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本文介绍了地震氡观测仪计量检定系统(氡室)的建设背景及结构组成。氡室具有氡体积活度(氡浓度)实时监测、动态补氡、氡期望值可调、稳定性好等特点。在氡室调试实验中进行了氡室的漏气率实验及4次补氡实验,计算出氡室的氡漏气率为0.0001393Bq/min,氡发生率为23.35Bq/min。根据《测氡仪检定规程》(JJG 825—2013)的技术要求进行计量效能验证,表明氡室的氡体积活度(氡浓度)为800Bq/m3、1500Bq/m3、3000Bq/m3、6000Bq/m3和15000Bq/m3时,连续8h稳定性均优于5%;为6000Bq/m3时,72h稳定性优于5%,符合国家计量技术规范对氡室计量标准的要求。  相似文献   
ZHANG Shu  HE Chang-rong 《地震地质》2019,41(4):1012-1026
To understand the mechanism of lower-crust earthquake and slow slips, it is necessary to study the frictional properties of mafic rocks and their major rock-forming minerals. Previous studies have performed a series of experimental researches on gabbro, basalt and their major constituents. According to the results of previous experiments, frictional sliding of plagioclase under hydrothermal conditions(100~600℃)shows a property of velocity weakening, and the experimental results show that both the direct rate effect parameter(a)and the healing effect parameter(b)increase with temperature, a typical feature for thermally-activated processes. Velocity weakening means property of a shear band that has a stronger friction healing effect than the direct rate effect in the rate and state friction constitutive framework, and the healing effect(b value)in constitutive relation mainly reflects the increase in contact area with time under hydrothermal conditions, with some minor effect of structural changes. Since the microphysical mechanism of feldspar minerals at the contacts is mainly brittle cataclasis for temperatures below 600℃, the significant frictional healing effect in this case can only be explained by the mechanism of pressure solution. In order to determine if the dissolution process of plagioclase actually occurs on the laboratory time scale, we conducted hydrostatic experiments on plagioclase powder samples under hydrothermal conditions whereby frequent contact switch between particles seen in frictional sliding experiments can be avoided, making the observation on the dissolution sites possible. Experimental temperatures were 400℃ and 500℃, with confining pressure of 90~150MPa, pore pressure of 30MPa, with 2mm initial thickness of fault gouge. The mechanical data show that a creep process occurred in the plagioclase fault gouge in the experimental temperature and pressure range; and the microstructures of the experiment show that precipitation of new grains is prevalent as the product of pressure solution process between plagioclase particles. At the same time, it is observed that the contact points have an appearance similar to fused, fuzzy structure as signatures of dissolution. The results of our experiments provide a definite experimental evidence for the healing mechanism in friction of plagioclase and for the theoretical relation between unstable slip and the pressure solution process. The results of the experiments are summarized as follows: (1)Drainage rate of pore water in plagioclase gouge was high in the first few hours of experiment, but gradually decreases over time for both temperature and pressure series of experiments slowing down to a steady state. This feature indicates that there is a creep process that evolves inside the plagioclase gouge. In the temperature-series experiments, the drainage rate of the pore water in the plagioclase gouge at 400℃ is relatively low than the cases for higher temperatures. Thus, the applied temperature is positively correlated with the creep of plagioclase gouge. (2)Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)observations of the experimentally deformed samples were performed on thin sections cut along the sample axis. Firstly, from the images of microstructure, it was found that the degree of particle fracture became more significant at a higher effective pressure, with smaller pore volume between particles. In the temperature-series experiments it was found that the degree of compaction of plagioclase gouge increased with increasing temperature. Precipitation of plagioclase grains in layered structures was generally observed in high-magnification images, indicating the presence of pressure solution processes. Contact points were also found to be in a state of ambiguity that seems to be a fused morphology, but the details of the structure remain to be determined by further observations. The above results indicate that the pressure solution process of plagioclase particles can occur on a typical laboratory time scale, and the results of this study provide robust experimental evidences for the theory that links between pressure solution and the mechanism of frictional healing and unstable slips for plagioclase.  相似文献   
近距离铁磁性物质干扰(农田耕作、基建等)、直流供电干扰(高压直流输电、地电阻率观测等)是地磁场地面观测的主要干扰方式。在滦县地震台布设地磁场井下观测系统,检验井下观测的抗干扰效果,结果发现,地磁场井下观测可抑制近距离铁磁性物质干扰,但无法抑制直流供电干扰(可通过避让一定距离解决),该分析结果为未来地震监测手段的选取提供技术参考指标和依据。  相似文献   
A fully implicit iterative integration procedure is presented for local and geographically distributed hybrid simulation of the seismic response of complex structural systems with distributed nonlinear behavior. The purpose of this procedure is to seamlessly incorporate experimental elements in simulations using existing fully implicit integration algorithms designed for pure numerical simulations. The difficulties of implementing implicit integrators in a hybrid simulation are addressed at the element level by introducing a safe iteration strategy and using an efficient procedure for online estimation of the experimental tangent stiffness matrix. In order to avoid physical application of iterative displacements, the required experimental restoring force at each iteration is estimated from polynomial curve fitting of recent experimental measurements. The experimental tangent stiffness matrix is estimated by using readily available experimental measurements and by a classical diagonalization approach that reduces the number of unknowns in the matrix. Numerical and hybrid simulations are used to demonstrate that the proposed procedure provides an efficient method for implementation of fully implicit numerical integration in hybrid simulations of complex nonlinear structures. The hybrid simulations presented include distributed nonlinear behavior in both the numerical and experimental substructures. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用2011~2013年的流动GNSS观测资料及处理结果,获得了2014年于田MS7.3地震区域水平形变场。结果显示:(1)于田MS7.3地震发生在构造活动较强烈的阿尔金断裂带西端,其两侧的形变差异运动为8~9 mm/a,左旋运动是差异运动的主要成份;(2)发震区域的主应变是全区最突出的区域,张压大小相对均等,主张方向为南东东—北西西;(3)该地震发生在左旋形变的高梯度带上,其北部的塔里木盆地为较弱的右旋形变,其南部约150 km以外几乎无旋形变;(4)地震发生的部位为面应变性质转变的过渡带,其西为面膨胀区,其东为面收缩区。  相似文献   
通过对比崇明地区地闪及崇明地震台地球物理观测资料,发现受地闪引起的电磁场变化的直接作用或对仪器元件的间接作用,地磁、地电、电磁扰动和水位观测干扰比例较高,干扰幅度与地闪距离及形成的电流强度有关。具体干扰形态如下:①对电磁扰动干扰表现为单向突跳和测值的整体抬升;②对地磁测项干扰表现为正负方向的单点突跳;③对大地电场干扰表现为大幅震荡;④对水位观测干扰表现为大幅突跳。  相似文献   
整理蓟县地震台小辛庄山洞定点形变观测资料,分析强降雨、气压变化、机井抽水、爆破、仪器故障和标定、人为干扰等因素对观测数据的影响,强化认识干扰特征和一般规律,为地震前地球物理异常判定提供准确可靠依据,为同类型地震观测台站提供借鉴。  相似文献   
流速对浮游藻类生长和种群变化影响的模拟试验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采集夏季崇明岛中心湖原水,在环形有机玻璃水槽开展了不同流速对浮游藻类生长和种群变化影响的研究.相对于静止水槽,实验前期不同的流速条件均对浮游藻类的生长产生了一定的抑制作用,实验后期浮游藻类叶绿素a含量均稳定在一定水平,且流动水槽中叶绿素a含量略大于静止水槽,这可能与静止围隔中出现大量枝角类浮游动物有关,而流动条件则抑制了浮游动物的生长,减轻了对浮游藻类的捕食压力.水体流动导致了浮游藻类种群的变化,蓝藻的迅速消失、绿藻和硅藻形成生长优势是主要特征,表明持续的流动条件是导致浮游植物种属减少和群落结构变化的直接原因.该研究可为调水引流在河道、湖泊和水库中的富营养化控制和水华防治提供基础依据.  相似文献   
地球科学是一门观测科学,相关科学研究及公益服务,如气象、地震等,都依赖于野外台站的观测。目前,由于多种因素的作用,导致台站观测和后续分析应用严重脱节。本文基于大数据和云计算的思想,将台站工作和目前后续研究中心的工作进行有机结合,提出了一套新的工作思路,即将数据计算分析和区域监测预报的工作由台站来完成,然后由一个综合的数据中心负责存储和管理台站提供的"大数据"信息,并根据台站需要和反馈情况研发相关软件,为台站的分析计算提供云计算的平台。  相似文献   
南海海底地震仪异常数据的分析和处理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海底地震仪(Ocean Bottom Seismometer, OBS)数据处理至关重要,是获取深部地壳结构的基础与前提.2006年实施OBS2006-2测线时,有2台OBS(OBS03,OBS06)数据出现异常,无法使用.由于海上航次花费巨大,采集到的数据弥足珍贵.本文采用数据格式检查、邻近台站对比分析、重采样等方法,成功地对这2台OBS数据进行了解编处理,得到了这两个台站的综合地震记录剖面;利用上述方法对2011年实施的OBS973-3测线中的异常台站OBS03进行了分析处理,同样得到了OBS03台站的综合地震剖面;通过查看两次海上实验班报发现,OBS2006-2测线之OBS06与OBS973-3测线之OBS03内部Sedis编号相同,为同一台记录仪器,再一次验证上述处理方法正确可行;然后对OBS2006-2测线2个台站进行震相识别与走时拾取后,利用前人纵波速度模型开展了射线追踪与走时模拟.此次对异常OBS数据的重新处理工作,不仅为OBS探测提供了宝贵的数据处理经验,而且将提高OBS2006-2测线地壳结构的可靠性和约束性,具有重要的研究意义.  相似文献   
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