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本文将调谐液体阻尼器(TLD)和黏弹性阻尼器(VED)同时作用于结构,构成混合被动控制系统。通过对两类阻尼器分别进行优化设计并考虑两者间的相互影响,在充分发挥两者各自优良控制性能的同时,克服了VED大量使用导致控制系统整体造价过高的问题。算例分析表明,混合控制可以得到令人满意的整体减震效果,同时大大节约了VED用量,提高了控制系统的综合经济性能。  相似文献   
中国滑雪场可达性及市场潜力测度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用可达性分析方法与潜力模型对中国滑雪场空间分布格局与市场潜力进行了系统分析,全面认识了滑雪场在交通可达性方面的优劣势,并针对不同区域提出了相应的发展或改进方向.研究表明:中国滑雪场距离城市中心的平均最短旅行时间为1.24 h,南方可达性普遍较差,北方同一城市内部差异较大.全国各城市到达某一滑雪场的最短时间呈圈层式分布...  相似文献   
通过小波分析和频谱分析,发现Z分量低点时间的小波变换结果曲线(α=6)明显地随节气而变化;对地磁Z分量低点时间季节性变化进行了初步的比较分析.  相似文献   
山东地区多台波速比研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
文中从多台计算波速比方法的原理入手,对不同公式计算的波速比差异进行了深入分析,认为在原理一致的条件下,波速比差异主要与拟合过程中自变量的选取及2组数据的相关系数有关。利用2002年1月至2005年7月山东省境内及江苏省北部共52个数字及模拟台站的地方震P波和S波到时资料,选取有4个以上记录台站的地震。整个研究区域的平均波速比为1.716,反映了这个地区的波速比相对于华北其他地区偏高。将研究区域划分为1°×2°的单元,并剔除距离震中过远的台站,以保证区域特征能得到反映。通过对比不同单元的平均波速比发现,34°~37°,115°~119°的平均波速比明显高于其他单元,而它们正好分布在郯庐断裂的两侧,应该与该地区上地壳的岩石性质及震源深度分布范围较宽导致的平均效应有关  相似文献   
Geothermal resources are increasingly gaining attention as a competitive, clean energy source to address the energy crisis and mitigate climate change. The Wugongshan area, situated in the southeast coast geothermal belt of China, is a typical geothermal anomaly and contains abundant medium- and low-temperature geothermal resources. This study employed hydrogeochemical and isotopic techniques to explore the cyclic evolution of geothermal water in the western Wugongshan region, encompassing the recharge origin, water–rock interaction mechanisms, and residence time. The results show that the geothermal water in the western region of Wugongshan is weakly alkaline, with low enthalpy and mineralization levels. The hydrochemistry of geothermal waters is dominated by Na-HCO3 and Na-SO4, while the hydrochemistry types of cold springs are all Na-HCO3. The hydrochemistry types of surface waters and rain waters are Na-HCO3 or Ca-HCO3. The δD and δ18O values reveal that the geothermal waters are recharged by atmospheric precipitation at an altitude between 550.0 and 1218.6 m. Molar ratios of major solutes and isotopic compositions of 87Sr/86Sr underscore the significant role of silicate weathering, dissolution, and cation exchange in controlling geothermal water chemistry. Additionally, geothermal waters experienced varying degrees of mixing with cold water during their ascent. The δ13C values suggest that the primary sources of carbon in the geothermal waters were biogenic and organic. The δ34S value suggests that the sulfates in geothermal water originate from sulfide minerals in the surrounding rock. Age dating using 3H and 14C isotopes suggests that geothermal waters have a residence time exceeding 1 kaBP and undergo a long-distance cycling process.  相似文献   
2018年8月19日受台风“温比亚”影响,山东省临沂市遭受龙卷袭击。通过实地灾情调查,给出了该龙卷的影响范围、灾害分布和强度评估等,综合考虑不同标识物和致灾过程,评估本次龙卷强度为EF3级。分析龙卷发生的环境和天气雷达特征,结果表明:龙卷发生在低抬升凝结高度(≤300 m)、强低层垂直风切变(≥18×10-3s-1)、强相对风暴螺旋度(≥350 m2/s2)和较低对流有效位能(≤400 J/kg)的有利环境条件下;龙卷超级单体嵌于台风右侧螺旋雨带内,龙卷发生在中气旋与风暴后侧下沉气流区相接一侧,与龙卷涡旋特征位置对应;龙卷及地时中气旋向下延伸加强,同时风暴顶及单体质心迅速下降;若探测到低层中等强度中气旋时应发布龙卷预警,则此次过程的龙卷预警时间提前量为15~20 min。  相似文献   
Wind impact on pollutant transport in a shallow estuary   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A three-dimensional numerical model, EFDC ( environmental fluid dynamics code) is applied to the Pamlico River Estuary (PRE) in eastern North Carolina of the United States to examine the wind impact on pollutant age distributions and residence time. A series of model experiments representing base case, remote-wind-induced water level set-up and local winds cases are conducted. Model results indicate that the pollutant mean age and the system residence time are functions of gravitational circulation in the PRE. The system responses to remote-wind-induced water level set-up are different in different portions of the PRE. Under such condition, dissolved substances in the upstream portion of the PRE have a younger age and shorter residence time (compared with the base case) , by contrast, they have a older age and longer residence time in the downstream portion of the PRE. Upriver and downriver local winds appear to have opposite impacts on pollutant age distributions. The substances are retained much longer within the PRE under upriver wind than those under downriver wind. The model results also suggest that across - river winds may lead to longer residence time through enhanced turbulence mixing, which slows down the gravitational circulation in the PRE.  相似文献   
From 2000 to 2006, a total of 75 bivalve species were identified, varying from 29 (spring 2001) to 54 species (spring 2005) per year. Seasonal tendencies in diversity varied according the year, thus the interpretation of long-term and regional scales is essential before drawing any conclusions in other studies. Richness and diversity consistently decreased with depth and increased with sediment grain size (from low in very coarse sand to high in coarse silt). Diversity decreased progressively from 3 to 16 m depth, thus the harsher shallower environments (due to waves and tidal air exposure) showed greater diversity than the most stable areas. Communities in finer sediments were more diverse than those in coarser sand. Evenness showed patterns opposite to diversity, overall.Diversity and evenness maps (produced with multivariate universal kriging), showed that most geographic areas with greater diversity were farer from river outflows and wastewater treatment plants. Two types of geographic pattern were observed: areas with persistently greater bivalve diversity through time and areas that changed locally from year to year. This spatial analysis can be used to establish priority conservation areas for management purposes, and to analyse the persistency of regional diversity patterns. The area with most habitat heterogeneity (Sotavento) corresponded to greatest diversity.There was a positive relationship between Spisula solida and Chamelea gallina landings and bivalve diversity 2 years and 1 year later, respectively. Possibly, local fisheries, by selectively withdrawing the commercial numerically dominant species from the ecosystem, increased diversity 1 to 2 years later, as the ecological niches of the dominants are quickly filled by several other species thereby creating a more even community. On regional scales, no significant impact was found on long-term bivalve diversity in local fisheries,  相似文献   
Coastal waters contain elevated dissolved activities of short-lived radium isotopes, 223Ra and 224Ra, having half-lives of 11.4 and 3.66 days, respectively. The input of these isotopes near the coast must be balanced by decay and mixing into the open ocean, where excess activities are zero. Since the decay rate is known, in the ideal case the mixing rate may be determined from the offshore distribution of these isotopes. This study found that samples collected in June 2000 followed the expected exponential decrease with distance offshore. We assign a dispersion coefficient of 28–39 m2 s−1 for this study. During January 2002 and November 2003, there was not a consistent decrease of activity with distance offshore. This is likely due to the ruggedness of the coastline, where many bays and small islands interrupt simple mixing patterns. To estimate exchange rates during 2002 and 2003, we used a model based on the decrease in the 224Ra/223Ra activity ratio (AR) with time for samples isolated from fresh inputs of Ra. This model yielded residence times of 1–2 weeks for samples collected within 20 km of the coast. We used this residence time to calculate the flux of 228Ra (half-life = 5.7 years) to the study area necessary to maintain the enrichment relative to ocean water. This enrichment is a factor of ten greater than the flux of 228Ra expected from submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) occurring within 50 m of shore.  相似文献   
Tidal flushing of animal burrows in mangrove swamps provides an effective and important mechanism for transport of salt and other soluble substances. The burrows have complex morphologies consisting of multiple loops. Using established computational modelling techniques, burrow geometries were simulated from characteristic burrow dimensions and the effect of multiple loops on flushing is studied. The computational models show that flushing is enhanced in multiple-loop burrows as upper loops can be completely evacuated, increasing the volume of burrow water removed. The models indicate that there may be a depth limit to which flushing occurs in complex burrow structures. Periscope loops extend further than one characteristic loop depth and are shown to affect the flushing of burrows if the surface-water plume penetrates to their lower depth. Periscope loops with surface openings on the downstream side of the burrow, relative to the tidal inundation, most frequently experience this condition and thus have a great impact on burrow flushing. Field measurements of salinity agree with the hypothesis that there is a depth limit of flushing for complex burrows that is independent of burrow salinity, and suggest a value of 30–35 cm. The measurements also support the suggestion that significant flushing of burrows occurs within a single tidal event. An experiment considered the movement of animals across the interface created by low-salinity surface water and high-salinity burrow water after a partial flushing event. The motion enhances the effective diffusion coefficient of salt by a factor of at least 102, as compared with free diffusion of salt in water, resulting in a more even distribution of dissolved salt in the burrow water between tidal inundations. This distribution may lead to an increase in the depth to which flushing occurs during subsequent inundations.  相似文献   
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