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伸展地区铲式正断层作用及其大地测量观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
桂Kun长 《地质论评》1993,39(3):196-204
铲式正断层作用是伸展构造区最主要的构造运动形式。本文根据铲式正断层作用的几何学、运动学特征,结合华北平原伸展区大地测量观测成果,探讨伸展区构造形变铲式正断层现今活动的地表形变效应及其动态特征。  相似文献   
山西及其邻近地区地壳垂直形变与地震危险性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山西及其邻近地区地壳垂直形变出现的两升三降的分布格局,反映出现代构造块体活动在不断增强.通过地震活动和区域形变场分析,可以看出山西地区自50年代以来地震释放能量有不断加强趋势,区域形变出现了有规律的四象限分布.预计今后10年内本区若干危险点有可能成为地震能量大释放地区.  相似文献   
According to a Sino-U. S. joint project, eleven broadband digital PASSCAL seismometers had been deployed inside the Tibetan Plateau, of which 7 stations were on the profile from Lhasa to Golmud and other 4 stations situated at Maxin, Yushu, Xigatze and Linzhi. Dispersions and phase velocities of the Rayleigh surface waves (10s–120s) were obtained on five paths distributed in the different blocks of Tibetan Plateau. Inversions of the S-wave velocity structures in Songpan-Ganzi block, Qiang-Tang block, Lhasa block and the faulted rift zone were obtained from the dispersion data. The results show that significant lateral variation of the S-wave velocity structures among the different blocks exists. The path from Wenquan to Xigatze (abbreviated as Wndo-Xiga) passes through the rift-zone of Yadong-Anduo. The phase velocities of Rayleigh waves from 10s to 100s on this path are significantly higher than that on other paths. The calculated mean crustal velocity on this path is 3.8 km/s, much greater than that on other paths, where mean crustal velocities of 3.4–3.5 km/s are usually observed. Low velocity zones with different thicknesses and velocities are observed in the middle-lower crust for different paths. Songpan-Ganzi block, located in the northern part of Tibetan Plateau is characterized by a thinner crust of 65 km thick and a prominent low velocity zone in the upper mantle. The low velocity zone with a velocity of 4.2 km/s is located at a depth form 115 km to 175 km. While in other blocks, no low velocity zone in the upper mantle is observed. The value of Sn in Songpan-Ganzi is calculated to be 4.5 km/s, while those in Qiang-Tang and Lhasa blocks are about 4.6 km/s. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 566–573, 1992.  相似文献   
Abstract Isotopic analyses of organic carbon from the mid-Cretaceous sequence in Hokkaido, Japan, revealed a 2‰ positive excursion of δ13C values at the biostratigraphically defined Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary recognized in the Yezo Group. The planktonic foraminiferal Whiteinella archaeocretacea Zone, which is known to bracket the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary elsewhere in the world, was recognized in the Oyubari area of central Hokkaido based on the distribution of commonly occurring planktonic foraminifera. In the Tappu area of northwestern Hokkaido, where diagnostic planktonic foraminifera are rare but calcareous nannoplankton occur commonly, the interval coeval with the W. archaeocretacea Zone can also be established by recognizing the conjoined last appearance levels of Corollithion kennedyi and Axopodorhabdus albianus, both calcareous nannoplankton species. Carbon isotope profiles exhibit a similar pattern with comparable peaks and troughs occurring in the same stratigraphic position in the sequences. A prominent, positive 2‰ shift of δ13C values, here called ‘δ13C spike’ occurs in the middle of the W. archaeocretacea Zone in the Oyubari area and just above the conjoined last appearances of the two above-mentioned nannoplankton taxa in the Tappu area. The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary can be drawn just above the peak position of the spike in both sections. The Rock Eval analyses and biomarker analyses of organic carbon indicate that organic carbon subjected to our isotope analyses is of terrestrial origin. Therefore, the observed 2%o shift should reflect changes in the isotopic composition of the atmospheric CO2. A unique layer composed predominantly of sand-grain sized spumellarian Radiolaria is present immediately above the δ13C spike both in the Oyubari and Tappu areas, suggesting an increasing availability of both nutrients and silica in surface waters.  相似文献   
松辽盆地东缘域位于松嫩—张广才岭微板块东部.自晚古生代以来该域经历了西拉木伦河缝合带闭合产生的北向挤压作用、蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋自西向东剪刀叉式闭合对其东侧东南侧产生的挤压作用以及西太平洋板块西向变向俯冲产生的挤压作用等区域构造应力场影响,从而产生了复杂的地壳变动.该东缘域的地壳结构与松辽盆地地壳是否具有相近的结构特点,这是至今未被研究的内容.在Songliao Drep研究中已经用深反射地震手段得到松辽盆地地壳结构的一组新认识.这些认识在其东缘域是否还成立,也需要用同样精度的手段予以研究.另外,莫霍界面的宏观特征与微观(内部)特征,从松辽盆地到其东缘域有什么样的变化,其形成机理是什么,也需要进一步研究.为了回答这些科学问题,从哈尔滨西至尚志市附近实施了一条东西向约150 km长的深反射地震剖面.通过研究发现东缘域与松辽盆地基底地壳具有明显的差别,即由松辽盆地地壳的三分性变到东缘域盆地外地壳的二分性,在剖面近东端得到近26 km深的莫霍界面深度,并用均衡理论分析莫霍界面形态特征的形成机理;上部地壳存在双向大型推覆断裂,推测其被推覆体主体是古亚洲洋沉积地层即C-P系海相地层.这些认识为中国东北地区探查晚古生代海相地层、研究东北亚地壳结构特征提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
监测和预测地震等自然灾害的需要,促进了大地测量学和地球物理学等学科的相互交融.经过30余年的探索,一门地学前沿交叉新学科--"地壳形变学"已初步形成.地壳形变学已拥有空间-地面-深部立体测地系统,具有在多种空间尺度内精确测定现今地壳运动(秒~数十年)和灾害孕育过程的空前强大能力,从而可望击破长期制约现今地球动力学和地震预测的地球空间信息的"瓶颈".在21世纪,地壳形变学将成为推动大陆动力学和地震预报的主要科技动力之一,推进精确定量测定大陆动力学现今过程,限定现今大陆动力学性质并在验证解释地质学模型诸方面发挥特有作用.它将促使地震预测摆脱"粘滞状态",由"经验预测"走向"图像动力学预测";在揭示大陆地震孕育时空过程、判定地震大形势、划定危险区、搜寻和跟踪震源动力学演化过程及研究动力学响应耦合等方面作出新贡献.  相似文献   
根据我国现有地震地形变观测台网的实际情况,讨论了台网调整优化的基本原则及综合评估标准,并据以提出了调整优化后构成中国地震地形变国家级台网的43个台站。  相似文献   
用分段线性速率整体动态平差法处理了兰天武地区20多年来的多期水准资料,分析了该区现今大地垂直形变场演化与地壳运动特征。研究结果表明:该区垂直形变七十年代曾表现出山间盆地大幅度上升的强烈逆继承性运动;八十年代华家岭等两北部山地上升、东南部盆地下沉的继承性运动增强;而目前基本恢复了正常的继承性运动状态。进一步分析认为:强烈逆继承性运动和继承性运动增强是区域应力场趋于强化的标志;正常继承性运动的恢复可能是应力场调整的结果。  相似文献   
川青块体及其向南东方向运动的新证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
韩渭宾  蒋国芳 《地震工程学报》2003,25(2):175-178,185
根据近二十年地震活动性、震源机制、活断层及深部探测等方面研究进展提供的新证据,进一步论证了笔者(1980)提出的由鲜水河断裂带、舒尔干—花石峡断裂带、岷江断裂带和龙门山断裂带围限的川青地壳块体的存在及其向南东方向运动的合理性。  相似文献   
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