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Sedimentary basins can be classified according to their structural genesis and evolutionary history and the latter can be linked to petroleum system and play development. We propose an approach in which we use the established concepts in a new way: breaking basins down into their natural basin cycle division, then defining the characteristics of each basin cycle (including the type of petroleum systems and plays they may contain) and comparing them with similar basin cycles in other basins, thereby providing a means to learn through a greater population of (perhaps not immediately obvious) analogues. Furthermore, we introduce the use of the trajectory plot as a new tool in such an analysis. This methodology has been applied to the West African South Atlantic marginal basins between Cameroon and Angola, and we demonstrate that the similar tectonostratigraphic evolution of the individual basins along this margin has led to the development of similar types of petroleum systems and play (level)s. Consequently, we can make analogue comparisons among these basins in order to evaluate and predict the presence of potential, yet undiscovered, hydrocarbon accumulations in less well explored parts of the margin.  相似文献   
提出了一种确定海洋平台钢裂纹扩展曲线的快速方法。该方法可以综合利用以往的经验数据和当前试验数据确定表面疲劳裂纹扩展速率曲线。与传统的只能利用当前试验数据确定表面疲劳裂纹扩展速率曲线相比。其可利用信息量大幅度增加,所以在精度相同的情况下,可以节省大量试件;而且在试样数一定的情况下。又可大大提高预测精度。文中还给出了海洋平台钢试验对比实例。  相似文献   
The sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Neogene section from the subsurface Nile Delta is resolved based on exceptionally well-preserved microfossils from the offshore NDOB-1 borehole. The architecture is configured on bathymetry variations and statistical parameters as deduced from the relative abundance of foraminiferal associations. The statistical parameters include ratios of planktic versus benthic foraminifera, and cluster and correspondence analysis of the twelve most commonly used benthic foraminiferal genera as proxies of water depths. The combination of cluster and correspondence analysis was employed to decipher the evolution and dynamics of the basin and the mechanisms that controlled the deposition of Neogene sequences in the Nile Delta region. Four basic environmental settings were recognized: 1.) a middle to outer neritic eutrophic setting, 2.) a middle to outer neritic mesotrophic setting, 3.) an outer neritic to upper bathyal mesotrophic setting and 4.) an upper bathyal mesotrophic setting.Eight stratigraphic sequences were identified in the Neogene Nile Delta section. Three sequence in the Miocene (MSeq1, MSeq2 and MSeq3), three in the Pliocene (PSeq1, PSeq2 and PSeq3) and two in the Pleistocene (PtSeq1 and PtSeq2). These sequences are systematically measured and described in terms of time, space and water bathymetry. The sequence boundaries and flooding surfaces were dated using high-resolution microfossil biochronology and stratigraphic index markers. Individual sequences and boundaries were correlated with international and local sequence stratigraphic models. The new sequence stratigraphic model established here provides age calibrated surfaces for inter-basinal correlations and opens new avenues for hydrocarbon reservoir exploration.  相似文献   
本文阐述了各向同性介质中纵波偏移速度建模中的速度分析方法原理及其优缺点,包括常规速度分析、偏移速度分析、层析偏移速度分析以及全波形反演。其中着重阐述了深度域速度建模中的速度分析方法原理及其在实用中的优缺点。最后对深度域偏移速度分析方法进行了展望。  相似文献   
总结了近年来我国煤田物探与矿井物探技术的6大突出进展,即三维地震应用领域不断扩大、地震资料精细处理与动态解释得到推广、地震勘探正在实现从构造勘探向岩性勘探的跨越、地面瞬变电磁技术得到广泛应用、矿井物探技术重新得到重视、以“嵌入式”服务为标志的煤矿安全生产地质保障模式出现了可喜创新等;通过与国内外同类技术发展水平的对比分析,找出了我们存在的差距,提出了加快我国煤炭物探技术发展的对策与建议,并对今后煤炭物探技术与装备的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   
随着矿产资源需求的不断加大,我国西部高山区利用高精度航磁技术开展矿产勘查的需求越来越高,本文以东昆仑、阿尔金等多个高山区实测资料为基础,通过对不同型号飞机性能进行对比,选择适合高山区航磁测量的飞行平台;结合理论模型计算与不同高度飞行试验,确定了高山区有效飞行高度;并在基础上开展了航地磁测量效果对比.在航磁资料精细解释方面尝试了曲面位场转换处理,对比了转换前后局部异常强度变化;针对高海拔地区弱小磁异常选编,开展了弱缓异常提取技术研究;并针对起伏地形条件下航磁异常2.5D/3D精细反演解释技术手段进行了尝试,就如何提高航磁资料找矿效果进行了积极的探索.  相似文献   
对拟建设的新疆且末地磁台进行场址勘选,采取十字剖面测量和密跨度测量方法进行地磁场总强度F测量,对测量结果进行初步分析.分析结果表明,且末地磁台的地质条件、磁场梯度分布和背景噪声环境等地磁观测环境条件,符合国家地磁台建设规范的要求,适宜地磁基准台站建设.  相似文献   
成熟盆地仍然蕴藏着可观的油气资源,目前的油气成藏理论面临越来越难、复杂、隐蔽油气藏勘探的挑战。受“链”事物属性的启发,通过调研、类比国内外油气成藏过程与分布规律,在继承和发展已有油气成藏理论基础上,结合勘探实践,学界提出了“油气聚集链”的概念和认识。油气聚集链指在成因上有密切联系、空间上多呈串珠状链式排列在一起的一系列油气藏组合,是油气成藏与分布本质规律的客观体现。油气聚集链在形式上多表现为油气藏多呈串珠状的链式空间分布特征,实质上表现为油气生成、运移、聚集的沿优势运移通道的链式反应和成藏事件;现今复杂的油气分布是地史上多条油气聚集链叠合的反映;一条完整的油气聚集链由内链、中链和外链组成,它们在成藏背景、成藏条件、成藏机理、富集规律和分布模式上既各有特征,又有连续性,更是紧密有机的油气生运聚成藏整体。“同源多链、一链多藏、多链成域、主链富集”是“油气聚集链”的四大特征。与目前油气成藏理论相比,油气聚集链认识的突出优势在于:发现和论证了油气聚集的链式成藏特点和多呈串珠状链式分布规律,提出沿“油气聚集链”寻找油气藏,比沿“油气聚集带”寻找油气藏的效率更高;将勘探目标的预测精度从油气聚集区带范围提高到某个具体圈闭或甜点。油气聚集链认识具有目前其他油气成藏理论所不具有的独特优势——链式思维,精准定位。依据油气聚集链的认识,提出了“找准链源,梳理链节,确定链环,重视主链”和“全链思维、整体研究,顺链找油、精准勘探”的思路,对指导成熟盆地继续挖掘勘探潜力、新区新领域获得勘探突破,都具有重要现实意义。以油气聚集链的认识为指导,转变勘探思维,在冀中、黄骅坳陷油气勘探中获得重大突破。  相似文献   
Election probe microanalysis of indicator minerals is extensively used in the exploration for kimberlite deposits, the evaluation of specific kimberlite occurrences for their diamond bearing potential and to classify grains into different chemical and lithological mantle associations. Kimberlite exploration programmes can involve several tens of thousands of indicator mineral analyses. Procedures for monitoring data quality and consistency of analyses across large data sets are commonly absent. Suitable monitor minerals should be used to verify the data quality of kimberlite exploration and evaluation data sets. This material should have a suitable composition, be homogenous, be available in sufficient quantities and have a similar appearance to the unknown samples. Garnet P1, a megacryst garnet from the Premier kimberlite, was found to have a suitable composition as a monitor for kimberlite garnet analyses. Data were collected on the monitor material at regular intervals during routine analyses, over an extended period, both as a fixed grain mounted on the sample holder and as separate grains set within batches of routine samples. The data were evaluated to assess the quality and consistency in the analyses of large data sets over time. The monitor material was also analysed at independent laboratories using their routine analytical set-up and calibration procedures for comparative purposes. Values are given for the mean ± 2s range, which can serve as guide values for acceptable analyses for all elements.  相似文献   
近年来,东海频现对大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)大网捕获(吨级规模以上),引起了对衰退中的野生大黄鱼资源保护的担忧。为查明东海野生大黄鱼洄游规律,本文根据2020−2022年在浙江近海产卵场和外海越冬场采集的不同批次野生大黄鱼样本,利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法(LA-ICP-MS)测定耳石微化学元素,结合聚类分析和主成分分析(PCA),对不同大黄鱼群体进行了划分,结合耳石的年轮特征,研究大黄鱼群体的栖息生境,推测大黄鱼洄游路线。结果表明,Ba/Ca $\leqslant$0.004 2时可以判定为海洋栖息生境,Ba/Ca $\geqslant$ 0 .008 1时可以判定为河口栖息生境,0.004 2 < Ba/Ca< 0.008 1时可以判定为混合栖息生境。根据该阈值范围,判定本次采样的大黄鱼的5种生境类型:(1)近海产卵,近海混合水域短暂栖息类型(占22.2%);(2)近海产卵,阶段性往复混合生境栖息类型(占15.6%);(3)近海产卵,河口水域育幼索饵,外海越冬栖息类型(31.1%);(4)河口产卵、混合水域育幼,外海越冬栖息类型(6.7%);(5)近海混合水域短暂产卵,绝大部分时间海洋生境栖息类型(24.4%)。对所有样本的Ba/Ca核心、峰值和边缘值进行PCA,5种栖息类型的样本均匀分布在第一轴的两侧,大部分时间都在海洋生境中的G1、G2和G5,以及受陆源影响较大的G3和G4。同时,PCA结果同时也显示,5种类型样本均会近同步地在近海岛礁处出现,这表明外海、近海和河口的群体由于洄游等因素的影响会出现混合,说明了舟山岛礁水域对大黄鱼产卵育幼的重要性。本研究为东海大黄鱼近海产卵场、索饵场和外海越冬场之间洄游履历,以及大黄鱼洄游路线推测提供一定依据。  相似文献   
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