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乌拉嘎金矿床地质地球化学特征研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
乌拉嘎金矿矿体赋存于燕山晚期的斜长花岗斑岩与黑龙江群下亚群接触带附近的近东西向展布的构造角砾岩中,围岩蚀变强烈;金矿化主要受角砾岩带控制。矿床成矿微量元素组合为Au、Hg、As、Sb,且含量均呈向下递增的趋势。LaN/YbN值变化范围为14.146~28.311,稀土元素配分模式为右倾的轻稀土富集型;∑LREE:165.76~62.68;∑HREE:45.82~15.2;LREE/HREE为6.09~4.124,为轻稀土富集型。岩体中流体包裹体以低盐、低压且有天水加入为特征,为典型的浅成低温热液型矿床。  相似文献   
The Jinman copper deposit,which is situated on the northern margin of the Lanping-Simao back-arc basin,western Yunnan Province,is a silver-bearing,high-grade vein-type copper deposit.Comprehensive element geochemical studies of the host rocks and hydrothermal minerals revealed the regularities in the distribution,mobilization and transport of elements from the host rocks to hydrothermal minerals.In conjunction with the fluid inclusion and isotope data,it is suggested that the ore-forming fluid was derived mainly from a deep source characterized by CO2 enrichment and reduction in nature.It is also suggested that the oreforming materials come largely from a deep source.although the contribution of the country rocks should not be ruled out.It is also found that some hydrothermal minerals are possessed of MREE-enrichment patterns.It is deduced that the REEs in the deep-source ore fluid were transported in the form of CO3^2- complexes and were deposited in a continental basin(or a hot-spring basin).  相似文献   
The Dehe granitic pluton intruded the Xiahe Group which is in the core complex of the North Qinling Orogenic Belt(NQOB).It shows gneissic bedding and possesses typical S-type granite minerals such as muscovite and garnet.LA-ICP-MS U-Pb isotopic dating of the Dehe granite yielded a weighted average age of 925±23 Ma which represents the emplacement age of the pluton.Most of the εHf(t) values are negative,and the two-stage model ages are consistent with the age of the Qinling Group.The isotope data show that the Dehe granite was formed in the following geological setting:in the syn-collision setting of the NQOB in the Neoproterozoic,crustal thickening induced partial melting of materials derived from the Qinling complex,and then the maga upwelled and intruded into the Xiahe Group.The formation of the Dehe S-type granite implied the occurrence of a convergent event in the QOB during the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   
缓冲材料作为高放废物深地质处置库中一道重要的人工屏障,与高放废物容器和处置库围岩直接接触,在高放废物衰变热、辐射作用和地下水等影响下产生复杂的热-水-力-化学耦合作用,为了验证缓冲材料是否能长期有效地发挥其屏障材料的作用,核工业北京地质研究院利用高庙子钠基膨润土组装并运行了模拟中国高放废物地质处置室 尺寸的大型缓冲材料膨润土试验台架(China-Mock-Up)。建立了缓冲材料试验台架的安装和试验方法,依据实测数据和理论分析,揭示了热-水-力-化学耦合作用条件下膨润土中的相对湿度是在加热器的热效应和外部供水的湿效应共同作用下发生变化的,压实膨润土中应力的变化主要是由于膨润土遇水膨胀和加热器的热效应引起的,试验验证了模拟高放废物地质处置室内加热器(废物罐)运行初期的位移过程,为缓冲材料和高放废物地质处置库的设计提供了重要的工程参数和理论依据。  相似文献   
皖南两花岗岩体的岩石学特征及成矿专属性判别   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
皖南花岗岩体约20余个,分同熔型及改造型两种,前者主要受印支褶皱带控制,常呈北东向展布;后者受燕山期深断裂制约,呈东西或南北向延伸。本文对区内有代表性的榔桥岩体(同熔型)和姚村岩体(改造型)两个岩体,分别从分布的地质背景、岩石矿物学、岩石化学、微量元素及稀土元素地球化学、铅同位素及岩浆演化等方面进行了研究和对比,并按花岗岩类成矿专属性模型法作了判别:前者主要与Fe、Cu、Pb、Zn、Mo等多金属矿化有关;后者与sn、W及TR矿种有关,判别结果与迄今的找矿实际基本吻合。  相似文献   
地层学和事件地质学的资料,特别是新获得的大量U-Pb同位素年龄资料表明,塔里木和扬子陆块的新元古代地质历史具有极大的相似性,突出表现在热-构造事件的特征、序列和年代格架、克拉通化终结时间、前南华系变质基底和南华系-震旦系沉积盖层所表现的双层结构特点、南华系-震旦系地层层序、地层对比标志层——冰成岩层位等诸多方面。根据这些相似性,笔者等提出中—新元古代扬子与塔里木陆块相连或相邻的可能性。  相似文献   
高魁  刘泽功  刘健 《岩土力学》2015,36(3):711-718
国内外学者对煤与瓦斯突出过程及机制进行了大量的研究,但使用的均是型煤试验,很少涉及地质构造对突出的影响,而且数据监测均未深入到煤体内部。基于相似模拟试验思想和地质力学模型试验新思路,在实验室搭建了综合考虑地应力、瓦斯压力及煤体结构的大型石门揭煤的煤与瓦斯突出试验平台。该试验平台包括试验箱体和反力架、液压加载系统、密封系统、试验监测系统;设计了线充气和面充气系统,用来模拟煤层的瓦斯赋存差异。同时,利用该试验平台进行了石门揭构造软煤的相似模拟试验,研究了石门揭构造软煤过程中煤岩应力和位移的变化规律,以及突出过程中煤层内瓦斯压力和声发射的变化规律。结果表明,在巷道开挖过程中,掘进工作面前方存在明显的应力集中,且越靠近构造软煤应力集中现象越明显;突出发生的瞬间,在突出点附近的位移产生了突变;在突出发生前,声发射信号有一次降低;掘进工作面前方煤岩体应力释放,煤体裂隙增大,为瓦斯的快速放散提供了条件。  相似文献   
数字地质填图研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
数字地质填图是指区域地质调查数据的野外获取及其成果的数字化统一性再现.当前数字地质填图现状和发展趋势已基本上实现了数字填图系统的采集、存储、管理、描述、分析和再现地质实体在地球表面空间分布有关的数据信息.在计算机辅助下, 通过野外观测路线的调查, 对地质、地理、地球物理、地球化学和遥感等多源地学数据进行综合分析和地质制图.在掌上机WindowsCE平台上, 实现了数字填图所需的基本GIS基本功能(GPS定位路线采集、素描), 实现了遥感系统与数字填图系统的一体化整合.   相似文献   
环境保护是我国的一项基本国策,地质勘探是矿产资源开发的必由之路,在地质勘探过程中切实保护好生态环境,是我们面临的一个十分严峻的问题.某中外矿业合作勘探部在新疆伊利地区地质勘探中采取了一系列的环境保护措施,按照该措施实施的先后顺序及其执行情况作了较细致的介绍,该措施是地质勘探阶段一套较为全面的环境保护管理办法,在当地环境保护方面起到了积极的作用.  相似文献   
A series of 149 measurements of the HCHO mixing ratio were made between 0 and 10 km altitude and 70° N to 60° S latitude during TROPOZ II. The data show a vertical decrease of the HCHO mixing ratio with altitude at all latitudes and a broad latitudinal maximum in the HCHO mixing ratio between 30° N and 30° S at all altitudes. The measured mixing ratios of HCHO are considerably higher than those expected from CH4 oxidation alone, but agree broadly with the average latitude by altitude distribution of HCHO derived by a 2D model including emissions of C1–C7 hydrocarbons. A number of the regional scale deviations of the measured HCHO distribution from the average modelled one can be explained in terms of the local wind field.  相似文献   
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