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构造模拟实验是研究和模拟自然界地质构造现象、变形特征、成因机制和动力学过程的一种物理实验方法。本文基于砂箱构造物理模型高、中、低速7组不同单向挤压速度的构造模拟实验,揭示不同变形速率下砂箱物质变形的几何学、运动学及其演化特征,探讨不同变形速度(尤其是不同量级速度)对前陆褶皱冲断构造变形的重要性。高速单向挤压变形过程中(0.4~0.1mm/s),砂箱模型中石英砂体后缘构造加积强烈,砂体变形主要以楔形体向前扩展变形为主,其构造样式主要表现为前展式叠瓦冲断构造。中速挤压变形过程中(0.05~0.005mm/s),砂体后缘加积相对较弱,构造变形样式主要为砂箱楔形体前缘先形成(前展式为主)逆冲断层,当达到临界楔形体后,反冲断层发育并与前展式逆冲断层构成冲起构造,构造样式上表现为叠瓦构造与冲起构造的无序叠加。低速挤压变形过程中(0.002mm/s),砂箱物质构造样式以典型冲起带为主。由于砂箱模拟过程的时效性,即如何在最有效时间内获得最全面而复杂的演变过程,通过本次系列实验,我们建议将此有效挤压速度设定为0.05~0.005mm/s范围内,可以先后清晰而全面的获得高速和低速挤压下砂体的变形过程和构造样式。  相似文献   
A new tectonic scenario for the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone (Iran)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent geochemical studies of volcanic rocks forming part of the ophiolites within the Zagros and Naien-Baft orogen indicate that most of them were developed as supra-subduction ophiolites in intra-oceanic island arc environments. Intra-oceanic island arcs and ophiolites now forming the Naien-Baft zone were emplaced southwestward onto the northeastern margin of the South Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, while those now in the High Zagros were emplaced southwestward onto the northern margin of Arabia. Thereafter, subduction continued on opposite sides of the remnant oceans. The floor of Neo-Tethys Ocean was subducted at a low angle beneath the entire Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, and the floor of the Naien-Baft Ocean was subducted beneath the Central Iranian Micro-continent. The Naien-Baft Ocean extended into North-West Iran only temporarily. This failed ocean arm (between the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Assemblage and the main Zagros Thrust) was filled by thick Upper Triassic–Upper Jurassic sediments. The Naien-Baft Ocean finally closed in the Paleocene and Neo-Tethys closed in the Early to Middle Eocene. After Arabia was sutured to Iran, the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Assemblage recorded slab break-off in the Middle Eocene.  相似文献   
南美洲成矿区带划分及其地质特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张潮  陈玉明  赵宏军  姚仲友  郭维民 《地质通报》2017,36(12):2134-2142
南美洲是全球成矿规律研究的热点地区,区内优势矿产资源铜、铁、铝土矿、锡、铌、锂、金、银等在世界上占有重要地位,也是全球矿产勘查投资的重点地区。根据大地构造单元划分,结合实际矿床(点)空间分布、主要成矿类型及其成矿背景,对南美洲开展了三级成矿区带划分,共划分出2个Ⅰ级成矿区,9个Ⅱ级成矿省和42个Ⅲ级成矿带。阐述了南美洲成矿区带划分原则、命名规则、优势矿种、主要成矿时代等。以圭亚那地盾成矿省(Ⅱ-1)泛亚马孙成矿带(Ⅲ-2)为例,概述了Ⅲ级成矿带的优势矿种、矿床类型、赋矿岩系、控矿因素等,总结了区域构造演化、变质作用、岩浆活动等与成矿的关系。  相似文献   
印度/亚洲碰撞形成的喜马拉雅增生地体由特提斯-喜马拉雅(THM)、高喜马拉雅(GHM)、低喜马拉雅(LHM)和次喜马拉雅(SHM)亚地体组成。通过喜马拉雅增生地体中变质基底和盖层的组成、变质演化、变形机制与形成时代的对比,确定高喜马拉雅(GHM)亚地体北缘的藏南拆离断裂(STD)向北延伸于特提斯-喜马拉雅(THM)亚地体之下,与形成在大于650℃温度、具有自南向北剪切滑移性质的康马-拉轨岗日拆离带(KLD)相连,深部地壳局部熔融、物质上涌造成的花岗岩侵位,使康马-拉轨岗日拆离带隆起,形成康马-拉轨岗日穹隆带。在高喜马拉雅(GHM)亚地体北部(普兰-吉隆-聂拉木-亚东-带)的变质基底与盖层之间发现EW向近水平的高喜马拉雅韧性拆离构造(GHD),以发育EW向拉伸线理、缓倾的糜棱面理及具有自西向东水平滑移为特征;而在GHM南部靠近主中央冲断裂(MCT)北侧发育具有挤压转换性质的韧性走滑-逆冲断层。高喜马拉雅亚地体从南到北具有由逆冲→斜向逆冲→EW向伸展→斜向伸展→SN向伸展的连续变形和转换的特征,是在现代喜马拉雅垂向挤出和侧向挤出的耦合造山机制下综合变形的响应。喜马拉雅地体中的东西向和南北向拆离构造的存在为喜马拉雅现代造山机制再讨论提供了基础。  相似文献   
四川叠合盆地盆山耦合特征分析   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
四川叠合盆地三面环山,自东而西夹持于江南、秦岭与龙门山三大山系之间,位于古亚洲、环太平洋与特提斯三大构造域的结合部位;中生代以来,先后经历了海盆、煤盆、陆相广盆、残盆四个盆地世代;盆地沉积充填过程可概括为前陆、坳陷、再生前陆三种基本样式。系统的山盆构造样式及运动学、沉积充填过程分析结果表明盆地周缘造山带造山活动期与盆内古隆起发育期时间耦合;盆地周缘造山带造山活动期与盆地沉积环境转换期时间耦合;盆地周缘造山带构造轴线走向基本保持与盆内山前坳陷或前陆褶冲带构造轴线走向相耦合;盆地周缘造山带不同时期形成的褶冲构造轴线走向基本保持与其同期盆内产生的沉积或沉降中心构造轴线走向相耦合。  相似文献   
第三纪富金斑岩型铜矿床主要发育于板块汇聚边缘与俯冲作用相关的火山-岩浆弧以及陆缘弧中,而大多数较古老的富金斑岩型铜矿床则主要发育于向大陆边缘增生的岛弧环境中.含矿斑岩的岩性变化范围从低钾钙碱性闪长岩、石英闪长岩和英云闪长岩到高钾钙碱性石英二长岩到碱性的二长岩及正长岩,通常侵位于地壳浅部l~2km处,与同期的火山岩密切共生,并常见热液爆破角砾岩.其围岩蚀变从早到晚依次可分为Ca-Na硅酸盐蚀变、K硅酸盐蚀变、中级泥质蚀变、绢云母化、高级泥质蚀变,而浅部的高级泥质蚀变可以与早期K硅酸盐蚀变同期形成.Cu、Au矿化主要发育在K硅酸盐蚀变带中,矿化与A型脉密切相关,贫钼而富铂族元素.控制富金斑岩型铜矿床形成的几个关键过程包括:(1)源区有大量的Cu、Au等成矿元素;(2)能使Cu、Au等成矿物质有效进入岩浆熔体的机制;(3)合成矿元素的岩浆熔体在从地幔上升到地壳高侵位而形成斑岩体的过程中没有Cu、Au等成矿物质损失;(4)在岩浆上升演化过程中,岩浆挥发份能有效的逸出,并且逸出的时间越早,对成矿越有利;(5)Cu、Au等成矿元素能有效进入岩浆挥发份;(6)在成矿斑岩体上部发育有利的相对封闭机制,阻止岩浆挥发份的逃逸;(7)含Cu、Au成矿流体的有效沉淀机制;(8)具有一个地壳上部的岩浆房,能够不断提供成矿物质和驱动热液循环的热能.要形成大型矿床一般需要多期岩浆脉动侵位与多期矿化热液蚀变事件的叠加.现多倾向认为交代的地幔楔可能是其主要物质来源.而有利于富金斑岩型铜矿床形成的岩浆有钾质钙碱性岩浆、埃达克质岩浆、碱性弧岩浆.俯冲板片脱水形成的流体或者熔融产生熔体提供了上覆地幔楔熔融的高氧逸度条件,这种高氧逸度特征是地幔源区Cu、Au成矿元素能否进入岩浆熔体的重要条件之一.最近研究表明流体的冷却可能是Cu、Au沉淀成矿最主要的因素.本文扼要介绍了富金斑岩型铜矿的矿床地质特征、矿床成因等方面的研究进展,分析了存在的主要问题并对其发展趋势作了展望.  相似文献   
长期以来,学者们普遍认为垂直于喜马拉雅造山带的南北向裂谷是东西向伸展的构造形迹。现代GPS观测数据却显示,喜马拉雅造山带东西位移(分)量很小,甚至为零。综合前人资料,喜马拉雅造山过程可划分为热造山(25~13Ma)及造山后(< 13Ma)冷却两个时期,热造山期具有受热膨胀,物质向外运移的特点,高喜马拉雅热隆挤出并触发各主要断裂(MCT、STD、GCT)活动,印度板块向北汇聚速率下降。造山后则表现为冷却收缩,前期构造-热活动停止或减弱,印度板块向北汇聚加速。研究认为,南北向裂谷与高喜马拉雅等冷却过程的东西向收缩。且被局限于东、西两个构造结之间有关。并据此建立了裂谷的冷缩成因模型,模型估值与地质事实很吻合。  相似文献   
The Cenozoic metallogeny in Greece includes numerous major and minor hydrothermal mineral deposits, associated with the closure of the Western Tethyan Ocean and the collision with the Eurasian continental plate in the Aegean Sea, which started in the Cretaceous and is still ongoing. Mineral deposits formed in four main periods: Oligocene (33–25 Ma), early Miocene (22–19 Ma), middle to late Miocene (14–7 Ma), and Pliocene-Pleistocene (3–1.5 Ma). These metallogenic periods occurred in response to slab-rollback and migration of post-collisional calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatism in a back-arc extensional regime from the Rhodopes through the Cyclades, and to arc-related magmatism along the active south Aegean volcanic arc. Invasion of asthenospheric melts into the lower crust occurred due to slab retreat, and were responsible for partial melting of metasomatized lithosphere and lower crustal cumulates. These geodynamic events took place during the collapse of the Hellenic orogen along large detachment faults, which exhumed extensive metamorphic core complexes in mainly two regions, the Rhodopes and the Cyclades. The detachment faults and supra-detachment basins controlled magma emplacement, fluid circulation, and mineralization.The most significant mineralization styles comprise porphyry, epithermal, carbonate-replacement, reduced intrusion-related gold, intrusion-related Mo-W and polymetallic veins. Porphyry and epithermal deposits are commonly associated with extensive hydrothermal alteration halos, whereas in other cases alteration is of restricted development and mainly structurally controlled. Porphyry deposits include Cu-Au-, Cu-Mo-Au-Re, Mo-Re, and Mo-W variants. Epithermal deposits include mostly high- and intermediate-sulfidation (HS and IS) types hosted in volcanic rocks, although sedimentary and metamorphic rock hosted mineralized veins, breccias, and disseminations are also present. The main metal associations are Cu-Au-Ag-Te and Pb-Zn-Au-Ag-Te in HS and IS epithermal deposits, respectively. Major carbonate-replacement deposits in the Kassandra and Lavrion mining districts are rich in Au and Ag, and together with reduced intrusion-related gold systems played a critical role in ancient economies. Finally hundreds of polymetallic veins hosted by metamorphic rocks in the Rhodopes and Cyclades significantly add to the metal endowment of Greece.  相似文献   
Subsurface dams are rather effective and used for the prevention of saltwater intrusion in coastal regions around the world. We carried out the laboratory experiments to investigate the elevation of saltwater wedge after the construction of subsurface dams. The elevation of saltwater wedge refers to the upward movement of the downstream saltwater wedge because the subsurface dams obstruct the regional groundwater flow and reduce the freshwater discharge. Consequently, the saltwater wedge cannot further extend in the longitudinal direction but rises in the vertical profile resulting in significant downstream aquifer salinization. In order to quantitatively address this issue, field-scale numerical simulations were conducted to explore the influence of various dam heights, distances, and hydraulic gradients on the elevation of saltwater wedge. Our investigation shows that the upward movement of the saltwater wedge and its areal extension in the vertical domain of the downstream aquifer become more severe with a higher dam and performed a great dependence on the freshwater discharge. Furthermore, the increase of the hydraulic gradient and the dam distance from the sea boundary leads to a more pronounced wedge elevation. This phenomenon comes from the variation of the freshwater discharge due to the modification of dam height, location, and hydraulic gradient. Large freshwater discharge can generate greater repulsive force to restrain the elevation of saltwater wedge. These conclusions provide theoretical references for the behaviour of the freshwater–seawater interface after the construction of subsurface dams and help optimize the design strategy to better utilize the coastal groundwater resources.  相似文献   
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