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刘强  张刚  项立辉  张晓飞 《海洋通报》2017,36(5):561-567
基于近年来射阳港区水下地形数据和定点全潮水文观测资料,分析了双导堤建设前后冲淤变化特征,并对其成因进行了初步探讨。研究结果表明,研究区近6年来总体上以淤积为主,净淤积量约为65.23×106m3,年均净淤积速率约为7.9 cm/a;淤积区域主要分布于导堤两侧浅水区,侵蚀区域主要分布于导堤口附近。2008-2013年间研究区冲刷、淤积和相对稳定区域面积分别占15%、55%和30%。堤口东侧的SSW02站实测最大流速为1.54 m/s,北堤北部的SSW01站为1.4 m/s,无论是涨潮还是落潮,堤口均大于导堤北侧;导堤产生了沿堤水流和口门回流,改变了导堤两侧附近海域潮流方向并增大了口门处的沉积动力。研究区泥沙运动方式主要表现为波浪掀沙、潮流输沙;区域海流泥沙的沿程落淤和导堤挡流效应导致导堤两侧出现淤积,导堤产生的回流促使堤口冲刷和堤内泥沙回淤。导堤引起的局部流场变化是海底冲淤格局重新分布的主因。  相似文献   
海洋环境观测技术研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
回顾了近年来海洋观测技术发展的基本情况和主要成果,同时指出了海洋观测技术的局限性,与数值模拟技术相结合的必要性,以及加强发展海啸、风暴潮和孤立内波等灾害性强海洋动力过程的监测技术和预警研究的迫切性。  相似文献   
在研究GPS系统的基础上建立了GPS观测数据的仿真模型,编制了相应的计算机程序。仿真模型包括卫星参数模型、动力学模型和观测误差模型。仿真计算表明,卫星参数模型和动力学模型真实地反映了卫星的运动规律;误差模型反映了观测环境对信号传播的影响。同时可以调节和选择仿真模型的参数,仿真选择了地面静态和地面低动态的观测数据,这对于论证GPS定轨、导航算法、设计GPS接收机等有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
国产热浸锌锚链的耐蚀性研究(Ⅰ):热浸锌锚链的海港试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记叙了国内外首次以大型商品化热浸锌锚链为研究对象的海港试验结果,跟踪记录了其4年的腐蚀与生物污损发展过程。分别于2013年7月、2014年7月、2015年7月和2016年7月将试验锚链提出海面,对出现在锚链上的全部附着生物进行刮取、分类、鉴定、称重,清洗锚链的表面,检查锈点,并对热浸锌锚链表面测厚,照相记录跟踪全过程。试验结果表明:裸钢腐蚀严重,锈层在2~3mm,腐蚀产物易成片脱落,形成大小不等的腐蚀坑,最大坑深3mm左右;热浸锌锚链未出现明显腐蚀点,大气区锌层腐蚀速率约10μm/a,水下区锌层腐蚀速率约20~70μm/a,但在两个链环连接处出现磨蚀锈斑;耐蚀性在不同区带中表现为水上链>水下链;热浸锌锚链表面的污损生物数量少于未浸锌锚链,随着时间延长,热浸锌锚链表面污损生物逐年增多,其中优势生物为海鞘(Ascidians)、苔藓虫(Bryozoans),其次是贻贝(Mytilus sp.)、牡蛎(Ostreidae sp.)、石莼(Ulva sp.),曾出现南方污损生物种,如翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)。2013~2014、2014~2015、2015~2016三年锚链单位面积上污损生物的重量分别为1257.6、1454.6和21304.0g/m2。污损生物重量的增加大大增加了锚链的磨蚀程度,为锚链腐蚀失效埋下了隐患。本研究为海洋工程锚链设计或应用提供了宝贵的科学依据。  相似文献   
长江口北支异常强盐水入侵观测与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江口北支由于径流分流比很小,盐水入侵较强,特别是枯季大潮期盐水甚至倒灌进入南支,影响上海市和江苏省的水源地水质。为了进一步研究北支盐水入侵的规律及影响因素,2014年1月1-9日在北支进行了大小潮同步水文观测。本次观测到了北支异常强盐水入侵:小潮期发生强盐水入侵,且强度大于大潮期。小潮期强盐水入侵导致中下游河段被高浓度盐水控制,盐度从下游B01到中游B02几乎没有变化,且盐度的涨落潮变化几乎消失。分析认为,小潮观测期间长江入河口流量较小、河口潮差不是太小,加上强偏北风,三者的叠加是导致强盐水入侵的主要原因。  相似文献   
对两种原油进行混合配比实验,将混合后油样置于人工气候箱进行风化模拟实验,采用气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)检测风化样品中的生物标志化合物,短期风化作用对混合溢油的油指纹、生物标志化合物诊断指标等的影响。结果表明,混合溢油的正构烷烃总质量变化与单一原油油品的变化规律相近,即前期风化较快,质量减损较多,而后期风化趋缓,不同混合比例的溢油表现差异不明显。常用于短期风化的诊断比值对各混合油样的风化具有指示意义,但难以定性鉴别油品是否发生混合。重复性限法检验只能判定短期风化过程前后的油样为同一油源,而难以反映油样是否为混合油源的特征,各诊断比值的RSD%值较大可能是混合溢油的一个表现。  相似文献   
首先总结了国内外海上固定平台使用的多种非接触式波浪测量方法,比较了不同测波方法的适用性。针对不同的测量方法给出了常用的传感器与设备,同时提供了每种设备的主要生产销售商。然后,对单点测波雷达和X波段雷达测波算法进行了综述,给出了波面的时间序列和雷达影像的时空序列两种数据的处理过程。最后,提出了波浪测量技术存在的一些问题,以期为我国海洋环境监测与观测系统的完善提供参考。  相似文献   
With the UK Marine Bill promoting the creation of a network of marine protected areas and similar commitments in other countries there is a need for tools to assist in their design and management. Although physical science often drives designation, the implementation of marine protected areas also encompasses political and socio-economic issues. This paper focuses on one tool in the armoury of decision-makers: choice experiments. It illustrates its application to the quantification of aspects of socio-economic value not readily incorporated into the evaluation of the costs and benefits of marine protected areas utilising cold-water deep coral reefs off the Republic of Ireland.  相似文献   
The response of a sub-arctic, deep-sea macrofaunal community to a simulated food sedimentation event was studied by means of a stable isotope “pulse-chase” experiment. A food pulse was simulated by adding 500 mg C m−2 of 13C-labelled diatoms, Chaetoceros radicans, to sediment cores retrieved from 1080 m in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Carbon uptake by specific macrofaunal groups was quantified after 3 and 6 days of incubation. The carbon uptake of the dominant taxon (Polychaeta) was quantified at the genus-, and where possible, species-level, representing a data resolution that is rare in deep-sea tracer studies. The macrofaunal community reacted rapidly to the diatom addition, with 47% and 70% of the animals illustrating 13C-enrichment after 3 and 6 days, respectively. Approximately 95% of C uptake was located in the upper 2 cm due to the particularly shallow vertical distribution of the macrofaunal community and the nonexistent tracer subduction by burrowing species. Polychaetes of the families Ampharetidae and Cirratulidae were among the most heavily labelled with above background enrichment reaching 1300‰. Approximately 0.8 and 2.0 mg C m−2 were processed by the macrofauna after 3 and 6 days, representing 0.2% and 0.4% of the added carbon, respectively. It was not possible to differentiate sub-surface deposit-feeding polychaetes from predator/scavenger- and omnivorous polychaetes using their natural ??15N signatures. However, the combination of natural abundance ??15N data and 13C-labelling experiments proved to be useful for elucidating trophic relations in deep-sea food webs. This study confirms that macrofauna play an active role in the short-term carbon cycling at bathyal depths even at sub-zero temperatures and highlights the need for detailed knowledge of the community structure in understanding carbon processing patterns and early diagenesis of organic matter in marine sediments.  相似文献   
We develop techniques of numerical wave generation in the time-dependent extended mild-slope equations of Suh et al. [1997. Time-dependent equations for wave propagation on rapidly varying topography. Coastal Engineering 32, 91–117] and Lee et al. [2003. Extended mild-slope equation for random waves. Coastal Engineering 48, 277–287] for random waves using a source function method. Numerical results for both regular and irregular waves in one and two horizontal dimensions show that the wave heights and the frequency spectra are properly reproduced. The waves that pass through the wave generation region do not cause any numerical disturbances, showing usefulness of the source function method in avoiding re-reflection problems at the offshore boundary.  相似文献   
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