为频发的地区。基于对广东沿海陆地主要物理地质灾害形成条件与影响因素调查、统计与分析 ,将广东沿海陆地地质环境质量划分 :构造稳定性、斜坡稳定性和地基稳定性三个质量层面 ,进而构造了隶属三个层面的指标体系 ,该指标体系包括活动断裂、地震活动、地形起伏度、斜坡坡地、冲沟切割密度、水土流失程度、崩滑面密度、土体承载力和地裂缝面密度 9个指标。基于地质环境质量五值逻辑等级取值 :优等、良好、中等、较差和差等 ,对评价指标进行了相应地量化分级取值和标准化处理 ,在建立指标专家权重体系和线性隶属函数的基础上 ,构造了模糊数学综合评价模型。基于 Fortran程序对 190个剖分单元指标数据进行了模型运算 ,将广东沿海陆地地质环境划分为五个质量级共 17个地质环境质量单元。  相似文献   
在地质灾害调查与区划工作的基础上,研究了陕南略阳地区地质灾害的发育类型、区域分布特征,探讨了地质灾害与构造活动、地形地貌、地层岩性、地下水、降雨和人类工程活动之间的关系.  相似文献   
基于人工神经网络的区域地质灾害危险性预测评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
地质灾害危险性预测评价的准确性,主要取决于基础资料的可靠性和数学模型的合理性。论文结合工程实例,尝试用人工神经网络方法(改进的神经网络BP模型)对区域地质灾害危险性预测进行评价研究。然后与目前常用的方法(如层次分析法、信息量法和模糊综合评判法等)所得出的结果相比较。结果表明,运用人工神经网络方法对区域地质灾害危险性预测评价相对常用方法更准确、可靠,具有一定的实用意义及推广价值。  相似文献   
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