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从贯彻实施防震减灾法律法规的实践入手,针对《防震减灾法》在河北省贯彻实施过程中存在的问题,进行分析探讨,提出了解决的对策,目的在于更进一步促进防震减灾工作的深入开展。  相似文献   
Throughout the world, the coastal zones of many countries are used increasingly for aquaculture in addition to other activities such as waste disposal. These activities can cause environmental problems and health problems where they overlap. The interaction between aquaculture and waste disposal, and their relationship with eutrophication are the subjects of this paper. Sewage discharge without adequate dispersion can lead to nutrient elevation and hence eutrophication which has clearly negative effects on aquaculture with the potential for toxic blooms. Blooms may be either toxic or anoxia-causing through the decay process or simply clog the gills of filter-feeding animals in some cases. With the development of aquaculture, especially intensive aquaculture, many environmental problems appeared, and have resulted in eutrophication in some areas. Eutrophication may destroy the health of whole ecosystem which is important for sustainable aquaculture. Sewage discharge may also cause serious public health problems. Filter-feeding shellfish growing in sewage-polluted waters accumulate micro-organims, including human pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and heavy metal ion, presenting a significant health risk. Some farmed animals may also accumulate heavy metals from sewage. Bivalves growing in areas affected by toxic algae blooms may accumulate toxins (such as PSP, DSP) which can be harmful to human beings.  相似文献   
阶地型古老滑坡体形成后,长期受各种营力影响,导致古老滑坡地貌形态破坏严重甚至消失。目前遥感技术和普通工程地质调绘很难发现这些滑坡的存在,给工程建设和后期运营造成较大安全隐患。为准确识别形态特征不明显的古老滑坡体,从阶地物质结构特征演变入手,找到阶地受剪切破坏产生的典型物质结构特征,将地层结构错断、卵砾石异常定向排列、摩擦镜面和泥包粒的眼球构造等作为滑坡准确识别依据。首先采用沿沟谷进行工程地质测绘的纵横交错追踪法确定滑坡体纵向范围和滑面形状,再结合地貌特征推测各级、块滑坡平面范围和分布,最后用点状勘探工程验证和校正推测结论。可将其总结为由"地貌异常、沿沟追踪、面上推断、点状校验"组成的阶地型滑坡识别方法,即物质结构异常推断法。结合线状工程勘察设计各阶段工作特点,提出线状工程前期工作中阶地型滑坡识别步骤,并在临渭高速公路工程建设项目中取得成功应用。  相似文献   
根据菏泽市土地资源利用情况,分析企业在用地过程中存在的问题,以及影响项目落地的主要因素,出台有关用地政策,解决企业用地难题,推进土地节约集约利用,拓宽发展空间,建立失地农民社会保障制度,提升项目档次和利用指标以及城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策等措施,更好地促进经济健康有序发展。  相似文献   
从渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲50a来农业开发与生态建设的过程看,人工绿洲耕作农业的生产力水平有较显著的提高,人工绿洲生态也得到了改善。主要表现是单位面积生产力水平提高,农田防护林体系初步建立,水利工程建设得到加强,生活能源的短缺得到改进。但从流域的绿洲农业经济发展与生态环境建设仍存在一些不协调的问题。主要是农田施肥重化肥轻有机肥,土壤肥力不高;灌区中游重灌轻排,灌排不协调,盐渍化面积有所扩大;流域下游由于缺水和人为等因素使天然绿洲的稳定性受到威胁,天然林的绿色屏障作用大为削弱等。对此必须引起足够重视,逐步加以协调,才能实现绿洲农业经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
热水沉积研究及相关科学问题   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
本评述了现代大洋底、大陆边缘及大陆热区流体活动和热水沉积的观察研究及其重大理论意义;分析了古代热水沉积岩的普遍性、多样性、规律性及在确立VMS型和Sedex型成矿认识中的作用;提出了三个与热水沉积相关科学问题:盆地动力学演化的热水沉积响应,盆地古流体场及其演化的热水沉积记录.盆地演化-盆地流体-流体成矿三动态耦合。利用盆地中热水沉积序列对盆地发生发展及盆地异常热史和盆地流体演化的详细记载,配合盆地流体数值模拟,是认识盆地流体及其成矿效应等科学问题的全新思路和有效途径。南秦蛉热水沉积海盆具备开展此方面研究的优越条件。  相似文献   
施亚霖 《上海国土资源》2011,32(2):92-94,98
结合上海城区某深基坑工程,针对项目特点与场区地质条件,分析了工程建设可能引发的基坑水土突涌、基坑边坡稳定、砂土渗流液化、基坑开挖和降水过程中地基变形和地面沉降等环境地质问题,进行危险性评价,并提出了防治对策措施。  相似文献   
中非旅游合作的现状和未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中非合作论坛北京峰会的成功召开表明,中国愿意与非洲国家共同努力,尽快摆脱贫困,共享发展成果,走向共同富裕.从非洲概况和非洲旅游资源的优势、特征及旅游市场的现状和未来着手,针对非洲旅游市场存在的问题,提出中非旅游合作的思路和对策.对当代非洲旅游开展全方位的研究,就是为开展全方位中非旅游合作作准备;为尽快摆脱贫困,共享发展成果,走向共同富裕献计献策.  相似文献   
Chinaˊs urban reforms have brought social progress and development,but a comprehensive national system of social welfare(for example,unemployment insurance,pensions,medical care and public housing)for new migrants from rural areas is lacking.One of the most remarkable changes in Chinese cities in the last decade was a change in so-cial“equality“,with the rise of new poverty both in individual communities and some social groups in urban society.Howev-er,there is little social assistance and public infrastructure for the migrants.Governments or communities or individual should pay attention to the control of new urban poverty and new slums.This paper consider that it is necessary to launch a successful policy,which include mainly:1)accommodating urban growth through low-cost investment projects;2)ur-ban economy depends heavily on successful macroeconomic policy;3)to broaden the three channels linking adjustment to the incidence of urban poverty;4)to restructure urban economic based on the high or new technology;5)to coordi-nate relationship between urban economic growth and environment management for sustainable development of Beijingˊs metropolitan fringe.  相似文献   
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