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试论地貌学的新进展和趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地貌变化有内在的规律,对环境保育、资源利用和自然灾害防治有重要影响。作为交叉学科和地理学的重要分支学科,地貌学具有重要理论价值和实际意义。过去10多年来,随着遥感、地理信息技术和沉积物定年、地球物理和地球化学探测以及数值模拟等新技术和新方法的应用,地貌学家的研究视野和深度不断扩大与加深,在构造地貌、气候地貌和人类活动与地貌过程等传统领域有很多新进展,揭示了不同地貌单元的变化规律和机理,极大地推动了地貌学的发展。在新时代,除了继续加强传统地貌单元的深入研究外,地貌学的发展应与全球环境变化和未来地球等重大科学问题(计划)紧密结合;地貌学家要关心人类活动对地貌过程的影响及适应,并利用新技术开展地貌过程的定量重建和数值模拟。同时加强地理学专业学生的地质学基础学习、发展定量地貌学和行星地貌学、系统开展人类活动对地貌过程的影响和适应研究,是提升中国地貌学水平的途径,也可为推动国际地貌学发展做出贡献。  相似文献   
利用TDP热扩散式茎流计,结合气象观测系统,对古尔班通古特沙漠南缘原生梭梭的树干液流及环境因子进行连续监测,分析了梭梭树干液流对环境要素的响应,基于潜在蒸散发和蒸腾需求指数对梭梭茎干液流进行了模拟。结果表明:(1)梭梭树干液流在晴天的日变化呈单峰曲线,液流速率上升阶段时间短于下降阶段时间,与气象因素的日变化规律不一致。不同季节梭梭树干液流速率日变化规律存在差异,夏季液流与春季、秋季相比,启动早,停止晚,峰值更大且发生更早。(2)环境要素间存在着不同程度的相关性,主成分分析表明:前三个主成分共能解释85%的环境信息,其中以空气湿度、空气温度、水汽压亏缺、潜在蒸散发、净辐射为主的第一主成分能解释47%环境信息变化,以土壤温度、水汽压为主的第二主成分能解释20%环境信息变化,以土壤含水量、风速为主的第三主成分能解释17.6%的环境信息变化。(3)在春季和夏季基于潜在蒸散发的S型模型模拟梭梭液流速率的精度更高,在秋季基于蒸腾需求指数模拟的梭梭液流速率的精度更高。(4)梭梭树干液流速率与大气水分亏缺、净辐射、潜在蒸散发之间存在非对称响应,且不同季节间的响应规律存在差异,在春季和秋季,液流速率与水汽压亏缺呈顺时针状,与净辐射、潜在蒸散发呈逆时针状;在夏季,液流速率与水汽压亏缺呈顺时针状,与净辐射、潜在蒸散发呈斜8字顺时针状。  相似文献   
IntroductionThe radiance leaving the earth-atmosphere sys-tem which can be sensed by a satellite borne ra-diometer is the sum of radiation emission fromtheearth surface and each atmospheric level that aretransmittedtothe top of the atmosphere.The radia-tion emissionfromthe earthsurface andthe radianceof each atmospheric level can be separated fromtheradiance at the top the atmospheric level a satellitemeasured.Thus,the earth surface parameters willbe retrieved from the surface radiance after a…  相似文献   
中咀湾是一个天然的避风良港,一般情况下外海波浪影响很小,主要受局部风场产生的局部风浪影响。本文采用曹宏生在Massel的扩展缓坡方程基础上推导出来的考虑陡变地形和能量耗散效应的缓坡方程为控制方程,结合固边界的反射边界条件,构成波浪传播变形的联合折射、绕射和反射的数学模型。文中将此方法运用在中国台州市大陈岛中咀湾避风港中,用波浪数学模型计算极端高水位和设计高水位时3种波况分别在3组重现期时工程海域的波浪要素,提供防波堤的堤前波高,并分析比较此处实心式和透空式防波堤的防浪性能。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionManybottlenecksinthetheoreticalstudyofstellarevolutionarisefromthelackofunder standingofsomehighlycomplicatedprocessesthatcannotbetreatedwithanalyticaltech niques .Alargeportionoftheseprocessesisrelatedtohydrodynamics,particularlyconvec tion .Theapplicationofmultidimensionalnumericalcomputationstotheinvestigationofthesedifficultproblemshasmadegreatprogressinrecentyears .Here ,weprovideasurveyoftherecentnumericalstudiesofconvectionrelatedproblems.Theobjectiveistoassistthosewhoar…  相似文献   
峰局五矿是多年开采的老矿。近些年,随着开采深度的不断增加和开采层次的逐渐下移,来自底部岩溶高承压水的威胁日趋严重,实际生产能力逐年下降。下组煤能否开采是关系到矿井生存与发展的大问题。作者根据多年的研究成果和工作实践,就下组煤带压开采的可行性,谈一些看法和建议。  相似文献   
Initially, inhomogeneous plasma jets, ejected by active galactic nuclei and associated with gamma-ray bursts, are thermalized by the formation of internal shocks. Jet subpopulations can hereby collide at Lorentz factors of a few. As the resulting relativistic shock expands into the upstream plasma, a significant fraction of the upstream ions is reflected. These ions, together with downstream ions that leak through the shock, form relativistic beams of ions that outrun the shock. The thermalization of these beams via the two-stream instability is thought to contribute significantly to plasma heating and particle acceleration by the shock. Here, the capability of a two-stream instability to generate relativistic field-aligned and cross-field electron flow, is examined for a magnetized plasma by means of a particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation. The electrons interact with the developing quasi-electrostatic waves and oblique magnetic fields. The simulation results bring forward evidence that such waves, by their non-linear interactions with the plasma, produce a highly relativistic field-aligned electron flow and electron energies, which could contribute to the radio synchrotron emissions from astrophysical jets, to ultrarelativistic leptonic subpopulations propagating with the jet and to the halo particles surrounding the accretion disc of the black hole.  相似文献   
We present the preliminary results of a study of how small stellar systems merge to form larger ones. As we display the families of galaxies in the μe - Re plane (effective surface brightness versus effective radius) we realize that different morphological types occupy different loci, evidencing the different physical mechanisms operating in each family. As proposed by Capaccioli et al. (1992) this diagram is the logical equivalent of the HR diagram for stars. Here we take some initial steps in understanding of how we can establish the evolutionary tracks, solely due to dynamical processes, in the μe - Re plane, ultimately making a dwarf elliptical to turn into a normal elliptical galaxy. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The Geo-anchored method, based on a moment-type estimator, has been developed for estimating parent population properties from a successive sample of discoveries. By substituting the expectation of the waiting time z (n+1) of the (n + 1) th discovery to occurrence for an unknown parameter in the anchored method, the Geo-anchored method allows estimation of inclusion probabilities directly from observed data, thus eliminating the need for a priori selection of a value of N, R, or some other feature of the parent population. Because direct estimation of N and R requires an ordered sample, the Geo-anchored method is more sensitive to the data-generating process than the anchored method. This paper presents a sensitivity study on the Geo-anchored method. The test is based on simulated discovery sequences with different assumptions regarding discovery efficiency, exploration maturity, and the shape of the parent field size distribution. As a reference for comparison, estimates from the Horvitz–Thompson estimator also are presented.  相似文献   
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