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德化—尤溪地区是福建省重要的金矿成矿区。通过综合成矿信息提取、筛选出与金矿成矿作用密切相关的成矿信息标志 ,应用信息量计算法、特征分析法 ,优选出金矿找矿靶区 10处 ,其中 A类 2处 ,B类 2处和 C类 6处。在优选出的找矿靶区内 ,采用一元线性回归分析法和蒙特卡洛法模拟概率分布曲线 ,分别估算出该区金矿潜在资源量分别为 91.3t和 96 .7t  相似文献   
黄典豪 《地质论评》2015,61(5):990-1000
毛景文研究员等多年来将陕西洛南黄龙铺碳酸岩脉型钼(铅)矿床分别更改为碳酸盐(岩)型、热液碳酸盐脉型或脉型,把河南栾川南泥湖斑岩体形成复合的南泥湖—三道庄斑岩—夕卡岩型钼(钨)矿床,分解为南泥湖斑岩钼钨矿床和三道庄夕卡岩型钼钨矿床,和把长江中下游地区的绝大多数夕卡岩型铜(铝)矿床和少数斑岩—夕卡岩型铜(钼)矿床更改为斑岩—夕卡岩—层控铜—金—钼矿床等。本文对毛景文等更改这些矿床的矿床类型,以及毛景文等认为"辉钼矿的Re含量可指示成矿物质来源","大水沟热液型碲(金)矿床的成矿流体及其他物质主要来自于地幔"和"温泉钼矿是与S-型花岗岩有关的斑岩钼矿床是一种新类型和新发现"等所存在的问题进行探讨。希能理清某些矿床学问题,进一步促进矿床学的发展。  相似文献   
The clustering of fracture orientations is important for tectonic studies and for geotechnical engineering. In this study, a real‐coded genetic algorithm was adopted to fitting a mixed Bingham distribution to orientation data by maximizing the log‐likelihood function of the distribution. The maximization is a difficult problem, because the function has multimodality and singularity. It was found that the algorithm was effective for this problem. Given the orientations of dilational fractures, the present method determines not only the stress axes and stress ratio of each of the fracture groups but also the maximum non‐dimensionalized fluid pressure at the time of their formation. In addition, the software calculates the 95 % error ellipses of the concentration axes. The present method found that the orientations of ore veins of the Akenobe Mine, SW Japan, should be partitioned into three clusters. It is shown that two of the groups had distinctive Zn and Sn contents, and that the ore fluids had overpressures only slightly greater than the minimum principal stress at the time of the deposition of Zn‐ and Sn‐rich veins.  相似文献   
腾继奎 《吉林地质》1997,16(2):62-64
本文针对吉林省的地质灾害类型及各类地质灾害的成因,分布及其危害进行了论述。对其防治对策进行了探讨,提出了切合本省实际的五项防治措施。  相似文献   
以南秦岭牛山-凤凰山变质核杂岩和牛山北岩浆核杂岩为例, 通过核杂岩的构造群落、变质程度、岩浆侵位与变形时代、构造层次与演化、控矿特征与控矿构造-蚀变岩相填图及测年研究, 对比2类核杂岩的特征及其控矿作用。结果表明, 2类核杂岩有相似的结构样式, 但构造群落和演化差别较大。牛山-凤凰山变质核杂岩核部为新元古代武当岩群和耀岭河岩组中深变质岩, 其中可见新元古代石英闪长岩和加里东期辉石岩-辉绿岩株, 说明是在新元古代或加里东期形成的。核杂岩与外围震旦系—泥盆系浅变质岩间由剥离断层及韧性剪切带分割。志留系梅子垭岩组为浅变质强变形的岩片组合, 发育多层次韧性剪切、固态流变、滑脱-逆冲-走滑变形3期新生面理及其置换。而牛山北岩浆核杂岩核部和外围是浅变质岩, 在核部和外围填图、测试时发现新元古代、早古生代、三叠纪、侏罗纪4期侵入岩, 与岩浆核杂岩相关的有三叠纪—早侏罗世二长花岗岩株和晚侏罗世花岗岩脉2期侵入岩。研究发现, 与岩浆核杂岩伴随的岩浆侵位、韧性剪切变形与热变质增温-变斑晶加大-自然金沿S2面理分布-金矿化热液蚀变等的时代均集中在晚三叠世—侏罗纪, 指示了时代较新的陆内造山期岩浆核杂岩的脆-韧性剪切变形-立交桥式岩浆-热力垂向增生-热液蚀变成矿时空关联特点及深部找矿方向。  相似文献   
随机模拟是地质统计方法的重要内容。在矿石品位估计方法中克里格方法作为一种无偏估计方法,常被用于矿石品位的估计。但克里格法估值存在平滑效应。作者在分析序贯高斯模拟和普通克里格法基本原理的基础上,运用序贯高斯模拟方法和普通克里格方法对某铁矿体内全铁(TFe)品位进行估计,给出了品位估计结果模型。研究从勘探线方向、垂直勘探线方向和竖直方向分别计算变差函数,对球状模型、指数模型、高斯模型的变差函数拟合效果进行了优选,结果表明球型模型拟合效果最好。针对序贯模拟和克里格品位估值效果进行了分析,结果显示:序贯高斯模拟结果在品位分布形态上更接近样品品位分布形态,其平滑效应更小;克里格方法估计与序贯高斯模拟方法相比仅在品位均值方面更接近样本品位均值。因此,认为序贯高斯模拟方法可以更好地刻画矿体内品位分布状态。  相似文献   
文章分析对比了我国国有及非国有规模以上矿山企业的主要经济指标,认为矿业开发要走可持续发展的途径,促进矿产资源的充分、合理、有效开发,实现满足市场需求、兼顾环境保护和社会稳定的目标,就必须积极探索和慎重考虑矿山企业从业人数的合理控制问题;依据胶东大型金矿山实际资料的初步分析,明确提出"矿山人均保有储量"是制约矿山合理开发和矿业可持续发展的重要指标;矿山人均储量的合理配置和适度调控问题不仅值得进一步研究,而且应该引起有关部门的广泛注意和高度重视.  相似文献   
Thermoelectric generation contributes to 80% of global electricity production. Cooling of thermoelectric plants is often achieved by water abstractions from the natural environment. In England and Wales, the electricity sector is responsible for approximately half of all water abstractions and 40% of non-tidal surface water abstractions. We present a model that quantifies current water use of the UK electricity sector and use it to test six decarbonisation pathways to 2050. The pathways consist of a variety of generation technologies, with associated cooling methods, water use factors and cooling water sources. We find that up to 2030, water use across the six pathways is fairly consistent and all achieve significant reductions in both carbon and water intensity, based upon a transition to closed loop and hybrid cooling systems. From 2030 to 2050 our results diverge. Pathways with high levels of carbon capture and storage result in freshwater consumption that exceeds current levels (37–107%), and a consumptive intensity that is 30–69% higher. Risks to the aquatic environment will be intensified if generation with carbon capture and storage is clustered. Pathways of high nuclear capacity result in tidal and coastal abstraction that exceed current levels by 148–399%. Whilst reducing freshwater abstractions, the marine environment will be impacted if a shortage of coastal sites leads to clustering of nuclear reactors and concentration of heated water discharges. The pathway with the highest level of renewables has both lowest abstraction and consumption of water. Freshwater consumption can also be minimised through use of hybrid cooling, which despite marginally higher costs and emissions, would reduce dependence on scarce water resources thus increase security of supply.  相似文献   
刘金山 《湖南地质》1991,10(1):33-38,67
葫芦磷矿床位于古丈背斜南西端,含磷岩系赋存于震旦系陡山沱组下部,总厚度10m、分为A—B—C—D—E—F沉积序列。矿体呈层状,产状稳定,平均厚1m。P_2O_5平均品位氧化矿石为27%;原生矿石为20%,主要由胶磷矿(氟磷灰石)和隐晶石英、以及有机碳和黄铁矿组成。磷矿形成于陆棚至陆坡的静水环境。成矿物质来自海底岩石溶解、地壳深部、海底火山和海洋生物的磷质,它们在盆地中浓缩,在化学和生物化学作用下,磷质局部富集、沉淀成矿。矿床被认为是化学和生物化学沉积成因。  相似文献   
Multianvil melting experiments in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2(CMAS–CO2) at 3–8 GPa, 1340–1800°C, involvingthe garnet lherzolite phase assemblage in equilibrium with CO2-bearingmelts, yield continuous gradations in melt composition betweencarbonatite, kimberlite, melilitite, komatiite, picrite, andbasalt melts. The phase relations encompass a divariant surfacein PT space. Comparison of the carbonatitic melts producedat the low-temperature side of this surface with naturally occurringcarbonatites indicates that natural magnesiocarbonatites couldbe generated over a wide range of pressures >2·5 GPa.Melts analogous to kimberlites form at higher temperatures alongthe divariant surface, which suggests that kimberlite genesisrequires more elevated geotherms. However, the amount of waterfound in some kimberlites has the potential to lower temperaturesfor the generation of kimberlitic melts by up to 150°C,provided no hydrous phases are present. Compositions resemblinggroup IB and IA kimberlites are produced at pressures around5–6 GPa and 10 GPa, respectively, whereas the compositionsof some other kimberlites suggest generation at higher pressuresstill. At pressures <4 GPa, an elevated geotherm producesmelilitite-like melt in the CMAS–CO2 system rather thankimberlite. Even when a relatively CO2-rich mantle compositioncontaining 0·15 wt % CO2 is assumed, kimberlites andmelilitites are produced by <1% melting and carbonatitesare generated by even smaller degrees of melting of <0·5%. KEY WORDS: carbonatite; CO2; kimberlite; melilitite; melt generation  相似文献   
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