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导水岩溶陷落柱堵水塞建造技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以东庞矿特大陷落柱突水快速封堵工程为例,分析了陷落柱空间结构特征及突水水文地质条件,提出了对突水陷落柱进行快速截水恢复生产和注浆封堵根治水患两个阶段的治理方案。根据陷落柱的空间特征及工程地质条件,确立了分序分段注浆工艺,并且给出了不同阶段注浆工艺的控制标准;建立了注浆钻孔分序分段注浆的吸水率结束标准;提出了在井下疏放堵水塞之上的陷落柱残留水,计算补给水量,定量评价堵水效果的检验方法;采用先进的螺杆钻具定向、随钻测斜与防斜纠偏钻探工艺,使钻进方向始终处于受控状态,确保钻机按照设计参数施工。  相似文献   
阿尔金断裂带中段出露一套走滑过程中形成的花岗质和角闪质糜棱岩。从糜棱岩中分选出3种类型的锆石:岩浆成因的长柱状锆石、柱状锆石和变质成因的次浑圆状锆石。这3种锆石的显微结构和构造特征以及它们内部的矿物包裹体均有所区别。其中长柱状锆石在岩石中定向排列,晶体长轴方向与拉伸线理方向一致,并且内部的所有矿物包裹体的长轴方向均与锆石的长轴方向平行,即与拉伸线理方向平行;拉曼研究表明包裹体矿物具熔融相特征;阴极发光图像中反映出这种锆石具有相对均一的内部结构。因此,该长柱状锆石是在韧性剪切过程中部分熔融环境下快速定向生长的,不仅代表了走滑剪切过程中的剪切应变方向,而且其生长年龄代表了走滑剪切的时代。  相似文献   
基于三维魔方的芜湖市域主体功能区划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照一定的分区原则,运用适当分区技术路径,合理选择主体功能区划指标体系,综合运用层次分析法和熵值法确定指标权重,从资源生态保护度、社会经济发展强度、发展潜力3个方面分别进行指标评价,将评价单元划分不同等级.在此基础上,采用三维魔方法,构建魔方单元与主体功能区对应关系,将市域划分为优化开发区域、重点开发区域、适度开发区域...  相似文献   
文章采用基于集对分析法的社会、经济与生态环境协调发展模型研究雷州半岛海岸带主体功能区划,确定边界范围,构建评价指标体系。将整个雷州半岛作为海岸带,指标体系划分为三大类共27个指标。赤坎区、坡头区、麻章区属于基本协调发展;开发区(含东海)、遂溪县、雷州市、吴川市、徐闻县和廉江市属于高度协调发展;霞山区属于弱协调或不协调发...  相似文献   
Accurate analysis of water flow pathways from rainfall to streams is critical for simulating water use, climate change impact, and contaminants transport. In this study, we developed a new scheme to simultaneously calibrate surface flow (SF) and baseflow (BF) simulations of soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) by combing evolutionary multi‐objective optimization (EMO) and BF separation techniques. The application of this scheme demonstrated pronounced trade‐off of SWAT's performance on SF and BF simulations. The simulated major water fluxes and storages variables (e.g. soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and groundwater) using the multiple parameters from EMO span wide ranges. Uncertainty analysis was conducted by Bayesian model averaging of the Pareto optimal solutions. The 90% confidence interval (CI) estimated using all streamflows substantially overestimate the uncertainty of low flows on BF days while underestimating the uncertainty of high flows on SF days. Despite using statistical criteria calculated based on streamflow for model selection, it is important to conduct diagnostic analysis of the agreement of SWAT behaviour and actual watershed dynamics. The new calibration technique can serve as a useful tool to explore the trade‐off between SF and BF simulations and provide candidates for further diagnostic assessment and model identification. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对目前高空间分辨率遥感影像(简称高分遥感影像)地物全自动提取无法完全实现的现实,本文结合自然地物的光谱和纹理特征,提出一种面向对象的高分遥感影像典型自然地物半自动提取方法.首先构建最小生成树(Minimum Spanning Tree,MST)进行影像初始分割,根据影像灰度平均归一化值和标准差统计对象的光谱、纹理等特...  相似文献   
试论区域持续发展中的资源导向模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域作为地球表面的一部分 ,包含若干地理环境内容 ,具有一定的环境结构 ,同时区域又是各种资源的承载体 ,必然具有资源结构 ,区域的资源结构与环境相互交错形成区域特有的资源——环境结构。两大类资源即自然资源和人文资源与自然、人文环境相互作用共同构成了区域的多种资源——环境结构类型 ,不同的结构类型对区域发展的作用不同 ,但只有占主导地位的结构类型才有可能对区域发展起导向作用。基于此 ,本文用可持续发展的观点 ,提出了区域持续发展的三种资源导向模式 ,即自然资源导向型、人文资源导向型和资源综合导向型 ,并对每种模式进行了详细的分析和进一步的划分 ,最后对不同类型资源导向模式的动态转化进行了分析。  相似文献   
定向裂缝对地震波速度和振幅影响的比较—实验结果分析   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
利用垂直定向裂缝模型和MTS岩石物性测试系统,测试了不同材料和不同状态裂缝模型的地震特征响应。对特征响应进行分析和比较后发现,虽然波的传播速度,振幅,吸收衰减,主频均可用来检测裂缝的特征参数,但是裂缝变化对振幅的影响大于对速度的影响。因此,利用地震波的振幅、衰减等属性参数检测裂缝特征比利用速度参数更有效。  相似文献   
新疆大卡拉苏花岗伟晶岩锥状绿柱石矿物特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在自然界中绿柱石多为柱状,往往呈杂乱无序状晶出,锥状绿柱石非常少见。大卡拉苏花岗伟晶中的六方锥状绿柱石,垂直花岗伟晶岩脉壁定向晶出,与熔浆期后钠质交代作用关系密切。  相似文献   
We use two hydrological models of varying complexity to study the Juncal River Basin in the Central Andes of Chile with the aim to understand the degree of conceptualization and the spatial structure that are needed to model present and future streamflows. We use a conceptual semi‐distributed model based on elevation bands [Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP)], frequently used for water management, and a physically oriented, fully distributed model [Topographic Kinematic Wave Approximation and Integration ETH Zurich (TOPKAPI‐ETH)] developed for research purposes mainly. We evaluate the ability of the two models to reproduce the key hydrological processes in the basin with emphasis on snow accumulation and melt, streamflow and the relationships between internal processes. Both models are capable of reproducing observed runoff and the evolution of Moderate‐resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer snow cover adequately. In spite of WEAP's simple and conceptual approach for modelling snowmelt and its lack of glacier representation and snow gravitational redistribution as well as a proper routing algorithm, this model can reproduce historical data with a similar goodness of fit as the more complex TOPKAPI‐ETH. We show that the performance of both models can be improved by using measured precipitation gradients of higher temporal resolution. In contrast to the good performance of the conceptual model for the present climate, however, we demonstrate that the simplifications in WEAP lead to error compensation, which results in different predictions in simulated melt and runoff for a potentially warmer future climate. TOPKAPI‐ETH, using a more physical representation of processes, depends less on calibration and thus is less subject to a compensation of errors through different model components. Our results show that data obtained locally in ad hoc short‐term field campaigns are needed to complement data extrapolated from long‐term records for simulating changes in the water cycle of high‐elevation catchments but that these data can only be efficiently used by a model applying a spatially distributed physical representation of hydrological processes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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