通过干湿循环效应下的数字图像三轴剪切试验、CT扫描试验及扫描电镜SEM(scanning electron microscopy)试验,研究了玄武岩纤维加筋黄土干湿循环过程的三轴剪切力学行为及微细观结构演化机制。结果表明:随干湿循环次数增加,纤维含量较高试样的三轴剪切鼓胀破坏形态转变为剪切带破坏;干湿循环早期阶段,剪切破坏形态随纤维含量增加,由剪切带破坏转变为鼓胀破坏。干湿循环作用和纤维含量对应力-应变曲线的类型及特征无明显影响,均表现为应变硬化型。破坏偏应力随干湿循环次数增加而逐渐减小,但衰减速率逐渐减小;破坏偏应力随纤维含量增大先增加而后减小,呈抛物线变化特征,存在一个最佳纤维含量为0.6%。CT数均值ME值呈现与破坏偏应力相似的变化规律。干湿循环作用下筋-土界面产生一定的开裂和松弛现象,弱化了纤维的加筋效应,但与素黄土相比,纤维加筋黄土的微观结构表现出显著的整体稳定性。构建了干湿循环效应下玄武岩纤维加筋黄土的宏细观损伤变量,其表现出一致的变化规律。 相似文献
Agriculture is responsible for the bulk of Ireland’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the potential to mitigate some of these emissions through the adoption of more efficient farm management practices may be hampered by farmers’ awareness and attitude towards climate change and agriculture’s role in contributing to GHG emissions. This paper presents results from a survey of 746 Irish farmers in 2014, with a view to understanding farmers’ awareness of, and attitudes to, climate change and GHG emissions. Survey results show that there was a general uncertainty towards a number of questions related to agricultural GHG emissions, e.g. if tilling of land causes GHG emissions, and that farmers were reluctant to take action to reduce GHG emissions on their farm. To further explore farmers’ attitudes towards climate change, a multinomial logit model was used to examine the socio-economic factors that affect farmers’ willingness to adopt an advisory tool that would show the potential reduction in GHG emissions from the adoption of new technologies. Results show that farmers’ awareness of human-induced global climate change was positively related to the tool’s adoption.
Key policy insights
Irish farmers are generally not sufficiently aware of the impact of their activities on climate change.
A quarter of farmers believed that climate change will only impact on their business in the long-term; such an attitude may lead to a reluctance amongst these farmers to adopt management practices that reduce GHG emissions.
Awareness of climate change affects positively the adoption of new tools to reduce GHG emissions on farmers’ farms.
IT literacy affects willingness to adopt new tools to address GHG emissions.
Reception of agri-environmental advice can have a positive influence on farmers’ willingness to adopt new GHG emission abatement tools.
Farmers in receipt of environmental subsidies are more likely to adopt new abatement tools, either because they are more environmentally conscious or because the subsidy raised their environmentally consciousness.
Willingness to adopt differs between different farm enterprises; operating dairy enterprise increases the willingness to adopt new advisory mitigation tools.
The role of technology in combatting climate change through mitigation and adaptation to its inevitable impacts has been acknowledged and highlighted by the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In the developing world, this has received particular attention through the technology needs assessment (TNA) process. As Parties put forward their national pledges to combat climate change, the scarcity of resources makes it important to assess (i) whether national processes designed to tackle climate change are working together and (ii) whether existing national processes should be terminated with the initiation of new ones. This study presents an assessment of the existing TNA process and its linkages to the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. The conclusions stem from an assessment of the TNAs completed to date, as well as 71 NDCs from developing countries at various stages of the TNA process. The analyses show that further developing the TNAs could play a vital role in filling gaps in the existing NDCs, specifically those relating to identifying appropriate technologies, their required enabling framework conditions and preparing implementation plans for their transfer and diffusion.
Key policy insights
The full potential of the TNAs has still to be rolled out in many countries.
Developing countries can maximize the potential of their TNAs by further developing them to explicitly analyse what is needed to implement existing NDCs, including by better aligning their focus, scope and up-to-dateness with the priority sectors included in the NDCs.
Requests of developing countries for international assistance, through technology transfer, will be better guided by the completion of the TNA process.
Policies for strengthening the NDCs will benefit from the results of completed, ongoing and future TNA processes.
The deterioration of air quality is threatening the life and health of people. Scientists in China and other countries have done a great deal of research work on the details of air pollution and the methods of preven-tion and control during the past decades. Up to now, most of the achievements are concentrated on the techniques of controlling pollutant sources and the programs of reduction, which focus on the improve-ment of air quality and the restoration of environment. The techniques of con… 相似文献