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高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)可以有效促进人体内胆固醇的代谢外排,其水平的高低与患心血管疾病的风险呈负相关关系,是心血管疾病的预防与保护因素。厘清我国中老年人群HDL-C水平的地理分异特征及环境影响因素,对我国心血管疾病防治工作的开展有重要意义。论文基于中国中老年人纵向追踪调查,利用全局空间自相关、冷热点分析等方法阐释中国中老年人群HDL-C水平的空间分异特征及变化趋势,同时对比引入随机森林回归模型及多元线性回归方法探讨HDL-C水平空间分布的环境影响因素及其指示作用。结果表明:中国中老年人群HDL-C水平表现为女性高于男性、农村高于城镇,具有明显的地域差异性,整体呈现出“北低南高,中间过渡”的分布格局,且北方出现了以内蒙古、河北、辽宁为代表的低值聚集区,南方出现了以广东、广西、云南为代表的高值聚集区;SO2、NO2、降水、气压、PM10和PM2.5是影响中老年人群HDL-C水平差异分布的主要环境因素,其中高浓度的空气污染物是造成HDL-C值较低的危险因素,充沛的降水和低压环境是防治HDL-C值较低的保护因素。因此,今后关于HDL-C血脂异常防控工作在全国各地应注重其空间分布规律,重...  相似文献   
水成物分析及在数值模式中的应用综述   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
利用NCEP/NCAR逐候再分析资料,定义并计算了反映亚洲夏季风系统中各成员变化活动的指标参数,在此基础上用时滞相关分析方法,对亚洲夏季风系统诸成员与西太平洋副高面积指数的相关性进行了诊断分析,给出了夏季风系统成员之间相互影响、相互制约的基本作用过程。分析结果表明,亚洲夏季风系统成员与西太平洋副高指数之间存在着不同程度的显著时滞相关,各系统成员与西太平洋副高相互作用、互为反馈,构成了亚洲夏季风系统有机的活动整体。  相似文献   
金岭寺—羊山盆地北票组烃源岩特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对采集的岩样进行地球化学综合分析,得出金羊盆地北票组为盆地主要烃源岩,为盆地油气生成提供了物质基础;北票组烃源岩有机质丰度不高,属差一中等烃源岩;干酪根类型以腐殖型为主,成烃母质为陆地高等植物:金羊盆地北票组烃源岩已经进入成烃门限.并处于成熟阶段中的低成熟到中成熟阶段。  相似文献   
金学杰  周剑 《冰川冻土》2017,39(3):572-582
对黑河下游地区蒸散发量的估算及其时空特性的研究,有助于进一步了解流域水循环,合理利用水资源,防止生态环境进一步恶化。利用SEBS模型估算了黑河下游额济纳绿洲2014年15天的日蒸散量,将SEBS估算的日蒸散与不同下垫面5个站点的EC实测值进行对比,其均方根误差和确定性系数分别为1.2 mm、0.85(5个站点),0.5 mm、0.96(2个站点),表明SEBS模型的结果是合理的,可以适用于黑河下游额济纳绿洲地区的地表蒸散量的估算。同时分析了黑河下游蒸散发的时空变化规律,结果表明,黑河下游额济纳绿洲地区,蒸散发在时间上存在明显的季节变化规律:夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季;空间上呈现明显的沿河分布的趋势。不同土地覆被类型蒸散发有相似的季节变化特征,但其季节变化幅度并不相同,规律为:水体 > 耕地 > 灌丛地 > 草地 > 裸土地 > 沙地。  相似文献   
为研究冲击钻机、打桩机、打夯机以及筑路机等设备工作时产生的震源,对开展工程地震勘探时的利用价值,在东庞矿2093工作面治水钻孔冲击钻进过程中进行了该项实验工作。试验采用WF-1006遥测数字地震仪及CGS-40型加速度检波器,接收排列之间方位角间隔20。,接收道数24道,道距5m,采样率1ms,记录长度2s。最近检波器距钻孔7m。利用SCHRAMM钻机产生的强大振动为被动震源,进行了250m、257m、183m、263m等不同钻井深度,以及与此相对应不同方位角(250°、250°、230°275°)的地震波接收试验。通过分析其地震记录,判定引发东庞矿矿井突水的陷落柱中心位于治水钻孔西南方向。该结论与三维地震勘探确定的陷落柱位置一致,可见通过选择合理的接收方式及参数,被动震源也能够用于地震勘探。  相似文献   
金福一  杨威 《地下水》2011,33(2):32-33
水资源贫乏的山丘地区,水源地一般选择在山前河谷平原区作为地下水开采区,随着经济社会的发展,需水量的加大,水源的保证程度也会降低.利用水源地的水文地质条件、区域用水情况和现状水源地开采量对王府水源地进行安全性评价.给出水源地安全性的定量指标.  相似文献   
The mainly continental deposits of northwest Sudan and south-west Egypt have been correlated with coeval shallow marine and marine deposits in northern Egypt along a north-south running cross-section, based on surface and subsurface data. The palaeodepth curve of northern Egypt illustrates the gradual seal-level rise, reaching its maximum during the Late Cretaceous with conspicuous advances during the Aptian and late Cenomanian. A general highstand is also recorded during the Campanian-Maastrichtian in north-west Sudan. A detailed facies correlation is given for the Aptian and late Cenomanian highstand in western Egypt. The correlation of the Cenomanian Bahariya and Maghrabi formations displays short-term relative sealevel fluctuations. The interpretation illustrates the extensiveness of related erosional processes in the hinterland, partly intensified by temporarily uplift of the Uweinat-Aswan High in the south. Regional uplift and constant erosion took place in south-west Egypt during Coniacian and Santonian times. The regional stratigraphic gaps and uncertain interpretation of the Bahariya Uplift are induced by the influence of the Trans-African Lineament, especially during the Late Cretaceous. Low-stand fluvial sheet sandstones characterized by non-cyclic sequence development and high facies stability occur, especially in the Neocomian and early Turonian. During the Barremian and Albian, fluvial architecture changes to more cyclic fluvial sequences and increasing soil formation, due to increasing subsidence, more humid climatic conditions and the generally rising sea level, culminating in the extensive shallow marine Abu Ballas and Maghrabi formations.  相似文献   
湖北徐家山锑矿床铅同位素组成与成矿物质来源探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐家山锑矿床位于湖北省通山县境内,矿体赋存于上震旦统灯影组和陡山沱组地层中.对采自该矿的辉锑矿进行了系统的铅同位素测定.结果表明,在徐家山矿区范围内存在两组明显不同的铅同位素组成:A组206Pb/204Pb为18.874~19.288,207Pb/204Pb为 15.708~15.805, 208Pb/204Pb为38.642~39.001, 为高放射性成因铅;B组以低放射性成因铅为特征,其同位素组成206Pb/204Pb为17.882~18.171,207Pb/204Pb为15.555~15.686,208Pb/204Pb为37.950~38.340.对应地,相关参数也明显不同,如单阶段模式年龄,A组为负值或极小的正值,而B组为636~392 Ma.铅同位素组成与某些相关参数(Δγ与Δβ、V1与V2)之间呈明显线性正相关关系.根据铅构造模式和矿石铅同位素的Δγ-Δβ成因分类图解等综合分析,A组辉锑矿的铅主要来源于赋矿围岩--震旦系海相碳酸盐岩,B组主要来源于赋矿围岩的下伏基底碎屑岩--中元古界冷家溪群浅变质岩系.研究结果不支持前人沉积-改造成因的观点,成矿物质是多来源的,部分成矿物质来自基底地层.  相似文献   
东海西湖凹陷早第三纪烃源岩生烃组分剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用有机岩石学分析方法,结合有机地球化学资料,剖析了东海盆地西湖凹陷早第三纪烃源岩。该烃源岩富镜质组,贫惰性组,含一定数量的壳质组和腐泥组(10%~30%)。壳质组+腐泥组含量与氯仿沥青、总烃和有效碳等参数密切正相关;树脂体和孢子体+藻类体分别是早期生烃和晚期生烃的重要组分。在此基础上提出了西湖凹陷烃源岩的生烃模式。  相似文献   
The polymetallic(Pb,Zn,Cu,etc) ore belt on the southwestern margin of Tarim is one of the major regions with the greatest prospecting potential in Xinjiang.Reported in this paper are the lead isotope data for 66 sulfide samples(including 50 galena samples,15 chalcopyrite samples and 1 pyrite sample) collected from such representative deposits as Tamu,Tiekelike,Kalangu,Abalieke,etc.in this ore belt.The Pb isotopic ratios of 206 Pb/204 Pb,207 Pb/204 Pb and 208 Pb/204 Pb in the galena samples range from 17.931 to 18.176,15.609 to 15.818 and 38.197 to 38.944,with the average values of 18.017,15.684 and 38.462,respectively.Those in the chalcopyrite samples range from 17.926 to 18.144,15.598 to 15.628 and 38.171 to 38.583,with the average values of 18.020,15.606 and 38.262,respectively.The pyrite sample has the Pb isotopic ratios of 206 Pb/204 Pb,207 Pb/204 Pb and 208 Pb/204 Pb to be 17.980,15.604 and 38.145,respectively.In combination with the previous Pb isotope data for sulfides,it is found that there is only a slight variation in the Pb isotopic composition of galena,chalcopyrite,sphalerite and pyrite in the ore belt.However,there is some difference in Pb isotopic characteristics between galena and chalcopyrite,especially the Pb isotopic composition of galena shows an obvious linear correlation with some other relevant parameters(e.g.β and γ).The comprehensive analysis suggested that lead in galena(maybe including sphalerite and pyrite) was derived principally from wall rocks and underlying basement,and that in chalcopyrite only originated from the basement.The single-stage model ages of these sulfides couldn’t indicate the time limit of metallogenesis(Pb,Zn,Cu,etc.),and the positive linear correlations for the Pb isotopic composition of galena are of no single-stage and two-stage Pb-Pb isochron significance.Furthermore,there are significant differences in Pb isotopic composition characteristics between the genetic type of deposits in this polymetallic ore belt and the Mississippi Valley type(MVT).In addition,the authors also pointed out that there is a phenomenon of differentiation(not paragenesis) for lead and copper elements during the process of metallogenesis in this ore belt.  相似文献   
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