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Determining the rates of rock weathering is difficult because, firstly, the weathering rate of rocks is usually so slow that it is difficult to measure; secondly, it is also difficult to determine the start time and duration of weathering. The Shanxi River Valley in Fujian, China dried up after a reservoir was built upstream in 1959, and became a stone quarry site. Quarrying ceased in 1977, so a large amount of quarry wastes with artificially excavated surfaces were left in the valley. The concave-upward curved rocky surface, broken by manual excavation, easily contains rainwater in its central part, which was easily weathered into a more concave surface. Plaster mould casting was performed in situ on such a concave surface of an excavated stone rock in the valley and scanned with a high-precision 3D scanner to obtain 3D data of the concave-upward rock surface and its more concave middle part, which was considered as an initial weathering pit. The 3D model provided an in-depth understanding of the initial formation process of weathering pits, indicating that: (1) the average weathering rate of a weathering pit is 10.8 ± 0.49 cm ka−1; (2) weathering pits are generally formed by standing water in depressions on a flat near-horizontal rock surface due to weathering actions involving water; (3) the deepening rate of a weathering pit is about four times greater than that of the surrounding area; (4) the growth of a weathering pit can begin in some small concavities on the flat rock surface without pre-existing depressions and gradually expands; (5) a weathering pit is generally wider than deep or with a flat bottom due to expansion with a lateral weathering rate that is greater than that of the vertical, and the lamination of the host rock is not necessary for the formation of flat-floored weathering pits. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
There is a need to assess the long-term stability of engineered landforms associated with the rehabilitation of Ranger Uranium Mine, Northern Territory, Australia, as it is a requirement that mill tailings must be contained for periods in excess of 1000 years. The geomorphic model, SIBERIA, is calibrated on hydrologic and erosion data collected by a combination of monitoring and rainfall simulation experiments on the waste rock dumps of Ranger. Preliminary analysis of Ranger's preferred above-grade option suggests that erosion of the order of 7 to 8 m will occur on the structure in a period of 1000 years. This depth of erosion may be sufficient to compromise the integrity of containment. It is shown that SIBERIA has significant advantages over steady-state erosion models. Suggestions are made for the design that will enhance the stability of the structure and extend the structural life of the containment. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
膨润土颗粒混合物是高放废物深地质处置库中的一种缓冲/回填材料,掌握其堆积性质与水-力特性是开展处置库安全性能评估的关键基础。本文全面回顾和总结了近年来国内外学者对膨润土颗粒混合物的堆积性质、持水特性、结构特征、渗透特性、胀缩特性及本构模型等方面的研究进展与取得的成果,展望了几个值得进一步研究的问题。结果表明,颗粒混合物的堆积性质与粒径级配密切相关;湿化过程中,颗粒混合物由初始松散结构逐渐转变为胶结融合结构,孔隙结构逐渐趋于均一化,并伴随着颗粒破碎和错动,进而影响其水-力特性。考虑到处置库实际运营环境的复杂性,颗粒混合物的原位填充技术以及多场(热-水-力-化)耦合条件下颗粒混合物的水-力特性是今后值得深入研究的方向。  相似文献   
青岛团岛地区入海的主要水污染源,是来自其汇水区城内的大量生活污水和一定量的轻工业废水.自1998~2007年底,累计处理污水14254万吨,削减各类有机物如CODcr、BOD、SS以及NH4-N、TP等污染物累积28万吨,为减轻胶州湾口的水环境污染起到一定的作用.团岛污水厂采用"生物脱氮除磷A/A/O"工艺,自运行以来,不断提出一些优化方案以改善污水处理效果,使出水COD、BOD5、SS、NH4-N、TP等指标达到并优于国家二级排放标准(GB18918-2002),提高了排入胶州湾口的水质质量.  相似文献   
遥感技术的发展为地图制作提供了丰富多样的信息源,使地图从形式到内容都发生了全新的变化。影像地图已成为一种新型的地图品种,但影像地图的设计还面临着一些新的技术难题。结合影像地图集的编制,对影像地图集设计中两个关键技术,色彩设计与符号设计进行了研究实践,为影像地图集的设计制作提供理论和技术方法借鉴。  相似文献   
利用不同浓度啤酒废水培养塔胞藻的生物学效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要探讨了以不同浓度的啤酒废水培养海洋微藻(塔胞藻)后的生物学效应,其目的是为合理开发利用啤酒废水,避免环境污染及海洋微藻的产业化提供必要的理论依据。方法:以不同浓度(0、10%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%)的啤酒废水替代海水配制培养基,培养海洋微藻,当培养液内细胞数达到一定密度后,再转到新的培养基中,即为下一轮;这样连续培养了4轮。结果发现,在前3轮培养中,当培养基中啤酒废水浓度在50%以下时,随着啤酒废水浓度升高,藻细胞的生长繁殖明显加快,细胞体积增大,细胞内多种重要成分(如蛋白质、可溶性糖、叶绿素等)含量均显著提高;当啤酒废水浓度超过50%时,上述效应有所下降。但培养至第4轮时,各种生理指标逐渐恢复到原来的状态。  相似文献   
电气石粉对油田采出废水处理效果实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将电气石粉应用于油田采出废水CODCr的处理中,实验表明处理效果主要受反应时间、电气石用量、电气石粒径和溶液pH值等因素的影响。通过正交实验得到处理的最佳条件为:溶液pH=9,反应时间60min,电气石用量200g/L,电气石粒径100μm,此时油田采出废水CODCr降至68.46mg/L,去除率达到了82.25%。结合紫外线、红外线、超声波等条件进行电气石粉的CODCr降解实验,结果表明,这3种方法是有效的,其中结合超声波处理使去除率达到了90%以上,结合紫外线使处理时间降低了83%。本实验的进行为电气石这种环境矿物材料拓宽了应用领域。  相似文献   
Song YC  Woo JH  Park SH  Kim IS 《Marine pollution bulletin》2005,51(8-12):1048-1053
A study on the treatment of antifouling paint waste from shipyards, including sandblast waste and ship hull washing wastewater, was performed. The sandblast waste could be effectively detoxified by heat treatment, and the efficiency was affected by the temperature of the heating vessel and treatment time. The removal efficiency of total organotin compounds from the sandblast waste was over 99% at 1000 °C and treatment for 1 h. For the treatment of ship hull washing wastewater by the solvent extraction, ship diesel was a good solvent for the tributyltin (TBT) extraction, and the proper amount of solvent was about 10 mL for TBT extraction from 1 L of wastewater. The extraction efficiency of TBT was significantly affected by the agitation intensity. The TBT in the wash wastewater was rapidly extracted within 1 h. The level of the TBT residual in the wastewater extracted for 1 h was 2.8 μg L−1, and this was further decreased to 0.8 after 5 h extraction.  相似文献   
抚顺市煤矸石对生态环境的影响及综合利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
抚顺市煤田开采悠久,煤矸石的堆积量大,对生态环境的影响显著,并且占用大量土地,严重污染环境,以及出现边坡失稳现象。本文详细地分析了煤矸石对生态环境的影响,阐述了目前煤矸石资源化的综合利用情况,以及开发利用煤矸石具有环保和经济双重意义。  相似文献   
从核废物分置库对环境的影响以及对环境的要求条件这个角度 ,结合新疆的地理、地质、气候、生态环境 ,简要论述在新疆地区建设核废物处置场的可行性。  相似文献   
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